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1、Lesson 6 Percy Buttons,beggar n.乞丐beg v.乞求beg for:乞求得到 ask for:请求得到(l)beg your pardon?对不起,请原谅。(常用于没听清,请求对方再说一遍。)Dont always ask others for help.别总向他人求助。He never asks his parents for money.他从来不向父母要钱。,pocket n.衣服口袋inner pocket:大衣、西服内口袋、pocket book:袖珍书;pocket dictionary袖珍字典pocket money:零花钱(小孩的)pocket p

2、ick:车上的小偷,call v.拜访,光顾call sb:给某人打电话call back:回电话call at+地点=visit someplacecall on sbI will call on you.=I will call at your home.,1)close call 有两个意思:1)something dangerous almost happened 差点出了事 I almost got hit by a car today,but Bob pushed me out of the way and saved my life!Phew,that was a close c

3、all!2)a closecompetition胜负难分的比赛 2)Lets call it a day 我们今天就到这儿吧 Weve been studying for 12 hours straight!My eyes hurt.Lets call it a day.,return ri 5t:n vi.返回,回来 Ill return at 10 this evening.vt.还,归还,退回 Will you return my car key?n.回来,回程;偿还,归还;复发 Police announced the return of the stolen goods.I hope

4、 you will not have any return of your illness.,in return:作为回报He doesnt want anything in return.in return for sth:作为对的回报You lent me this interesting book last month.In return(for it),Ill show you some picture books.In return for your help,I invite you to spend the weekend with my family.,stand on one

5、s head:倒立(头着地)用手着地:stand on ones hand/hands跪着:stand on ones knees躺着:lie on ones back(仰面)/side(侧躺)/stomach(趴着),a glass of beer/water a cup of tea/coffee a piece of cheese/paper,tell sb about sth向某人讲述某事/有关.的情况 tell sb sth:告诉某人某件事(把事情直接告诉)tell sb to do sth Tell me your name,please!I told him my name.我把

6、名字告诉了他。Tell me what happened.Tell me something about your job.Tell him to wait.,everybody somebody nobody anybody,1.everybody每个人,用于肯定句2.anybody任何人,用于否定或疑问句。3.somebody某人,用于肯定句。4.nobody没有人There is _ in the classroom because today is Sunday.There is _ in the classroom,but I cant see clearly who he is._

7、 should respect his parents.Is there _who can answer this question?,This is a story about four people named Everybody,Somebody,Anybody,and Nobody.There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.Everybody was sure somebody would do it.Anybody could have done it,but Nobody did i

8、t.Somebody got angry about that,because it was Everybodys job.Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldnt do it.,once a month 每月一次once表示频率时后面直接加表示时间的名词Jane wrote to her parents once a week.简每星期给父母写封信。He goes back to the South once a year.他每年回一次南方。twice a month th

9、ree times a month four times a month every two month every three month,不规则动词的过去式,beginbeganbegun drinkdrankdrunk sing sangsung ringrangrung swimswamswum,eat-ate-eatenstand-stood-stoodgive-gave-giventell-told-told,有些动词的后面加上介词或副词以后就会改变词义。这种新的组合称作短语动词。如:put:放 put on:穿take:拿走 take off:脱下look:看 look at:看

10、;look for:寻找;look after:照顾;look out:当心knockknock at:敲knock off:1)下班 He knocked off earlier.,knockknock at:敲knock off:1)下班 He knocked off earlier.2)knock sth off+地点:从把撞倒 knock the vase off the table,在表达“搬家”这个意思时move可以单独使用,也可以组成短语move to,move into,move in,move out等:Jack has moved out.John will move in the day after tomorrow.杰克已经搬走了。约翰后天搬进来。,


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