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1、Revision L73-74,By Bonnie,Lesson73 phrases1.在公车汽车站附近2.去.的路3.对.熟悉4.讲英语5.迷路6.心想、自言自语7.拿出,near a bus stop,the way to.,know.well,speak English,lose ones way,say to oneself,take out,put away,写出下列动词的过去式1.be-2.find-3.meet-4.speak-5.cut-6.give-7.swim-8.drink-9.do/does-10.see-11.understand-12.lose-,was/were,

2、found,met,spoke,cut,gave,swam,drank,did,saw,understood,lost,1.The man(speaks/spoke)very slowly,but I didnt understand him.2.Jills father(gives/gave)her the key to the front door yesterday.3.We(are seeing/saw)our friends at the bus station last week.4.Mrs.Bird(was/is)in London last week.5.Did she(spe

3、aks/spoke/speak)to you?,Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes,By Bonnie,Lesson75-76 New words,1.ago adv.以前 E/GEH2.buy-bought v.买 bAI-bC:/t3.pair n.双、对 peE4.fashion n.(服装的)流行式样 fZ/SEn5.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的 Vn/kVm/fE/tE/bEl6.wear-wore v.穿着 weE-wC:,量词,1.一罐 2.一块 3.1/4磅4.一盒 5.半磅 6.一双a tin of a bar of a quarter

4、 of a pound of a box of half a pound of a pair of,ble,ore,air,ou,ear,-r1.ar A:2.er B:3.ir B:4.orB:/C:5.ur B:,slowly suddenly pleasantly hurriedly1.形容词+ly:loudly/quickly/certainly/carefully 2.地点副词:home/here/there/upstairs/downstairs 3.单词就是副词:4.不规则变形:good-5.遇到不发音e结尾:,-adv.,late/early/hard/fast,well,co

5、mfortable?,comfortably,Revision practice1.Cut himself _.A.badly B.hardly2.Drink it _.A.thirsty B.thirstily3.Arrive home _.A.lately B.late4.They enjoy themselves _.A.good B.well5.He swam very _.A.quick B.quickly,Whats wrong with the fashionable shoes?a.What size of the shoes?b.What color of the shoes

6、?c.Whose shoes are these?,Lesson75 phrases1.上个月2.一个月以前3.一双、一对.4.几号(尺码)?5.我恐怕.6.流行7.去年/前年8.看起来不舒服,last month,a month ago,a pair of.,What size?,Im afraid that.,in fashion,last year,/the year before last,look uncomfortable,like these,size,five,colour/black,sorry,dont,bought,here,the U.S.,afraid,in fash

7、ion,and,But,now,uncomfortable,are,always,1.Do you have _shoes _ _?_size?Size 5._ _?Black.2.Im _.We _ have _.But my sister_this _ last month._ she buy _ here?No,she bought_ in the U.S.3.We _ some shoes _ _a month _,but we _ have _ now.Can you _ a _ for me,please?I_ _ that I cant.They were _ _ last ye

8、ar and _.But theyre not _ _ this year.4._ shoes are in fashion now.They _ very _.They _ very uncomfortable._ women _ _ uncomfortable shoes!,1.像这样的鞋子你们有吗?Do you have any shoes like these?To tell you the truth,I dont like either.试判断以下like的词性a.Do you like playing table tennis?b.She likes reading.c.Uncl

9、e Wang makes a cake like rabbit.d.Dont do it like that.,-adv.像.,-v.喜欢,Conclusion:like作为v.时,后接动词现在分词(即动词ing),2.我们没有(像这的鞋子)。We dont have some.将句子补充完整:We dont have any_ _ _.Revision,any.,shoes like that,动词、介词后,跟人称宾格。,3.她是在这儿买的鞋子吗?Did she buy them here?here 词性?-adv.Revision:地点副词有哪些?here/there/home 地点副词前

10、例:去那儿、过来、到家,动词后跟人称宾格,不加to,go there、come here、arrive home,last month this year nowa month ago alwayslast yearthe year before last,They were in fashion But theyre not in fashion These shoes arelast year.this year.in fashion now.时态?时态?时态?,一般过去时,一般现在时,现在进行时,时间状语位置?,时间状语位置?,时间状语位置?,Conclusion:时间状语后置。(即放在

11、句末),She was my sister.,一般现在时,过去时,一般现在时,I liked the lamb.She liked the lamb.,过去时,Conclusion:主谓宾涉及v.变化;主系表涉及be动词变化,判断下列句子正误:1.I have a bad cold yesterday.2.She is swam in the pool.3.They enjoyed themselves now.4.Did you went to school yesterday?5.Did you bought the shirt last night?,handbaghousewifeho

12、meworkhousework.,合成词,2个以上的句子?,4.恐怕不行。Im afraid that I cant.Conclusion:复合句1.由两个或两个以上的句子组成。2.由主句,及从句组成。3.主句和从句,都有独立的意思,但不能完全表达清楚。4.有时需要有连接词。,主句 从句,试判断下列句子是否是复合句?1.He said that he went to the butchers yesterday.2.I think he doesnt like the English teacher.3.I told him that he was wrong.4.He told us tha

13、t he felt ill.5.I know he has returned.,主句?从句?连接词?,上一周前一周去年前年一分钟前一个小时前4个月前6年前,last weekthe week before lastlast yearthe year before lasta minute agoan hour ago4 months ago6 years ago,1.She asked a question a minute ago.2.They talked to the salesman an hour ago.3.He worked in an office last week.4.I

14、looked at a photograph 4 months ago.,Conclusion:时间状语后置。(即放在句末),Lesson 76 When did you.?,一般现在时,肯定句 He _(walk)across the park.否定句 He_(walk)across the park.一般疑问句_ he _(walk)across the park?:,walks,doesnt walk,Does walk,Yes,he does.,No,he doesnt.,现在进行时,肯定句 He _(walk)across the park now.否定句 He_(walk)acro

15、ss the park now.一般疑问句_ he _(walk)across the park now?:,is walking,isnt walking,Is walking,Yes,he is.,No,he isnt.,一般过去时,肯定句 He _(walk)across the park an hour gao.否定句 He_(walk)across the park an hour ago.就划线部分提问He walked across the park an hour ago._ _ he _ across the park?,walked,didnt walk,When did walk,Conclusion:when-大概时间提问what time-较为准确的时间提问,


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