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1、,必修二 Unit 3 On the move(5)高一年级 英语,必修二 Unit 3 On the move(5)高一年,Developing ideas:Writing a sports story,Developing ideas:,Learning objectives,To summerize how to write a sports story from sample articleTo write your own sports story,Learning objectivesTo summeriz,What kind of sports do you take part

2、in?Why do you like this sport?What benefits can this sport bring to you?,Free talkRecommend a sport,What kind of sports do you tak,Among all kinds of sports,basketball is my favorite.When I was young,my father taught me how to play basketball.It is really fun and it brings me lots of happiness.I fel

3、l in love with this game ever since.Now I am a member of our school team.I often play basketball for about an hour after school or on weekends.When I play basketball,I always forget my worries.I think it is a good way of keeping healthy and make friends,too.I do recommend this sport.I hope we can pl

4、ay together.,Among all kinds of sports,bas,Read the notice and post and answer the questions.,Notice布告,通知,Post(在网站)发布,发表,Read the notice and post and a,Stories wanted!This new global site is a place for sports lovers to share their stories.We are looking for stories to inspire our readers.Do you wan

5、t to share your story?Send it to us right now!,Stories wanted!,I was so proud when my team won the ice hockey competition.It made me feel like I could achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was terrified of walking or skating on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club.My teacher was

6、great and before I knew it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.,I was so proud when my,I loved it and was soon practising with my local team almost every evening.Were now training for national competitions and hope to be champions one day,but my ultimate goal is to be an ice ho

7、ckey teacher and help people learn to play this game.,I loved it and was soon practi,1.What kind of stories does the website want?2.Why is the website looking for stories?,Answer the questions.,1.What kind of stories does t,Stories wanted!This new global site is a place for sports lovers to share th

8、eir stories.We are looking for stories to inspire our readers.Do you want to share your story?Send it to us right now!,Stories wanted!,1.What kind of stories does the website want?2.Why is the website looking for stories?,The website wants sports lovers stories from all over the world.,Answer the qu

9、estions.,1.What kind of stories does t,Stories wanted!This new global site is a place for sports lovers to share their stories.We are looking for stories to inspire our readers.Do you want to share your story?Send it to us right now!,Stories wanted!,1.What kind of stories does the website want?2.Why

10、 is the website looking for stories?,The website wants sports lovers stories from all over the world.,Because it wants to inspire its readers.,Answer the questions.,Theme,1.What kind of stories does t,3.What information is included in Nicks story?,3.What information is include,I was so proud when my

11、 team won the ice hockey competition.It made me feel like I could achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was terrified of walking or skating on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club.My teacher was great and before I knew it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.

12、,How Nick felt about the sport,How Nick got started,Sport,I was so proud when my,I loved it and was soon practising with my local team almost every evening.Were now training for national competitions and hope to be champions one day,but my ultimate goal is to be an ice hockey teacher and help people

13、 learn to play this game.,What Nick has done to improve,What Nick hopes to achieve,I loved it and was soon practi,3.What information is included in Nicks story?,The information included in Nicks story is:what kind of sport Nick plays,how he got started with the sport,how he felt about the sport,what

14、 hes done to improve,and what he hopes to achieve in the future.,3.What information is include,写作内容,The information included in a sports story:What kind of sport do you play?How did you get started with the sport?How do you feel about the sport?What have you done to get improved?What do you hope to

15、achieve in the future?,写作内容The information included i,写作文体,本文的语篇类型为记叙文(narration),文章介绍了作者(Nick)从不会滑冰到加入冰球队并志在夺取全国比赛冠军的故事。,写作文体 本文的语篇类型为记叙文(narratio,Themeinspire readers,Themeinspire readers,写作特点,作者在文章中先写出自己对所喜爱的运动的整体感受,然后笔锋一转时间回到三年前,从头记述自己是如何喜欢上这项运动并一步步取得进步的。这种记述方式属于倒叙法。(flashback,to start from the

16、middle or even the end of the story with the event that is most important or most likely to arouse the readers interest,and then go back to the beginning.),写作特点 作者在文章中先写出自己对所喜爱的运动,本单元的写作任务是写一篇自己喜欢的运动故事,文章主体时态通常采用一般现在时,但也需根据实际情况采用适当的时态。在介绍自己喜欢的运动时,宜采用“总分总”的结构,介绍某项运动的发展史和某个体育明星时可以采用时间顺序,介绍奥运场馆和举办城市时可采

17、用空间顺序。在行文时,应使用恰当的过渡词汇,使各要点之间成为一个有机的整体。,写作结构,本单元的写作任务是写一篇自己喜欢的运动故事,文章主体,Stories wanted!This new global site is a place for sports lovers to share their stories.We are looking for stories to inspire our readers.Do you want to share your story?Send it to us right now!,全球的,全球性的,Stories wanted!全球的,全球性的,S

18、tories wanted!This new global site is a place for sports lovers to share their stories.We are looking for stories to inspire our readers.Do you want to share your story?Send it to us right now!,体育爱好者分享自己故事的地方,Stories wanted!体育爱好者分享自己故事的地方,Stories wanted!This new global site is a place for sports lov

19、ers to share their stories.We are looking for stories to inspire our readers.Do you want to share your story?Send it to us right now!,寻找征集,Stories wanted!寻找征集,Stories wanted!This new global site is a place for sports lovers to share their stories.We are looking for stories to inspire our readers.Do

20、you want to share your story?Send it to us right now!,启发读者,Stories wanted!启发读者,I was so proud when my team won the ice hockey competition.It made me feel like I could achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was terrified of walking or skating on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club

21、.My teacher was great and before I knew it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.,当我的球队赢得冰球比赛时,我很自豪。be proud of/to do 以为自豪,I was so proud when my,I was so proud when my team won the ice hockey competition.It made me feel like I could achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was te

22、rrified of walking or skating on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club.My teacher was great and before I knew it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.,我觉得我能做任何事。feel like 感觉,认为;achieve 获得,实现。,I was so proud when my,I was so proud when my team won the ice hockey

23、competition.It made me feel like I could achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was terrified of walking or skating on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club.My teacher was great and before I knew it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.,就在三年前,我还很害怕在冰上行走或滑冰。be t

24、errified of 对感到惊恐,I was so proud when my,I was so proud when my team won the ice hockey competition.It made me feel like I could achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was terrified of walking or skating on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club.My teacher was great and before I kne

25、w it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.,为了应对这件事,我决定加入滑冰俱乐部。deal with 应对,解决join a club 加入俱乐部,I was so proud when my,I was so proud when my team won the ice hockey competition.It made me feel like I could achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was terrified of walking or skati

26、ng on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club.My teacher was great and before I knew it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.,我的老师很棒,很快我就能滑冰了。before 不到就,还没就,I was so proud when my,I was so proud when my team won the ice hockey competition.It made me feel like I co

27、uld achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was terrified of walking or skating on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club.My teacher was great and before I knew it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.,before 强调主句或从句谓语动词描述的动作发生的过早或过快。Before I could say a word,she

28、 had stormed out of the room.不等我说一句话,她就冲出了房间。,I was so proud when my,I was so proud when my team won the ice hockey competition.It made me feel like I could achieve anything.Only three years ago,I was terrified of walking or skating on ice.To deal with this,I decided to join a skating club.My teache

29、r was great and before I knew it,Iwas able to skate.He then persuaded me to try ice hockey.,然后他说服我去打冰球。persuade sb.to do 说服某人去做,I was so proud when my,I loved it and was soon practising with my local team almost every evening.Were now training for national competitions and hope to be champions one d

30、ay,but my ultimate goal is to be an ice hockey teacher and help people learn to play this game.,我喜欢它(冰球)并很快加入了本地球队,几乎每天晚上都会一起训练。practise with 和一起训练,I loved it and was soon practi,I loved it and was soon practising with my local team almost every evening.Were now training for national competitions an

31、d hope to be champions one day,but my ultimate goal is to be an ice hockey teacher and help people learn to play this game.,我们现在正在为全国比赛训练,希望有朝一日能成为冠军。national competition 全国比赛 hope to be 希望成为,I loved it and was soon practi,I loved it and was soon practising with my local team almost every evening.We

32、re now training for national competitions and hope to be champions one day,but my ultimate goal is to be an ice hockey teacher and help people learn to play this game.,但是我的最终目标是成为一名冰球教师,帮助人们学习这项运动。ultimate goal 最终目标,I loved it and was soon practi,Sport:How you got started with the sport:How you feel

33、 about the sport:What youve done to improve:What you hope to achieve in the future:,Think of your own sports story and make notes.,Sport:Think of your own sports,Now write your own sports story.Use the expressions to help you.,Useful expressionsWhen I was younger,I never thoughtThe first timeBefore

34、I knew it,Soon I found,Now write your own sports stor,1.表示喜欢:I like.best.Of all the.I like.best.My favourite.is.2.表示喜欢的理由:I like it because.There is no doubt that.The reason why I like.is that.,更多表达,1.表示喜欢:更多表达,3.表示某项运动的优势:It plays an important role/part in.It does us a lot of good.It is of great be

35、nefit to me.4.介绍某项运动的起源、发展:.originated as.developed into a sport from.,更多表达,3.表示某项运动的优势:更多表达,5.表示结论:In all.In a word.It can make us healthy and wealthy.,更多表达,5.表示结论:更多表达,Share your story with the class.,Ive been a sports nut since I was old enough to hold a ball.Thats why when my PE teacher presente

36、d me with the idea of joining the swimming team I decided to give it a shot and challenge myself a bit more.So I started going to swimming practice last June.At first I only regarded swimming as a hobby to enhance my physical fitness.,Share your story with the clas,But soon I found I fell in love wi

37、th it.Then,last week,I had my first swimming competition,in the 100m breaststroke(蛙泳).Standing tall at the head of the lane made me feel both nervous and excited.After the sound of the whistle,I dived in and began to swim with all my strength!Finally,I came in third place.,But soon I found I fell,I

38、was so happy for my achievement,and it proved that hard work pays off.I will keep on swimming,perhaps for the rest of my life.Not only because it makes me healthier and stronger,but also for the confidence and sense of achievement it has brought.,I was so happy for my ach,假设你是李华,请根据以下表格信息,写一篇英语短文,介绍

39、你最喜欢的体育运动。,Pratice writing,假设你是李华,请根据以下表格信息,写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜,最喜欢的运动篮球开始产生兴趣九岁,那时父亲教我打篮球现在练习,审题写作要求是介绍自己最喜欢的运动。写作时应注意下面几点:1.确定文体:这是一篇记叙文,写作时应结合故事事例等丰富写作内容。2.确定时态:文章应以一般现在时、现在完成时和一般过去时等为主。3.确定人称:由于是介绍自己喜欢的运动,所以人称应该以第一人称为主。,审题,谋篇本文应分为三部分。第一部分:简介我最喜欢的运动。第二部分:对如何开始这项运动和练习情况进行描述。第三部分:喜欢的原因,自己的偶像。,谋篇,基础表达1.是我

40、最喜爱的 2.对感兴趣 3.在几岁时 4.与比赛5.不但而且,be/become interested in,at the age of.,have competitions with.,not only.but also.,is my favorite,基础表达be/become interested inat,连词成句1.我喜欢很多种运动,篮球是我的最爱。I like many kinds of sports,and basketball is my favorite.2.我在九岁时第一次对篮球感兴趣,那时爸爸教我怎样打篮球。I first became interested in bas

41、ketball at the age of nine and then my father taught me how to play it.3.它不但可带给我快乐,而且还有朋友。Not only can it bring me lots of happiness,but also friends.,连词成句,1.“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。2.when引导定语从句。3.why引导的定语从句。,句式升级,I like many kinds of sports,of which basketball is my favorite.,I first became interested in b

42、asketball at the age of nine,when my father taught me how to play it.,The reason why I like basketball so much is that,1.“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。句式升级I like,用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,进行合理衔接组合,适当增加细节润色,完成写作练习。,组句成篇,用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,进行合理衔接组合,适当增,I like many kinds of sports,of which basketball is my favorite.I first b

43、ecame interested in basketball at the age of nine,when my father taught me how to play it.Now I am a member of our school basketball team and I often play basketball for about an hour after school or on weekends.Sometimes we also have competitions with students from other schools.The reason why I li

44、ke basketball so much is that it can not only bring me lots of happiness,but friends.My favourite basketball star is Yao Ming.I hope to be a person like him in the future.,I like many kinds of spo,增分表达,1.He is one of the best athletes in our country.2.He is good at.3.He is even the most capable.in t

45、he world.4.He keeps the best record of.until now.5.I find myself full of passion in my heart.,增分表达1.He is one of the best a,6.He is the best example of making every effort to develop his sport career and break so many records.7.This spirit is worthy to be learned by all of us.8.With this ambition,he could defeat any difficulties.9.Facing difficulties,he never loses heart.10.He makes more progress when.,6.He is the best example of m,Homework,Complete and polish your own sports story.,HomeworkComplete and polish yo,Thank You,Thank You,


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