人教版初中英语八年级英语下册全单元PPT课件Unit1 完整版.ppt

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1、Unit 1Whats the matter?,if you re happy and you know it clap your handsif you re happy and you know it clap your handsif you re happy and you know it never be afraid to show itif you re happy and you know itclap your handsif you re happy and you know it stomp your feetif you re happy and you know it

2、 stomp your feetif you re happy and you know it never be afraid to show itif you re happy and you know it stomp your feetIf you re happy and you know it,Shout Hurray!(Shout Hurray!),If you are happy,T:Ok,class,we know the body parts just now.They are in altogether in one family,but I want to tell yo

3、u that they cant friendly.They will have a fight sometimes.If you cant believe,lets watch the programe-Body fight.After the programe,ask the Ss:Now,do you know-Why do they fight?What are they fight for?Ss:Who is important?T:Good!Do you think who is the most important?And tell me the reason,Why?S1:Mo

4、uth,because I cant eat to live without it.T:What else can mouth do?S1:Drink,speak English,sing songs,talk with my friends S2:Ears,because I cant grab my pen without them.S3:Fingers,because I cant grab my pen without them.(as many as they can tell),Lets learn the parts of the body.,I have a sore back

5、.,I have a stomachache.,I have a toothache.,Whats the matter?,Explanation,1.Whats the matter?这是询问病人病情时最常用的问句,意思是“怎么了?”,其后通常与介词with 连用。类似的问句还有:Whats wrong?Whats wrong with you?Whats your trouble?Whats the trouble with you?Whats up?,Whats the matter?I have a fever.,4.Whats the matter with Amy?She has

6、a cold.(with 谁就问谁),问病症的几种句子,2.Whats the matter with you?I have a fever.,3.Whats the matter,Amy?I have a cold.(有逗号的,那个人就是自己),5.Whats the matter with her/him/it?She/He/It has a cold.(with 宾格,回答变主格),have a bad cold,have a high fever,严重的感冒,发高烧,be in a fever,在发烧,拓展提高:,1)matter n.问题,麻烦,事件,通常与 介词“with”连用。2

7、)wrong是形容词,前面没有“the”;matter和trouble都是名词,前面应有“the”,trouble前还可以用形容词性 的物主代词。Whats your trouble,young man?年轻人,你怎么了?,2.I have a sore throat.我喉咙痛。1)have vt.患(得)病,(不用于进行时态)He had a bad cold last week.他上周患了重感冒。She often has a stomachache.她常胃(肚子)疼。一般情况下用havean.表示患了某种疾病。如:(固定词组)咳嗽 have a cough 感冒 have a cold,

8、牙疼 have a toothache 胃疼 have a stomachache 发烧 have a fever,have a/has a如:I have a cold.She has a cold.I have a toothache.She has a toothache.I have a headache.She has a headache.4.Hurt 是受伤的意思,表示什么受伤。如:My leg hurts.His legs hurt.Her arm hurts.,2)sore“痛,疼”形容词,通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼,在表示身体的某部位疼痛时,常置于部位名词前。ache 名词后

9、缀常指持续性的疼痛,它常与身体部位的名词构成复合词.如:headache头痛,backache背疼等。,tooth+ache=toothache(牙痛),stomach+ache=stomachache(胃痛)Ear+ache=earache(耳朵痛)Heart+ache=heartache(心脏病),ache、sore和hurt 的区别:ache 是一个名词后缀,如:toothache,headache,stomachache;sore 是一个形容词,用来修饰名词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:sore back,sore throat hurt是一个动词,指“刺痛,使受伤痛”。如:He h

10、urts his leg.他伤了腿。还可以说“His leg hurts.”他腿疼。,注释一:,ache 这个单词本身就是一个单独的单词,表示“疼痛”的意思,与tooth、head等单词合在一起组成一个新的单词,这就叫做复合名词,发音为/eg/。,除此之外,我们以前还学过许多这样的单词,如:bedroom,snowman,watermelon,eggplant,newspaper等等都是复合名词。,注释二:,4.lie down and rest lie down 躺下 Dont lie down on the ground.不要躺在地上。与down有关的词组 sit down 坐下 come

11、 down 下来 get down 下车 write down 写下,记下,5.hot tea with honey 加蜜热茶1)hot adj.热的2)with 介词,意思是“有,用,同,由于,和一致,赞成,关于”,此句中是“有,带有”的意思。如:有四个口袋的外套 a coat with four pocket,.句型转换,1.You should write him a letter.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _do?2.I think you should finish your homework first.(改为否定句)_3.You are not as popular as you

12、r best friend.(改为同义句)Your best friend is _ _ than you.4.He has some money,too.(改为否定句)He _ _ _ money,_.,What should you,I dont think you should finish your homework first.,more popular,doesnt have any,either,.用所给动词的正确形式填空,1.You should _(go)to see a doctor.2.Mother asked me _(get)up early.3.They are _

13、(plan)how to spend the summer holiday.4.Lets _(try)our best to make our world more beautiful.5.He _(leave)his bag at school yesterday.,go,to get,planning,try,left,What should I do?What should she/he/they do?,See the doctor;Take some medicine;Drink hot water;Lie down and rest.,You should go to see a

14、doctor.你应该去看医生。should 应该做某事(提出建议)should 情态动词,没有人称和数的变化结构:should+动词原形否定:should not(shouldnt)+动词原形,should除了作 shall的过去式外,还表示”应该,应当”,后加动词原形,可用于各种人称。它比 must 委婉,用来表示向对方提出建议和忠告,或者表示某种义务或责任。其否定式为 shouldnt。变为一般疑问句时should提到主语的前面。,例如:We should study hard.我们应该努力学习。We shouldnt listen to music in class.我们不应当课上听音乐

15、。,第三人称单数知识扩充:一、人称代词he,she,it是第三人称单数。如:He likes watching TV.他喜欢看电视。It looks like a cat.它看起来像只猫。二、单个人名、地名或称呼作主语;是第三人称单数。如:Han Mei looks like her mother.韩梅看起来像她的母亲。Beijing is in China.北京在中国。Uncle Wang often makes cakes.王叔叔经常做蛋糕。三、单数可数名词或“this/that/the+单数可数名词”作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:A horse is a useful animal.马是

16、有用的动物。This book is yours.这本书是你的。That car is red.那辆小汽车是红色的。The cat is Lucys.这只猫是露茜的。,四、不定代词someone,somebody,nobody,everything,something等及指示代词this,that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:Everyone is here.大家到齐了。There is something wrong with the watch.这块手表有毛病。This is a pen.这是一支钢笔。That is an eraser.那是一块橡皮擦。,五、不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单

17、数。如:The milk is in the glass.牛奶在玻璃杯里。The bread is very small.那面包很小。六、当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。如:“6”is a lucky number.“6”是个吉利数字。“I”is a letter.“I”是个字母。,Language points,After losing his arm,he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place.失去手臂之后,他写了一本名为生死两难的书。“Between a Rock and a Hard Place 是一本书的书 名

18、,可译作生死两难。其本身是英语中的 一个固定习语,表示在艰难或危险的处境下“从两难中进行选择”,意为“左右为难;进退两难”,E.g.:Who will you save when your mother and your wife fall into the water?For many people,its between a rock and a hard place.当你放入母亲和妻子同时落水,你会救谁?对很多人说这是一个两难的问题。,2.This means being in a difficult situation thatyou cannot seem to get out of

19、.他的意思是“处于一个你似乎无法摆脱的困境中”。1)此处mean 表示“意思是;意为”,用来解释上句出现在书名中的习语的意思。再如:What do you mean?你的意思是什么?此外,mean 还可以表示“意味着”的意思。如:before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.在我们不得不做出可能意味着生死的决定之前,2)a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of 和a decision that could mean life or death

20、 均为定语从句。在前者中,从句that you cannot seem to get out of 修饰名词situation;在后者中,从句that could mean life or death 修饰decision。,练习:,请根据提示做题。1、My brothers leg _.(受伤)2、Kevins ears _.(受伤)3、I_ my arms.(受伤)4、The boys finger is _.(受伤)5、Lilys shoulder _.(受伤)6、I have a earache.(就划线部分提问)_7、My teeth are sore.(写出这个句子的同义句)_,h

21、urts,hurt,hurt,sore,hurt,Whats the matter with you?,Whats the wrong with you?,I have a toothache.,My teeth hurt.,小小美容师,1、the whats matter(?)Whats the matter?2、is sore throat my(.)My throat is sore.3、hurts nose my(.)My nose hurts.,4、Whats matter?Whats the matter?5、My throat are sore.My throat is nose

22、.6、My nose hurt.My nose hurts.,1.should,he,bed,to,go,early 2.have,you,do,throat,sore,a,.连词成句,He should go to bed early.,Do you have a sore throat?,3.should,to,healthy,you,exercise,stay 4.shouldnt,she,tired,when,study,she,is5.Sonia,shouldnt,party,tonight,to,go,the,certainly,You should exercise to sta

23、y healthy.,She shouldnt study when she is tired.,Sonia certainly shouldnt go to the party tonight.,.Fill in the blanks.,1.The old woman feels _(疲劳)after a long walk.2.His son has a _(头疼).3.I have a _ _(嗓子疼),so I cant speak a word.4.I brush my _(牙)twice a day.5.The little boy eats too much,he has a _

24、(肚子疼).,tired,headache,sore throat,teeth,stomachache,1.感冒_ 2.牙痛_3.背痛_4.发烧_5.躺下 _6.看医生_,have a cold,have a toothache,have a backache,have a fever,see a doctor,lie down,.翻译词组,7.紧张的,有压力的8.感觉疲惫9.保持健康10.此刻,现在11.另一方面 12.使某人不舒服(患病)13.嗓子痛,stressed out,get tired,stay healthy,at the moment,on the other hand,ha

25、ve a sore throat,make sb sick,1.Whats the matter _ you?A.for B.withC.to2.Your body temperature is 39。C.You _.A.have a coldB.have a headache C.have a fever3.I have a toothache.I should _.A.see the dentist B.drink more water C.lie down and rest,.单项选择,B,C,A,4.If you are stressed out and angry you shoul

26、d eat more _.A.yin foods B.hot yang foods C.Huang Qi herbs5.Eating too _ is bad for your health.A.many B.lessC.much6.Bill should _ because he is very thirsty.A.go to bed B.eat food C.drink water,A,C,C,Homework,根据提示给你的英语老师写一张请假条。Have a fever;doctor told me to stay in bed for two dayscant go to school

27、 today;tomorrow;hope Get well;very soon;thank you,Dear Miss Lin,Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today._ So I need to ask for three days leave from school.Thank you!Yours sincerely,Li Ming,1.Whats _?Ive got a headache.A.the wrong B.the mater C.trouble D.matter 2.Lucy has a toothache.She

28、 should _.A.go to the movies B.go to the aquarium C.go to see the dentist D.go sightseeing3.If you have a sore throat,you should drink some hot tea _ some honey.A.with B.in C.on D.has,B,A,C,I.单项选择,4.Im a little _.I want to drink something.A.hungry B.thirsty C.tired D.angry5.We should _ a balanced di

29、et.A.eat B.to eat C.eats D.eating6.If Jim is tired,he should _.A.have a good rest B.drink hot water C.see a dentist D.exercise much,A,B,A,at,dont,very,moment,the,feel,well,I 2.the,whats,your,pet,matter,little,with3.very,study,sometimes,3 am,until,late,I,I dont feel very well at the moment.,Whats the

30、 matter with your little pet?,I study very late,sometimes until 3 am.,.连词成句,4.had,lie,you,and,when,better,have,rest,you,down,are,tired,a5.that,to,sorry,Im,hear,Youd better lie down and have a rest when you are tired.,Im sorry to hear that.,.选词填空,see a dentist have some drinks,has got a fever listen

31、to music early late,1.If you are stressed out,you should stop working and try to _.2.Are you thirsty?Yes,I want to _.,have some drinks,listen to music,3.My friends has got a toothache,so I tell her to _.4.Its good to sleep _ and get up _ in the morning.5.Mr.Green doesnt feel well.He _.,early,early,h

32、as got a fever,see a dentist,.句型转换,1.She feels tired.(就划线部分提问)_ _ she _?2.He has a sore back.(改成一般疑问句)_ he _ a sore back?3.You should eat more meat.(改成否定句)You _ eat more meat.,How does,feel,Does,have,shouldnt,4.She will stay in Shenzhen for nearly three months.(对划线部分提问)_ _ will she stay in Shenzhen?

33、5.I have a pain in my head.(改成同义句)I _ _ _.,How long,have a headache,.翻译句子 1.牛奶能帮助你保持健康的身体。Milk can _ you _have a healthy body.2.我爸爸告诉我好好学习英语。My father _ me _ study English well.3.我妈妈说我应该晚饭尽量少吃肉。My mom said that I should _ _ eat less meat for dinner.,helpto,tells to,try to,4.不要太疲劳,不然会使你生病的。Dont _ too tired or it will _ you sick.5.我相信每天晚上8个小时的睡眠很重要。I _ that its _ _sleep 8 hours each night.,be,important to,believe,make,Do you know?,sick ward(病房),blood,cough,have an earache,have a stomachache,Thank You!,


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