1、,traditional Chinese painting,along the river during the Qingming festival(清明上河图),Do you know what the painting is?,Riverside Scene During The Qingming Festival,It also can be translated.,or,The Qingming Festival By The Riverside,Position:Chinesetenmajorpaintingshandeddownfromtheancienttimes(中国十大传世名
2、画)anationaltreasure(国宝级文物)is collected inthePalaceMuseum,24.8cmwide,528.7cmlong,It captures the daily life of people from the Song dynasty at the capital,Bianjing,todays Kaifeng.The theme celebrates the festive spirit and worldly commotion at the Qingming Festival.,It describesthe lifestyle of all l
3、evels of the society from rich to poor as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city.,why it is famous?,because it has geometrically accurate images of boats,bridges,shops,and scenery.,it has been called Chinas Mona Lisa,the reason why I love it are.,1st,its name attract me,2n
4、d,im interested in the numerous characters and scenes.,morethan550differentcharacters inthefive-metersscroll.小商小贩,vendors and peddlers;街头卖艺者,jugglers;贫民和乞丐,paupers;游方和尚,monks,占卜算命者,fortune tellers and seers;旅馆老板,innkeepers;工匠,metalworkers and carpenters,morethan20vehicles(马车、轿子)morethan20shipsofdifferentsizes,who is the painter?,Zhang ze duan10851145,