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2、化”。,二.调整说明与高考接轨:从2014年开始,河南高考英语试题,三.难度系数,这次题型调整从总体来说,难度系数是增加的,第三题的完形填空增加到了15分,第六题的书面表达增加到了20分,词数要求100词左右,再加上第四题语篇填空的第二节,没有给出备选单词,完全靠学生的语言综合能力去做题。,三.难度系数 这次题型调整从总体来说,难度系数是增加,四.2020年河南中招英语新增题型语篇填空(第二节),1.由于这道题是今年中招英语新增加的题型,我们不能从以往的中招考题中借鉴任何内容来进行分析,比对,从而归纳,总结出一些命题规律和命题方向。面对这样的一个全新题型,我们一定要重视它,毕竟这道题考察的是学

3、生知识量的积累,应该算是高难度的一道题,一部分学生很难通过老师讲解,立竿见影全做对。另一方面,我们也不要压力过大,依据调整说明多练习,多总结,就会收获多多。,四.2020年河南中招英语新增题型语篇填空(第二节)1.,2.这道题要考察什么?我们如何应对?调整说明:此题型主要考察学生在理解篇章基础上,把握句子结构,词语搭配等能力。很明显,我们要在多练习,多总结的同时,加强句子结构的掌握和词语搭配的记忆。可能有学生说考察面有点大,下面我们通过对河南省基础教研室给出的两篇示例文章进行分析,看一看是否可以缩小考察面。,2.这道题要考察什么?我们如何应对?,示例1 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、

4、意思完整。每空限填一词。I think I have the greatest friends in the world.They are just 1 important to me as family.In fact,they are my family,really.My best friends and I all grew 2 together and shared so many experiences together.I would do anything for my friends and Im sure theyd do anything for me.Im sure t

5、heres nothing in the world 3 could stop us from being friends.I have also made lots of other good friends from university and the different places I 4 worked.They are also important to me.We are now all over the world and its sometimes difficult 5 meet each other,but we stay in touch.One day Id like

6、 to get all of my friends together for a big party.Thatd be great fun.,示例1,示例1 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。I think I have the greatest friends in the world.They are just 1 important to me as family.In fact,they are my family,really.My best friends and I all grew 2 together and shared so many exp

7、eriences together.I would do anything for my friends and Im sure theyd do anything for,示例1,me.Im sure theres nothing in the world 3 could stop us from being friends.I have also made lots of other good friends from university and the different places I 4 worked.They are also important to me.We are no

8、w all over the world and its sometimes difficult 5 meet each other,but we stay in touch.One day Id like to get all of my friends together for a big party.Thatd be great fun.,me.Im sure theres nothin,1.as 2.up 3.that 4.have 5 to 示例2阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Friends are just as important to me a

9、s family.In fact,they are my family,really.I think I have 1 greatest friends in the world.My best friends and I all grew up together and shared so many experiences together.I 2 do anything for my friends and Im sure theyd do anything for me.Im sure 3 is nothing in the world that could stop us from b

10、eing friends.I have also made lots of other good friends from university and the different places I have worked.They 4 also important to me.We are now all over the world and 5 sometimes difficult to meet each other,but we stay in touch.One day Id like to get all of my friends together for a big part

11、y.Thatd be great fun.,1.as 2.up 3.that 4.have 5 t,示例2 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Friends are just as important to me as family.In fact,they are my family,really.I think I have 1 greatest friends in the world.My best friends and I all grew up together and shared so many experiences together.I 2

12、do anything for my friends and Im sure theyd do anything for me.,Im sure 3 is nothing in the world that could stop us from being friends.I have also made lots of other good friends from university and the different places I have worked.They 4 also important to me.We are now all over the world and 5

13、sometimes difficult to meet each other,but we stay in touch.One day Id like to get all of my friends together for a big party.Thatd be great fun.,Im sure 3 is noth,1.the 2.would 3.there 4.are 5.its 3.根据以上示例的答案(as,up,that,have,to,the,would,there,are,its),我们观察到这道题主要考察的是虚词,那么我们就可以把这道题的考察缩小到英语虚词这一范围内。平时

14、要复习巩固没有掌握到位的一些虚词的用法。,1.the 2.would 3.there 4.ar,4.英语词汇:实词和虚词 1)实词:有实在意义,有词形的变化,在句子中能独立承担句子成分。(n.v.adj.adv.Pron.Num.)2)虚词:没有太多实在意义,没有词形的变化,在句子中不能独立承担句子成分。a.冠词(art.):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。(a,an,the)b.介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其它句子成分的关系。(in,on,at,from)c.连词(conj.):用来连接词,短语或句子。(and,that,when.who,because)d.感叹词(interj.

15、):表示喜怒哀乐等情感。(hi,oh,well)【助动词:孤立助动词(do/does/did),情态助动词(can/could,may/might,must,should,need,dare等)和时态/语态助动词(be,will/would,shall,have/has/had)】,以上虚词最复杂的是连词,下面让我们共同回顾一下连词的分类:连接并列句的并列连词 and,but,or,for,otherwise等。引导状语从句的从属连词(时间,地点,原因,条件,目的,结果,比较,方式,让步)when,whenever,while,before,after,till,until,as,since,

16、because,where,wherever,if,unless,once,though,although,however,whatever,whoever,whichever等。引导名词性从句的连接词(主语,宾语,表语,同位语)that,which,who,whom,whose,what,when,where,why,how,if,whether等。引导定语从句的关系词that,which,who,whom,whose,as,when,where,why等。,以上虚词最复杂的是连词,下面让我们共同回顾一下连词的分类:,5.训练题 一 The novel coronavirus(新冠病毒)1

17、be transmitted by touch.The main route of the transmission of the novel coronavirus is via droplets,or physical contact.Chances 2 contamination(感染)3 be higher if people do not wash their hands after touching objects,as 4 possible they could be infected by rubbing(揉)their eyes or scratching(抹)their n

18、ose and mouth.Children,the elderly and other people 5 have relatively weak immunity(免疫力)can easily get infected this way.,5.训练题,1.can 2.of 3.will 4.its 5.who,二 School return was postponed(延迟)China 1 extended(推迟)2 Lunar New Year holidayuntilSunday.On Tuesday it 3 announced that the start of the next

19、semester for schools and universitiesacross the country 4 bepostponed.Students can learn through online courses when they stay 5 home.,1.can 2.of 3.will 4.its 5.who,1.has 2.the 3.was 4.would 5.at温馨提示:1.平时阅读文章,在掌握其它知识 点的同时要关注文中的虚词,你所关注的 正是这道语篇填空的答案。2.Practice makes perfect!,重点回顾,一.语篇填空(第二节)主要考察英语虚词。二.虚词中应重点注意:1.冠词 the。2.介词的词语搭配。3.连词中的“引导词”。4.助动词中的时态/语态助动词(be,will,have)三.掌握常见的固定句式。四.做题时既要注意留有填空句子在全文中的意思,又要留心该句子是复合句还是简单句,还要关注句中的关键性单词。,重点回顾 一.语篇填空(第二节)主要考察英语虚词。,We are not afraid of winds and rains,or any kind of difficulties!,We are not afraid of winds and,谢谢聆听,谢谢聆听,


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