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2、下解题思路:1)这件事情说的是什么时候的事情或情况?(定“时”)2)这个动作处于什么状态,是完成了,还是未完成,还是既不表完成又不表进行?(定“体”)3)这个动词与主语的关系,是主动还是被动?(定“语态”),概念 时态是谓语动词所表示的动作或情况发生时间的各种形式。它是“时”和“体”的组合。“时”有现在、过去、将来、过去将来之分;“体”有一般、进行、完成、完成进行之别。见下表:,v./v.s,ved,will+v,would+v.,had+Vp.p,have/has+Vp.p,will have+Vp.p,am/is/are+Ving,was/were+Ving,一、一般现在时1.一般现在时表

3、示经常发生、习惯性动作或存在的状态;He takes a walk after supper every day.He is our English teacher.客观真理、科学事实、格言;The sun rises in the east.Two plus two makes four.主语的特征、性格、能力等。He woks hard.The children draw well.常见时间状语:often,sometimes,seldom,always,every day/month/year,2.主句是一般将来时,时间、条件状语从句中用一般现在表示将来。如:Ill go there a

4、fter I finish my work.If it rains tomorrow,I wont go there.3.在以here,there开头的句子里,go,come等少数动词的一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:There goes the bell.铃响了。There comes the bus.汽车来了。Here she comes.她来了。4.表示安排或计划好的将来的动作(一般只限于某些表移动的动词,如go,come,leave,start,be,arrive,begin,return,open,close,depart,end,sail,finish等).The train

5、starts at ten oclock in the morning.Supper is at five today.,1 一般现在时的用法1)经常性或习惯性的动作1.I _ ping-pong quite well,but I havent had time to play since the new year.A.will play B.have played C.played D.play2.-_my glasses?-Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago.A.Do you see B.Had you seen C.would you see

6、D.Have you seen 3.We will see to it that every child in the nation _ good education,especially those in the poor countryside.A.get B.will get C.gets D.would get,2)客观真理,客观存在,科学事实或表示格言或警句。1.In some parts of the world,such as in England,tea _ with milk and sugar.is serving B.serves C.is served D.served

7、2.-The girl _ weight recently.-Yes,she _ too much.has gained,is eating B.gains,eats C.is gaining,ate D.is gaining,eats,3)在时间、条件、方式、让步状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时。1.-Put these glasses away before they _.-OK.Ill put them in the cupboard.A.have broken B.are breaking C.get broken D.will be broken,2.Ive brought m

8、y tennis things along in case we _ time for a game tomorrow.A.shall have B.have C.will have D.are going to have 3.-Can I drive on the free way,Mr Green?-You can when you _ a bit more skilled.A.will get B.are getting C.will have got D.get,二、一般过去时1)表达特定的过去时间内发生的动作或存在的状况,常与last week/year/month/spring,a

9、 few days ago,in 1998等时间状语以及when等连词引导的时间状语从句连用。We had a good swim last Sunday.When I was young,I took cold baths regularly.2)叙述过去连续发生的一件件事。He got up early in the morning,fetched water,swept the yard and then went out to work.3)表过去某一时间内经常发生或反复发生的动作或行为。When my brother was a teenager,he played table te

10、nnis almost everyday.4)在条件、时间状语从句中表示过去将来的动作。They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him.,2 一般过去时的用法 1.-Look!Someone has spilt(溢出)coffee on the carpet.(地毯)-Well,it _ me.A.isnt B.wasnt C.hasnt been D.hadnt been2.-Ive bought a box of chocolates for our daughter.-Oh,how good a dad!

11、But she doesnt like sweet things._ that?A.Dont you know B.Havent you known C.Didnt you know D.Hadnt you known3.-Was Mary in the office when you arrived there?-Yes,but she _soon afterwards.A.had left B.left C.would leave D.will leave,4.-Has Tommy finished his job yet?-I have no idea of it;he _ it thi

12、s morning.A.was doing B.had been doing C.has done D.did5.As she _ the newspaper,Granny _asleep.A.read,was falling B.was reading,fell C.was reading,was falling D.read,fell6.All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor,her nervousness_.A.has grown B.is growing C.grew D.had grown7.-

13、Im sorry,I shouldnt have been so rude to you.-You _ your temper but thats OK.A.have lost B.had lost C.did lose D.were losing.,三.一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来要发生的动作和存在的状况。有下列一些形式:1.will/shall+do(侧重将来行为,不突出计划安排去做某事,与tomorrow,next week,soon,in 2018等连用)表示将会出现的动作或状态。My daughter will be twelve years old tommorrow.表示经常发

14、生的动作。We shall work in this factory every day.“will+动词原形”表示事物固有的属性或必然趋势、倾向。Fish will die without water.,表示说话过程中所做的决定。The phone is ringing Ill answer it.2.be going to do表示已经决定或安排好要做某事。We are going to visit the Museum of Chinese History.根据某种迹象认为在最近或将要发生某事。Tom studies very hard,and he is going to try fo

15、r a scholarship.,3.be about to+动词原形表示即将发生的动作,意为“正要、即将”。The English evening is about to begin.不可与具体的将来时间的副词或副词性短语、但可以同由as/when引导的时间状语从句连用。She was about to go to cinema when I came.4.be to do 1)(按计划或安排即将发生)The boys are to go to school next week.He and I are to meet at the Shanghai Railway Station.,这种结

16、构也可用于过去,was/were to do sth表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示命运(即命中注定要发生的事),而非计划;was/were to have done sth 表示未曾实现的计划。I felt nervous,I was soon to leave home for the first time.我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了。They said goodbye,little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了。We were to have told you,

17、but you were not in.我们本想告诉你的,但你不在家。,2)表示“应该”,相当于should,ought to,You are to report to the police.What is to be done?应该怎么办呢?3)表示“必须”,相当于must,have to The letter is to be handed to him in person.4)You are to do your homework before you watch TV.表示“想,打算”,相当于intend,want,If we are to be there before ten,we

18、ll have to go now.,5)用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见。Am I to go on with the work?What are we to do next?6)用于否定句,表示“禁止”,相当于“mustnt”The books in this room are not to be taken outside.7)表示“可能,可以”,相当于may,can The news is to be found in the evening paper.Such people are to be found everywhere.,9)were to do sth用于if 或 e

19、ven if/even though 从句中,表示对未来的假设。If I were to tell you that I killed him,would you believe me?Even if the sun were to rise in the west,I would never do such a thing.10)be to blame(该受责备,对某坏事应负责任)与 be to let(待出租)两种结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。Which driver is to blame for the accident?这事故是哪个司机的责任?This house is t

20、o let.这房子要出租。,题组练习:单项填空,6.We have been looking for the boy all the afternoon but he is nowhere_.to see B.seeing C.seen D.to be seen7.As early as his second film,Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting,the one that _ world famous.A.Would become B.became C.was to become D.had become,8.-We just

21、saw John at the bookstore.-Thats strange.I didnt think he _back until tomorrow.A.will come B.was to come C.is coming D.is to come 9.If the sun _ tomorrow,what would we do?A.were not to raise B.does not rise C.would not rise D.were not to rise,10.Look at these clouds,_.A.Its going to rain B.Its raini

22、ng C.It is to rain D.It can rain11.Who do you think _ for the failure of their marriage?A.to blame B.to be blame C.is to blame D.is to be blamed,-The telephone is ringing.-I _ answer it.A.will B.am going to C.am to D.am about to-Alice,why didnt you come yesterday?-I _,but I had an unexpected visitor

23、.A.had B.would C.was going to D.did,四、现在进行时1.表示说话时正在进行而尚未完成的动作或状态。We are having an English lesson.2.表示现阶段一直在进行的动作,但说话时不一定正在进行。The workers are building a new factory.3.有时可表示即将发生的动作(只限于go,come,stay,leave,start,begin,arrive,return,fly,drive等动词)这时常有一个表示将来时间的状语。He is working as a teacher tomorrow.从明天起他要做

24、老师。My father is coming to see me this Saturday.这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。,3.代替一般现在时,描绘更加生动。例如:The Changjiang River is flowing into the east.江水滚滚向东流。The sun is rising in the east.太阳从东方冉冉升起。4.表示反复出现或习惯性动作,常表示不满、抱怨或赞赏等情感。常与always,forever,all the time,continually,constantly等时间副词连用,如:He is always thinking of others f

25、irst.He is always making the same mistake.5.大多数动词可用于进行时,但也有些动词不用于进行时。常见的有:exist,live,understand,mean,owe,belong to,know,doubt,suppose,remember,forget,believe,trust,want,wish,refuse,like,hate,dislike,prefer,mind,hope等。,4.现在进行时,.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technol

26、ogy_ so rapidly.A.will have changed B.has changed C.is changing D.will change-Ann works very hard.-In fact.I think she _ just now.A.studied B.is studying C.studies D.will stud,Please call again.Jim _ a bath just now.A.has had B.was having C.is having D.has My money _.I must go to the bank to draw so

27、me of my savings out of before Ive none in hand.A.has run out B.is running out C.has been run out D.is being run out I can guess you were in a hurry.You _ your sweater inside out.A.had worn B.wore C.are wearing D.were wearing,.You _things about.Look,what a mess in you room!A.always throw B.have alwa

28、ys thrown C.are always throwing D.have always been thrown.You _ television.Why not do something more active?A.always watch B.are always watching C.have always watched D.have always been watching,五、过去进行时1.表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作(这一过去时间须用时间状语表示)。He was preparing his lecture all day yesterday.2.表示过去某一阶段

29、一直在进行的动作,但说话时不一定在进行。They were digging a railway tunnel last week.3.表示从过去某一时间的角度,看将要发生的动作(用于某些动词 go,come,stay,leave,start,begin,arrive,return,fly,drive等动词)They are leaving a few days later.4.与always、frequently等副词连用,表示感情色彩。He was always asking her questions.,1.-Hey,look where you are going?-Oh,Im terr

30、ibly sorry._.A.Im not noticing B.I dont noticing C.I havent noticing D.I was nt noticing 2.-Hey,what did I say?-I _.A.Im not listening B.I was not listening C.I dont listened D.I didnt listen 3.I first met Lisa three years ago.She _ at a radio shop at the time.A.has worked B.was working C.had been w

31、orking D.had worked,六、过去将来时 1.would/should+动词原形表从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或将要存在的状态。通常用于其主语的谓语为过去时态的宾语从句中。They asked me if I would go to Guangzhou soon.I told her I should return the book in a few days.2.过去将来时的表达方法与一般将来时一样,只是有关动词要用过去时形式。I was about to go out when the telephone rang.He told me he was going to l

32、earn another foreign language.2.was/were+不定式表示过去将来时间的安排,如果这个安排后来被取消,没有实现,则用was/were+to+have done表示。She told me that she was to plant some trees in the yard.We were to have left at six last night.,-Alice,why didnt you come yesterday?-I _,but I had an unexpected visitor.had wouldC.was going toD.did,链接

33、高考:,-Come in,Peter,I want to show you something.-Oh,how nice of you!I _ you _ to bring me a gift.A.never think;are goingB.never thought;were goingC.didnt think;were goingD.hadnt thought;were going,Never thought“从未想过“,与how nice of you所表达的喜悦之情相符,This morning Alice _ out _ the door opened and in came s

34、ome strangers.was just about to go;while went;when was going;while was just about to go;when,We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _ office soon.leaveswould leavelefthad left,七、将来进行时 1)表示在将来某一时间正在进行的动作;They will be meeting us at the station.I will be seeing Mr Smith tomorrow.2)表示原因、结果或

35、猜测;Please come tomorrow afternoon,tomorrow morning Ill be having a meeting.Stop the child or he will be falling over.You will be making a mistake.3)用在问句中,表示委婉礼貌;Will you be reading anything else?When shall we be meeting again?4)表示稍后一点的安排 My duties will end in July and I will be returning to Shanghai

36、.,八、现在完成时 1.表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果,或说话时已完成的动作,常与so far,inthe past/last few years,recently,lately,twice,for two years,how long,since(ago)用。例如:I have finished one third of the report so far.She has cleand the room.2.表示从过去开始,待续到现在的动作或状态,往往和“for”,“since”表述的一段时间状语连用。例如:He has learned English for six years.

37、/They have worked here since they left college.,3.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:1)用两种时态来表述发生在过去的某一动作,现在完成时强调这一过去动作对现在产生的影响或结果,而一般过去时只表达过去的动作或状态,和现在关系不大。例如:She has cleaned the room.Its very clean now.(此句has cleaned就不能改为cleaned.一是因为cleaned与现状无关,二是因为一般过去时不可突然跳到Its这样的一般现在时。)2)汉语中的“了”、“过”、“曾”等词常用完成表达,如:I have seen that

38、 film.(我看过那部电影了。)但是如果是在特定的过去时间“看了”、“做过”,就不可用完成时而必须用一般过去进来表达。例如:When did you see that film?I saw it yesterday.(你什么时候看了那部电影?我昨天看的。)不能说:When have you seen that film?I have seen it yesterday.,4.表示“曾经到过某地(人已回来)”用“have/has been to”,表示“到某地去了(还未回来)”用“have/has gone to”.例如:Where is Li Hua?He has gone to the r

39、eading-room.She knows a lot about Shanghai.She has been there.,5.短暂动词(即瞬间动词),join,lose,buy,borrow,leave,go,come,arrive,die,marry,finish,complete,begin,start,break out等,在完成时态中,其肯定式不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如不能说:He has finished the work for three hours.要翻译“他已完成工作三小时了。”可采用1)“ago法”:He finished the work three hour

40、s ago.2)“延续法”:He has been through(with)the work for three hours.3)“since法”:It is/has been three hours since he finished the work.,-When did he go to America?-Oh,he _ there since half a year ago.A.went B.has been C.has gone D.wasShelly _ California for Texas and _ there ever since.You can go and pay

41、her a visit on your way to Mexico.A.left,worked B.has left,had worked C.left,has worked D.has left,worked,Collecting stamps as a hobby _ increasingly popular during the past fifty years.A.becomes B.became C.has become D.had become,九、过去完成时1.表示在过去某一时间以前已经完成的动作,常与by(the end of)+过去时间状语,by then等时间状语连用,也可

42、用before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句来表示,还可通过上下文来表示。He had shut the door before the dog came up.Everything had been all right up till this morning.By then he had learned English for 3 years.2.表示动作或状态从过去某个时刻开始一直延续到另一个过去时刻才完成,甚至还要继续下去。例如:At the age of ten,he had learned 500 English words.He had been ill for a week wh

43、en we learned about it.,3.常用hope,expect,think,intend,want,suppose等动词的过去完成时来表示未实现的希望、打算或意图。例如:We had expected that you would be able to win the match.4用于hardly/scarcely/barely had.donewhen和no soonerhad.done.than引导的复合句的主句中,常用倒装语序。When 和than从句里用一般过去时,表示“刚刚、就、”Hardly(No sooner)had I got home when(than)t

44、he rain poured down.我们刚到家大雨就倾盆而下。Hardly had we started when the car got a flat tyre.我们才刚刚开动,汽车的轮胎就漏气了,5.It was/had been+一段时间+since从句.Since 从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时。It was ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.我们10年没这么高兴了。6.This/That/It was the first/second.time+that 从句。that从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时。It was the

45、 third time(that)he had made the same mistake.这是他第三次犯同样的错误了。That was the first time(that)I had passed the exam.那是我第一次考试及格。,1.The old man _ two days after he had been sent to hospital.A.died B.would die C.had died D.has died 2.Old McDonald gave up smoking for a while,but soon _ to his old ways.A.retu

46、rned B.returns C.was returning D.had returned 4.I _ to take a good holiday this year,but I wasnt able to get away.A.hope B.have hoped C.had hoped D.hoped 5.Helen _ her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _ home.A.has left;comes B.left;had come C.had left;came D.had left;would come

47、,十、将来完成时 用来表示在将来某个时刻(前)将完成的动作。往往对将来某一时间产生影响,常于表将来的时间状语连用。We will have finished senior Book 2 by the end of this term。往往和时间或条件状语从句连用。If you come at seven oclock,I shall not yet have finished dinner.,1.By the end of this year,I _enough money for a holiday A will save B will be saving C will have saved

48、 Dhave saved选C,by the end of this year,是明确表示将来的时间状语,主句表示在这个将来时间以前完成的动作,故应用将来完成时.2.When i have done that,I(_)all I was supposed to do.(do)我做完了这件事,就做完了我全部应该做的事情。Will have done,3.I hope her health _greatly by the time we come back next year.(),A improves B improved C will be improved D will have improv

49、e选D,by the time 引出的是时间状语分句,分句中用的come用一般现在时,表示将来概念,相当于一个表示将来的时间状语,主句谓语动词表示在将来某一时刻以前必定完成的行为,应该用将来完成时.不能选A,句子中带有表示将来时间的状语分句,故应该用与将来时相关的时态.也不能选C,improve 在该句中作”好转”,”变得更好”解,为不及物动词,所以用被动语态时错误的.,十一、现在完成进行时1.用来表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在(或今后还要继续一去)的动作。完成进行体是完成体和进行体的组合,因此,它具备完成体和进行体的一些因素,如它具备进行体的“未完性、暂时性、感情色彩”等特点。例如:H

50、e has been learning English for 6 years.(从过去某一时间开始学英语,强调到现在还在学)It has been raining for three days.(强调说话者抱怨的感情色彩)2.凡是不能用于现在进行时的动词均不能用于现成完成进行时。,Helen _ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband _ home.A.had left,had come B.left,come C.had left,come D.left,had come I _ to meet Mr.Thom


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