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1、,供 应 链 战 略,Operations Management运 营 管 理,供 应 链 战 略Operations Management,Chapter 8 Supply-Chain Strategy 第8章 供应链战略,Supply-Chain Management Defined 供应链管理的定义Measuring Supply-Chain Performance 供应链绩效的测量Bullwhip Effect 长鞭(牛鞭)效应Outsourcing Defined 外源(外包)的定义Value Density Defined 价值密度的定义Mass Customization Def

2、ined 大规模定制(顾客化大量生产)的定义,Chapter 8 Supply-Chain Strate,What is Supply-Chain Management?Defined 什么是供应链管理?(定义),Supply-chain is a term that describes how organizations(suppliers,manufacturers,distributors,and customers)are linked together.供应链是一个描述许多组织(供应商、制造商、销售商和顾客)被链接在一起的术语Supply-chain management is a

3、total system approach to managing the entire flow of information,materials,and services from raw-material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customer.供应链管理就是管理始于原料供应商,经由制造厂和仓库,终于最终顾客的完整的信息流、物料流和服务流的一种系统总体方法,What is Supply-Chain Managemen,()Formulas for Measuri,Example of Measuring

4、 Supply-Ch,Example of Measuring Supply-Chain Performance(Continued)测量供应链绩效的例题(续),Inventory Turnover=Cost of goods sold/Average aggregate inventory value=$160/$35=4.57库存周转率=售出商品的成本/平均库存总值=160/35=4.57 Since the company is used to an inventory turnover of 10,a drop to 4.57 means that the inventory is n

5、ot turning over as quickly as it had in the past.Without knowing the industry average of turns for this company it is not possible to comment on how they are competitively doing in the industry.由于该公司的库存周转率往年是10,这年降低至4.57,则意味着它的库存周转没有以往那么快。如果不知道这家公司所在行业的平均周转率,是不可能评论它在行业中有多少竞争力的。,Example of Measuring

6、Supply-Ch,Bullwhip Effect 长鞭效应Ord,Matching Supply-Chains with Products 供应链与产品的匹配,Efficient Supply-Chain效率型供应链,Responsive Supply-Chain反应式供应链,Functional Products功能型产品,Innovative Products革新型产品,Match匹配,Mismatch失配,Match匹配,Mismatch失配,Matching Supply-Chains with Pr,What is Outsourcing?Defined 外源(外包)定义,Outs

7、ourcing is defined as the act of moving a firms internal activities and decision responsibility to outside providers.外源(包)就是一个公司把内部的一些活动和决策的职责移交给外部供应者的行为,What is Outsourcing?Defined,Reasons to Outsource 外源(外包)的原因,Organizationally-driven 组织动因Improvement-driven 改进动因Financially-driven 财务动因Revenue-drive

8、n 收益动因Cost-driven 成本动因Employee-driven 雇员动因,Reasons to Outsource 外源(外包)的原,Value Density Defined 价值密度 定义,Value density is defined as the value of an item per pound of weight.价值密度被定义为每磅物品的价值It is used as an important measure when deciding where items should be stocked geographically and how they should

9、 be shipped.当决定物品应当库存在何地和应当如何发货的时候,它是一种重要的测评方法,Value Density Defined 价值密度,Mass Customization Defined 大规模定制(顾客化大量生产)定义,Mass customization is a term used to describe the ability of a company to deliver highly customized products and services to different customers.大规模定制是用来描述一家公司针对各种不同的顾客提供高度顾客化产品和服务的能

10、力的术语The key to mass customization is effectively postponing the tasks of differentiating a product for a specific customer until the latest possible point in the supply-chain network.大规模定制的关键在于对生产各特定顾客产品时的作业加以区分,把其中不同的部分,有效地推迟至供应链网络中尽可能靠后的一个点,Mass Customization Defined 大,Electronic Commerce and E-Op

11、s Defined 电子商务与电子运营 定义,Electronic commerce(EC)is defined as“the use of computer applications communicated over networks to allow buyers and sellers to complete a transaction or part of a transaction”.电子商务的定义是,“利用遍布于通信网络中的电脑让买方和卖方完成交易或部分交易”。E-Ops is a term that refers to the application of the Intern

12、et and its attendant technologies to the field of operations management.电子运营是一个关于应用因特网及其伴随技术于运营管理领域的术语。,Electronic Commerce and E-Ops,Traditional vs.Electronic Com,The Context of E-Ops 电子运营的组织结,Business Web Models 商务网络模型B-W,E-Ops Applications 电子运营的应用,Supply-Chain Management 供应链管理Project Management 项目管理Product and Process Design 产品和过程设计Purchasing 采购Manufacturing Processes 制造工艺Inventory Management 库存管理Quality Management 质量管理Forecasting 预测Operations Scheduling 作业排序Reengineering and Consulting 再造与咨询,E-Ops Applications 电子运营的应用Sup,第八章供应链战略18张课件,


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