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1、学好非谓语动词对于理解阅读材料中结构比较复杂的长句,对于写作得高分非常有用。,不定式,动名词,分词,非谓语动词 分类,学好非谓语动词对于理解阅读材料中结构比较复杂的长句,对于写作,动词不定式无人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。,不定式,动词不定式无人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。不定式,高三英语非谓语动词经典课件,1.作主语,侧重于动作的具体性和将来性To play basketball is a great pleasure.但为使句子平衡,常用it 代它作主语,把它移到句子后部去.It is a great pleasure to play basketball.,(二)、不定式

2、的句法功能,主语宾语 表语 定语 状语,1.作主语侧重于动作的具体性和将来性(二)、不定式的句法功,2.作宾语,A.跟不定式作宾语的常见动词:()hope,want,expect,wish,desire,like,love,dislike,hate,plan,intend,mean,prepare,decide,determine,afford,fail,manage,try、dare,help,promise、refuse、learn、offer、agree、forget,bother.,2.作宾语A.跟不定式作宾语的常见动词:,B.常跟疑问词+不定式作宾语的动词:tell,advise,s

3、how,teach,find out,decide,discuss,learn,explaintell sb what to do,B.常跟疑问词+不定式作宾语的动词:,3.作表语,A.表示按计划和安排将要发生的事情。He is to marry Rose.B.表示主语的内容,但侧重于目的性。Her wish was to become an artist.C.表示情态意义(应该,必须)。The form is to be filled in and returned within a week.She is to blame.,3.作表语A.表示按计划和安排将要发生的事情。,4.不定式作定语

4、,A.一般表示将发生的情况,放在名词后。Charles Lindbergh is the first man to fly the Atlantic alone 独自飞越大西洋.(主谓关系)She has a good chance to go to college.(同位关系)He has got lots of questions to ask.(动宾关系),4.不定式作定语A.一般表示将发生的情况,放在名词后。,注意:1.如不定式与它所修饰的词有动宾关系,而这个不定式又是不及物动词,它后面应有必要的介词。There is nothing to worry about.2.不定式所修饰的名

5、词是不定式的动作所发生的地点或所使用的工具时,它后面要带上必要的介词。I need a pen to write with.He is looking for a room to live in.,注意:1.如不定式与它所修饰的词有动宾关系,而这个不定式又是,5.不定式作宾语补足语,跟不定式作宾语补足语的动词A.let,have,make,get等表使役的动词They made us go with them.注意:Let/have/make sb.do;get sb.to doThey got us to go with them.,B.ask,tell,request,order等表要求,

6、命令的动词The chairman requested the members to be silent.,5.不定式作宾语补足语跟不定式作宾语补足语的动词B.ask,C.allow,permit,forbid等表许可或禁止的动词 The guard forbade me to enter.D.wish,want,expect,intend等表希望的动词(hope无此用法)Many parents expect their children to study abroad.,E.see、watch、notice、hear、listen to、observe、feel等表感官的动词I notic

7、ed tears come into his eyes.We often hear her sing the song at home.注:感官动词后的不定式均不带to,C.allow,permit,forbid等表许可或禁,F.其他动词advise,help,persuade,encourage,warn,cause,force,remind Please remind me to take the raincoat.,F.其他动词,6.不定式作状语,1)不定式作目的状语Tim sat near the fire to get warm.The athletes practised hard

8、 to win the match.强调作目的状语的不定式,常用in order(not)to,so as(not)to为了(不)短语.前者可放在句首,也可放在句中;后者只能放在句中。,6.不定式作状语1)不定式作目的状语,2).不定式作结果状语作结果状语的不定式常用于一些固定搭配中。如:too to,enough to,sufficient to足够的,only to 结果是,never to不要到,so+形容词/副词+as to,such+名词+as to do引导。Would you be so kind as to step this way,please?劳驾您这边走,好吗?I tr

9、ied the door,only to find it locked inside.,2).不定式作结果状语,Practice,高考点击,Practice高考点击,2(09全国)The children all turned _ the famous actress as she entered the classroom.A.looked atB.to look at C.to looking atD.look at,B,3(09山东,22)We are invited to a party _ in our club next Friday.A.to be held B.held C.b

10、eing held D.holding,A,2(09全国)The children all turn,4(09辽宁,27)_,you need to give all you have and try your best.A.Being a winner B.To be a winner C.Be a winner D.Having been a winner5.(09安徽,28)The play _ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.A.produced B.being produced C.to be produced

11、D.havingbeen produced,B,C,4(09辽宁,27)_,you need t,(一).动名词的语法形式动名词无人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化.,二、动名词,(一).动名词的语法形式二、动名词,(二)、动名词的句法功能,具有名词的特征,可充当成分:主语宾语 表语 定语,(二)、动名词的句法功能具有名词的特征,可充当成分:,1.动名词作主语,Seeing is believing.Playing chess is fun.Its no use waiting here.动名词作主语,也可用it 作形式主语.但只限于下面句型:,1.动名词作主语Seeing is belie

12、ving.,1)动名词在“It is no use/no good/fun/a waste of time浪费时间/a good pleasure 等名词+doing”结构中作主语,it为形式主语。例如:It is no good writing to him;he never answers letters.写信给他不妥,他从来不回信 It is no use talking too much.,1)动名词在“It is no use/no good/,2)动名词在“It is useless/nice/good/interesting/worthwhile 值得的等形容词+doing”结构

13、中作主语。例如:It is nice playing chess after supper.,3)动名词在“There is(was)no+doing”结构中作主语。例如:There is no denyingdna that she is very efficient.她效率高是不容否认的,2)动名词在“It is useless/nice/g,2.动名词作表语,动名词作表语起名词作用,表示主语的内容,这时动名词和主语的位置是可以交换的。The nurses job is looking after the patients.=Looking after the patients is th

14、e nurses job.Four skills of English learning are listening,speaking,reading and writing.=listening,speaking,reading and writing are four skills of English learning.,注:动名词和不定式都可以作主语或表语,没有太大区别。在表示经常习惯性动作多用动名词;在表示具体某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。,2.动名词作表语 动名词作表语起名词作用,表示主语的内容,3.动名词作定语,动名词作定语时,动名词和它所修饰的词没有逻辑上的主谓关系

15、.。表示名词用途。a racing car=a car that is used to racea swimming pool=a pool that is used to swim in 单个的动名词作定语,放在被修饰的词前;动名词短语作定语,放在被修饰的词语后;Do you know the sleeping car卧铺车 on show?The boy sitting under the tree is reading.,3.动名词作定语 动名词作定语时,动名词和它所修饰的词没有,4.动名词作宾语,1)动名词作动词宾语下列动词后只能接动名词:suggest,finish,avoid,st

16、op,cant help,mind,enjoy,require,practise,miss,escape,pardon,advise,consider,imagine,keep,appreciate,escape,permit。I cant imagine marrying a girl of that sort.Will you admit having broken the window?,4.动名词作宾语 1)动名词作动词宾语,有些动词短语后也要求跟动名词作宾语。常这样用的动词短语有:leave off停止,put off推迟,give up,look forward to,feel l

17、ike,have trouble/difficulty(in)doing sth.devote to,get used to,pay attention to,be fond of,stick to,be worth,cant stand不能忍受,cant help禁不住.,有些动词短语后也要求跟动名词作宾语。常这样用的动词短语有:,2)动名词作介词宾语注意:介词后如果需要非谓语动词作宾语,只能是动名词,不可用不定式。Are you good at playing football?其他介词不易错,重点是介词to.因为不定式符号也是to,所以一定要记住有关的短语。look forward to

18、,devoteto,get used t习惯于,pay attention to,stick to,on ones way to这些短语中的to都是介词。,I am used to watching TV in the evening.,2)动名词作介词宾语I am used to watchin,1.The man insisted_ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.A.find B.to find C.on finding D.in finding2.Its necessary to be prepared for a

19、 job interview._ the answers ready will be of great help.A.To have had B.Having had C.Have D.Having,高考点击,Practice,1.The man insisted_ a,3.I really cant understand _ her like that.you treat B.you to treat C.why treat D.you treating4.He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk _ the

20、 good opportunity.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost,返回,3.I really cant understand,三、分词,现在分词与过去分词.充当成分:宾语补足语,表语,定语,状语.,三、分词现在分词与过去分词.,(一)现在分词,(一)现在分词,(1).现在分词,现在分词无人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化.其时态和语态的变化形式与动名词相同.,(1).现在分词现在分词无人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变,(2)、现在分词的句法功能具有形容词和副词的特征,可充当成分:表语 定语,宾语补足语,状语,(2)、现在分词的句法功能

21、,1.现在分词作表语,现在分词作表语起形容词作用,说明主语的特征及主语所具备的动作功能。常译为”使(令)怎样。”如:The news is very disappointing.His story is very moving.(Encouraging,inspiring,exciting,interesting.),1.现在分词作表语现在分词作表语起形容词作用,说明主语的特,2.现在分词作定语,现在分词作定语,表示主动意义,它与所修饰的名词构成 主谓关系,通常可改为定语从句。它从以下两方面来说明中心词。A.表示动作正在进行 Dont wake up the sleeping boy.=Don

22、t wake up the boy who is sleepingI don t know the man writing something over there.=I don t know the man who is writing something over there.,2.现在分词作定语现在分词作定语,表示主动意义,它与所修,3.现在分词作宾语补足语,用现在分词作宾补,说明宾语是动作的执行者,形成逻辑上的主谓关系;A.作感官动词的宾补,如:see,look at,watch,notice,find,observe,listen to,hear,smell taste,feel 表

23、示正在进行的意义We found them reading in the classroom.,3.现在分词作宾语补足语用现在分词作宾补,说明宾语是动作的执,4.现在分词作状语,现在分词可在句中作时间、原因、条件、结果,让步、伴随或方式等状语。,B.作使役动词的宾补,如:have,get,keep,send,leave,catch表示”使进行/处于(某种状态)”,强调动作或状态的持续性.Can you keep the clock going?,4.现在分词作状语现在分词可在句中作时间、原因、条件、结果,1)作时间状语,可以表示三个时间概念A.表示和谓语动作同时发生,相当于“as soon a

24、s”引导的时间状语从句Hearing the good news,he jumped up with joy.=As soon as he heard the good news,he=On hearing the good news,he,1)作时间状语,可以表示三个时间概念,B.谓语动词的动作发生在分词动作的过程中,表示”在做某事期间”相当于由when/while 引导的时间状语从句。Walking in the street,I came across an old friend.=When/While I was walking in the street,I came across

25、an old friend.=When/While walking in the street,I came across,B.谓语动词的动作发生在分词动作的过程中,表示”在做某事期间,C.如果分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前,分词就要用完成时。如:Having done his homework,the boy went out to play.Having written his composition,he began to do his Maths homework.,2)作原因状语,相当于由because/as 引导的原因状语从句。,C.如果分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前,分词就要用完成时

26、。,A.和谓语动词的动作同时发生Being ill,he didnt go to school.=Because/As he was ill,he didnt go Not knowing what to do next,he went to his teacher for advice.=Because/As he didnt know what to do next,he went to,A.和谓语动词的动作同时发生,B.如果分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前,分词就要用完成时。Having seen the film many times,he didnt go to see it last

27、night.,3)作条件状语,相当于由 if 引导的条件状语从句(If)Using your head,you will find a way.=If you use your head,you will find,B.如果分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前,分词就要用完成时。,4)作让步状语,相当于由 although/though 引导的让步状语从句Although/Though getting up early,he was late for the meeting.=Although/Though he got up early,he was late for the meeting.,4)

28、作让步状语,相当于由 although/though 引,5)作伴随状语(方式状语),表示同谓语的动作同时发生,相当于由并列连词连接的两个并列动作。They sat there on the stone,talking with each other.=They sat there on the stone and talked with each other.注意:只有现在分词的一般式才可作伴随状语,且常放于主句后。,5)作伴随状语(方式状语),表示同谓语的动作同时发生,相当于,6)作结果状语,现在分词的动作同谓语动词的动作几乎同时发生。The mother died,leaving fiv

29、e children behind.They fired at the enemy,killing two.,现在分词无论作何种状语,它的逻辑主语必须是句子的主语,句子的 主语可能是分词动作的执行者,句子的 主语也可能是分词动作的承受者。,6)作结果状语,现在分词的动作同谓语动词的动作几乎同时发生。,但在一些表示说话者态度的固定表达方式中,分词短语的逻辑主语和句子的主语是不一致的。这种结构常见的有:1)generally/strickly/+speaking2)Judging from/talking of/allowing for.3)Considering that/seeing that

30、/supposing that,但在一些表示说话者态度的固定表达方式中,分词短语的逻辑主语,注意:现在分词作状语的几个特性。时间性。与谓语动词同时发生,用一般时,如发生在谓语动作之前时则用完成式having done。语态性。与句子的主语之间的关系,是主谓关系或动宾关系。人称一致性。分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。,注意:现在分词作状语的几个特性。,1._ the program,they have to stay there for another two weeks.A.Not completing B.Not completedC.Not completing D.Not having c

31、ompleted(原因状语),高考点击,Practice,高考点击Practice,2The manager,_ it clear to us that he didnt agree with us,left the meeting room.(时间或伴随状语)Awho has made Bhaving made Cmade Dmaking3The storm left,_a lot of damage to this area.(结果状语)Acaused Bto have caused Cto cause Dhaving caused,2The manager,_ it clea,4_fro

32、m other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.(原因状语)ABeing separatedBHaving separated CHaving been separatedDTo be separated,4_from other continents,(二)过去分词,(二)过去分词,(1).过去分词的语法形式,过去分词无人称和数的变化,也没有时态和语态的变化。(done),(2)、过去分词的句法功

33、能,具有形容词和副词的特征,可充当成分:表语 定语,宾语补足语,状语,(1).过去分词的语法形式过去分词无人称和数的变化,也没有时,1.过去分词作表语,过去分词作表语,相当于一个形容词,说明主语的状态。如,He is gone.The glass is broken.He was lost in thought.They were deeply moved.,1.过去分词作表语过去分词作表语,相当于一个形容词,说明主语,注意:被动结构与系表结构的区别 这两种结构形式都是be+过去分词。这两种结构的主要区别是:被动语态强调所发生的动作,而系表结构表示的是主语的特点或状态。The cup was

34、broken by my little brother.(被动结构)The cup is broken.(系表结构),注意:被动结构与系表结构的区别,2.过去分词作定语,过去分词作定语,它的逻辑主语就是它所修饰的词,有以下三个特点:A.及物动词的过去分词作定语和它的逻辑主语的关系是被动的。所表示的时间概念是完成。The building built last year can hold 1,000 people=The building that was built last year can,2.过去分词作定语过去分词作定语,它的逻辑主语就是它所修饰,B.不及物动词的过去分词作定语只表示动作

35、的完成。与它所修饰的名词没有被动关系。fallen leaves=leaves that have fallen a retired worker=a worker who has retiredthe risen sun=the sun that has risen,B.不及物动词的过去分词作定语只表示动作的完成。与它所修饰的,C.有些表示心理活动的过去分词作定语,表面是修饰它后面的名词,但实质是说明当事者的心理状态。所以过去分词与它所修饰的名词没有被动关系。The surprised look showed that he hadnt expected this.=(He was surp

36、rised and his look showed his surprise),C.有些表示心理活动的过去分词作定语,表面是修饰它后面的名词,The fathers loud voice made a frightened look appear on his daughters face.(The fathers daughter was frightened and her face showed her fright.),The fathers loud voice made a,3.过去分词作宾补,过去分词作宾补,过去分词和宾语的关系是被动关系,说明宾语的状态,表示动作的完成。常用来作

37、感官动词,如:see,look at,watch,notice,find,observe,listen to,hear,smell taste,feel和使役动词如:have,get,keep,send,leave,catch的宾补,3.过去分词作宾补过去分词作宾补,过去分词和宾语的关系是被,When I walked home,I saw a man caught by the police.As soon as he returned home,he found his house broken into.He kept himself covered with a blanket.,Wh

38、en I walked home,I saw a ma,4.过去分词作状语,过去分词可在句中作时间、条件、原因、让步,方式或伴随情况等状语。过去分词无论作何种状语,它的逻辑主语必须是句子的主语,而且存在着逻辑上的被动关系.,4.过去分词作状语过去分词可在句中作时间、条件、原因、让步,1)做时间或条件状语,通常放在句首。Seen from the top of the hill,the town looks even more beautiful.=If the town is seen from the top of the hill,the town=When the town is see

39、n from the top of the hill,the town,1)做时间或条件状语,通常放在句首。,2)作原因状语Deeply moved by the story,the children began to cry.=As/Because they were deeply moved by the story,the children.3)作让步状语Seriously wounded,he still kept on fighting.=Although/Though he was seriously wounded,he still kept.,2)作原因状语,4)作方式或伴随情

40、况状语She walked out of the house,followed by her little daughter.=She walked out of the house,and was followed by her little daughter.He sat there,lost in thought.=He sat there,and was lost in thought.,4)作方式或伴随情况状语,_ more attention,the tree could have grown better.(条件状语)A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Ha

41、ving given.2.The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century(定语)A.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written,Practice 高考点击,Practice 高考点击,3._ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.(原因)A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose 4

42、.The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.(条件)begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun,3._ in thought,he al,一、分析句子结构,解题步骤,解题步骤,1._many times,but he still couldnt understand it.A.Having been told B.To be toldC.He was told D.Though he was told分析:用连词but 引导并列句子,因此,前面也是个独

43、立句子,故选C。,1._many times,but he,2._many times,he still couldnt understand it.A.Having been told B.To be toldC.He was told D.Though he was told分析:句中用逗号隔开,且无连词引导,因此,前面不是句子结构,只是句子的一个成分,故选A,用非谓语动词作状语。,2._many times,he sti,二、分析逻辑主语非谓语动词虽不能作谓语,但仍具有动词特点,其逻辑上的动作执行者就叫做逻辑主语。非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语须和句子的真正主语一致。若不一致,则须加上自

44、己的逻辑主语。,二、分析逻辑主语非谓语动词虽不能作谓语,但仍具有动词特点,,1._no buses,we have to walk home.2._Sunday,I shall have a quiet day at home.A.There being B.It were C.There were D.It being,分析:句1.表示“没有公共汽车”,应用“there be”结构,即逻辑主语是“the buses”,故选A。句2.同理选D。,1._no buses,we have,三、分析语态分析语态就是在确定逻辑主语之后,分析非谓语动词和逻辑主语在搭配使用时是主动还是被动关系。,三、分析

45、语态分析语态就是在确定逻辑主语之后,分析非谓语动词,1._from space,the earth looks blue.2._from space,we can see the earth is blue.A.Seen B.Seeing C.To see D.See这两个题选项中的非谓语动词都没有加自己的逻辑主语,因此其逻辑主语就是句子的主语。分析:句1.“地球被看”,表被动,故选A,用过去分词表被动。句2.我们“主动看”即表主动,故选B。,1._from space,the eart,四、分析时态,在选定了主动或被动后,还要考虑动作发生的时间问题,即时态。,高三英语非谓语动词经典课件,1.

46、The building _now will be a gym.2.The building _next year will be a gym.3.The building _last year is a gym.A.having been built B.to be builtC.being built D.built分析:句1中 now 说明大楼正在被修,故用进行式,选C。句2中next year 说明大楼将在明年被修,故用表将来的不定式,选B。句3中 last year 说明大楼已被修,但不能选A,因为现在分词的完成式不能作定语,故用过去分词,选D。,1.The building _now will,Thank you!,GOODBYE,Thank you!GOODBYE,


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