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1、语法专题:动词不定式与动名词,动词不定式的构成,(not)to do,to be done,to be doing,to have done,to have been done,to have been doing,注:不带to的不定式do,动词不定式的用法,做主语,做宾语,做表语,做补足语,做定语,做状语,It is important for us to be honest.,I wish to be a doctor.,What I need is to have a good job.,I expect you to make great progress.Let me go plea

2、se.,He has a composition to write.,There is little to go.,She worked hard only to fail again.(结果),I come to say sorry to you.(目的)so as to,动词不定式的复合结构(一)for sb.to do/of sb.to do/enough to,It is necessary for us to give blood now.,It is foolish of you to do such a thing.,Do you think its harmful for a

3、child to watch TV all day?,Please find something for them to do.,This is for you to judge.,The job is easy enough to do.,(逻辑主语),动词不定式的复合结构(二)疑问词+to do,How to do the job is not clear.,Its not clear how to do the job.,I wonder where to go.,The problem is when to start.,注意一:主动语态中没 to,被动语态中加 to,let,make

4、,see,watch,feel,have hear,listen to,notice,look at,sb./sth.do sth else,let,made,seen,watched,heard,listened to,noticed,to do,be,Eg:The landowner made the peasant work day and night in the old days.,The peasant was made to work by the landowner day and night in the old days.,注意二:不定式的逻辑主语应与 句中的主语一致,To

5、 learn English well,2000 new words are not enough.(),To learn English well,we need far more than 2000 new words.(),注意三:常用不定式做宾语的及物动词有哪些?,agree(同意),begin,decide,learn,desire(希望)determine(决心)expect(期望)forget,hope,like,love,mean,offer(给予)plan,pretend(假装)promise(答应)refuse(拒绝)regret(遗憾)remember,try,want,

6、Please remember to close the door when you leave.,注意五:常用不定式做定语的 名词有哪些?,ability,agreement,attempt,chance,claim,decision,determination,failure,freedom,hope,need,plan,opportunity,promise,refusal,way,以及序数词the first,second 与last,only,best等也常用不定式做定语。,He was the only one to realize the danger.,be+形容词+to do

7、中不定式部分常做状语,able afraid sure anxious pleased determined eager free glad ready sorry willing,be,to do,通常要求带不定式做宾语补足语的动词有哪些?,advise,allow,ask,cause,consider,expect,find,know,tell,think,want,wish,imagine,Sb.,(not)to do,I advised him not to smoke any more.,I think him to be a gifted musician.,动名词的形式,一般式,

8、完成式,主动式,被动式,studying,having studied,being studied,having been studied,动名词的用法,主语,表语,宾语,定语,Swimming is never as fast as running.,Taking about it is no use.,Our duty is programming the computer.,My favourite sport is skating.,Would you mind waiting for a moment?,I am sorry for being late.,These dialogu

9、es may be used as listening materials.,(=materials for listening),The reading room is a large round hall.,(=room for reading),动名词的时态与语态,Besides reading,he is fond of collecting stamps.(主动),Was she upset at not being invited?(被动),I remember having read the article.(主动完成),After having been tested,the

10、instrument was sent to the lab.(完成被动),The house wants repairing.,(形式主动实质被动=to be repaired),My machine needs fixing.,(=to be fixed),This question demands considering seriously.,(=to be considered),动名词的逻辑主语,I suggest his going there.(物主代词),His taking part in the work will help us a lot.(物主代词),We are l

11、ooking forward to Bettys coming.(名词所有格),Her not being able to come made him sad.(物主代词),只跟动名词作宾语的动词有哪些?,avoid(避免),deny(否认),dislike,enjoy,excuse,finish,keep,mind,miss,practise(练习),suggest(建议),cant help,give up,insist on(坚持),doing,既可跟动名词,又跟不定式的动词有哪些?,attempt(试图),begin,continue,start,hate,prefer,love,li

12、ke,learn,to do/doing,意义差别不大。,forget,need,remember,regret,stop,try,want,to do/doing,意义差别很大,1.forget to do,忘了去做某事,forget doing,曾经做过某事忘了,Dont forget(lock)the door before going to bed.,Ill never forget(see)him for the first time.,to lock,seeing,2.need to do 需要去做某事 need doing/to be done 被动义,I need(go)to

13、see my parents at once.,My house need(paint)at once.,to go,painting,3.,remember to do,记得去做某事,remember doing,记得曾经做过某事,I clearly remember(pay)him.I gave him$3.,Do you remember(give)him the key?No,I dont.Ill go and do it now.,paying,to give,4.regret to do,遗憾地做某事,regret doing,后悔做某事,I regret(tell)him thi

14、s.Hes so unreliable.,I regret(inform)you that your application has been refused Youll never regret(do)a kind action.,telling,to inform,doing,5.stop to do,停下来原来做的事而去做别的事,stop doing,停止或不再做某事,stop arguing and start working.,I didnt know how to get there so I stopped to ask the way.,Do stop(talk);I am t

15、rying to finish a letter.,talking,6.mean to do 意义是,打算(本意)mean doing 意味,Failing this entrance exam means(wait)for a year.,I mean(go),and nothing is going to stop me.,waiting,to go,练习:I dont want(disappoint)you.,your windows want(clean).,If you cant turn the key,try(put)some oil in the lock.He tried(explain)but she refused to listen.He tried(move)the rock but couldnt.He tried(use)another method but didnt succeed.,to disappoint,cleaning,putting,to explain,to move,using,Thank you!,


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