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1、Lesson 19 A very dear cat,Objective:Review the usage of verbs.,.,Topic Discussion,Do you have pets?,Some people care more than necessary about,their pets.What is your opinion about this,phenomenon?,.,dear,New words&Expressions,?,adj.loved and cherished,亲爱的,心爱的,凯文迪太太是我亲爱的朋友。,Mrs.,Cavendish,is a dear

2、friend of mine.,?,adj.(usu used with,“to sb”)g,reatly valued;precious,非常受珍视的;,宝贵的,这是全国学者都极为重视的话题。,This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academics up and down,the country.,?,adj.highly esteemed or regarded.Used in direct address,especially in,salutations,敬爱的,常用于书信中,尤指用于尊称,亲爱的罗宾,在过去的几天中我一直深深思念着

3、你。,.,Dear Robin,I have been thinking about you so much during the,past few days.,dear,?,adj.high-priced;expensive,价格高的;昂贵的,?,opp.cheap,汽车在英国比在欧洲大陆要贵出,59%,。,Cars are 59%dearer in Britain than in Europe.,?,n.one,that is greatly loved;an endearing,lovable,or kind person,亲爱,的人,受爱戴的人,可爱的或善良的人,这才是好孩子,!,这才

4、乖呢,!,Thats/Theres a dear!,面试怎么样,亲爱的?,How did the interview go,dear?,.,dear,?,adv.To cause a lot of trouble and suffering for sb.written.,使某人损失,惨重;给某人带来许多麻烦和痛苦,cost sb.dear,与彼得的婚姻使卡洛琳痛苦不堪。,Carolyns marriage to Peter cost her dear.,?,interj.,used as a polite exclamation,chiefly of surprise or distress

5、,呵,,哎呀,用于表示有礼貌的感叹,尤指表示惊讶或痛苦,Oh dear;dear me,哦;哎呀,“我觉得我要感冒了。”“哦,天哪!”,I think Im getting a cold.Dear oh dear!,.,kidnap,vt.,kidnapped;kidnapping,?,to take sb.somewhere illegally by force,often in order to get money,for returning them,绑架,劫持,一名小孩遭到持枪绑架,警方呼吁目击者挺身而出。,Police appealed for witnesses after a k

6、id was kidnapped at,gunpoint.,巴西警方侦破了一起要绑架那个富人的阴谋。,Police in Brazil uncovered a plot to kidnap a rich man.,?,n.kidnap or a kidnap is the crime of taking sb.away by force,绑架行为,斯图尔特否认有谋杀和绑架的企图。,Stewart denies attempted murder and kidnap.,?,kidnappee,n.,美,被绑架的人,肉票,?,kidnapper,n.,拐骗者,;,绑架者,绑架者威胁说,如果不释放,

7、3,个武装分子出狱,他们会杀了他。,.,His kidnappers have threatened that they will kill him unless three,militants are released from prison.,considerable,?,adj.large in amount,extent,or degree,相当大的在数量、范围或程度上,很大的,一名有很大影响的作家,a writer of considerable influence,大量订货,/,巨大潜力,/,相当欣赏,/,相当大的风险,/,显著增长,/,长足的发展,considerable ord

8、ers/potential/appreciation/risk/increase/,development,?,worthy of consideration;significant,重要的,值得考虑的;有重大意义的,在竞选运动中经济是一个重要问题。,The economy was a considerable issue in the campaign.,地方事务上相当重要的人物,a considerable figure in local affairs,.,considerable,?,n.(informal)a considerable amount,extent,or degree,

9、美俗,大量,很大,的数量、范围或程度多,他为我做了不少事。,He has done considerable for me.,considerate adj.,体贴的,为他人着想的,?,inconsiderate+towards,It is considerate of sb to do sth,作为一名驾车者,我尽量考虑到骑自行车的人。,As a motorist,I try to be considerate towards cyclists.,你事先告诉我们你会迟到,考虑得非常周到。,It was very considerate of you to let us know you we

10、re going to be,late.,?,considered adj.,经仔细考虑的,细想过的,?,considerably adv.,相当大,多,地,非常,.,?,considering prep.,考虑到;鉴于,=regarding,wealthy,adj.,?,having a lot of money,possessions etc=rich,有钱的;富的,very/extremely/immensely/fabulously etc wealthy,他走的时候是一个工人阶层的穷小子,回来时已经是一个腰缠万贯的富翁了,。,He left as a poor,working cla

11、ss boy and returned as a wealthy,man.,我希望每个人都能过健康,富裕,幸福的生活。,I wish,everyone to be healthy,wealthy and happy.,?,marked by abundance,以丰富为特征的,富饶的土地,a wealthy land,?,well supplied,储备丰富的,感情丰富,wealthy in compassion,.,富裕种种,?,rich,系常用词,指“有比正常需要更多钱财的,”,他很富。,He was rich.,?,wealthy,表示,富裕的,程度比,rich,强,指,有大量钱财的,这

12、是个非常有钱的家庭。,This is a wealthy family.,?,well-to-do,语意不如,rich,更不如,wealthy,指,“,高于一般水平富的,”,一个小康之家。,a well-to-do family,?,well-off,语意与,well-to-do,接近,指,相当富有的,富裕的”,由于在外边做事,我们现在很富裕。,.,We are very well-off now for out-door labor.,orderly,?,adv.,systematically;regularly,按部就班地;规律地,?,adj.,free from disorder;nea

13、t,整洁的,干净的,女同学们的房间都整齐清洁。,The girl students rooms are all in orderly condition.,?,adj.having a systematic arrangement,有条理的,有系统安排的,?,disorderly,in(an)orderly sth,有条理的头脑,an orderly mind,选举进行得有条不紊。,The elections were conducted in an orderly fashion.,她需要把自己的想法组织得更加有条理些。,.,She needs to organize her ideas i

14、n a more orderly way.,orderly,?,adj.marked by or adhering to method or system,有秩序的,;,守纪律的,守秩序的足球观众,an orderly football crowd,一个守纪律的班级,an orderly class,?,n.orderliness,?,n.someone who does unskilled jobs in a hospital,医院里从事简单工作,的,护理员,勤杂人员,?,n.a soldier who does unskilled jobs,勤务兵,.,anonymous adj.,?,u

15、nknown by name,无名的,不署名的,根据一位不愿意透露姓名的员工所述,这家公司曾从事非法活动。,According to one employee,who wishes to remain anonymous,the,company engaged in illegal activities.,无名作者,/,不愿透露姓名的捐赠者,an anonymous author/donor,?,done,sent,or given by someone who does not want their names to be,known,匿名的,5000,美元的匿名捐赠,An anonymou

16、s donation of$5,000,匿名信,/,匿名电话,an anonymous letter/phone call,.,anonymous adj.,?,uninteresting in features or qualities,used to show disapproval,written,无特色的,含贬义,灰暗而无特色的住宅区,grey,anonymous housing estates,.,unknown adj.,?,not well known or widely known;unfamiliar;not identified or,ascertained,无名的,不知名

17、的或不广为人知的,;,不熟悉的,未被辨明身份的或,未被确定的,来历不明者,a man of unknown origin,我不认识的人,/,未知项,/,一位默默无闻的艺术家,a man unknown to me/an unknown term/an unknown artist,她从一个不知其名的敬慕者那儿收到鲜花,。,She received flowers from an unknown admirer.,.,ransom,?,n.An amount of money that is paid to free sb who is held as a,prisoner,为使被囚禁者获释而支

18、付的,赎金,绑匪索取,25,万美元的赎金。,The kidnappers were demanding a ransom of$250,000.,?,ransom demand/note,现在还没有人索要赎金。,There has still been no ransom demand.,?,hold sb for ransom(BrE.hold sb to ransom),to keep sb prisoner until,money is paid,囚禁某人以索取赎金,他的女儿遭绑架要赎金。,His daughter was kidnapped and held for ransom.,.

19、,ransom,?,hold sb to ransom-,to put sb in a situation where they have no,choice and are forced to agree to your demands,要挟某人,胁迫某人,他指责护士以罢工来要挟政府。,He has accused the nurses of holding the government to ransom,by threatening to strike.,?,vt.to pay an amount of money so that sb who is being held as a,pr

20、isoner is set free,为,交付赎金,ransom sb.,付了赎金之后,他们都毫发无损地回来了。,They were all ransomed and returned unharmed.,.,ransom,premium,保险金,奖金,pension,养老金,退休金,allowance,津贴,bonus,奖金,红利,commission,佣金,同意给予提供服务的销售代表或代理人的酬金或百分比,kick-back,回扣、酬金,归还已收到的一笔钱的一部分,通常是由于压力、威,力或秘密约定,fund,基金,资金,.,cardboard,?,n.stiff thick brown p

21、aper,used especially for making boxes,尤指可用,于制纸箱的,(硬)纸板,卡纸,一张卡纸,a sheet of cardboard,?,adj.made from cardboard,硬纸板制的,硬纸板箱,a cardboard box,?,adj.only before n.seeming silly and not real,显得愚蠢的;不真实的,人物很不真实的爱情小说,a romantic novel full of cardboard characters,.,withdraw,?,v.NOT TAKE PART-,to stop taking pa

22、rt in an activity,belonging to an,organization ect,or to make sb do this,(,使,),退出,活动、组织等,+from,withdraw sb/sth from sth,要求英国退出欧盟的呼声,calls for Britain to withdraw from the European Union,家长如有意愿,则有权让自己的孩子退出宗教教育课。,Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious,education lessons if the

23、y wish.,?,vt.STOP SUPPORTING,to stop giving support or money to sb or sth,especially as the result of an official decision,取消,不再给予,停止提供,支持或金钱,其中一个少数党已经不再支持科尔总理。,One of the minority parties had withdrawn its support for,Chancellor Kohl.,.,withdraw,?,vt.CHANGE YOUR MIND-,if you withdraw a threat,offer

24、,request etc,you say that you no longer will do what you,said,收回,威胁、提议、请,求等,几经劝说,他同意收回辞呈。,After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation.,?,vt.If you withdraw money from a bank account,you take it out of that,account,(,从银行,),取钱,开立一个取钱时不荒唐地收取费用的储蓄账户。,Open a savings account that does not

25、charge ridiculous fees to,withdraw money.,.,withdraw,?,vt.,取回,;,收回,;,领回,;,撤回,;,缩回,;,移开,;,拉开,;,拿,;,取消,;,撤消,;,撤退,把手从热火炉旁缩回,withdraw ones hand from the hot stove,从银行取款,withdraw money from the bank,从某地撤军,withdraw troops from a place,把孩子从学校领回,withdraw the children from school,把视线从,.,移开,(,不再看,.),withdraw

26、ones eyes from,撤消议案,withdraw a bill,收回发言,withdraw a remark,.,withdraw,?,vi.,退回,;,缩回,;,撤回,;,退出,;,撤退,车过时把身子紧靠着墙,He withdrew against the wall as the car passed by.,退出会议,/,讨论,withdraw from a meeting/discussion,隐遁,withdraw from society,敌人不得不撤退。,The enemy troops had to withdraw.,饭后女士们退了席。,After dinner the

27、 ladies withdrew.,.,punctual,adj.,?,acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed;prompt,准时的,守时的,精确地在约定的时间行动或到达,=on time,她总是很守时,可是她的朋友总是迟到。,She is always punctual,but her friend is always late.,她总是准时去上课。,She is always punctual for the class.,?,paid or accomplished at or by the appointed time,如期的,

28、及时的,在约,定时间或到约定时间为止偿还或完成的,你应该及时回复商业信函。,You should be punctual in answering business letters.,?,punctually,adv.,按时地,如期地,?,punctuality,n.,严守时刻,准时,.,astonish,?,在现代英语中通常表示某事使人震惊得难以置信。,在大西洋底下成功地铺设了电缆,这使得大家都感到骇然;,后来有几处电缆,折断了,谁也不感到惊奇。不过在这些电缆终于投入工作之后,许多人都说,,未来的任何发明再也不会使人吃惊了。,The successful laying of the Atla

29、ntic cable astonished everybody:,its later breaks astonished no one;but after it was finally in,operation.Many said that no future invention could surprise them.,他所看到的使他大为震惊,箱子里的一堆毛织品上面躺着一个人。,He was astonished at what he found.A man was lying in the box,on top of a pile of woolen goods.,.,surprise,?

30、,通用词,它的含义是使人一愣。这种吃惊可能包含着高兴也可能包含害怕或,忧虑。,尽管如此,最近举办的现代雕塑展览会却使一些人,包括我在内,吃了一惊,。,In spite of this,some people-,including myself-,were surprised by,a recent exhibition of modern sculpture.,我按响了门铃,毫不觉得奇怪地看到赫伯特仍然和以往一样胖。,I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was as,fat as ever.,.,astound,?

31、,比,astonish,的词义强得多,常用于表示某件事你虽然认为有可能,但与你所,发现的实际情况之间有很大差距。,当莱姆赛夫人把自己所做的事告诉了警察时,他们为之骇然。,The police were astounded when Mrs.Ramsay told them what she,had done.,他听说他儿子吸毒,不禁大为惊讶。,He was astounded when he heard his son had taken drugs.,.,amaze,?,所表示的吃惊中包含着使人迷惑不解、困窘或惊疑不定。,当考古学家把那些碎块拼起来的时候,他们惊诧地发现那女神原来是一个现,代

32、装束的妇女。,When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments,they were,amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-,looking woman.,科学家惊诧地发现,它可以轻而易举地钻穿最坚硬的岩石。,Scientists have been amazed to find that it can cut through the,hardest rock with great ease.,.,shock,?,to strike with great

33、surprise and emotional disturbance,to strike with,disgust;offend,使,震惊;使,激怒,使,充满极度的惊奇和情感上的不安定,当我听到你出事后我很震惊。,I was shocked when I heard about your accident.,这些奇形怪状的设计好像是为了给人感情上的强烈震惊。,These peculiar forms seemed designed to shock people,emotionally.,.,?,Please close your text books.Listen to the tape o

34、f the text carefully,and try to answer the following question:,Text Analysis,Why,was Rastus“very dear”in more ways than one?,(Because he was not only much loved but also very expensive.),?,Read the text by yourselves and pay attention to the usage of verbs.,.,1.Kidnappers are rarely interested in an

35、imals,but they recently took,considerate interest in Mrs.Eleanor Ramsays cat.,绑架者很少对动物感,兴趣。最近绑架者却盯上了艾丽诺,拉姆齐太太的猫。,?,take considerable interest in,对,.,非常感兴趣,=show great interest in=be very interested in,作为一名生物学家,我主要的兴趣是人类遗传学。,As a biologist,I take considerable interest in human genetics.,?,lose/arouse

36、 interest,失去兴趣,/,引起兴趣,我看了前几集,但很快就失去了兴趣。,I watched the first few episodes,but soon lost interest.,?,be of(no)interest(to sb),对某人有(无)吸引力,=be(not)interesting to sb,我对你的私生活毫无兴趣。,What you do in your private life is of no interest to me.,.,1.Kidnappers are rarely interested in animals,but they recently to

37、ok,considerate interest in Mrs.Eleanor Ramsays cat.,绑架者很少对动物感,兴趣。最近绑架者却盯上了艾丽诺,拉姆齐太太的猫。,?,interest sb in,让某人在某方面感兴趣,/,劝某人做某事,他一向对外交失去感兴趣。,He had always interested himself in foreign affairs.,销售员劝我买价格较高的型号。,The salesman tried to interest me in the higher-priced model.,?,?,Could I interest you in a dri

38、nk/dessert etc?,(,礼貌地,),你要喝一杯,/,吃甜点吗?,?,place of interest=scenic spot=tourist spot,旅游景点,?,interest n.,利息,/,利益,.,2.Mrs.Eleanor Ramsay,a very wealthy old lady,had shared a flat,with her cat,Rastus,for a great many years.,艾丽诺,拉姆齐太太是一个,非常富有的老妇人,多年来,一直同她养的猫拉斯特斯一起住在一所公寓里。,?,structure:“a very wealthy lady”

39、is used as an appositive to,modify“Mrs.Eleanor Ramsay”.“a very wealthy lady”,做同位语修饰,”,Mrs.Eleanor Ramsay”,。,?,“,Rastus”is used as an appositive to modify“her cat”.“Rastus”,做,同位语修饰“,her cat”,。,?,share sth with/among/between sb.,我与一个同学同居一室。,I share a room with one of my classmates.,他死后财产分给了子女们。,At his

40、 death,his property was shared out between/among his,children.,.,3.Rastus leads an orderly life.He usually takes a short walk in the,evenings and is always home by seven oclock.,拉斯特斯生活很有规律,,傍晚常常出去溜达一会儿,并且总是在,7,点钟以前回来。,?,lead an orderly life=live an orderly life,过有规律的生活,lead a(n)simple/easy/double/do

41、gs life,过着简朴的生活,/,简单的生活,/,婚外情,/,糟糕的生活,lead a life of tranquility/grace/luxury,过着平静的生活,/,文明的生活,/,奢侈的生活,圣诞节的奇迹继续存在于人道主义行为、道德行为和那些千千万万已觉醒、,努力追寻文明生活的人们之中。,The great miracle of Christmas continues in the performance of,humane acts,moral honesty,and in the spiritual awareness of,millions struggling to lea

42、d a life of grace.,?,in the evenings,在晚上,表示几乎所有晚上都要去,?,=every evening,.,4.One evening,however,he failed to arrive.,可是,有一天晚上,它出去,后再也没回来。,?,fail to do sth,未能利用新技术的公司会被淘汰。,Firms that fail to take advantage of the new technology will go out,of the business.,?,fail in sth,他未能夺回世界冠军头衔。,He failed in his at

43、tempt to regain the world title.,该政府未能尽到保护人民的责任。,The government are failing in their duty to protect people.,?,fail sb/sth,评定某人不及格,/,未能通过,他考得太差了,我没办法只能给他不及格。,His work was so bad that I had no choice but to fail him.,.,5.Mrs.Ramsay got very worried.She looked everywhere for him but,could not find him

44、.,拉姆齐太太急坏了,四处寻找,但没找到。,?,structure,:“but”introduces a compound statement.“but”,连接并列句,?,phrases:look for sth/sb,寻找,?,find,找到,?,find out,查明真相,我到处找遍了也未能找到他。,I have been looking for him everywhere,but I cant find him.,查明我的问题的确是失调造成的,我就放心了。,I was relieved to find out that my problems were due to a genuine

45、,disorder.,?,could not:shows a past action which was not completed,successfully.It can be replaced by“wasnt able to”or“didnt,manage to”.,表过去未能成功完成的动作,可以换成“,wasnt able to”,或,“,didnt manage to”,.,6.Three days after Rastus disappearance,Mrs.Ramsay received an,anonymous letter.,拉斯特斯失踪,3,天后,拉姆齐太太收到一封匿名信。

46、,?,disappearance,?,opp.appearance,?,常见的名词否定前缀:,dis+appearance=disappearance,消失,counter+revolution,=counterrevolution,反革命,in+ability=inability,无能,mal+function,=malfunction,功能紊乱,mis+fortune,=misfortune,不幸,non+existence,=non-existence,不存在,un+employment,=unemployment,失业,.,7.The writer stated that Rastus

47、 was in safe hands and would be,returned immediately if Mrs.Ramsay paid a ransom of 1,000 pounds.,写信人声称拉斯特斯安然无恙,只要拉姆齐太太愿意支付,1,000,英镑赎金,便可,以立即将猫送还。,?,structure,:“that”introduced an objective clause;the objective,clause was made of a compound statement connected by“and”;,then in the latter half of the

48、 compound statement there is a,conditional clause introduced by“if”.“that”,引出一个宾语从句,这个宾,语从句是一个由“,and”,连接的并列句,并列句的后半部分又用了一个由“,if”,连接的条件状语从句。,?,in safe hands:in good hands,being managed well,在可靠的,/,中用的,人那里,在妥善的管理中,我把公司交给比尔做妥善管理。,I left the company in Bills good hands.,不用担心孩子们,他们的祖母把他们照顾的好好的。,Dont worr

49、y about the children.They are in the safe hands,of their,grandma.,.,7.The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be,returned immediately if Mrs.Ramsay paid a ransom of 1,000 pounds.,写信人声称拉斯特斯安然无恙,只要拉姆齐太太愿意支付,1,000,英镑赎金,便可,以立即将猫送还。,?,be returned:be given back,被归还,请填好随信所附的申请表并用所附信封寄回。,P

50、lease complete the enclosed application form and return it in the,envelope attached.,pay a ransom of+money,支付,.,的赎金,.,8.Mrs.Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a cardboard,box and to leave it outside her door.,他让拉姆齐太太把钱放在一个纸盒子,里,然后将纸盒放在门口。,?,be instructed to do sth.,某人被引导、指挥做某事,他的秘书接到通知,取消他所


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