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1、Uinit1 Can you play the guitar?,重点知识点,一、情态动词,表示说话者对某一个动作或状态所持的某种态度。用法:1,情态动词不能单独作谓语,接动词原形。Eg:I can swim.2,无人称、单复数的变化。(have to 除外)Eg:I can swim.He can swim.They can swim.3,否定形式,直接在情态动词后加not。Eg:can not=cant must not=mustnt 4,一般疑问句形式,将情态动词置于句首。Eg:Can you swim?Yes,I can.No,I cant.,二,Can的用法,1,主语做某事的能力,译为

2、“能,会”。Eg:He can play the guitar.2,否定式在can后加not,缩写cant。Eg:He cant play the guitar.3,一般疑问句形式,将can放在句首。Eg:Can he play the guitar?Yes,he can.No,he cant.4,特殊疑问句形式,特殊疑问词+canEg:What can he do?5,can的一般疑问句形式还可以表示“请求”或“要求给予许可”Eg:a.Can you look after my cat?b.Can I paly football here?,三,本单元重点单词,1,swim,dance,wr

3、ite注意拼写。swimming,dancing,writing2,say/speak/tell/talk a.say 说(强调说话内容)The teacher says its useful.b.speak vt.+语言 speak English vi.说(发音的动作)Can you baby speak?c.tell 告诉,讲诉 tell stories/jokes tell sb.sth.=tell sth.to sb.d.talk vi 说话 可与speak交换 除了talk on the phone 常用介词 talk to/with sb.与某人交谈 about sb.谈论某人,

4、3,Want vt.想要 want(sb.)to do sth.想要(sb.)做某事。wanted adj.被征集的,被通缉的。Music teacher wanted.音乐老师招聘 4,Join vt.参加,加入(重点指加入某种社团或组织,成为其中一员)Join the club/Party/League/NBA/army Jion sb.加入某人 Come and jion us.a.take part in 参加(某一项活动)Eg:I take part in the sports meeting.b.go/come to+活动 去/来参加某项活动 Eg:Come to my birth

5、day party.Go to the concert.c.in 参加 Eg:be in the school festival.,5,also/too adv.也a.too句末,用于肯定句或者疑问句中。Eg:Nice to meet you,too.Do you have a volleyball,too?b.also 句中,be动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前。Eg:She is also 12.He can also draw.She also likes fruit.6,people n 人 集合名词。表示复数概念,无论何时做主语谓语都用复数。Eg:Two people are in

6、the room.Old people young people 7,story n 变复数 storise,8,teach v教 teacher n.教师 a.teach sb.sth.I teach them English.sth.to sb.I teach English to them.b.teach sb to do sth.He teaches you to learn English.9,show n.节目 we want students for the school show.v.展示;给看 show sb.Sth.show me your book sth.to sb.s

7、how your new book to me 10,make v 使成为,制造 使义动词(使成为或发生)make sb do sth 实义动词(制作)make a birthday card,四、重点词组,1,play the guitar paly chess play the+乐器 play+球类/棋类/games2,(1)be good at 擅长,在某方便做得好。可与very well句型互换。Eg:She is good at English.She is good at speaking English=She speaks English very well.(2)be goo

8、d with sb.善于对付sb.sth.会灵活运用sth.Eg:The boy is good with children.Mr.Zhang is good with his hand.be good to sb.对某人好,4,Help sb.with sth.在某方面帮助某人。Eg:Can you help me with English?He helps his mom with housework.help with sth.帮助 Exercise can help with the problem.5,make friends 交朋友 Eg:He likes to make frie

9、nds with young people.make friends with English speaking people.6,like to do doing,五、重点句,1,what about?怎么样?与how about?同义。What about taking a walk after dinner?晚饭后去散步怎么样?2,and/but/or 前后两个句子都是并列关系。and 而且 和 并 又,but 但是(转折关系)Or 否则 或者(选择关系)也不(用于否定句)Or 出现在选择疑问句时,选择什么回答什么。Eg:Which city is bigger,Beijing or Shanghai?Being.,


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