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1、1,2,一般过去时,再次复习时间的表达,contents,3,复习,步骤,不要请医生!Dont call the doctor!You mustnt call the doctor!别探出窗外!Dont lean out of the window!You mustnt lean out of the window!,4,别开车开得这么快!Dont drive so quickly!You mustnt drive so quickly!别在图书馆说话!Dont talk in the library!You mustnt talk in the library!,5,现在几点了?Whats

2、the time?What time is it?现在1点15分.Its one fifteen./Its fifteen past one.现在1点45分.Its a quarter to two.,6,你的生日是哪天?When is your birthday?我的生日是2月14日.My birthday is on February 14th.玩得开心.Enjoy yourself.他们玩得很开心.They are enjoying themselves.,7,Listen to the tape and answer the question:what are the Johnsons

3、 going to do at the weekend?067&068The Weekend.mp3,8,MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday,9,10,GreengrocerGrocerAbsentKeepSpendWeekend,11,CountryCountrysideLuckyLuckChurchDairyBaker,12,刚才您在肉店里吗?是的,我在肉店里.我刚才在蔬菜水果店里.上星期他没上学吧?是的,他没上学.,13,他周一,周二,周三,和周四都没去上学.我们打算去乡下去三天,在我母亲家度周末.你们真幸运啊!,14,1

4、5,一般将来时:(lesson 37)I am going to swim in the river.I am not going to swim in the river.Are you going to swim in the river?,16,一般现在时:(lesson 47,55,57)Father usually goes to work in the morning.Father does not usually go to work in the morning.Does father usually go to work in the morning?,17,现在进行时:(l

5、esson 31)He is making the tea.He is not making the tea.Is he making the tea?,18,描述过去的事实或状态,描述过去的动作1、表示过去某个点上特定的时间存在的状态,事实,或发生的动作。2、表示在过去的一段时间内经常发生的动作或反复的习惯。,19,20,21,1、一般的动词后面直接加-ed,如:cookcooked wash-washed 清辅音后面加ed,读t asked 浊辅音或元音后面加ed,读d cleaned d/t+ed id dusted,22,2、以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加d.hoped,lived

6、,believed3、辅音字母加y结尾的单词,要把y变i加ed:studied,worried,4、重读闭音节单词需双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed。fitted,stopped,shipped,am/is-was,is-was,are-were,go-went,do-did eat-ate,swim-swam,buy-bought,bring-brought,think-thought see-saw,teach-taught,fall-fell,hurt-hurt,break-broke,win-won,lose-lost,23,1、When I was a boy/girl,I liked

7、 swimming.当我是个孩子时,我喜欢游泳。2、I finished the work at 3 oclock.我下午三点完成的工作。,24,3、I went shopping this morning.我今天早上去购物了4、Our boss went to the meeting this afternoon.总经理参加了今天下午的会议。,25,He cooked this morning.Did he cook this morning?He didnt cook this morning.He did not cook this morning.,26,Did he cook thi

8、s morning?Did+主语+谓语动词+其它He looked very well this morning.Did he look very well this morning?He washed the plates this morning.Did he wash the plates this morning?,27,Were you at the butchers?Were+主语+表语?He was at school on Monday.Was he at school on Monday?Lucy was at the office on Tuesday.Was Lucy a

9、t the office on Tuesday?,28,29,30,31,32,主谓宾结构:主语+did not/didnt+谓语+宾语We didnt cook this morning.He didnt cook this morning.对比一下:一般现在时的否定:We dont cook in the morning.He doesnt cook in the morning.,一般过去时的否定,32,33,主谓宾结构:They played in the garden on Sunday.They did not play in the garden on Sunday.Tom wa

10、tched TV this morning.Tom did not watch TV this morning.,一般过去时的否定,33,34,主系表结构:They were in the garden on Sunday.They were not in the garden on Sunday.He was absent from school on Monday.He was not absent from school on Monday.,一般过去时的否定,34,35,He called the doctor.Did he call the doctor?He didnt call

11、the doctor.,一般过去时练习,35,36,She talked in the library.Did she talk in the library?She didnt talk in the library.He made a noise.Did he make a noise?He didnt make a noise.,一般过去时练习,36,在英文中,表示店铺、住宅、公共机构、公共建筑物以及教堂的名字或某人家时,用:at the greengrocersat my mothersat the butchersat the hairdressers,37,be absent fr

12、om 不在,缺席 be absent from school 缺课be absent from work 旷工 She doesnt like school,so she is often absent from school.她不喜欢上学,所以她经常缺课。,38,Women spend a lot of money on clothes.Children spend a lot of time on the Internet.,39,英语时间的表达法,How to ask the time?如何问时间?,What time is it?Whats the time?Could you tel

13、l me the time?,整点时间表达方法:钟点数+oclock 翻译为:几点,43,What time is it?Its 8 oclock.,one oclock,1:00,ten oclock,10:00,非整点时间表达方法:1.顺读法结构为:钟点数+分钟数翻译为:几点几分,例:7:10 1:58 11:06,seven ten,one fifty-eight,eleven six,2.逆读法需要使用介词:,Past过,过了,to差,A.当分钟数小于等于30时,用介词past 结构为:分钟数+past+整点时间 翻译为:几点几分,B.当分钟数大于30时,用介词to 结构为:(60-原

14、分钟数)+to+下一个整点时间 翻译为:差几分就几点,ten past two(2点10分).,2:10,twenty-five past three(3点25).,3:25,five to two(差5分钟到2点),1:55,twenty to four(差20分钟到4点).,3:40,fifteen past two(2点15分),2:15,a quarter past two(2点15分).,2:15,half,=,thirty,half past three(3点半).,3:30,6:10,11:05,5:30,six ten,seven twenty,ten past six,twe

15、nty past seven,a.m.,p.m.,past,past nine,fifteen,a quarter,past five,2:15,3:15,10:15,6:30,8:30,9:30,10:30,30,11:15,12:15,4:15,five past eleven,thirty,half,thirty past three(3点30分).,3:30,11:45,6:55,4:40,ten to seven,(10分到7时),(25分到8点),twenty-five to eight,(15分到12点),fifteen to twelve,a quarter to twelve

16、,(20分到5点),twenty to five,(5分到7点),five to seven,30,twenty to one,a quarter to twelve,ten to seven,ten past one,a quarter past four,twenty past one,half past six,二、时间的表达方法,注:1)若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上am或a.m.。如:thirteen past six a.m.(上午六点十三分)等。若想表明是下午,可在时间后加上pm或p.m.如:four oclock p.m.(下午四点)等。2)若表示的时间不够准确,可在时间前加上

17、介词about。如:about eight(大约八点)等。3)在时间前面应用介词at 来表示在的意思。如:at nine 在九点钟,at about five thirty-five p.m.大约在下午五点三十五分等。,64,What time is it?Its ten fifteen.Its fifteen past ten.,65,What time is it?Its a quarter to one.,66,I was at church on Sunday,Jan.1st.,Where were you on Sunday,Jan.1st?,在教堂,67,I was at scho

18、ol on Monday,Feb.2nd.,Where were you on Monday,February 2nd?,在学校,68,I was at the office on Tuesday,March 3rd.,Where were you on Tuesday,March 3rd?,在办公室,69,I was at the butchers on Wednesday,April 4th.,Where were you on Wednesday,April 4th?,在肉店里,70,I was at the hairdressers on Thursday,May 5th.,Where

19、 were you on Thursday,May 5th?,在理发店里,71,I was at the bakers on Friday,June 6th.,Where were you on Friday,June 6th?,在面包店里,72,I was at the diary on Saturday,July 7th.,When were you at the diary?,星期六,7月7日,73,I was at home on Sunday,August 8th.,When were you at home?,周日,8月8日,74,I was at the grocers on M

20、onday,September 9th.,When were you at the grocers?,星期一,9月9日,75,I was at the greengrocers on Tuesday,October 10th.,When were you at the greengrocers?,星期二,10月10日,76,daily expression,there be,they are,一般过去时,在专业场所的表达,Revision,The Past,chant,Free talk,guess,tense,ex,Lets make it,Lets chant,Is,am,was,I wa

21、s bored.Do,do,did,I had something eat.Feel,feel,felt,I didnt feel well.Get,get,got,I felt hot.Go,go,went,you were my good friend.Have,has,had,I liked bread.Say,say,said,I went to bed.See,see,saw,I closed the door.,Free talk,Whats the date today?,What was the date yesterday?,Were you happy yesterday?

22、,Was your English teacher busy last week?,Did you watch TV last night?,What did you do yesterday evening?,Where were you yesterday afternoon?,When did you get up this morning?,How did you go to school before?,How long did you stay at school yesterday?,How much lucky money did you get last Spring Fes

23、tival?,Who gave you the most lucky money last year?,Did she?,Yes,she did.,No,she didnt.,washed some clothes,Did she.?,Yes,she did.,No,she didnt.,cleaned the house,Did he?,Yes,he did.,No,he didnt.,saw a film on TV,What did she do?,She cooked a big meal.,What did he do?,He painted a picture.,What did

24、she do?,She marked the pupils homework.,Was the man at home yesterday?,No,he wasnt at home.He was in the classroom.,Were they in the park?,Yes,they were.,Did the boy play basketball yesterday afternoon?,No,he didnt play basketball.He played football.,Did the man cook breakfast this morning?,Yes,he d

25、id.,What did the boy do after school yesterday?,He played football.,What did he do after class yesterday?,He played basketball.,What did the man read?,He read newspapers.,What did the man wash?,He washed a dog.,Where did you go last Sunday?,I went to Baiyun Hill.,What time did he go to school this m

26、orning?,He went to school at eight oclock.,Who marked the pupils homework yesterday?,She was Miss Lin,Miss Lin,一般过去时,一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或状态,常与,yesterday,the day before yesterday,last year,two months ago,in 2000,before 1990,this morning,等表示过去的时间状语连用,动词过去式变化规律,1、,eg.workworked finishfinished listen-listene

27、d,2._,eg.likeliked livelived phone-phoned,3._,eg.studystudied carrycarried try-tried,4._,eg.stopstopped skipskipped shop-shopped,5._,eg.amwas gowent getgot,动词词尾直接加-ed,以不发音e结尾,动词词尾加-d,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y变成i再加-ed,不规则动词,闭音节动词,双写词尾字母再加-ed,写出下列动词的过去式:,help-,call-,prepare-,love-,worry-,study-,stop-,skip-,is-,

28、are-,do-,go-,say-,see-,get-,feel-,have-,helped,called,prepared,loved,worried,studied,stopped,skipped,was,were,did,went,said,saw,got,felt,had,5.I _(see)a film with Ann yesterday.,2.She _(be)at school this morning.,4.He _(do not)live in Guangzhou before2000,Exercise,1._(be)you busy yesterday afternoon

29、?,3.Jane and Ann _(be not)friends before.,Were,was,werent,didnt,saw,6.Did you _(call)me last Sunday?,8.Where _(do)you live last year?,7.What _ you _(do)last night?,9.What time did you _(get)up this morning?,10.How _ you _(go)to school before?,call,did,do,did,get,did,go,Lets talk!,Lets write!,Please

30、write down what they did yesterday!,120,Thank You!,at the bakers,at the hairdressers,at the grocers,at the greengrocers,stationerat the stationers,Lesson 69,The car race,year n.年race n.比赛town n.城镇crowd n.人群stand v.站立exciting a.使人激动的just ad.正好,恰好finish n.结尾,结束winner n.获胜者behind prop.在之后way n.路途statio

31、ner n.文具商Denmark n.丹麦,/ji/,/reis/,/taun/,/kraud/,/stnd/,/iksaiti/,/dst/,/fini/,/win/,/bihaind/,/wei/,/stein/,/denma:k/,单词学习,year n.年race n.比赛(强调竞技性强、激烈的)town n.城填crowd n.人群stand v.站立exciting adj.使人激动的just adv.正好,恰好finish n.结尾,结束winner n.获胜者behind prep.在之后way n.路途(抽象),Learn the text,The car race,Ther

32、e is a car race near our town every year.a horse race 赛马 a 10-mile race 10英里赛跑every day/week/Monday,In 1995,there was a very big race.,用介词at和in的时间短语,1、用介词at的时间短语通常表示:确切的时间(at 10 oclock)用餐时间(at lunchtime)其他时刻(at noon/night)节日(at Spring Festival,Christmas等没有day的节日)介词at可表示地点,通常用于某个小地点之前。at the butchers

33、;at the office,2、用介词in的时间短语:一天中的某段时间(in the evening)月份(in March)年份(in 1997)季节(in spring)世纪(in the 20th century)节日(in Easter week 复活节)【时间长的】时期(in the holidays),总结,【in】后面所接的都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。【on】后面所接的时间多与日期有关(星期、日期、具体时间、纪念日等)。【at】因为接在后面的时间最短(具体时刻或某短暂时间)。,Exercises P140,用 at,on,in 完成句子We were_the station

34、ers_Monday.We were there_four oclock.They were_Australia_September.They were there_spring._November 25th,they were_Canada.They were there_1990.,at,on,on,at,in,in,in,in,in,There is a car race near our town every year.In 1995,there was a very big race.,There were hundreds of people there.thousands of

35、cars 成千上万的汽车,hundreds of,hundred/thousand 1 hundred/2 hundred 1 thousand/2 thousand 如果前面有具体数字,则不加s,hundreds of=thousands of=many=dozens of=a lot of,My wife and I were at the race.There were twenty cars in the race.at the party 在聚会上at the meeting 在会议上at the concert 在音乐会上,You can see us in the crowd.W

36、e are standing on the left.on the right 在右面turn left 左转turn right 右转,There were hundreds of people there.My wife and I were at the race.Our friends Julie and Jack were there,too.You can see us in the crowd.We are standing on the left.,There were twenty cars in the race.There were English cars,French

37、 cares,German cars.Italian cars.American cars and Japanese cars.,England,France,Germany,Italy,America,Japan,There were cars the race.There were.cars,cars,cars.cars.cars and cars.,England,France,Germany,Italy,America,Japan,German,in,English,French,twenty,Italian,American,Japanese,It.finish.The.was.He

38、 was in car.cars were.,was an exciting,winner,Billy Stewart,No.fifteen,Five,just behind him,He was in car number fifteen.On the way home,my wife said to me,home,mywife tome,Dont so!YourenotBilly Stewart!,On the way,said,drive,quickly,There is(be的适当形式)a car race near our town every year.In 1995,there

39、 was(be的适当形式)a very big race.My wife and I were(be的适当形式)at the race.There were(be的适当形式)twenty cars in the race.There were(be的适当形式)English cars,French cars,用be动词的适当形式填空,German cars,Italian cars,American cars and Japanese cars.It was(be的适当形式)an exciting finish.The winner was(be的适当形式)Billy Stewart.He w

40、as(be的适当形式)in car number fifteen.Five other cars were(be的适当形式)just behind him.,用be动词的适当形式填空,2.Grammar,一般过去时态be动词,现在式:过去式:,-Were you at school yesterday?-Yes,I was.,-Were you at the office last night?-No,I wasnt.I was at home.,-Where were you last Sunday?-I was at church.,New patterns,一般过去时态There be(

41、某处有某物)There is-There are-,There was There were,on the.,There is,some books,书架上有一些书。,bookshelf,yesterday,There _a book on the bookshelf.,(is was),was,yesterday,There _some books on the bookshelf.,(are were),were,There be,单:There is a/an 复:There are some 单:There was a/an 复:There were some,一般现在时一般过去时,T

42、here was an apple on the table.,yesterday,There were some appleson the table.,yesterday,There was a student in the classroom.,last Sunday,There were some students in the classroom.,last Sunday,There was a car on the street,this morning.,There were some cars on the street.,this morning,be 动词口诀,There was a big car race in 1995.There was not a big car race in 1995.,变否定,be后要把 not加上去,变疑问,一提二改三问号。,summary,一般现在时与一般过去时的用法二者之间的转换动词的过去式过去式的运用In on at介词的用法,


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