形容词和副词 ppt课件.ppt

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1、第一轮复习-语法复习课,形容词与副词,用以修饰名词,表示事物的特征的词。e.g.long,empty,cheap,hungry,etc.,形容词的概念及用法,在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语等成分,单个形容词作定语时,放在被修饰的名词前。He is a good student.形容词作不定代词的定语时,要放在不定代词的后面。I have something important to tell you.,形容词作表语时,与连系动词构成系表结构。The trees turn green in spring.My teacher is happy today.,(二)作表语,(一)作定语,(三)作宾

2、语补足语,形容词作宾语补足语时,用来说明宾语的性质、状态或特征。e.g.We must keep the classroom clean.He made us happy.,形容词的一些易错考点,1.当形容词修饰somewhere,anywhere,nowhere或复合不定代词something,anything,nothing,someone,anyone,somebody,anybody,nobody,everything时,须置于被修饰的复合不定代词之后。e.g.Id like to live somewhere quiet.我想住在安静的地方。Have you seen here?你在

3、这里见到过陌生人吗?,2.当形容词与enough一起时,放在enough之前。This truck is big enough to carry 5 tons.,anybody strange,c,()31.How do you like the talk show?I think its _,but some people think its so _.Awonderful enough;bored Benough wonderful;boringCwonderful enough;boring Denough wonderful;bored,3.有的形容词,在句中只能作表语。这类形容词主要

4、以a开头,如afraid(害怕的),alive(活着的),awake(醒着的),alone(独自的;单独的)。()He is alone there.()He is an alone man.()She looks awake.()She is an awake kid.,4.the加上某些形容词,表示一类人或事物。例如:the young(年轻人),the rich(富人),the poor(穷人)。,注意 这一句型中常用描述做某事性质的形容词,如:important,necessary,difficult,easy,hard,dangerous,safe,useful,pleasant,i

5、nteresting,impossible等,用for 是因为前面的adj是来描述to do sth的.用of adj就用来形容sb的,即sb is adj.,5.形容词常用句式(1)“Itsadj.forsb.不定式”表示“做某事对某说”。,(2)“Itsadj.ofsb.不定式”表示“某人做某事”。注意 这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词,如:good,kind,nice,polite,clever,foolish,lazy,careful,careless,right,wrong等。,Its very difficult me to do it.Its very kind yo

6、u to do it for me.It is more convenient him to walk directly.对他来说,直接走过来比较便捷.It is clever him to come down without ropes.他很聪明,不用绳子就能下来.,for,of,for,of,(difficult 指事情很难),(kind指人的品质好You are kind.),(convenient 指事情很便捷),(clever指人很聪明 He is clever.),形容词后不同介词的使用,be anxious about 为担忧 be certain about 确信be exci

7、ted about 对感到兴奋 be sure about 对有把握be worried about 为 担心 be weak in 在方面不行 be bad for 对有害,对不利 be famous for 因闻名 be fit for 合适 be good for 对有益(方便)be late for 迟到 be ready for 为准备好 be sorry for 因抱歉 be well-known for以出名be absent from 缺席,不在 be different from 与不同be far from 离远,远远不 be tired from 因而疲劳be inter

8、ested in 对感兴趣,be afraid of 害怕 be full of 充满 be proud of 为自豪 be short of 缺乏 be sure of 肯定,有把握 be tired of 对厌烦 be similar to 与相似 be friendly to 对友好be angry with 对(某人)生气 be busy with 忙于 be careful with 小心 be patient with 对(某人)有耐心be pleased with 对满意(高兴)be popular with 受欢迎be satisfied with 对满意 be strict

9、with 对(某人)严格,friendly,famous,different,popular,satisfied,pleased,patient,similar,例如:Usually I do my homework in the evening.通常我在晚上做家庭作业。I often get up at six in the morning.我经常在早晨6点起床。Please speak slowly.请慢慢说。,(1)副词修饰动词时,通常可以放在句首、句中或句末。,2.副词的位置及用法,1.副词的概念:副词是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或句子,表示时间、

10、地点、程度、方式等概念,(二)副 词,(2)副词修饰形容词或副词时,通常放在形容词或副词的前面。,例如:These flowers are quite beautiful.这些花相当漂亮。He works very hard.他工作很努力。但有时也有例外,例如:She is old enough to go to school.(enough放在了形容词的后面)她已到了上学的年龄。,(3)副词修饰整个句子时,通常可以放在句首.例如:Luckily,she got good grades this time.,3副词的分类时间副词 today,tomorrow,yesterday,now,the

11、n,ago,before,soon.地点副词 here,there,home,abroad,upstairs,downstairs,.方式副词 carefully,slowly,quickly,happily,badly,easily,.程度副词 very,quite,rather,very much,too,so.频度副词 always,usually,often,sometimes,never.疑问副词 where,how,when,why.,注意:频度副词一般多用在实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词、助动词之后。He sometimes goes swimming in the river

12、.他有时去河里游泳。She is never late for class.她上学从不迟到。,(1)本身为副词,如now,rather,also,there,here,how,when,too,quite等。,(2)少数词既是副词,也是形容词。这样的词有early,late,high,fast等,只是它们作副词与作形容词时在句中的位置不同。He comes to school very early every morning.他每天到校很早。(early为副词,修饰动词come)Mr Smith always catches the early bus to go to work every

13、morning.史密斯先生每天早上总是乘早班车上班。(early为形容词,作名词bus的定语),4.副词的构成,注意:少数以ly结尾的词是形容词,而不是副词,如friendly(友好的),lovely(可爱的),deadly(致命的),lively(活泼的),manly(男子气概的)等。,(3)由“形容词ly”构成。,一般直接加-ly。careful carefully(认真地)quick quickly(快地),以le结尾的去掉e再加-ly。possible possibly(可能地)comfortable comfortably(舒适地),以-y结尾的形容词把y改为i,再加-ly。easy

14、 easily(容易地)happy happily(高兴地),shy的副词形式为shyly(害羞地),“Av.as形容词/副词原级asB”表示“A和B程度相同”,“和一样”Lucy is as old as Kate.露西和凯特的年龄一样大。Tom runs _ Mike.汤姆和迈克跑得一样快。,as fast as,“Av.notas/so形容词/副词原级asB”表示“A不如B”。如:This classroom is _ that one.这间教室不如那间大。He doesnt walk as slowly as you.他走路不像你那样慢。,not as/so big as,形容词和副词

15、原级的常用句型,Listening is just as _ as speaking in language learning.AimportantBmore importantCmost important Dthe most important,A,形容词和副词的比较级,longer,longest,larger,largest,比较级的构成,funnier,funniest,thinner,thinnest,more slowly,most slowly,不规则变化 good/wellbetterbest many/muchmoremost ill/bad/badlyworseworst

16、 little_ farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest,less,least,若表示某一个事物或人在某方面比另一个事物或人更怎样,可以使用以下几个句型。1A.比较级thanB“A比B更”。The earth is bigger than the moon.地球比月球更大。He works harder than us.他比我们工作更努力。,形容词比较级常用句型,A,Was Henry late for the concert yesterday?No.He got there even ten minutes _ than us two.AearlierBea

17、rliestClaterDlatest,2.“特殊疑问词v.比较级,A or B?”Which is _,the blue ball or the red one?哪一个球更大,蓝球还是红球?,bigger,3.“Av.the比较级of the two”表示“A是两者中较的”。Look at the two boys.Xiaoming is _ the two.看那两个男孩,小明是两个当中较高的那个。,the taller of,taller and taller,more and more carefully,4.“比较级and比较级”表示“越来越”。He is getting _他越来越高

18、了。He does his homework _.他做作业越来越认真了。,5.“the比较级,the比较级”表示“越,就越”。_ you work,_ your grades will be.你越努力学习,你的成绩就会越好。,The harder,the better,7.表示不及另一方时,使用“less+原级+than”This park is _ than that one.(beautiful),The _ friends you have,the _ you will be.Amore;happyBmany;happyCmore;happier Dmany;happier,C,less

19、 beautiful,6.Av.比较级thanany other单数名词(介词短语)”表示“A比同一范围内的任何一个人/物都”,含义是“A最”。Xiaoming is taller than _ in his class.Xiaoming is taller than the other boys in his class.小明比他班上的其他任何男孩都高。,any other boy,可修饰比较级的词或短语,1当强调比较的程度时,可以在形容词、副词的比较级前使用much,a little,even,still,a lot,far等。It is much colder than yesterda

20、y.今天比昨天冷得多。Mary did even worse than Lucy.玛丽做得甚至比露西更糟。We must make the life still better.我们一定要使生活更加美好。,2表示倍数的词或度量名词可以作比较级的修饰语。She is three years younger than him.她比他小三岁。He works than us.他干活比我们快三倍。,three times faster,使用比较级时的注意事项,1注意比较的对象保持前后一致。(1)上海比北京的人口多。()The population of Shanghai is larger than B

21、eijing.,()The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.,(2)北京的天气比上海的好。()The weather in Beijing is nicer than Shanghai.,()The weather in Beijing is nicer than that of Shanghai.,2避免将主语包含在比较对象中。(1)他比我们班上任何人都来得早。()He comes earlier than any student in our class.,()He comes earlier than any o

22、ther student in our class.,(2)中国比非洲的任何一个国家都大。()China is bigger than any other country in Africa.,()China is bigger than any country in Africa.,用于三者或三者以上的人或事物之间的比较,表示在一定范围内“最”,其主要句型有:1A.the最高级in(of,among).“在某范围之内A最”。Shanghai is the largest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。He is the tallest of the three boys(

23、among the three boys).他是这三个男孩中最高的。She jumped(the)highest in the high jumping.她跳高跳得最高。,注意:of,among后跟范围,表示范围与主语是同类。in后多跟地点,与主语不同类。She is the cleverest of(among)the three girls.她是这三个女孩子中最聪明的。She is the cleverest girl in the class.她是班上最聪明的女孩。形容词最高级前如果没有形容词性物主代词,必须加定冠词the,但副词的最高级前可以不用the。,形容词、副词的最高级,注意:以

24、上句型中,one of后的名词要用复数形式。,We have a lovely room.Its one of _room in the hotel.AniceBnicerCnicestDthe nicest,D,one of the largest countries,2.A.one of the最高级复数名词“A是最的之一”。,Jay Chou is one of the most popular singers in Taiwan.周杰伦是台湾最受欢迎的歌手之一。,China is in the world.中国是世界上最大的国家之一。,S,Changjiang River is the

25、 first longest river in our country.长江是我国第一长河。Jimmy is in our class.杰米是我们班上个子第二高的男孩,3.the序数词最高级单数名词in范围“在某范围内是第几的”。,the second tallest boy,4Which(Who).(the)最高级,A,B or C?“A、B和C,哪个/谁最?”。Which is the biggest,the sun,the earth or the moon?太阳、地球、月亮,哪一个最大?Who runs(the)fastest,Kate,Tom or Mike?谁跑得最快,凯特、汤姆还

26、是迈克?,5A.the最高级(that)I have ever seen/heard/read.“A是我所见过的/听过的/读过的最的”。另外,此类句型中的that可以省略。You are the most beautiful girl(that)I have ever seen.你是我所见过的最漂亮的女孩。Harry Potter is book(that)I have ever read.哈利波特是我所读过的最有趣的书。,the most interesting,Summary,形容词和副词的意义及用法,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成及用法,形容词和副词,考点总结,形容词、副词表示比较的

27、几种结构:表示两者“相等”用,as+形容词/副词原级+比较对象;表示“不如”没有“不相等”,用“not+as/so+形容词、副词原级+as+比较对象”;用形容词、副词的比较级+than从句表示两者比较;比较级前可用much,a little,a lot,far,still,even等表示程度;and连接同一个比较级,表示“越来越”;the+比较级,the+另一个比较级。表示“越越”;形容词、副词前如有:very,too,quite,rather等修饰,一般用原级;三者、三者以上的比较,一般用最高级;常用介词in,of短语表示比较的范围;表示“最之一”,用one of+最高级+复数名词;最高级前

28、一般要加“the”;副词最高级前可加“the”也可不加“the”;当最高级前有物主代词时,则不加“the”。,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1Eating _(health)food is good for you.2She likes light music because its _(relax)3Please listen to the teacher _(careful)in class.4Bob is _(outgoing)than his sister.5The more you smile,the _(happy)youll feel.6Jim gets to school _(

29、early)than his classmates.7The Yellow River is the second _(long)river in China.8Whose bag is _(heavy),yours or mine?9Does Jim run as _ as David?Yes,but Mike runs _ than them.(fast),healthy,relaxing,carefully,more/less outgoing,happier,形容词和副词,earlier,longest,考点过关训练,heavier,fast,faster,10It gets_ and

30、 _ when spring comes.(warm)11Thats one of _(educational)movies she has seen.12Its noisy here.I need a much _(quiet)place to study in.13Which of the two cars will you buy?The _(cheap)one.I dont have much money.14Who is _(tall),Bob,Jack or Tim?15With the development of modern science,its _(easy)for us to get information from all over the world than before.,warmer,warmer,the most educational,quieter,cheaper,the tallest,easier,


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