新人教版五年级上册there be句型讲解ppt课件.ppt

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1、,There be 句型,There be 句型,there/here be结构,1、There be(is,are)句型用法歌谣:There be句型很好记,意为某地有某人或某物。There be句型不一般,主语跟在be后边。There be可译“有”,be 动词跟着主语走。主语单数或不可数,当用is记清楚。如果主语是复数,用are一定要记住。出现并列主语特殊记,“就近原则”用仔细。变疑问,很简单,be须大写来提前;变否定,也轻松,be后not记心中;肯定句中用some,否定、疑问用any。提问主语最简单,一律用“Whats+地点”。提问地点容易记,“Where be+主语”用仔细。数量词语

2、若划线,“How many(much)”来替换。2(1)there be句型与have(has)的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has)表示某人拥有某物。(2)There be结构一般用在句子的开头,而have等词只能用于某一个主语后面。,there be,(is are),表示某地有某人或某物,例:在桌子上有一个苹果。,There is an apple in the desk.,There are some students in the classroom.,教室里有一些学生。,(就近原则),There _ a book and some pens on t

3、he desk.,is,就近原则就是:be动词是根据离它最近的名词决定。,There is+可数名词,There is+不可数名词,(液体类:water,juice,milk,Coke,soup),(肉类:beef,chicken,fish),(食物:rice,bread,),There is a pen.,There is some beef,There are+可数名词的复数形式(S),There are so many pens.,(some,lots of,a lot of许多),/lots of,(some,so many,lots of,a lot of),1、用恰当的be动词填空

4、。1)There four seasons in a year.2)There not any trees there.3)there a post office near your school?-Yes,there.4)How many stops there?There only one.5)There not any stamps on the letter.6)there any birds in the tree?7)There a shop near our school there.8)There three books,a ruler and a pencil.9)Here

5、some bread for you.10)In New York,there a lot of rain in spring.,are,are,Is,is,are,is,are,Are,is,are,is,is,2、选用“have,has,there is,there are”填空。1)I a good father and a good mother.2)a pen on the desk.3)He a sister.4)a basketball in the playground.5)They a nice garden.6)My father two story-books.7)a r

6、eading-room in the building?8)What does Mike?9)What do you?10)any books in the bookcase?11)How many students in the classroom?12)a story-book on the table now.13)My parents some nice pictures.14)some maps on the wall.15)a map of the world on the wall.16)Davids friends some pens.17)many children on t

7、he hill.,have,There is,has,There is,have,has,Is there,have,have,Are there,are there,There is,have,There are,There is,have,There are,there be句型的一般疑问句,将be动词调到句首,并首字母大写,句末用问号(?),There is a book on the desk.,Is there a book on the desk?,Is there+人/物+地点状语?,There are some pictures on the wall.,Are there a

8、ny pictures on the wall?,Are there any+人/物+地点状语?,Yes,there is./No,there isnt.,Yes,there are./No,there arent.,Yes,there are./No,there arent.,Yes,there is./No,there isnt.,1.There is a pen in the pencil box.(作肯定回答),2.There are some books on the desk.(作肯定回答),3.There are some flowers in front of the hous

9、e.(作否定回答),将下列句子改成一般疑问句。,Is there a pen in the pencil box?,Yes,there is.,Are there any books on the desk?,Yes,there are.,Are there any flowers in front of the house?,No.there arent.,Pratice,1.There_many flowers and trees in the garden.2.There_ a reading room in your school.3.There_some beef on the pl

10、ate.4.There_an apple and some oranges on the desk.5.There_lots of juice.6.There_so many vegetables and a water bottle in the kitchen.,用is/are填空,are,is,is,is,is,are,连词成句。1.clock on there a wall is the.2.room in are photos there some the living.3.books the in any are bag there?4.so plants garden there

11、 the many in are5.there egg the is on an desk?,There is a clock on the wall.,There are some photos in the living room.,Are there any books in the bag?,There are so many plants in the garden.,Is there an egg on the desk?,就划线部分提问,1.There is a fish in the bottle.2.There are some birds in the tree.3.The

12、re are three photos on the wall.,Whats in the bottle?,Where are the birds?,How many photos are there on the wall?,把下列的句子改为否定句,一般疑问句并按要求回答,1.There is a plant beside the window.(x回答)2.There are some photos on the floor.(回答)3.There are many books under the desk.(x回答)4.There is lots of water in the bott

13、le.(肯定回答),There isnt a plant beside the window.,Is there a plant beside the window?,There arent any photos on the floor.,Are there any photos on the floor?,There arent many books under the desk.,Are there many books under the desk?,There isnt lots of water in the bottle.,Is there lots of water in th

14、e bottle?,No,there isnt.,Yes,there are.,No,there isnt.,Yes,there are.,is,am,are的用法区别:I用am,you用are,is连着he、she、it,单数用is,复数全用are。,用be动词的适当形式填空。1)I _a boy._you a boy?No,I _not.2)The girl_ Amys sister.3)The dog _ tall and fat.4)The man with big eyes _ a teacher.5)_ your brother in the classroom?6)How _ y

15、our father?8)Whose dress _ this?7)Mike and Liu Tao _ at school.9)Whose socks _ they?10)Who _ I?11)Here _ a cat for you.12)The jeans _ on the desk.13)Here _ some sweaters for you.,am,am,is,is,is,Is,is,is,Are,are,are,are,are,are,am,14)The black shoes _ for Su Yang.15)This pair of shoes _ for Chen Jie.

16、16)The two cups of milk _ for me.17)Some tea _ in the glass.18)Gao shans shirt _ over there.19)My sisters name _Sarah.20)_ Mike and Amy from England?21)There _ a girl in the room.22)There _ some apples on the tree.23_there any apple juice in the bottle?24 There _ some bread on the plate.25)You,he and I _ from China.26)There _a boy,two girls,three men and ten women in the park.,are,is,are,is,is,is,Are,is,are,Is,is,are,is,


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