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1、,Sport inAncientGreeceand China,Warming up,1.Match the words in the boxes to make phrases.,Warming up,jump across a river;fight without weapons;drive a sports car;climb hills;throw stones;ride a horse;run a marathon;swim underwater;,Answer:,Warming up,Fighting without weapons is a description of kun

2、g fu(功夫),judo(柔道),karate(空手道),taekwondo(跆拳道)and other martial arts,which are also considered to be sports nowadays.Horse-riding(马术)is in the Olympic Games.Running,including marathon running,is definitely a sport.People go underwater swimming(潜泳)on holiday as a sports activity.And I think I would con

3、sider hill climbing(登山)a sport too.,1.Which are sports,in your opinion?,Work in pairs and discuss the questions about the phrases in Activity1.,Warming up,Jumping over rivers is not a sports activity.I think you would only do it if it was a very small river and there was no bridge.Driving a sports c

4、ar has a sort of sporty side in it,but usually is more like fashion wearing designer clothes and driving a sports car.Stone throwing might be a game sometimes for children but it is not something adults would normally do.A sport is a physical activity people do for pleasure,and as I said these three

5、 do not fit that definition.,2.Which are not sports,in your opinion,and why?,Warming up,I regularly do martial arts exercises.I like going hill walking and go every summer holiday.I have swum underwater on a visit to Hainan.I often plan to run a marathon but never find time to train.I have never had

6、 an opportunity to go horse-riding.,3.Which have you done,and when?,Warming up,I love horse-riding.The horses I have ridden become my friends.Swimming underwater,if you do it in the right place,takes you into another world of wonderful sights,and hill climbing in the company of friends is an escape

7、from the noisy city and very good for your health.,4.Which do you like doing?,Warming up,I dont think I would ever run a marathon I mean it is a very long way.I find running rather boring and I doubt if I will ever be fit enough to even think about it.,5.Which would you never do,and why?,Warming up,

8、Work in pairs and discuss a sport you have never done,but would like to try.,A:I hope you wont laugh at me,but I would love to do some motor racing(汽车比赛).I know I seem a quiet bookish type,but I love watching motor races and enjoy motor-racing computer games.To drive one of those cars in reality wou

9、ld be great.B:Well,you do surprise me.You certainly do not seem to be the type to want to drive so fast.But isnt it dangerous?,Warming up,A:Yes,most drivers have a few serious accidents in their career.Its crazy,but somehow that is part of the excitement.B:Well,yes,modern lives are rather dull and r

10、outine so we like some extra excitement,but I think you should continue to get it from racing games and not actual races.A:Dont worry,it will never happen.No one would let me get behind the wheel of one of those expensive racing cars!Anyway,lets talk about you now.,Warming up,Look at the title of th

11、e passage and decide whether the passage will focus on similarities or differences.Check()the activities you expect to read about.,1 running 2 shooting 3 jumping 4 throwing 5 dancing 6 swimming 7 horse racingAnswer:All are mentioned.,Warming up,Watch the video clip and answer the questions.,1.When t

12、here is no chance of winning,what will make you a hero?,2.Take basketball as an example,how does sport improve our body and mind?,Skimming,Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 29.,Task,Check()the true statements.,1 The Chin

13、ese may have known about the Olympic Games in ancient times.2 The need for sport is present in all societies.3 In ancient Greece people preferred sport to fighting.,Skimming,4 Sport can replace conflict.5 Sport is a human invention.6 Sport in ancient China was similar to sport in ancient Greece.7 Ed

14、ucation in ancient China was totally different from education in ancient Greece.8 Sport was part of military training in ancient China and ancient Greece.9 Modern China has nothing in common with modern Greece.,The true statements are 1,2,6 and 8.Statement 6 is the main idea of the passage.,Now deci

15、de which of the statements is the main idea of the passage.,Skimming,Answer the questions.,1 How did the Olympic Games begin?,The Olympic Games were a four-yearly rest from fighting among ancient Greek city-states.Instead of fighting,the men would compete in races and athletic events.,2 Why did peop

16、le in ancient times need sport?,Because sport creates greater physical strength,which can be used in many ways,and sport is a way of keeping fit.,Skimming,3 Which skills improved peoples chances of getting food?,Running,swimming,jumping and throwing.,4 What did Odysseus and Hou Yi have in common?,Th

17、ey both used a bow and arrows,and were skilful at shooting.,Skimming,5 What did Plato and Confucius have in common?,They both believed physical training and exercise were an important part of education for the young.,6 How did the Six Noble Arts benefit pupils?,They led to a balanced education payin

18、g attention to the moral,physical and intellectual development of the pupils,making them good,strong and knowledgeable.,Skimming,7 Why is the word gymnasium a common Western term for a school?,The use of the word stresses the broad view of education as consisting of a lot more than just book study.,

19、Sport in ancient Greece and China1 What do Greece and China have in common with each other,in both ancient and modern times?The two nations are separated by nearly 8,000 kilometres of mountains and desert,and in the past,there were no relations and hardly any communication between them.Yet both bear

20、 comparison with each other in the role of sport in their societies.,译文,MP3,Digging,2 It is true that in the ancient period,the Silk Road served as a channel of trade and cultural exchange between the East and West,which may have allowed an awareness of the ancient Olympic movement to pass from Gree

21、ce to China.Yet sport appears to play a more fundamental and deeply-rooted role in national culture and socio-political life in all social communities at all times.,MP3,Digging,3 In fact,the origins of the Olympic Games can be found in the frequent conflicts between the city-states of Greece.Every f

22、our years,it was agreed that the Olympic Games would act as a temporary ceasefire.But once the Games were over,fighting would resume.,译文,MP3,Digging,4 Yet historical research and studies in sociology suggest that sport is not simply a substitute for conflict.It seems that wherever there are human ac

23、tivities,there is sport.One reason for this is the need to keep fit for both survival and for amusement.From the time humans began to make tools from stone,they knew that greater physical strength would allow them to use the tools with greater efficiency.,译文,MP3,Digging,Running,swimming,jumping and

24、throwing were not simply skills which needed to be developed to catch more game and fish.They were enjoyable as well.In due course,these same skills were called into play not just in the Olympic Games but also in the sporting events which were held in China and elsewhere.For example,the skill of sho

25、oting with a bow and arrow appears in the myths of many nations.,译文,MP3,Digging,Odysseus was said to have killed rivals for his wifes attention with a bow and arrow.Similarly,during the Yao times,Hou Yi is said to have shot down nine of the ten suns in the sky which had burnt all the plants on Earth

26、.Thus,the origin of sport appears to lie in human instinct,and not in human invention.,译文,MP3,Digging,5 There are further similar features between sport in Greece,in China,and other nations.Sport was used as a form of military training,to improve an armys ability to beat the enemy with or without we

27、apons.In China this included fighting without weapons,horse racing,stone throwing,hunting,and swimming.,译文,MP3,Digging,During the Spring and Autumn Period,swimming pools were built and prizes were awarded to good swimmers among the water troops.Similar sports were also common in ancient Greece,espec

28、ially in Sparta,where military training was part of the formal education of both boys and girls.,译文,MP3,Digging,6 Sporting activities in both nations were often combined with dancing.Because of periods of bad weather,China was hit by rain and flooding.In order to relax stiff joints and muscles and t

29、o get rid of gloomy moods,people would dance vigorously.Military training in Sparta included dancing,and the ancient Olympic Games included dancing competitions.In the modern era,this form of movement and rhythm can be still seen in figure skating and gymnastics.,译文,MP3,Digging,7 Furthermore,in both

30、 ancient China and Greece,sport was integrated into the education system.During the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties,all places of learning taught traditional forms of fighting.Confucius was a fine athlete,highly skilled in shooting with a bow and arrow,fishing,hunting,and hill-climbing.He introduced th

31、e Six Noble Arts into education:music,ancient rituals,mathematics,handwriting,driving a horse-drawn vehicle and shooting with a bow,译文,MP3,Digging,all of which paid attention to the moral,physical and intellectual development of pupils.The Greek philosopher Plato advised that physical training and h

32、ealth education should be included in the school curriculum,alongside philosophy,music,literature and gymnastics.One common Western term for a school,gymnasium,comes from this broad view of education.,译文,MP3,Digging,译文,MP3,Digging,8 Sports in both ancient China and Greece were combined with military

33、 training,dancing and the whole educational system.So is it surprising that China should embrace modern Olympic ideals which were deeply rooted in ancient Greek society?,Background information,Main idea of the text,1.It is true that in the ancient period,the Silk Road served as a channel from Greece

34、 to China.Yet sport appears to play a more fundamental and deeplyrooted role at all times.(Para 2),Ancient China could have been influenced by ancient Greek ideas on sport with the help of the Silk Road.However,it is more probable that sport was important as a natural result of human activities and

35、played a key role in all aspects of human life.,Difficult sentences,Difficult sentences,2.In due course,these same skills were called into play not just in the Olympic Games(Line 13,Para 4),As time went by there were other sporting events other than the Olympic Games in China and other places,which

36、required people to show their running,swimming,jumping and throwing skills.,Difficult sentences,in due course:at some time in the future when it is the right time,but not beforee.g.Please wait I will give you the answers in due course.be called into play:to become useful,to be made good use of,to co

37、me into actione.g.In that dangerous situation all his experience and skill as a pilot were called into play.,Many aspects of sport arose before civilization;it shows that sport comes from mans basic nature and is not a product of culture.,Difficult sentences,3.Thus,the origin of sport appears to lie

38、 in human instinct,and not in human invention.(Line 23,Para 4),You might think it would be hard for China to understand the Olympic Games as they were the product of an entirely different culture,but the history of sport in China is very similar to that of sport in ancient Greece.So it is easy for C

39、hina to appreciate the ideas behind the Olympic Games.They are not new or strange.,Difficult sentences,4.So is it surprising that China should embrace modern Olympic ideals which were deeply rooted in ancient Greek society?(Line 3,Para 8),ancient,释义,a.relating to people who lived a very long time ag

40、o,and to their culture and way of life 古代的;古文化的,例句,They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.,他们认为古希腊和古罗马是知识的重要发源地。,翻译,Words,Last summer I visited Mexico City to see the ancient art in the museums there.(Jan.1993,CET-4,Listening comprehension),真题,例句,Nobody can tell just ho

41、w the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids.,没有人能确切地说出古代埃及人是怎样建造金字塔的。,翻译,exchange,释义1,n.C a situation in which people give each other information or discuss their ideas and opinions 交流,例句,Im going to go on an exchange visit to Paris.,我将到巴黎交流参观。,翻译,Words,真题,Adjusted for inflation,public funding for in

42、ternational exchanges and foreign-language study is well below the levels of 40 years ago.(Dec.2007,CET-4,Skimming and scanning),例句,Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.,经常的文化交流肯定有助于发展我们两校之间的友好关系。,翻译,exchange,释义2,vt.to give someone som

43、ething in return for something that they give you 交流;互换,例句,We still exchange gifts at Christmas.,我们依然在圣诞节时交换礼物。,翻译,Words,真题,During the marriage ceremony,the bride and her would-be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever.(Jun.2005,CET-4,Liste

44、ning comprehension),例句,At the end of the game players traditionally exchange shirts with each other.,按照传统,比赛结束时两队球员互换球衣。,翻译,fundamental,释义1,a.essential to the existence,development,or success of something 必不可少的;十分重要的,例句,Water is fundamental to survival.,水对于生存是必不可少的。,翻译,Words,Certainly,the biological

45、 link between parent and child is fundamental.(Jun.2003,CET-4,Reading comprehension),真题,例句,Competition is fundamental to keeping prices down.,竞争对于抑制价格来说必不可少。,翻译,fundamental,释义2,a.relating to the basic nature or character of something 基本的;根本的,例句,There is a fundamental flaw in his argument.,他的论点有个根本性的

46、漏洞。,翻译,Words,Demands for fundamental change were common throughout the labor press.(Jun.1996,CET-4,Reading comprehension),真题,例句,The fundamental problem lies in their inability to distinguish between reality and invention,最根本的问题在于他们不能分清现实和虚构。,翻译,释义,例句,These measures are only temporary.,这些措施只是暂时的。,翻译,

47、Words,a.existing,done,or used for only a limited period of time 暂时的,临时的;短期的,Mood may be defined as a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied to any circumstance.(Dec.2007,CET-4,Cloze),temporary,真题,例句,He afforded a temporary shelter for the needy.,他为穷人提供暂时的安身之

48、处。,翻译,resume,释义,v.to start something again after stopping temporarily(短暂停断后)重新开始,继续,例句,Well stop now and resume at 2 oclock.,我们要停下来了,两点钟再开始干。,翻译,Words,例句,翻译,We resumed our dinner after the interruption.,短暂的打断过后我们继续吃晚餐。,historical,释义1,a.connected with history as a subject of study 历史科学的,例句,He is writ

49、ing a historical novel about nineteenth-century France.,他正在写一本描写19世纪法国的历史小说。,翻译,Words,例句,She is engaged in historical research.,翻译,她从事历史研究。,historical,释义2,a.connected with history or the past 与历史(或过去)有关的;历史的,例句,The Abbey is a major historical monument.,威斯敏斯特大教堂是个重要的历史古迹。,翻译,Words,真题,The British cons

50、titution is to a large extent a product of the historical events described above.(Jun.2000,CET-4,Vocabulary and structure),The conflict needs to be put in its historical context to be understood.,必须把这场冲突置于当时的历史背景下加以理解。,例句,翻译,sociology,释义,n.U 社会学,例句,翻译,Words,例句,Sociology is an arts subject.,翻译,社会学是一门


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