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1、Chapter 1:Fundamental Theories of Business Communication,The Role of Communication In Business,Framework,1.1 business communication(BC)defined1.2 the organization&its structure1.3 dynamic&multi-channeled nature of BC 1.4 internal communication(IC)1.5 external communication(EC)1.6 corporate culture&i

2、nternal communication1.7 formal&informal communication(FC&IFC)1.8 summary,一群外国人逛中国商场,发现门口有个牌子,上面写着“小心地滑”,留学生们笑了,中国人真有意思,把这当旱冰场了,让我们小心地(DE)滑!小心滑倒!,扁鹊见蔡恒公,原文:扁鹊见蔡桓公,立有间,扁鹊曰:“君有疾在腠理,不治将恐深。”桓侯曰:“寡人无疾。”扁鹊出,桓侯曰:“医之好治不病以为功。”居十日,扁鹊复见曰:“君之病在肌肤,不治将益深。”桓侯不应。扁鹊出,桓侯又不悦。居十日,扁鹊复见曰:“君子病在肠胃,不治将益深。”桓侯又不应。扁鹊出,桓侯又不悦。居十

3、日,扁鹊望桓侯而还走。桓侯故使人问之,扁鹊曰:“疾在腠理,汤熨之所及也;在肌肤,针石之所及也;在肠胃,火齐之所及也;在骨髓,司命之所属,无奈何也。今在骨髓,臣是以无请矣。居五日,桓公体痛,使人索扁鹊,已逃秦矣,桓侯遂死。,注释:扁鹊(bin qu):姓秦,名越人,战国时鄚(m)地人,属于早期秦人一支。医术高明。所以人们就用传说 中的上古神医扁鹊的名字来称呼他。关于扁鹊:有一次扁鹊行医到虢(读音:gu 国)国,虢国的太子死了,正要下葬。扁鹊问明了其病情后,断定太子未死,先用针刺疗法,一会儿太子醒来,又把药物敷在太子肋下,一会儿,太子就站了起来,最后给太子配汤药喝,仅仅服了30多天,太子就完全康复



6、身疼痛,便派人去寻找扁鹊,这时,扁鹊已经逃到秦国去了。总结:以时间为序,写扁鹊与蔡桓公的四次见面,又传神地再现两人见面时不同的神态、语言和性格,突出扁鹊慧眼识病,尽职尽责,敢于直言,机智避祸,和桓公的骄横自信、讳疾忌医。扁鹊态度好,沟通方式不够。蔡桓公偏见,先入为主。结尾,扁鹊不得不逃亡,暗示了专制君主统治下的残暴。文中深刻揭示了及时医过,防微杜渐的道理,沟通方式的重要性,颇能引人深思。,1.1 Business Communication(BC)Defined,Definition:a dynamic,multi-channeled process,which covers internal

7、 as well as external communication in a given organization,1.2 The Organization&Its Structure,Concept:An organization refers to an administrative and functional structure(like a company or corporation),in which a certain number of people are able to communicate with each other and are willing to mak

8、e contribution to a common goal.,Organizations Structure,1.Department by Product,2.Department by Function,3.Department by Region,1.3 Dynamic&Multi-Channeled Nature of BC,1.Dynamic BC is always changing with the changing business and never remains static.2.Multi-Channeled Business people get in touch

9、 with each other in a multi-channeled way:talk to each other vis-vis or over the phone;send either e-mail or faxes etc.,1.4 Internal Communication(IC),1.Definition:Internal communication refers to the part of communication that takes place within a given organization.2.Three kinds according to the I

10、C structure:Downward communicationUpward communicationHorizontal communication,1.4.1 Downward Communication,Definition:Downward communication refers to the communication which goes from the top to the bottom,from the management to the subordinates.Of the three kinds of Internal communication,downwar

11、d communication plays the leading role as it often carries instruction,decisions,suggestions,announcements and so on.,DC can be carried out in a written way(like memos,bulletins,reports,newsletters,etc.)an oral way(like telephone talks,presentations,speeches,video conferences,etc.),When DC is passed

12、 through an oral channel,part of the message may get distorted or lost.Although management is entitled to any channels for a DC,a face-to-face talk is often more preferable.,The necessity to send employees the downward information,First,shows the recognition of the employees need for information fro

13、m the management,which will have a strong cohesive impact on the employees for the organization.Second,telling employees the real situation the organization faces will clarify some likely doubts and even rumors among the employees.,Third,by telling employees the relevant information,the management c

14、an get the necessary feedbackpositive or negative they expect from employees,like suggestions,comments,complaints or even criticisms.,Characteristics of DC,one-way natureauthoritative and influentialManagers should minimize the uncertainty and vagueness in their downward communication.,MBWA(Manageme

15、nt By Walking Around)Sometimes,a General Manager may use DC outside his office,like a walking talk or an on-the-site inspection.MBC(Management by Coaching):A challenge to the traditional way of managing.For a manager,to coach is to develop his subordinates abilities and bring their potential into fu

16、ll play.,上下同欲者胜,上下同欲者胜,与民同利者兴。在企业管理中,领导者能引导上下心往一处想,劲往一处使,为实现特定的目标而不懈地努力,企业就能越办越兴旺。历史上很多帝王与民争利、向民夺利,唐太宗一反这种做法。这位开明的皇帝提出了“与民同利”的有远见的思想。,贞观初年,天下大旱,关中百姓有的卖儿卖女。唐太宗李世民为了社稷安定,曾祈求上天,可上天仍不赐雨,唐太宗又要开渭河引水灌溉,又遭到大臣们的反对,大臣们说,开渭河会像隋炀帝开运河那样累计百姓,使天下怨声载道,让唐太宗慎思。唐太宗李世民慎思之后,再次上朝,唐太宗面对众臣说:“前日上朝,诸位爱卿担心朕将如隋炀帝那样,开渭河累计百姓,使天下

17、怨声载道,劝朕慎思。朕慎思再三,辗转反侧,夜不能寝朕终于想通了。古时大禹开山治水,跟从他的百姓历尽艰辛,无一人怨恨,那是因为大禹与自己百姓同苦同利。,隋炀帝开运河,修建奢侈的宫殿,图的是一人私欲,损害的是天下臣民,所以百姓揭竿而起,推倒了风行万里的大隋。今日朕开渭河,为的是百姓,图的是五谷丰登。朕不敢说与大禹同举,但朕愿效仿大禹,与百姓同苦同利!”,朝臣无言地看着唐太宗。唐太宗对众臣说:“今日朕身体力行,亲往渭水开河。朕不诏命你们,愿跟从朕的,朕欢迎,不愿跟从的,朕也不责怪。”唐太宗这种与“与民同利”的思想与孙子的“上下同欲者胜”。有异曲同工之妙。,1.4.2 Upward Communica

18、tion(UC),Definition:Upward communication refers to the communication in an adverse way,from a lower level(subordinate one)to a higher level(manager one),or even to the top(the CEO or the GM),UC makes it possible for the management to hear the voice of their subordinates,which is beneficial for the m

19、anagerial level to check the correctness or the appropriateness of their decisions,so as to improve their later-on downward communication.UC is reliable and valuable on the condition that it is of the subordinates own will.,Employees worries cause real problems for the management when they want to m

20、ake an evaluation of those UC messages.The management cannot be sure whether they can depend on those messages from their employees,and to what extent they can depend on them.The top management can do something to encourage UC if they really care about it.,1.4.3 Horizontal Communication(HC),Definiti

21、on:Horizontal communication refers to the communication at the same level in an organization.HC is usually characterized by its informality,closeness and speed.HC is casual in form,but often serious in its content.HC is often neglected by the management because of its informality.,HC is dual-functio

22、n in nature:it could have a positive role,if appropriately guided,in coordinating each others ideas or behaviors so as to match the internal context of a given organization.However,it may also have a negative impact upon the morale of employees at a particular level.,Of the three kinds of internal c

23、ommunication mentioned above,DC plays the leading rolenot just in giving directives to the subordinates,but in adjusting and coordinating the three kinds of communication as a whole.Indeed,the management of a given organization should try their best to do a better job in building an effective and he

24、althy internal communication system within the organization.,1.5 External Communication(EC),Definition:External Communication refers to the kind of communication between the organization and the outside institution and persons concerned,which involves a lot of activities.,In order to do a better job

25、 in their external communications,many companies have set up a public relations department(PRD),and some have even further divided it into two sectionsone in charge of the domestic affairs and the other of the international affairs.,Public relations(PR)function in two ways:Let the public be aware of

26、 the existence of the companyGenerate what they have learned from the public to assist the management.The ways of PRadvertisinga good service,Advertising is a popular practice for many companies.Advertising does play an important role in building an image either for a product or for a company,which

27、should be accompanied by good service.To make customers satisfied,the quality of the product and the service must match their expectations.,Another important aspect of EC is the individuals,i.e.people who do not represent any organizations,just themselves,like customers and shareholders.Now many com

28、panies are making“customer satisfaction“(CS)their target and are striving towards this goal.Many firms find it hard to communicate with shareholders,and this is especially true when cannot bring enough good news to those shareholders.,1.6 Corporate culture&Internal communication,Definition:Corporate

29、 culture refers to the established value,beliefs and principles in a given organization,which enable the organization to move forward to its goal.,As corporate culture sets a framework for an organizations activities,it has a great impact on its internal communication.It is highly necessary for an o

30、rganization to cultivate a good corporate culture so as to have a sound internal communication.Minicase:MotoralaYueshan case(p16),This case shows:corporate culture works on the internal communication.The relationship between culture and internal communication is a causal one without a sound corporat

31、e culture,one can hardly expect a sound internal communication.What kind of corporate culture an enterprise should have,this depends solely on the enterprise itself.,1.7 Formal&Informal Communication(FC&IFC),Both internal communication and external communication can be further divided into two kinds

32、:formal communication and informal communication,each of which has its own characteristics.,1.7.1 Formal Communication(FC),Formal communication refers to such communicative activities as a business talk,a speech,a product presentation,a business letter,a memo,etc.Formal communication is characterize

33、d by seriousness and exactness.Therefore,it often asks for a good preparation.,Formal communicationin an oral way in a written way A written FC differs from an oral one in its form and its feedback.Good designing plus rich collection of figures and facts is essential for a good formal communication.

34、People may have different opinions in the FC,communication skills are very important in solving this problem.,What is essential for FC is its formalnessyou have to weigh each word over before you actually use it,spoken or written.In another word we may say that,in FC,you have to take all the respons

35、ibilities for whatever messages you send,and that is the very nature for FC.In order to make FC an effective action,a manager should pay enough attention to the way an FC carried out.,1.7.2 Informal Communication(IFC),Definition:IFC,which is often called“grapevine”,exists in almost all organizations

36、 and at all levels,it is part of organizational communication.Grapevine follows no set pattern and moves in all directions in the organization.,Grapevine has the following features:UnpredictabilityCross-level involvementThrived by active“messengers”Highly selectiveSpeediness,Grapevine has a small nu

37、mber of activists guiding and influencing the IFC.Besides,grapevine has its members for the speedy transmission of information.The appropriate way for the management to go is to have more direct contact with their employees,to listen to their opinions and suggestions,and to care about their welfare.

38、,Case Study,Ikea,a well-known Swedish home improved store opened a Home Furnishings store in Beijing last year,and has attracted many visitors every day.Li Mei and her husband have just moved into a new apartment and the couple wanted to add some more pieces of furniture in the apartment.As Li Meis

39、husband once lived and studied in Sweden for some time,the couple decided to go to Ikea.However,they were told that they should pay the total sum of money right there before the furniture was sent to their home.,In Beijing,the popular way for the purchase of furniture is to pay 10 percent of the tot

40、al sum as a deposit,and the remaining is paid upon the arrival of the furniture.After some negotiation,Ikea employees gave up their original request but insisted on a 25 percent deposit for the sofa.In the course of this process,the saleswomans arrogant attitude and her repeated expression,“Its Ikea

41、s rule”almost spoiled the transaction.Nevertheless,the couple filled in the order form for the sofa.They asked the saleswoman to tell the deliverers not to forget to bring the receipt with the sofa.,Three days later,the ordered sofa was delivered to the couples apartment,which was on the fifth floor

42、.When the husband asked for the receipt while paying the deliverers the outstanding balance,they told him that they were from a home-removal company and Ikea would send the receipt to him the next day.In this case,the couple asked to keep the¥1000 until the next day.,When the deliverer phoned Ikea u

43、p for the answer,they were told to bring the sofa back if the outstanding balance was not fully paid,as it was the rule from Ikeas financial department.The deliverer brought the sofa down from the fifth floor.No message came from Ikea the next day.,Questions,You are a friend of Li Mei.After hearing

44、Li Meis story,what would you do to help her?Why?You are the newly-arrived manager of Ikea.As soon as you arrive,you hear the whole matter.What do you think of this?And what action you would take to handle it,as the media is concerned about it?Why?As a potential consumer of Ikea furniture,how do you feel about this after having read the case above?Do you think that Ikea has its reasons for reacting in that way?,Thank you!,


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