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1、2023/1/7,1,导游英语 第二版,2022/9/271,2023/1/7,2,Unit Six Foods and Beverages,Travel in Jiangsu 餐饮服务江苏导游,2022/9/272Unit Six Foods and,教学内容,2023/1/7,3,Part A Know-how for Tour Guides导游实务1.Request to Change Dishes要求换餐2.Unwilling to Have Meals Together不愿共餐3.Dietary Requirements餐饮要求Part B Listening Comprehensi

2、on导游听力训练Nanjing Museum南京市博物馆,2022/9/273Part A Know-how for,教学内容,Part C Situational Dialogue情景对话Zhouzhuang周庄Part D Methods of Introduction景点讲解方法 Method of Introduction with a Focus on Key Events重点讲解法,Part C Situational Dialogue情景对,教学内容,Part E Introduction to Tourist Sites景点讲解Zhuozheng Garden拙政园Part F

3、 Tourism Culture旅游文化Chinese Gardens 中国园林 Part G Translation景点翻译Tourist Sites in Jiangsu江苏旅游景点,Part E Introduction to Tourist,导游实务,Part A:Know-how for Tour Guides,beverage n.饮料graciously adv.和蔼地;优雅地inspect v.检查;视察specify v.指定,规定persuade v.说服;劝说alternative adj.可供选择的unsanitary adj.不卫生的designate v.指定die

4、tary adj.饮食的,New words,Part A:Know-how for Tour Gui,Proper Nouns Nanjing Crown Plaza 南京皇冠酒店 Nanjing Peace International Travel Service南京和平国际旅行社,Proper Nouns,导游实务,2023/1/7,8,1.Request to Change Dishes,Miss The Browns arrives at Nanjing,the capital city of Jiangsu.After they check in Nanjing Crown Pla

5、za they have dinner in the restaurant.However,they are not satisfied with the food and ask for a change.What would you do as local guide?,2022/9/2781.Request to Change,1.Listen carefully,and fill in the words or phrases you have heard.,(1)Generally speaking,restaurant agrees to change food if it get

6、s the notice _.In such a case,the guide may agree to change the food.(2)If they ask to change dishes just before dinner time,restaurant may refuse to make changes since some of the dishes have already been prepared.In such a case,the guide should graciously _and give them explanations.,about 3 hours

7、 ahead of mealtime,decline the request,1.Listen carefully,and fill,(3)If they ask to change the menu,add dishes and beverage,the guide may agree,but he should tell them to _ before they have dinner.,bear the food expense,(3)If they ask to change the,导游实务,2023/1/7,11,2.Listen again and answer the fol

8、lowing questions.,1.How does the guide handle the problem if the meals do not conform to the standard?The guide should request a change of the meals according to the standard specified in the contract,or ask for the compensation.,2022/9/27112.Listen again and,2.What does the guide usually do when to

9、urists want to add dishes?The guide may agree,but he should tell them to bear the food expense before they have dinner.,2.What does the guide usually,导游实务,2023/1/7,13,2.Unwilling to Have Meals Together,Mr.Brown and his wife want to have dinner themselves after they tour the Temple of City God in the

10、 downtown area.Mr.Fu Jing,a local guide from Nanjing Peace International Travel Service is at a loss what to do.What can you suggest to the local guide?,2022/9/27132.Unwilling to Hav,1.Listen carefully,and match the information in column A with that in column B(There are two extra items in column B)

11、.,the right way to have dinnerA.,导游实务,2023/1/7,15,Suggestions:,(1)Mr.Fu Jing should try to persuade the Browns to join the tour group to have dinner together.(2)If they refuse to have dinner with the group,he may order alternative dishes.,2022/9/2715Suggestions:(1)Mr.,2023/1/7,16,(3)If they still do

12、nt want to have dinner together he may agree they could have their meal in other restaurants nearby.The Browns should bear the food expense themselves.(4)He should discourage them from eating food in an unsanitary restaurant.Instead,he should encourage them to eat local foods in the restaurants desi

13、gnated by tourism administration.,2022/9/2716(3)If they still d,导游实务,2023/1/7,17,2.Listen again and answer the following questions.,1.Do you think the guide should encourage tourists to eat local foods?Why?Yes,there is a saying:“Eating food is just like eating culture.”Eating the local foods is one

14、of the ways to understand the local culture.,2022/9/27172.Listen again and,2.Can the guide order alternative dishes if tourists dont want to have dinner together?Yes,the guide may order alternative dishes if tourists agree.,2.Can the guide order alterna,导游实务,2023/1/7,19,Additional Tips for Tour Guid

15、es,Dietary Requirements,2022/9/2719Additional Tips for,2023/1/7,20,A guide should offer the following services to tourists who have special dietary requirements because of religious or health reasons:A guide should try his best to meet tourists dietary habits because of their religious practice or p

16、oor health.If their special dietary requirements have been specified in the contract,the guide must adhere to them according to the contract.,2022/9/2720 A guide should,2023/1/7,21,If the requirements are not stipulated in the contract,the guide should do his best to meet their needs.However,tourist

17、s should bear the extra expenses.If tourists have special requirements on food before they have dinner,the guide should help handle the case,but tourists will bear the extra expense.The guide is obliged to order special dishes of next meals for tourists according to their dietary habits.,2022/9/2721

18、If the requirements,导游实务,2023/1/7,22,Exercise:Decide whether the statements are true or false,If it is true,put“T”in the space provided and“F”if it is false.1._ A guide could agree to change dishes if he is informed about it before the dinner time.,2022/9/2722Exercise:Decide wh,2023/1/7,23,2._ A gui

19、de should have meals with the driver because the driver may feel lonely when he has dinner himself.,2022/9/27232._ A guide,导游实务,2023/1/7,24,3._ Tourists could choose to take snacks in any restaurants they like.,2022/9/27243._ Tourist,2023/1/7,25,4._ It is up to members of tour group whither they hav

20、e diner together.,2022/9/27254._ It is u,2023/1/7,26,5._ The guide is held responsible if tourists are not satisfied with the dishes.,2022/9/27265._ The gui,statesman n.政治家nunnery n.尼姑庵crawl v.爬行,蠕动archway n.拱门,拱道encompass v.包围;环绕coffin n.棺材gypsum n.矿石膏crypt n.地下室,地穴recumbent adj.靠着的;斜躺着的,Part B:Lis

21、tening Comprehension,New words,导游听力,Dr Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum,Part B:Listening Comprehensio,Proper Nouns Dr.Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum 中山陵 Xiaomaoshan小茅山 Mt.Zhongshan钟山 Six Dynasties 六朝(东吴、东晋和南朝的宋、齐、梁、陈,史称六朝,Proper Nouns,2023/1/7,29,From this map we can see the,whole mausoleum is like a alarm bell,symbo

22、lizing Dr.Sun Yat-sens unyielding spirit in fighting to arouse people and salvage the nation.,2022/9/2729From this map we ca,2023/1/7,30,Dr.Sun Yat-sen,2022/9/2730Dr.Sun Yat-sen,2023/1/7,31,2022/9/2731,2023/1/7,32,Memorial Archway of Boai,2022/9/2732Memorial Archway of,2023/1/7,33,Tomb Passage,2022/

23、9/2733Tomb Passage,2023/1/7,34,Mausoleum Gate,2022/9/2734Mausoleum Gate,2023/1/7,35,Mausoleum Gate,2022/9/2735Mausoleum Gate,2023/1/7,36,Tablet Pavilion,2022/9/2736Tablet Pavilion,2023/1/7,37,Tablet Pavilion,2022/9/2737Tablet Pavilion,2023/1/7,38,Sacrificial Hall,2022/9/2738Sacrificial Hall,2023/1/7

24、,39,Coffin Chamber,2022/9/2739Coffin Chamber,导游听力,2023/1/7,40,Dr.Sun Yat-sen is reputed as the father of the Republic in China,and is also well-known in the United States.Today the Browns will visit Dr Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum and pay homage to this great statesman.,Listen carefully,and fill in the bl

25、anks with the words or phrases youve just heard,2022/9/2740Dr.Sun Yat-sen is,导游听力,Dr.Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum is located at the(1)_ foot of Xiaomaoshan of Mt.Zhongshan,which is scattered with over(2)_ temples and nunneries and row upon row of tombs dating back to Six Dynasties,and crawls like a huge(3

26、)_ in the northeastern part of Nanjiang.The grave is situated at 158 meters above sea level.The difference of its height between the upper and lower levels is(4)_ meters,and the level distance between the memorial archway and the grave is 700 meters.The mausoleum encompasses 3,000 hectares,of which(

27、5)_ hectares are covered with all kinds of trees.,southern,70,dragon,73,2133,Dr Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum,Dr.Sun Yat-sen,The main structures include memorial(6)_,tomb passage,mausoleum gate,tablet pavilion,sacrificial hall and coffin chamber.A flight of(7)_ steps leads from the ground level to the coff

28、in chamber in which is a gypsum statue of a seated Dr Sun Yat-sen.Dr Suns remains are beneath a recumbent(8)_ statue of him in the circular crypt behind the hall.The whole structure resembles a(9)_ of liberty,symbolizing the spirit of continuous struggling of Dr Sun Yat-sen in arousing the people,fi

29、ghting against(10)_ and in saving the country and the people.,archway,392,marble,bell,oppression,The main structures i,导游听力,2.Listen again,and answer the following questions.,1.Where is Dr.Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum located?It is located at the southern foot of Xiaomaoshan of Mt.Zhongshan in Nanjing.,2.

30、Listen again,and answer th,2.How many hectares does the mausoleum have?The mausoleum encompasses 3,000 hectares,of which 2,133 hectares are covered with all kinds of trees.,2.How many hectares does the,导游听力,3.What are the main structures in Dr.Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum?The main structures include memor

31、ial archway,tomb passage,mausoleum gate,tablet pavilion,sacrificial hall and coffin chamber.,3.What are the main structure,4.What does the marble statue of Dr.Sun Yat-sen demonstrate to the people?It demonstrates the spirit of continuous struggling of Dr Sun Yat-sen in arousing the people,fighting a

32、gainst oppression and in saving the country and the people.,4.What does the marble statue,Part C:Situational Dialogue,New words,calligrapher n.书法家eternal adj.永恒的,永远的gallery n.画廊,情景对话,Zhouzhuang,Part C:Situational Dialogue,Proper Nouns Zhouzhuang周庄 Kunshan City昆山市“the First Water Town in China”“中国第一水

33、乡”Zhen Feng Ze Guo贞丰泽国 Shen Peng沈鹏 Taiping Bridge太平桥 One-step Bridge一步桥 Shuang Qiao(Twin Bridges)双桥 Memory of Hometown故乡的回忆 Shide Bridge 世德桥 Yongan Bridge永安桥,Proper Nouns,2023/1/7,49,the map of Zhouzhuang,2022/9/2749the map of Zhouzhua,2023/1/7,50,Zheng Feng Ze Guo,国泽丰贞,2022/9/2750 Zheng Feng Ze Guo

34、国,2023/1/7,51,the First Water Town in China,2022/9/2751the First Water Tow,2023/1/7,52,2022/9/2752,2023/1/7,53,Taiping Bridge,2022/9/2753Taiping Bridge,2023/1/7,54,Zhou zhuang,2022/9/2754Zhou zhuang,2023/1/7,55,2022/9/2755,2023/1/7,56,Taiping Bridge,2022/9/2756Taiping Bridge,2023/1/7,57,The Double B

35、ridge,2022/9/2757The Double Bridge,2023/1/7,58,The Twin bridge,Shide Bridge,Yongan Bridge,2022/9/2758The Twin bridge,2023/1/7,59,has a round arch,has a square,2022/9/2759has a round archhas,2023/1/7,60,Twin-bridge,2022/9/2760Twin-bridge,2023/1/7,61,Zhangs Residence,2022/9/2761Zhangs Residence,2023/1

36、/7,62,Shen s Residence,2022/9/2762Shen s Residence,2023/1/7,63,Shen Hall,2022/9/2763Shen Hall,2023/1/7,64,Shen Hall,2022/9/2764Shen Hall,2023/1/7,65,Zhouzhuang is one of the most famous water towns in China.It is situated in Kunshan City which is only 30 kilometers southeast of Suzhou.Now,they arriv

37、e in front of the towering archway of the ancient town and begin to have their first tour of the water town in China.,情景对话,Zhouzhuang,2022/9/2765Zhouzhuang,情景对话,2023/1/7,66,Useful Expressions for a dialogue1)别抒情了。快给我们讲讲苏州,她可是第一次来。Dont be so sentimental.Give us an introduction about Suzhou.Its her fi

38、rst time here.2)你们看,那边的房子就很有水乡的特点,咱们去那儿看看吧。Look.Those houses there are typical of water towns.How about taking a look?,2022/9/2766,2023/1/7,67,3)当然了,所以有古诗说苏州是“人家尽枕河”。Of course,thats why the ancient poem says Suzhou is where“families make the river their pillows.”4)没错,我家的花园在雅致方面根本没法与苏州园林相比。Sure.My ga

39、rden is nothing compared to Suzhou Gardens in terms of delicacy.,2022/9/27673)当然了,所以有古诗说苏州是“人家尽,情景对话,1.Listen to the dialogue,and decide whether the statements are true or false.If it is true,put“T”in the space provided and“F”if it is false.,1._ Zhouzhuang is“the First Water Town in China”.The four

40、Chinese characters Zhen Feng Ze Guo(贞丰泽国)means a place which is surrounded by water.,1.Listen to the dialogue,and,2._ The name of Taiping Bridge(the Bridge of Eternal Peace)express ones best wish to have a peaceful life in Zhougzhuang.3._ The Twin Bridges is the symbol of Zhouzhuang.It was built in

41、the Qing Dynasty and has a history of about 500 hundred years.,导游英语(第二版)-电子教案Chapter-6-Foods-and-Beverages,4._ The Twin Bridges are made of the Shide Bridge and the Yongan Bridge.The Shide Bridge has a square arch,while Yongan Bridge has a round arch.5._ Memory of Hometown was selected as the first-

42、day cover of the postage stamp of the United Nations in 1985.,4._ The Twin Bridges are,情景对话,2.Divide the class into groups,and do the dialogue.Pay attention to your body language.,2.Divide the class i,讲解方法,2023/1/7,72,Part D Methods of Introduction,Method of Introduction with a Focus on Key Events重点

43、讲解法,2022/9/2772Part D Methods of,2023/1/7,73,This method is to emphasize some aspect(方面)of tourist site or event instead of focusing on every aspect of it.A large-scale tourist site may boast a dozen of gardens,pavilions,towers and so on.In addition,the site may have some historical interests and le

44、gendary stories related to the site.The guide can not introduce the places of interest in the garden in a short time.If he introduces the scenic attractions one by one tourists may get tired or feel tided up with the repeated introduction of the similar(类似的)scenic spots.Instead,the guide may lay foc

45、us on the major scenic spots.He may give priority to(优先考虑)the important or interesting ones and neglect the minor ones.,2022/9/2773This method is to e,Take the Zhuozheng Garden for example.There are three major parts in the garden,namely the east part,Gui Tian Yuan Ju(Return to Nature归田园居),the middl

46、e part Fu Yuan(复园),and the western part Bu Yuan(补园).The guide may focus on his introduction on the east part,for it is the first part of the garden,where tourists can appreciate the main features of Suzhou classic garden;in the east part he may as well introduce Lanxue Tang(Orchid Snow Hall兰雪堂),Furo

47、ng Xie(Lotus Waterside Pavilion芙蓉榭),Tian Quan Pavilion(Heavenly Spring Pavilion天泉阁)and neglect other ones.,Take the Zhuozheng Garden for,景点讲解,humble adj.卑下的,微贱的administrator n.管理人,行政官员panoramic adj.全景的ledge n.戗角aura n.气氛;气味,Part E:Introduction to Tourist Sites,New words,Zhuozheng Garden,humble adj.卑

48、,idyllic adj.田园诗的;牧歌的camouflage n.伪装perspective n.透视画法;透视图conspicuous adj.显著的exaggerate v.夸大,夸张,idyllic adj.田园诗,Proper NounsZhuozheng Garden 拙政园Lanxue Tang(Orchid Snow Hall)兰雪堂Gui Tian Yuan Ju(Return to Nature)归田园居Fu Yuan复园Bu Yuan补园Zhuiyun Peak缀云峰,Proper Nouns,“camouflage view”“障景”Furong Xie(Lotus W

49、aterside Pavilion)芙蓉榭“frame view”“框景”Tian Quan Pavilion(Heavenly Spring Pavilion)天泉阁“Yi Bu Huan Jing”“移步换景,“camouflage view”“障景”,2023/1/7,79,Zhuozheng Garden,2022/9/2779Zhuozheng Garden,2023/1/7,80,Zhuiyun Peak,2022/9/2780Zhuiyun Peak,2023/1/7,81,Gui Tian Yuan Ju,2022/9/2781Gui Tian Yuan Ju,2023/1/7

50、,82,Fu Yuan,2022/9/2782Fu Yuan,2023/1/7,83,Bu Yuan,2022/9/2783Bu Yuan,2023/1/7,84,The garden can be divided into there parts.,The east part,The western part,The middle part,2022/9/2784The garden can be d,2023/1/7,85,The east part Gui Tian Yuan Ju(Return to Nature)mainly consists of idyllic scenery.,


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