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1、Welcome to our class!温馨提示:课前准备好课本、笔记本、练习本。1、积极回答问题分别得2、1分:very good 是2分,good 是1分。2、做题全对得1分。3、做检测题最快得1分。(前5名)4、上课不认真扣1分。最后小组长统计成绩交给课代表。,Module 9 Life history Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.,1.能正确拼写本单元的单词,能读懂简单的人物传记。2.通过自主学习和合作探究,学会略读与细读方法,抓住关键信息,理解课文。3.通过对课文的了解,培养对文学家的崇敬之情以及对文学的兴趣。,Learning Aims:,检

2、查预习:比谁记得最好?一、写出下列单词。1、戏剧 6、诗歌2、作品 7、建造3、死 8、富有的4、语言 9、成功的5、火 10、结婚二、写出下列动词的过去式。1、decide 2、die 3、enjoy4、join 5、marry 6、finish7、become 8、build 9、write 10、begin,playworkdielanguagefire,poembuildrichsuccessfulmarry,decided died enjoyedjoined married finishedbecame built wrotebegan,Romeo and Juliet(罗密欧与朱

3、丽叶)/rmi/du:lit/,Do you know these plays?,Hamlet(哈姆雷特)/hmlit/,Who is the writer of these plays?,WilliamShakespeare(威廉.莎士比亚),Listen to the passage.Put the sentences in the correct order.(要求:合上书听,了解文章大意并排序。比谁听得最认真?),a Shakespeare went to London.b Shakespeares company built the Globe Theatre.c Shakespea

4、re married.d Shakespeare liked plays at school.e Shakespeare died at the age of fifty-two.f Shakespeare decided to be an actor.,4,5,3,1,6,2,be born,build,die,finish school,go to London,marry,Sentencemaking:,e.g:He was born in 1564.He 1578.He 1582.,finished school,married,went to London,built theGlob

5、eTheatre,died,Read the passage.Then complete the table.Use the words and expressions.(要求:默读短文,用所给单词和短语的适当形式,完成下列表格。比谁做得最好?),探究一:He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of 14.,共同探究:比谁学得最认真?,1)decide to do sth.decide后面要求用动词不定式。例如:I decided to be a teacher at the age of 20.我二十岁时决定做

6、一名教师。,2)at the age of 14 在14岁的时候,相当于 when he was 14.,当他14岁毕业时他决定成为一名演员。,探究二:Like many people 400 years ago,Shakespeares parents didnt learn to read or write.,1.句中的or意为 和,常用于 否定和疑问 句。2.当or连接两个并列句子时(例如:Hurry up.or youll be late.),意为 否则。,探究三:He married in 1582 and had three children.,他于1582年结婚,有了三个孩子。,

7、(注意:与某人结婚不能用介词with,例如:Tom is married with her.是错误的),翻译下列句子:(1)She wasgot married to a teacher.她和一位老师结婚了。(2)In 2005 Tom married Mary.在2005年,汤姆和玛丽结婚了。,有关结婚的表达:marry sb.=get/be married to sb.与某人结婚,Read the passage again,then find out your difficult points.(朗读短文,理解短文的深层含义,并把不懂的地方做上标记,要求反复阅读教材内容,努力弄懂每一句话

8、 然后小组讨论,找出解决不了的问题),Work in your groups.,将下列句子译成汉语。1、William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and poems.2、Two of his famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.3、He became a successful actor and began to writes.4、You can still see his plays in English and in many other languages.,Su

9、mmary(小结)What have you learned this class?这节课你学到了什么?,目标检测:比谁学得最好?一、选出正确的答案。()1.They started to work _ fifteen.A.at age of B.in age of C.in age of D.at the age of.()2.Martin _Kate in 2011.A.got married B.got married to C.got married with D.married with.()3.What do you think of Shakespeare?-_.A.He die

10、d at the age of 52.B.He was a famous English writer of plays and poems.C.He was born in 1564.D.He was born in Stratford,England.()4.One of Shakespeares famous plays _ Hamlet.A.be B.are C.were D.is.()5.James was born _ early morning of May 5,1998.A.in B.on C.at.D.for.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、Mary decided(lea

11、ve)school because her father was ill.2、Mr and Mrs Green(marry)in 1998.3、Han Min began(write)poems when she was 21.4、Yesterday it was rainy,so he(not play)football.5、They _(not use)computers or the Internet at that time.,D,B,B,D,B,to leave,married,to write,didnt play,didnt use,Homework:1.熟练记住本单元的单词。2.将重点知识点整理在笔记本上。3.写一篇小短文介绍自己。用上at the age of,Thank you!,


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