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1、电力英语阅读,任 惠华北电力大学电力工程系(保定),1/5/2022,1,Power System Introduction,Power dispatching,voltage,current,active power,reactive power,status of circuit breakers,Status of protective relays,电力系统调度,1/5/2022,2,1/5/2022,3,1/5/2022,4,1/5/2022,5,1/5/2022,6,1/5/2022,7,Basics,DC/AC 直流/交流Voltage 电压Voltage level 电压等级1

2、10v,220v,380v,3kV,6kV,10kV,20kV,35kV110kV,220kV,330kV,500kV,750kV,1100kV Phase voltage 相电压,line voltage 线电压Active power(real power)有功功率Reactive power 无功功率,1/5/2022,8,Basics,1/5/2022,9,1/5/2022,10,Basics,GeneratorPower TransformerCircuit breakerProtective RelayDispatching system,1/5/2022,11,1/5/2022,

3、12,1/5/2022,13,1/5/2022,14,1/5/2022,15,1/5/2022,16,1/5/2022,17,燃煤机组,1/5/2022,18,Power Dispatching,Dispatching regulation on power system:issued in 1993 by State Council.Unified dispatching and hierarchical management:five levels.,国调,网调,省调,地调,县调,1/5/2022,19,1/5/2022,20,Power dispatching automation sy

4、stem(调度自动化系统).The task is providing to operators(调度员)all various kinds of real time information of power system,making management and dispatching decision to ensure safety and economical operation of power system.Sometimes it is also called EMS(Energy Management System)(能量管理系统),1/5/2022,21,EMS inclu

5、des the following power advanced software:Load Forecasting(负荷预测),Automated Generation Control(自动发电控制),State Estimation(状态估计),Transient Stability Analysis(暂态稳定分析),Optimal Power Flow(最优潮流),Dispatcher Training Simulator(调度员培训仿真系统)The basics of these advanced software is SCADA system.,1/5/2022,22,The ge

6、nerator voltages are in the range of 11 to 30kV;higher generator voltages are difficult to obtain because of insulation problems in the narrow confines of the generator stator.发电机机端电压范围在11kV至30kV之间。机端电压难以达到更高的原因是由于发电机定子的绝缘问题。,1/5/2022,23,Transformers are then used to step up the voltages to the rang

7、e of 110 to 765kV.由升压变压器将电压升至110kV至765kV。In California the backbone of the transmission system is composed mainly of 500kV,345kV,and 230kV three-phase lines.The voltages refer to voltages from line to line.加州的主干输电网由500kV、345kV和230kV的三相线路组成。上述电压指的是线电压。,1/5/2022,24,One reason for using high transmissi

8、on-line voltages is to improve energy transmission efficiency.Basically,transmission of a given amount of power(at specified power factor)requires a fixed product of voltage and line current.Lower line currents are associated with lower resistive losses(I2R)in the line.采用高输电线电压的原因之一是提高能量传输效率。基本上,当传输

9、一定的功率时(在给定功率因数下),电压和线路电流的乘积一定。降低电流相当于降低线路上的电阻性损耗。,1/5/2022,25,The primary objective of the interconnection is improved service reliability;a loss of generation in one area can be made up by utilizing spare capacity in another area.电网互联的主要目的是提高供电可靠性;一个区域损失的发电量可以由另外一个区域的剩余容量供给。,1/5/2022,26,Decision:Bu

10、ild or Upgrade City Substation城市变电站面临抉择:新建还是扩建Because many cities have experienced rapid growth,their substations have often reached the limits of their capacity.As a result,downtown distribution systems are often overworked and many need a major upgrade,overhaul,or expansion.However,space is scarce

11、.由于城市不断发展,许多城市变电站已经达到其负荷极限,许多配电站急需升级、检修或扩建,问题是空间不足。,1/5/2022,27,BC Hydro built Cathedral Square,a major 230/12 kV underground gas-insulated substation located 62 ft underground,in 1984.BC水电公司于1984年建造了这个位于地下62ft(英尺)的230/12kV气体绝缘地下变电站。It has three levels underground and an urban park above.It original

12、ly had a dozen 12kV feeders,but has since undergone several upgrades,including the addition of 24 feeders for a current total of 36.变电站建在地面以下,分为三层,地面上则是个公园,最初有12条12kV馈电线路,经过几次扩建增加了24条,目前共有36条馈电线路。,1/5/2022,28,Using some devices such as magnetic temperature indicators that measure differential temper

13、ature between load tap-changer(LTC)oil tanks and main transformer oil tanks,the utility has moved from an annual LTC breaker maintenance schedule to an as-needed schedule.由于使用了一些电磁温度指示器之类的装置来测量有载调压分接头油箱和主变压器邮箱之间的温差,这家电力公司不必像以前那样,每年都要进行LTC开关维修,而是根据需要随时进行维修。,1/5/2022,29,On-line monitoring information

14、is collected by the utility supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)system,and is then sent to the diagnostics program where the data are analyzed according to present parameters supplied by DP&L engineers and maintenance personnel.在线监测信息是由监控及数据采集系统收集的。信息输入诊断程序,然后根据由DP&L的工程师和维修人员预先设置好的参数进行数据分

15、析。,1/5/2022,30,On-line equipment monitoring is thought by many to be the next level of gathering and using system information.Moving from time-based preventive maintenance to condition-based maintenance requires information on the operational stress equipment is subject to.很多人认为在线设备监测是在手机利用系统信息的基础上进

16、行的。从原来的定期进行预防性检修到现在的状态维修,这一转变的关键就是一些主要运行设备的信息。,1/5/2022,31,参考资料,刘然,包兰宇,景志华.电力专业英语(第二版),中国电力出版社.Unit one:The production of electrical energy 电能生产A brief history of the power industry 能源工业简史Unit two:Generators and motors 发电机和电动机Electricity and electrical circuits 电与电路Unit three:Electrical energy trans

17、mission 电能输送Transformers 变压器,1/5/2022,32,Email:hrenN,Thanks!,1/5/2022,33,Importance of dispatching automation system,localized protective relay and automatic equipmentsProtective relays clear fault as quickly as possible.Exciter control maintains voltage quality and balances reactive power.Load shed

18、ding keeps frequency variation within acceptable range.Use local information.Can clear fault as quickly as possible.Limitation:without consideration of whole power system situation.Centralized dispatching automation systemUse information collected from power plants and substations under the charge o

19、f the dispatching center.,1/5/2022,34,练习,文章题目Research of the Effect for Relay Protection Based on STATCOM(西安交大硕士研究生)Effect of TCSC on Measured Impedance by Distance Relay Considering MOV Operation(伊朗大学),1/5/2022,35,摘要,This paper deals with the influence of the STATCOM to the relay protection.The fun

20、damental compensation principle,the main circuit and control strategies of STATCOM are all proposed.This paper presents the measured impedance by a distance relay in the presence of Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator(TCSC),one of the series connected FACTS device,on the protected transmission l

21、ine considering Metal Oxide Varistor(MOV)operation.,1/5/2022,36,The operation logic of the relay protective in distribution system with STATCOM is analyzed.Many research in the voltage regular and provides efficient damping of oscillations by STATCOM have been studied 23.They were focused on the the

22、ory and application of controller.It concluded that the effect related to the installed position of STATCOM.The shorter the distance,the greater will be impacted by the harmonics.,练习,1/5/2022,37,专业英语的语法特点,惯用时态。专业英语中多用动词的现在时,尤其是多用一般现在时,来叙述事实或真理,客观地表述定义、定律、定理方程式、公式、图标等。用一般过去式来介绍试验情况或叙述事物的历史发展经过等。用一般将来


24、日常英语相比,使用的长句较多。有时一个长句就是一个较长的段落。,1/5/2022,39,长句的翻译,翻译长句子时,必须分析清楚原文的结构关系,在理解原文内容的基础上,分清主次,按照时间概念和逻辑顺序重新按汉语习惯加以组合处理,译出的句子既要准确地表达原文,又要符合汉语的习惯。常用的译法有顺译法、倒译法、分译法。顺译法是基本上保留原文的语法结构,依照原文顺序译出。一般地,当原文的语法结构和时间顺序与汉语相同时,可采用顺译法。在翻译过程中,根据具体情况,可增加或省略有关连接词。例如:,1/5/2022,40,No such limitation is placed on an alternatin

25、g-current machine;here the only requirement is relative motion,and since a stationary armature and a rotating field system have numerous advantages,this arrangement is standard practice for all synchronous machines rated above a few kilovolt-amperes.交流发电机不受任何限制,惟一的要求是相对移动,而且由于固定电枢及旋转磁场系统具有许多优点,这种安排是

26、所有额定容量超过几千伏安的同步发电机的标准做法。,1/5/2022,41,顺译法例句(2),For large motors,therefore,a phase-winding rotor is used,with the winding connected at one end to each other and at the other end to slip-rings,thus enabling the resistance of the rotor to be varied at will,providing a greater starting torque and some sp

27、eed control.因此,对于大型电机来说,一般采用相绕组转子,其绕线的一端互相连接,而另一端接于轴的滑环上,这样,可随意改变转子的电阻,从而可提供更大的起动转矩,并可适当控制速度。,1/5/2022,42,倒译法,当原文结构层次与汉语相反时,要从英语原文的后面译起,自下而上,逆着原文的顺序翻译,称为倒译法。例如:The resistance of any length of a conducting wire is easily measured by finding the potential difference in volts between its ends when a kn

28、own current is flowing.已知导线中的电流,只要求出导线两端电位差的伏特数,就不难测出任何长度的导线的电阻。,1/5/2022,43,倒译法,Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonics,no matter how dirty and irregularly shaped they may be.各种机器零件无论多么脏,形状多么不规则,当它们用超声波处理后,就可以被洗得非常干净,甚至干净得

29、像新的零件一样。,1/5/2022,44,分译法,为了汉语表述的方便,可将原文的长句拆开来分别译出。当长句中的主句与从句或介词短语及分词短语等多修饰的词与词之间的关系不是很密切,并且各自具有相对的独立意义时,可分解成几个部分或意思层,然后再按时间顺序、逻辑顺序有机的组合在一起,还可以增减适当的词语以便断句之间的衔接。例如,可添加或利用原文中的总括性词语作为引语,而后分述各个部分;或先将某一短语和从句分出去单独译出,在利用总括性词语把它和主句联系到一起;或先译出原文的要点,再将次要部分作为补充说名译在后面。,1/5/2022,45,Pure science has been subdivided

30、 into the physical science,which deals with the facts and relations of the physical world,and the biological science,which investigate the history and working of life on this planet.理论科学分为自然科学和生物科学。前者研究自然界的各种事物和其相互关系,而后者则探讨地球上生物的发展历史和活动。(先要点,再补充说明),1/5/2022,46,The reason that a neutral body is attra

31、cted by a charged body is that,although the neutral body is neutral within itself,it is not neutral with respect to the charged body,and the two bodies act as if oppositely charged when brought near each other.虽然中性物体本身是不带电的,但对于带电体来说,它并非中性,当这两个物体彼此接近时,就会产生极性相反的电荷作用。这就是中性物体被电体吸引的原因。(先分述,再总结),1/5/2022,

32、47,树立质量法制观念、提高全员质量意识。23.1.923.1.9Monday,January 9,2023人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。18:50:2518:50:2518:501/9/2023 6:50:25 PM安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安全,常把弓弦绷。23.1.918:50:2518:50Jan-239-Jan-23加强交通建设管理,确保工程建设质量。18:50:2518:50:2518:50Monday,January 9,2023安全在于心细,事故出在麻痹。23.1.923.1.918:50:2518:50:25January 9,2023踏实肯干,努力奋斗。2023年1月

33、9日下午6时50分23.1.923.1.9追求至善凭技术开拓市场,凭管理增创效益,凭服务树立形象。2023年1月9日星期一下午6时50分25秒18:50:2523.1.9严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障。2023年1月下午6时50分23.1.918:50January 9,2023作业标准记得牢,驾轻就熟除烦恼。2023年1月9日星期一6时50分25秒18:50:259 January 2023好的事情马上就会到来,一切都是最好的安排。下午6时50分25秒下午6时50分18:50:2523.1.9一马当先,全员举绩,梅开二度,业绩保底。23.1.923.1.918:5018:50:2518:50:25Jan-23牢记安全之责,善谋安全之策,力务安全之实。2023年1月9日星期一6时50分25秒Monday,January 9,2023相信相信得力量。23.1.92023年1月9日星期一6时50分25秒23.1.9,谢谢大家!,


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