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1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.,预习成果检测:,庭院拍卖会 做某事很难 10多年 想做某事 带回,yard sale,Its hard to do sth.,more than 10 years,want to do sth.,bring back,预习成果检测:,甜蜜的回忆 捐赠 有需要的人 不再 75分,sweet memories,give away,people in need,notanymore,75 cents,Yard sale 庭院旧货出售 这是国外的一种风俗,也是一种独特的售货方式。人们利用周末,将家中搁置不用的物件,放

2、在自家庭院中廉价出售,因而被称作yard sale,也可译作“家庭拍卖会”。庭院售卖的物品种类繁多,大到家具,电器,小到玩具,衣物和鞋帽。这些物品虽多数为二手家什,但也有全新的物品,且价格合理公道,甚至还可讨价还价。正是这种低廉,公道的价格及买家淘宝和碰大运的心理,使得yard sale广受欢迎,逐渐演变成一种独特的文化现象。,What can you see in the picture?,1a Look at the things at the yard sale.Do you have any of these things at home?How long have you had t

3、hem?,Pairwork,Ive had it for two years.,Do you have a toy bear at home?,Yes,I do.,How long have you had it?,1b Listen and check()the facts you hear.,_ Jeffs family is having a yard sale._ Amy thinks its hard to sell her old things._ Jeff has had his bike for more than 10 years._ Amy wants to keep he

4、r old things because they bring back sweet memories._ You can also give old things away to people in need.,Listening,1c Practice the conversation.Then make conversations about other things in the picture on page 73.,A:This is a really old book.B:Yes,Ive had it for seven years.Ive read it three times

5、.A:Why are you selling it?B:Because I dont read it anymore.A:How much is it?B:You can have it for 75 cents.,Thank you!,预习成果检测:,书 杂志 玩具熊 玩具狮子 玩具老虎 面包机 毛衣 连衣裙 帽子,book,magazine,toy bear,toy lion,toy tiger,bread maker,sweater,dress,hat,预习成果检测:,围巾 捐赠 不再 阳光之家 几个月 查看,观察 软体玩具 棋类游戏,scarf,give away,notanymore

6、,Sunshine Home,a couple of months,check out,soft toy,board game,toy bear(s)玩具熊,bread maker(s)面包机,scarf n.围巾复数为:scarves,New words,soft toy(s)布绒玩具,board game(s)棋类游戏,2a Listen and check()the things Amys family are giving away and circle the things they are keeping.,book magazine toy bear toy lion toy t

7、iger bread maker sweater dress hat scarf,2b Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1.Amy has had her favorite _ for three years.2.Amy has had the toy _ since she was a _.3.Amys mom has had the old bread maker for more than _ years.4.Amy can give away the _ and _ because they do not fit her anymore.,bo

8、ok,bear,baby,10,sweater,dress,2c Students A is Amys mom.Student B is Amy.Make conversations.,A:Amy,can we give away these soft toys?B:Mom,I want to keep the bear.A:Why?Its so old.B:Because Ive had it since I was a baby.,Pairwork,2d Read the conversation and fill in the chart.,magazine,soft toys,boar

9、d games,sweater,dress,bread maker,a couple of months,since she was a child,since she was a child,a long time,Role-play,Hi,Im Amy.I have some things for the kids.,Welcome to the Sunshine Home for children.,Thank you!,预习成果检测:,长大 初级中学 庭院旧货出售 捐钱 清理;丢掉 决定做某事 不再 起初;开始,grow up,junior high school,yard sale,

10、give money,clear out,decide to do sth.,no longer,at first,预习成果检测:,轨道火车 他的四岁生日 玩具猴 更善解人意的 分别;分离 至于;关于 放弃 说实在的,train and railway set,his fourth birthday,toy monkey,more understanding,part with,as for,give up,to be honest,Reading!,Read the article written by a father for a newspaper.Write down the thin

11、gs his family going to sell at the yard sale and their feelings,3a,Fast Reading!(速读),certain toys,football shirts,He felt sad at first.He wanted to keep the train and railway set and the toy monkey.,She was more understanding,although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.,He didnt want to giv

12、e up his football shirts.,a train and railway set,the toy monkey,1.Why did they decide to have a yard sale?2.What do they want to do with the money from the sale?,Because the fathers children get bigger and their house seems to get smaller.,They want to give the money to a childrens home.,Read the a

13、rticle again and answer the questions.,3b,Careful Reading!(细读),3.Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set?4.How can the old toys be useful again?,Because he has owned it since his fourth birthday,and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven.,They can be sold to the

14、 people who need them.,Discuss the question with your partner.,Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things?What would you do with the money you raise?,animal shelter,childrens home,Pair work,Find the words or phrases in the article which can be replaced with the ones below and

15、 write them next to the words.,lose part with kids _truthful _ many _ some time _ even though _quickly _ older _,children,to be honest,a lot of,although,fast,bigger,a while,3c,Post Reading!(读后活动),Thank you!,预习成果检测:,多长时间 三年 轨道火车 四岁生日 一段时间 三天以前 十小时以前 在星期一 水上公园,how long,three years,train and railway se

16、t,fourth birthday,a while,three days ago,ten hours ago,on Monday,water park,预习成果检测:,下个月 去年11月 去年 返回 家乡 希望做某事 明年 最古老的建筑之一,next month,last November,last year,be back to,hometown,hope to do sth.,next year,one of the oldest buildings,_ have you had that bike over there?(那边那辆自行车你骑了多久了?)Ive had it _.(我已经骑

17、了三年了。),How long,for three years,Grammar focus,根据所给汉语意思把句子补充完整。,_ the train and railway set?(他的儿子拥有火车和轨道多久了?)Hes owned it _ _.(他从四岁生日时就有了。),since his fourth birthday,How long has his son owned,_ played football?(你踢过足球吗?)Yes,I did when I was little,but I _ for a while now.(是的,当我小的时候踢过。但是现在已经有好一阵没有踢过了。

18、),Have you ever,havent played,现在完成时的持续型用法现在完成时还可表示过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的动作或状态,该用法中的动词多是延续性动词,常见的时态标志词有since,for等。,现在完成时,1.since意为“自从以来”,它既可作介词,也可作连词。作介词时,后接表示过去的时间点,表示某事开始的时间;作连词时,引导时间状语从句,从句常用一般过去时。如:We have been here since last Sunday/two years ago.Mr.Jones has worked here since he was twenty

19、-five.,2.for作介词,后接一段时间,表示一个动作或一种状态已经持续了多长时间。如:I have studied here for three years.She has been away for five days.,4a,Rewrite the sentences using for or since.,Jim is in Japan.He arrived there three days ago.2.They are very hungry.Their last meal was ten hours ago.,They have been hungry for ten hour

20、s/since ten hours ago.,Jim has been in Japan for three days.,3.I have a camera.I bought it in 2009.4.I know Anna.I first met her three years ago.5.Linda is ill.She became ill on Monday.,I have had a camera since 2009.,I have known Ann for three years/since three years ago.,Linda has been ill since M

21、onday.,4b,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,I _(never be)to the water park before.I want to _(go)next month before the weather gets too cold.2.They _(never own)any pets,but they _(always want)to have a dog.,have never been,go,have never owned,have always wanted,3.We

22、 _(have)a piano since last November.We _(buy)it from the Li family when they moved to the US last year.4.Cathy and Amy _(not be)back to their hometown for two years.They _(miss)their hometown a lot and hope to visit the place next year.,have had,bought,havent been,miss,5.This museum _(be)here for ov

23、er 20 years.It _(be)one of the oldest buildings in this small town.,has been,is,4c,Fill in the questions and ask two students.Then complete the chart.,1.Do you have a(n)_?How long have you had it?2.Do you own a(n)_?How long have you owned it?,Thank you!,预习成果检测:,家乡 博物馆 动物园 图书馆 小学 公园 河流,hometown,museu

24、m,zoo,library,primary school,park,river,预习成果检测:,桥 山 镇图书馆 科学博物馆 音乐厅 沿街的饭店,bridge,hill,town library,science museum,concert hall,restaurant down the street,museum,zoo,library,primary school,park,river,bridge,hill,1a Check()the places or things you can find in your town or city.,_ a museum _ a primary s

25、chool_ a bridge _ a zoo _ a park _ a hill _ a library _ a river,Pairwork,A:Is there a museum in your town?B:Yes,there is.A:How long has it been there?B:It has been there for hundreds of years.,Listen and answer the questions.,1.Does Martin like Jennys hometown?2.Does Jenny still live in her hometown

26、?,1b,Yes,he does.He thinks it is really beautiful.,No,she doesnt.Jenny has been awayfor the past few years.,Listening,3.What is behind the science museum?What do people do there on weekends?,There is a big park behind the science museum.Many families go to the park on weekends to let their kids run

27、around and climb the hills.,Listen again and fill in the chart about the places in Jennys hometown.,1c,old,for hundreds of years,new,since lastAugust,old,for as long as Jenny canremember,Talk about your town/city with a partner.,A:My city is lovely.B:What are some of the special places there?A:Well,

28、theres a concert hall there.Its been around for at least 20 years.,1d,Group work,Thank you!,预习成果检测:,一些.另一些 现今;现在 数百万的 寻找;搜查 彩色铅笔厂 过去常做某事 回家 至少 20世纪中期,some others,nowadays,millions of,search for,crayon factory,used to do sth.,return home,at least,mid-20th century,预习成果检测:,一成不变 依据;按照 在学校对面 的象征 暑假 快乐的童年

29、 依.看 柔和甜美的回忆,stay the same,according to,opposite the school,a symbol of,summer holiday,happy childhood,in ones opinion,soft and sweet memories,Reading!,Answer the questions before you read.Then read the passage to find out if your answers are the same as in the passage.,2a,Fast Reading!(速读),1.Why do

30、 millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year?2.How often do you think these people visit their hometowns?3.What new buildings does the government usually build in towns and villages?,They go to the cities to look for work.,They visit their hometowns once or twice a year.,New schools or hosp

31、itals.,Careful Reading!(细读),Read the passage carefully and answer the questions about Zhong Wei.,1.How old is he?2.Where does he work?3.How long has he lived there?4.How often does he go home?,He is 46 years old.,He works in a crayon factory in Wenzhou.,He has lived there for 13 years.,He used to re

32、turn home at least once a year,but now he hasnt been back for almost three years.,5.Does he care about his hometown?6.What are the changes in his hometown?7.What things havent changed in his hometown?8.What are his hometown feelings?,Yes,he does.,Large hospitals,new roads,new schools have appeared.,

33、A big old tree opposite the school.,His hometown has left many soft andsweet memories in their hearts.,Find expressions in the passage that have the same meanings as these words and phrases.,1.look for _ 5.go back _2.consider _ 6.changes _3.across from _ 7.area _4.in ones opinion _,search for,regard

34、,opposite,according to,return,developments,place,2b,Post Reading!(读后活动),Complete the summary with words from the passage.You may need to change the forms of the words.,Many Chinese people these days leave their _ to work in the _.They usually _ to their hometowns one or two times a _.Zhong Wei hasnt

35、 been back in close to three years.He has been working in a _ factory in Wenzhou for the past 13 years.,hometowns,cities,return,year,crayon,2c,People like him are _ in how their hometowns are changing.New buildings are often built by the _.Zhong Wei thinks these changes are _ because things need to

36、change in order to become better.But he also thinks some things _ change,and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood _.,interested,government,good,will never,memories,Think of changes that happening in your town or city today.Which changes are generally good?Which changes could

37、be seen as bad?,Discussion,2d,Thank you!,预习成果检测:,去博物馆 写信 骑自行车 看电影 玩电脑游戏 到目前为止 返回 从那以后,go to a museum,write a letter,ride a bike,see a movie,play computer games,so far,be back to,since then,请写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。1.have/has_ _ 2.sell_ _ 3.keep_ _ 4.bring_ _ 5.give _ _ 6.read_ _ 7.grow_ _ 8.get _ _,had had,

38、sold sold,kept kept,brought brought,gave given,read read,grew grown,got gotten,9.lose_ _ 10.sleep_ _ 11.know_ _ 12.be_ _ 13.buy_ _ 14.feel_ _ 15.meet_ _ 16.become_ _,lost lost,slept slept,knew known,was/were been,bought bought,felt felt,met met,became become,17.go_ _ 18.see_ _ 19.find_ _ 20.build_ _

39、 21.send_ _ 22.hold _ _ 23.write _ _ 24.ride_ _,went gone,saw seen,found found,built built,sent sent,held held,wrote written,rode ridden,Self Check,1.Complete the sentences using for or since.,1.I havent been to a museum _.2.I havent written a letter _.3.I havent ridden a bike _.4.I havent seen a mo

40、vie _.5.I havent played computer games _.,for two years/since two years ago,since I was ten years ago,for five years,since 2010,for one year,A:Hey Eric,_ you enjoyed your time in Beijing so far?B:Yes,it _ been great!Everyone is so friendly.A:How long _ you been in China now?B:Oh,I _ here _ about two

41、 years now.,have,has,have,have been,for,2.Complete the conversation.,A:Wow,that means you havent _ back to the US for two years?B:No,I _ been back twice_ moving to China._ you been to the US before,Li Juan?A:Yes,I went there once when I _ 10 years old,but I _ not been back _ then.,been,have,after,Ha

42、ve,was,have,since,writing!,想想你仍拥有的你童年时期最喜欢的东西。例如,它可能是一个玩具或一本书。用下列方框中的问题做笔记。,A toy bear,Since I was five years old.,My grandmother made it for me.,I slept with it every night.,It left me a lot of childhood memories.,One possible version:,My Favorite Thing My favorite thing from childhood is my toy be

43、ar.Ive had it since I was five years old.My grandmother gave it to me on my birthday.I like the toy bear so much because its dressed in my favorite color.Its special to me because my grandmother made it for me.The toy bear has given me a lot of childhood memories.I remember when I was young,I used to sleep with it almost every night.It made me feel safe to stay with it.I think I will keep it forever to remind me of my grandmother.,请以My Favorite Thing为题,根据上面表格的信息向我们介绍你最喜欢的东西。,Thank you!,


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