1、,第一册Unit9Savingtheearth正式版课件,第一册Unit9Savingtheearth正式版课件,Desert near the Dunhuang Cave,What beautiful pictures,but what a terrible scene in the future if we do nothing to stop it!,Buddhist Cave Art In Dunhuang,第一册Unit9Savingtheearth正式版课件,These satellite images show the same section of a Brazilian ra
2、in forest found along the Amazon river taken in 1975,left,1986,center,and 1992,right.Over a 17-year period,among the human activities leading to this widespread deforestation are commercial logging,agriculture,mining,and oil exploration as well as small-scale activities,such as slash-and-burn agricu
3、lture,charcoal production,and firewood collection.Fire is used as the primary means to clear forests for agriculture and development,a dangerous method that frequently escapes control and destroys large areas of forest.,Satellite Images of Deforestation,These satellite images show th,Clear-cut Fores
4、t,Malaysia,Logging is an important industry in many parts of Asia,particularly in Southeast Asia.However,there is growing concern about the environmental effects of deforestation,caused by clear-cutting trees from large tracts of land.This rain forest was cleared in Sabah state in Malaysia.,Clear-cu
5、t Forest,Mal,Industrial Smokestacks,Carbon dioxide(二氧化碳硫),sulfur dioxide(二氧化硫),and other types of contaminants pouring from industrial smokestacks(烟囱)contribute largely to the worlds atmospheric pollution.Carbon dioxide contributes significantly to global warming,while sulfur dioxide emissions are t
6、he principal cause of acid rain in the northeastern United States,southeastern Canada,and eastern Europe.,Industrial Smokestacks C,Gas sent out by cars contains unburned hydrocarbons(碳氢),particulates(微粒),carbon dioxide(二氧化碳),and oxides of nitrogen(氮化合物)and sulfur(硫)that contribute to acid rain,smog,
7、global warming and the cause of the greenhouse effect,a phenomenon thought to be responsible for rising global temperatures.,Traffic Pollution Gas sent ou,From air to water,exhaust=send out,atmospheric moisture 水气 sulfurous 硫,nitric氮,carbonic 碳,acid 酸性物,sparse foliage 稀少的树叶,photosynthesis 光合作用,ecosy
8、stem 生态系统,organism 有机物,From air to waterexhaust,On April 26,1986,one of the nuclear reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine went off,sending out about 100 to 150 million curies(居里)of radiation into the atmosphere.In the following weeks,clean-up people worked to control the damage an
9、d reduce emissions(放射)from the radioactive debris(放射性残骸).,Chernobyl Decontamination Effort(切尔络贝利的清污行动),On April 26,1986,one of the,The Bhopal Disaster,On the night of Dec.23,1984,40 tons of deadly poisonous gases began leaking from Union Carbide Corporations pesticide factory in Bhopal,India.Nobody
10、outside the factory was warned.Over 20,000 died and today more than 120,000 people are still in need of urgent medical attention.,The Bhopal DisasterOn the nigh,The pollution of rivers and streams with chemical wastes has become one of the most serious environmental problems of the 21th century.Chem
11、ical pollution entering rivers and streams comes from factories,outfall pipes,or from runoff from agricultural or mining operations.Its said that each year around 10 million people die worldwide from drinking polluted water.,Polluted River in the United K,Industrial water pollution,Industrial water
12、pollution,the Mediterranean Sea,The Suez Canal,Strait of Gibraltar,the Mediterranean Sea Th,Black Forest in Germany,The Black Forest is a wooded mountain region located in southwestern Germany.Its name derives from the large stands of fir trees that are found on its upper slopes.Although the area is
13、 a favorite spot for recreational activities such as hiking,air pollution has caused major problems.It is estimated that more than half the trees in the Black Forest have been damaged as a result of acid rain.,Black Forest in G,Lake Baikal in Russia,Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake in the
14、world and the third largest lake in Asia.A large variety of plant and animal life is found in its clear waters.Many rivers,as well as more than 300 mountain streams,feed into the lake.,Lake Baikal in,Workers wash the shoreline on Latouche Island,Alaska,after the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground i
15、n 1989,dumping more than 38 million liters(more than 10 million gallons)of oil into Prince William Sound.,Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Alas,Waste water treatment,Waste water treatment,Pest control or pollution?,Pest control or pollution?,Sound intensities 声音的强度,Sound intensities 声音的强度,The Plateosaurus,
16、the largest dinosaur of its day(about 231 million to 213 million years before present,The Plateosaurus,the largest,The Velociraptor was a medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur that lived in Asia about 144 million years ago,The Velociraptor was a medium-,The pterosaurs were the first noninsect animals to
17、 develop flapping flight.,The pterosaurs were the first,Bengal tigers,Bengal tigers,Endangered Siberian tigers,Endangered Siberian tigers,Sturgeon 鲟鱼,Sturgeon 鲟鱼,江苏镇江一渔民两次放生中华鲟,江苏镇江一渔民两次放生中华鲟,Dolphins,Dolphins,White Fin Dolphin(1),White Fin Dolphin(1),White Fin Dolphin(2),White Fin Dolphin(2),Chines
18、e Alligator,Chinese Alligator,Chinese Alligator,Chinese Alligator,The fate of the Chinese Alligators are in our hands 扬子鳄未来的命运掌握在人的手里,The fate of the Chinese Alliga,Giant Panda,Giant Panda,诗歌是一种忧郁的媒体,而诗人的使命是孤独的。垂下的头颅只是为了让思想扬起,你若有一个不屈的灵魂,脚下就会有一片坚实的土地。只要春天还在我就不会悲哀纵使黑夜吞噬了一切太阳还可以重新回来只要生命还在我就不会悲哀纵使陷身茫茫沙漠
19、还有希望的绿洲存在只要明天还在我就不会悲哀冬雪终会悄悄融化春雷定将滚滚而来 我和这个世界不熟。这并非是我安静的原因。我依旧有很多问题,问南方,问故里,问希望,问距离。我和这个世界不熟。这并非是我绝望的原因。我依旧有很多热情,给分开,给死亡,给昨天,给安寂。我和这个世界不熟。这并非是我虚假的原因。我依旧有很多真诚,离不开,放不下,活下去,爱得起。我和这个世界不熟。这并非是我孤寂的原因。我依旧有很多诉求,需慰藉,待分享,惹心烦,告诉你。我和这个世界不熟。这并非是我冷漠的原因。我依旧有很多动情,为时间,为白为天黑,畏天命。那时我们有梦,一切都是命运,一切都是烟云一切都是没有结局的开始,一切都是稍纵即
21、似锦,也目睹了大树凋零。我们都是很相似的树叶,因为人生就是这样,生老病死是谁都要经过的。如果你是条船,漂泊就是你的命运,可别靠岸。谁校对时间 谁就会突然老去 虽生犹死的寂寞让生命都凋零了人总要慢慢成熟,将这个浮华的世界看得更清楚,看穿伪装的真实,看清隐匿的虚假,很多原本相信的事便不再相信。但是,要相信,这个世界里美好总要多过阴暗,欢乐总要多过苦难,还有很多事,值得你一如既往的相信。人生不能像做菜,把所有的料都准备好了才下锅 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证高尚是高尚者的墓志铭 早上,灿亮的阳光扑进来,他还睡着。我打开窗帘,看窗外那一片平凡而现实的风景。心想,在平凡和现实里,也必有巨大的美的可能吧。那时我们
22、还年轻。穿过残垣断壁苍松古柏,我们来到山崖上。沐浴着夕阳,心静如水,我们向云雾飘荡的远方眺望。其实啥也看不到,生活的悲欢离合远在地平线以外,而眺望是一种青春的姿态。才子当然心里冰雪般的透彻:有些事,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路啊,只能一个人走。不必向我诉说春天我的心里并没有秋寒不必向我解释色彩我的眼里自有一片湛我叹世事多变幻世事望我却依然 我和这个世界不熟。这并非是我逃避的原因。我依旧有很多憧憬,对梦想,对记忆,对失败,对希冀。我和这个世界不熟。这并非是我卑微的原因。我依旧有很多勇敢,不信输,不信神,不信天,不信地。我和这个世界不熟。这并非是我失落的原因。我依旧有很多高昂,有存在
23、,有价值,有独特,有意义。说实话离开故乡久了,家的概念变得混乱。有时我在他乡的天空下开车,会突然感到纳闷:我在哪儿?这就是我家吗?我家,在不同的路标之间。这世界上唯一扛的住岁月摧残的就是才华。1、垂下的头颅只是为了让思想扬起,你若有一个不屈的灵魂,脚下就会有一片坚实的土地。曾几何时,我们做了世上那最柔情的人,为一朵花低眉,为一朵云驻足,为一滴雨感动长的是磨难,短的是人生 生命之所以有意义是因为它会停止。生命可以随心所欲,但不能随波逐流。如果出现了绝壁,那么就越过它,就能把绝壁变成桥了一曲终了,繁花散尽,伊人已逝,只余一声空叹。欲戴王冠,必承其重。有时候,同样的一件事情,我们可以去安慰别人,却说
24、服不了自己。行到水穷处,坐看云起时。所谓的王,乃最贪婪,最豪爽,最易怒之人。且清且浊,追求极致人生。为臣者,因之而仰慕,追随其左右。因此,臣民才会有称王之志,追寻自己的理想。这个世界其实从不曾有一个人能取代另一个人的位置,所谓的取代,只是以前的那个人被遗忘面对大河我无限惭愧我年华虚度 空有一身疲倦和所有以梦为马的诗人一样岁月易逝 一滴不剩你穷,是因为你没有野心 见了他,她变得很低很低,低到尘埃里。但她心里是欢喜的,从尘埃里开出花来。如果你是鱼 不要迷恋天空如果你是鸟 不要痴情海洋 世界上的事情,最忌讳的就是个十全十美,你看那天上的月亮,,诗歌是一种忧郁的媒体,而诗人的使命是孤独的。垂下的头颅只是为,