1、The symbolic meaning of moon imagery in western culture,Women and beauty,Reproduction and life,Love and marriage,Harvest and perfection,Insanity and irrationality,Content,Ode to a Nightingale,Already with thee!tender is the night.And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne.Clustered around by all her
2、starry Fays.,the moon has become synonymous with a beautiful woman.,Women and beauty,Artemis is the king of the gods Zeus and night goddess Retos daughter.She can make women have more children,alleviate the suffering of their birth,and she is a protector of women and babies.,Reproduction and life,Wh
3、en the moon was overheaCome two young lovers lately wed,Love and marraige,夏洛特夫人,Harvest and perfection,The September full moon wins the title of Harvest Moon in the northern hemisphere.,insanity(精神错乱)and irrationality(无理性),The moon has a long association with insanity and irrationality;The word luna
4、cy and lunatic are derived from the Latin name for the moon,Luna.Philosophers such as Aristotle and Pliny the Elder argued that the full moon induced insanity in susceptible individuals,believing that the brain,which is mostly water,must be affected by the moon and its power over the tides,but the moons gravity is too slight to affect any single person.,people insist that admissions to psychiatric hospitals,traffic accidents,homicides or suicides increase during a full moon.,some people even believe that Werewolves will appear on the night of a full moon.,Thank you!,