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1、,Speech,埃及千年神庙惊现“丁 到此一游”。此事曝光后,引起国内外广泛关注,某国外英语网站就此发起讨论。请你以一名中国学生的身份,谈谈自己的看法。,Group A,Group B,I come from China.Im also a middle school student like Ding.When I read the news,my heart ached.What Ding did made me sad.Ding should feel really sorry for that.As a student,its very important to care about

2、what we do in public.For example,wed better keep our voice down.I will be more polite to people around me and take better care of public things.And Im sure we Chinese will show our best to the whole world!,Please write a composition about it.,1.Would you please_ my baby brother while Im cooking?A.ta

3、ke out of B.take care of C.take part in D.take away from2.This sentence _ right.Please write it down.A.feels B.sounds C.tastes D.smells 3.Mike _ his computer and checked his e-mail.A.turned on B.turned off C.turned up D.turned down4.Everyone _ I come from Sichuan.Actually,I come from Shandong.A.find

4、 B.think C.finds D.thinks,师兄弟PK,第一局,1.Mom is making dinner.It _ so nice!A.smells B.tastes C.feels D.sounds2.Steven,we should _ the bus at the next stop.A.get up B.get off C.get to D.get in3.Please_ the water when you brush your teeth.A.take down B.turn up C.take away D.turn off4._ your name on the p

5、aper and you can get a magazine.A.Cut down B.Look down C.Turn down D.Put down,师兄弟PK,第二局,专题八 动词的分类,考什么-学什么,考纲分析解读1.要求具备在真实语境中理解和运用动词及动词词组的能力。2.对动词和动词词组的考查主要在单项选择以及词语运用中,动词词义丰富,情景性极强。,动词的种类:,实义动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词,What kinds of verbs do you know?,专题十二,专题九 动词时态,D2,Look at the actress.I like her very much.,实

6、义动词,及物动词 vt.,不及物动词vi.,(一)实义动词,_ I like the book.We call him Bill.Please pass me the book.,及物动词,+宾语,动+宾,动+宾语+补语,动词+直接宾语+间接宾语,双宾语,常见的带双宾语的动词:give,bring,buy,lend,offer,pass,teach,tell,write,read,send,show等,1.(2014河北)gift,him,birthday,gave,a,I _.2.(2013河北)pens,those,her,pass,black.3.(2012河北)lend,Sam,MP5

7、,I,to,yesterday,my_.,连词成句,I gave him a birthday gift,Pass her those black pens,I lent my MP5 to Sam yesterday,(一)实义动词,2._自身意思完整,无需接宾语。如果想接宾语时,部分不及物动词后可以加上介词再接宾语。Eg:Listen!The song is beautiful.Listen _the song.Its beautiful.,不及物动词,to,Birds can fly.Boys fly kites.I study English every day.I like stud

8、ying at Daqiao.,判断:及物动词还是不及物动词,vi.,vt.,vi.,vt.,有些动词既可以作及物动词又可作不及物动词。,(一)实义动词,Look at the blackboard.He picked it up and gave it to me.He gets along well with the his classmates.He takes pride in doing a job well.,不及物动词,积累动词短语,Have a try!(T or F)This is the house which I live.This is the house which

9、I live in.The music is listened to by me.The music is listened by me.,F,T,T,F,注意:1.在定语从句和被动语态中,不及物动词后的“尾巴介词”不能省。,Ive left this school for eight years.Ive been away from this school for eight years.He has borrowed my book since two days ago.He has kept my book since two days ago.非延续性动词-延续动词leave-be a

10、way(from)borrow-keep,F,T,F,T,在句子中出现for,since,how long时,动词用延续性动词,且通常是完成时。,“海飞丝”一出现,延续动词完成时,come/arrivego out beginbuyjoindiecatch a cold,be,be out,be on,have,be a member of,be dead,have a cold,区分短暂性动词与持续性动词.,I have bought this pen for two months.,I have had this pen for two months.,How long have you

11、_ this pen?,had,The play has begun for an hour.,has been on for an hour.,since,句型转换1.They left an hour ago.They_ _ _for an hour.2.The man died a week ago.The man_ _ _ for a week.,have been away,has been dead,重点:动词、动词短语词义辨析,used to do sth.be used to doingbe used to do sth.,He used to smoke,but now he

12、 gives up smoking.,过去常常做,He has smoked for ten years.He is used to smoking.,习惯做,He uses the bottle to smoke.The bottle is used to smoke.,被用来做,1.While travelling to Canada,you should give yourself a day to _ the time and know the way clearly.A.used to B.be used to C.use to2.Every day I get up at 6:00

13、.So I _ getting up early.A.am used to B.used to C.use to 3.Pens _write.A.are used to B.used to C.use to,When did you uncle_in Shanghai?The day before yesterday.A.arrive B.get C.reacharrive in+大地点,at+小地点,arrive homeget to+地点,get homereach+地点,reach home,arrive in/atget toreach,三到达,1.I want to listen t

14、o music.May I _ your MP3?A.give B.lend C.borrow D.keep2.How long can I _ the book?-For three weeks.But you cant lend it others.A.give B.lend C.borrow D.keep3.-Could I use your bike?-Mine is broken.-Certainly.But please _it back soon.I need it this afternoon.A.give B.lend C.borrow D.keep,borrowlendke

15、ep,三借,from,主语从借入,主语把借出去,to,短暂,延续性“借”,The boy dressed himself quickly.Tom put on his coat and went out.Lucy is wearing a red skirt today.Lucy is in a red skirt today.dress sb.给某人穿衣服put on穿上(表动作)wear穿着,戴着(表状态)=be in穿着,戴着(表状态),dress,be in,put on,wear,四穿,I can _ an apple on the table.I want to _ the fil

16、m with you._!There is a kite flying in the sky.Please _ the blackboard carefully._TV too much is bad for your eyes.Dont _ books in the sun.,look,see,watch,read,四看,see,see/watch,Look,look at,Watching,read,以动词为中心的以介词为中心的,动词短语,You dont have worry about me.Im old enough to _myself.A.look after B.look fo

17、r C.look up D.look atIm _ passing the exam.A.looking into B.looking throughC.looking out D.looking forward toThe doctor _patients carefully.A.looks over B.looks down onC.looks through D.looks for,look,look(at)看(),look after 照看,look for寻找,look up 查阅,向上看,look into调查,look through浏览,通过看,look out 小心,look

18、 forward to doing期望,look down upon瞧不起,Liu Huan never_,which makes him a successful singer.A.takes away B.gives away C.gets up D.gives upThis isnt my dictionary.Will you please help me find the owner and _?A.give it back B.give it outC.give it up D.give it away,give,give away赠送,give up doing放弃,give b

19、ack归还,give out发出(味,热),give in投降,屈服,The bus is coming.Be careful when you _ the bus.A.get on B.get off C.get up D.get toDont forget to take your bag when you _ the bus.A.get off B.take off C.turn off D.put offHe was weak so the doctor told him to _ such unhealthy food and drinks.A.care for B.eat up C

20、.stay away from D.get along with,get,get on上车,get off下车,get up起床,get to到达,get along with和某人相处融洽,To keep healthy,many people _every day.A.take a shower B.take a prideC.take care of D.take exerciseThe summer holiday is a good time to _.We can go swimming,climb hills or play football.A.do homework B.ta

21、ke exerciseC.do housework D.do exercisesThanks for your invitation,but Im so sorry I cant go.I need to _ my baby at home.A.take away B.take off C.take care of D.take out of,take,take a shower淋浴,take a pride自豪,take exercise做锻炼,take care of 照看,do exercises做练习题,take away拿走,take off起飞,脱掉,take out of 拿出,

22、以动词为中心的以介词为中心的,1.-Yesterday Tommy walked past my table and _ my bowls and dishes.A.knocked off B.took off C.showed off D.turned off2.Dont forget to take your bag when you _ the bus.A.get off B.take off C.turn off D.put off,off,knock off把撞掉,take off起飞,脱掉,turn off关上,show off炫耀,get off下车,put off推迟,We s

23、hould stop wasting and _ all the food each meal.A.use up B.pick up C.cut up D.eat up-Alice,could you help me _ the meat?I want to make some dumplings for dinner.-OK.Ill do it right away.A.put up B.give up C.use up D.cut up-Whats wrong with you,Eric?You look tired.I_ to prepare for the final exam las

24、t night.A.picked up B.woke up C.stayed up D.put upThe boats take different routes,but they all _ in the same place.A.give up B.clear up C.end up D.make up,up,use up用完,eat up吃完,pick up捡起,cut up切碎,give up放弃,put up举起,搭起,张贴,wake up醒来,stay up熬夜,clear up打扫,清理,end up结束,make up组成,编造,P53-54 B组

25、9.20.22.P60-61 A组4.,Do exercises on the book.,Sum up,动词的分类:动词辨析:三used,三到达,三借,四穿,四看,动词短语辨析:以动词为中心的:give,get,look,take以介词为中心的:off,up,See you next time!,改错,How long have you become a league member?For more than one year.Have you arrived here since last night.Yes,youre right.The dog has

26、died for a month.He has gone to Shanghai twice.How long have been at this school?Since two years,been,been,been dead,been,ago,For,She _ very beautiful.The flower _good.The food _delicious.The music _ so nice.The silk _ very smooth.,looks,smells,tastes,sounds,feels,(二)系动词,系动词+形容词,be动词感觉类look,sound,sm

27、ell,taste,feel,1.(2014河北,35)Mom is making dinner.It _so nice.A.smells B.tastes C.feels D.sounds2.(2011河北,37)This sentence _right.Please write it down.A.feels B.sounds C.tastes D.smells3.The traffic is moving very slowly as so many cars _on their way back to Shanghai.A.am B.is C.are D.be,4.Oh,it _so

28、nice.What a beautiful music it is!A.smells B.sounds C.tastes D.looks5.The food here smells good,but what does it _like?A.taste B.touch C.seem D.feel6.Life is a journey always worth taking.Take time to _the roses.A.smell B.sound C.taste D.feel7.The watermelon _really sweet.Would you like to have some

29、?A.feels B.tastes C.smells D.looks,1.The flower smells_and I like it very much.A.well B.good C.bad D.badly2.How about the dishes in the restaurant?-Great!Nothing tastes_.A.good B.better C.best D.well3.Is this a photo of your daughter?She looks so_.A.lovely B.quietly C.politely D.happily,(二)系动词,系动词+形

30、容词,be动词感觉类look,sound,smell,taste,feel变成类become,go,get,turn,make,状态变化系动词,go,turn,getbecome,1.Theweather_warmerand warmer.2.Herface_red,becomes,turns,(二)系动词,系动词+形容词,be动词感觉类look,sound,smell,taste,feel变成类become,go,get,turn,make似乎类 seem,appear保持类stay,keep完成题组训练,1.The water _ cool when I jumped into the p

31、ool for morning exercise.A.was felt B.is felt C.felt D.feels,系动词不用于被动语态,Choose the best answer,2.He shook his head _ and looked _ when he was told the bad news.A.sadly;sadly B.sad;sad C.sadly;sad D.sad;sadly,Choose the best answer,Choose the best answer,4.-I was wondering if we could go skating on t

32、he weekend.-That _ good.A.Sound B.Sounded C.Sounding D.Sounds,Choose the best answer,5.The traffic lights_ green and I pulled away.A.came B.grew C.got D.turned,6.-Would you advise me on how to stay_?-Try to live regularly,eat more vegetables and be in a good state of mind.A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.more healthily,完成P53 B组15,28完成P60 A组5,8,完成P60 B组2,


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