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《新概念第一册第61 62课ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新概念第一册第61 62课ppt课件.ppt(53页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、I,pads,some,want _.are,potatoes,here,your _.glasses,he,water,wants,of,two _.what,want,does,else,she _?boxes,chalk,I,of,want,two _.,Revision,I want some pads,Here are your potatoes,He wants two glasses of water,What else does she want,I want two boxes of chalk,What is good news for Jimmy?,Unit 61,fee

2、l v.感觉,I feel ill.我觉得不舒服。He feels ill.他觉得不舒服。,v.触;摸;给人以.的感觉 feel like sth.(doing sth.)想.Silk feels soft and smooth.丝绸摸起来柔软光滑。,look v.看(起来),look like他看上去是病了。He looks ill.,1.Please _ your homework.2.Can you _ the cat under the chair?3.My father _ the Evening News every evening.4.You _ unhappy!5.All th

3、e children are _ the teacher now.,look,watch,see,look at,look at,see,watches,look,looking at,look at look for look after look around look up look like,寻找照顾;照看四处看看看起来像看 查阅(字典、电话本),call v.叫,请,call sb.make a call to sb.call sb.at+电话号码You can call me at 13645356566call at sp.call on sb.,doctor n.医生,n.博士

4、We must call the doctor.我们必须去请医生,remember v.记得,记住,forget v.忘记,固定搭配:remember sth.记得Do you remember the doctors telephone number?你记得医生的电话号码吗?,扩展remember to do 指“记得去做某事”,(事情未做)remember doing 指“记得做过某事”(事情已做)Remember to turn off the lights when you leave.(灯还未关)I remember turning off the lights when I lef

5、t.(灯已经关),bad adj.坏的,严重的,bad goodbadly adv.坏;糟糕地He has a bad cold.他得了重感冒。,be bad at sth/doing sth.不擅长.be good at sth/doing sth.擅长.be bad for sth.对.有害be good for sth.对.有益处Smoking is bad for the health.I m bad at cooking.,cold n.感冒 adj.冷的,cold-hota bad cold 重感冒He has a bad cold.他得了重感冒。catch a cold 患感冒(

6、指动作)have a cold 患感冒(指状态),medicine n.药,n.医学 Chinese medicine 中医 take some medicine 吃药,temperature n.温度,n.体温 have(run)a temperature 发烧She has a temperature.她发烧了。,Unit 61,A bad cold,MR.WILLIAMS:Wheres Jimmy?MRS.WILLIAMS:Hes in bed.MR.WILLIAMS:Whats the matter with him?MRS.WILLIAMS:He feels ill.MR.WILLI

7、AMS:He looks ill.MRS.WILLIAMS:We must call the doctor.MR.WILLIAMS:Yes,we must.MR.WILLIAMS:Can you remember the doctors telephone number?MRS.WILLIAMS:Yes.Its 09754.,Unit 61,DOCTOR:Open your mouth,Jimmy.Show me your tongue.Say,Ah.MR.WILLIAMS:Whats the matter with him,doctor?DOCTOR:He has a bad cold.Mr

8、.Williams,so he must stay in bed for a week.MRS.WILLIAMS:Thats good new for Jimmy.DOCTOR:Good news?Why?MR.WILLIAMS:Because he doesnt like school!,Wheres the Jimmy?,Hes in bed.,Whats the matter with him?,He feels ill.,1、He is in bed.,结构分析:主语+系动词(be 动词)+表语,介词短语in bed 作表语。词汇注释:in bed躺在床上;卧病在床Hes in bed

9、=He lies in bed.知识扩展:on the bed在床上 He sits on the bed.他坐在床上。区分:Dont read in bed.Dont put your socks on the bed.,2、He feels ill.,结构分析:主语+系动词(感官动词feel)+表语,形容词ill(有病的,生病的)作表语。知识扩展:1、感官动词有:feel感觉、smell闻起来、taste尝起来、look看起来、sound听起来。2、在主系表结构中,系动词可以是be动词,也可以是感官动词。be动词后面加形容词和名词作表语,而感官动词后面一般加形容词。,He looks il

10、l.,Yes,we must.,We must call the doctor.,3、He looks ill.,结构分析:主语+系动词(感官动词look)+表语,形容词ill(有病的,生病的)作表语。词汇注释:look(感官动词)看(起来),(实义动词)看:与see比较:see可以表示有意识地看或碰巧看见,强调看的后果。与watch 比较:watch可以表示看电视、比赛这种移动的画面。,3、He looks ill.,(1)look at:看东西(表示有意识地看,强调看的动作)。(2)look after:照顾(3)look down on sb.:瞧不起某人:The boss always

11、 looks down on his employees.(4)look for:寻找(强调动作)find:找到(强调结果)I am looking for my new pen.,4、We must call the doctor.,词汇注释一:情态动词 must aux.必须 固定搭配:must do sth.必须做某事 如:You must stay in bed.你必须呆在床上。否定句:must not 缩写:mustnt 如:You mustnt eat in class.你在课上一定不要吃东西。一般疑问句:must 放在句首,否定回答:要用neednt 如:Must I finis

12、h it today?我一定今天把它完成吗?No,you neednt.不,你不必今天完成。2、表示“一定”:It must be Toms book,because his name is on it.一定是Tom 的书,因为他的名字在封面上。,情态动词must,cant,may 表示可能性的区别:must 一定 用于肯定句中,表示可能性最大,例如:The light is on,she must be at home now.灯亮着,她现在一定在家。cant 不可能 用于否定句中,表示可能性最大,例如:That girl cant be Kate,I saw her in the shop

13、 just now.那个女孩儿不可能是Kate,我刚刚看见她在商店里。may 可能 用于肯定句中,表示可能性最小,例如:He may come here today,Im not sure.他今天有可能来这里,我不是很确定。,may cant must1.Whos that?That _ be Jim,but Im not sure.2.That book _ be Toms,because his name is on it.3.You _ be very tired after so much hard work.4.Wheres my key?It _ be in your handba

14、g.5.You _ know her name,because she is our new student.,may,must,must,may,cant,4、We must call the doctor.,词汇注释二:go to see a doctor去看医生医生诊所:the doctors office the doctors,33,Can you remember the doctors telephone number?,Yes.Its 09754.,5、Can you remember the doctors telephone number?,结构分析:一般疑问句,情态动词c

15、an直接放在句首。remember:remember to do sth.记得去做什么事情。remember doing sth.记得做过什么事情。,Open your mouth,Jimmy.Show me your tongue.Say,Ah.,6、Open your mouth,Jimmy.,结构分析:祈使句,无主语,省略please.词汇注释:mouth from mouth to mouth口口相传,流传甚广,7、Show me your tongue.,解构分析:祈使句,无主语,省略please.show后面接双宾语。me 是间接宾语,your tongue是直接宾语。词汇注释一:

16、show:show sb.sth.给看(=show sth.to sb.)词汇注释二:tongue:mothers tongue:母语。,He has a bad cold,Mr.Williams he must stay in bed for a week.,Whats the matter with him,doctor?,8、He has a bad cold,解构分析:have(和have got)常与表示疼痛的疾病的名词连用。词汇注释一:bad:be bad at不擅长 be bad for对不利词汇注释二:cold n.感冒/:have/catch/get a cold a bad

17、 cold cold adj.冷的 反义词:hot,8、He has a bad cold,知识扩展:have(和have got)常与表示疼痛的疾病的名词连用。关于这种名词连用的不定冠词a/an的用法有下列几种情况:(1)必须用不定冠词,如a cold(感冒),a headache(头疼),a sore throat(嗓子疼):I have a headache/cold.我头疼/感冒了。(2)不定冠词可用可不用,如catch(a)cold(患感冒),have(a)backache/stomach ache/toothache(患背痛/胃痛/牙痛等):Ive had(a)toothache

18、all night.我牙疼了一整夜。,8、He has a bad cold,(3)复数形式的疾病名称前面不用冠词。如measles(麻疹),mumps(流行性腮腺炎),shingles(带状疱疹):(4)被认为不可数的疾病名称前面不用冠词,如flu(流行性感冒),gout(痛风),hepatitis(肝炎)等。,9、So he must stay in bad for a week.,词汇注释一:so所以:链接两个并列句。for:for 是介词,可以引出一段时间,表示一个动作可以持续多久。,Good news?Why?,Thats good new for Jimmy.,Because he

19、 doesnt like school!,10、Thats good news for Jimmy.,结构分析:news新闻:a piece of good newsfor:对来说。,Consolidation,exercise,sum up,I.Key words feel v.感觉look v.看(起来)must modal verb 必须call v.叫,请doctor n.医生telephone n.电话remember v.记得,记住mouth n.嘴 open your mouth tongue n.舌头 show me your tongue bad adj.坏的,严重的 bad

20、 cold cold n.感冒news n.消息 good newsII.Grammar focus情态动词,Lesson62 Further notes on the text,take an aspirin=have an aspirinhave a temperature.,Key structures reviewLesson61-62,Wheres Jimmy?He is in bed.Whats the matter with him?He feels ill.He looks ill.He has a bad cold,Mr.Williams,so he must stay in

21、 bed for a week.Thats good news for Jimmy.We must call the doctor.Sam has a temperature.She must take/have some medicine.,1.I has a book and he have two books.,2.Jack dont has a brother.,3.Does Tom has a knife?,5.The tree has many birds.,5.His father _(有)a car.,6._ they _(有)any trouble(麻烦)?,7.John _

22、 _(没有)a dictionary.,8.Kate 有一间房间,房间里有一台电脑.,Kate _ _ room._ _ a computer.,have,has,doesnt,have,have,There are many birds in the tree.,4.There has a picture on the wall.,is,has,Do,have,doesnt,have,has,a,There,is,系动词,连系动词(Link Verb),它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语,构成系表结构,来说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。,1.状态系动词:用来表示主语状态,只有

23、be一词.He is a teacher.2.持续系动词:用来表示主语继续或持续一种状况或态度,主要有keep,rest,remain,stay,lie,stand.He keeps silent at meeting.3.表像系动词:用来表示看起来像这一概念,主要有seem,appear,look.It seems nice.,4.感官系动词:感官系动词主要有feel,smell,sound,taste,look.He feels ill.5.变化系动词:这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become,grow,turn,get,go,come,run.Leaves turn green when the springs coming.The apple goes bad.,


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