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1、Lets Recite Lesson 41one by one,Have a dictation,单词:1.女主人 2.不笑的,严肃的 3.紧身的 4.地球 5.绝望 6.无礼的 7.后悔 8.评说 9.提醒 10.灯塔 词组:11.在一次宴会上 12.立刻,马上 13.就座 14.眼睛盯着盘子 15.忙着吃 16.试着去攀谈 17、去国外度假 18、其中一条新式的满是网眼的椅子 19.在前面 20.自己照镜子,1、rude2、mirror3、hole4、remark 5、remind 6、lighthousen.灯塔,情态动词,Practice and Progress.L41,Lesson

2、 42Not very musical,What animals can you see from the movie,lion(s),dangerous,monkey(s),What do you think of monkeys?,clever,elephant(s),strong,deer,beautiful,giraffe(s),tall,A hippo,ugly,fish(dolphin),smart,bird,cute,horse,helpful,ostrich,large,zebras,friendly,friendlysmartcute,I like dolphins best

3、,because.,What animal do you like best?,Do you like snakes?Are you afraid of them?Why or why not?,Enjoy the story,1.What can the snake do?2.Where is the snake?3.What happened when the snake chamer began to play jazz?,reading aloud and quick answer,Where had the writer had a long walk?Why did he stop

4、 at a square?Who did he notice after a time?How many baskets did a snake charmer have?What was his pipe covered with?When did the writer have the first glimpse of the snake?Did the snake rise out of the basket?What movement did the snake begin to follow?What kind of music did the snake charmer play?

5、How did the writer feel?,musical adj.精通音乐的market n.市场,集市snake charmer 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制)pipe n.(吹奏的)管乐器tune n.曲调glimpse n.一瞥snake n.蛇movement n.动作continue v.继续dance v.跳舞obviously adv.显然difference n.差别Indian adj.印度的,musical mju:zikl adj 精通音乐的 e.g a musical child Her family are all musical.音乐的 e.g musical i

6、nstrument a musical performance/filmmusic n 音乐 listen to music2 market m:kit n 市场 e.g a world market at the market 在市场上买卖fair 集市(尤其是指买卖牲口,农副产品者,在固定的地点定期举行,常常伴有娱乐表演),3 snake charmer sneik-t:m n 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制)charmer n 有吸引力的人 charm n 魅力,诱惑力 e.g He had great charm,everyone liked him.V 迷住,吸引(某人)e.g We wer

7、e charmed by the music.,4 pipe paip n(吹奏的)管乐器 e.g a bamboo pipe 管子(tube)e.g a water pipe a gas pipe a waste pipe piper n 吹笛者5 tune tju:n n 曲调 e.g play a tune Can you sing this tune?In tune with 和谐,协调 e.g His idea were in tune with the times.Out of tune 走调,不和谐 e.g He sang out of tune.,6 glimpse glimp

8、s n 瞥见,一瞥 have/catch/get a glimpse of 瞥见 e.g.I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor.V 瞥见,乍看 glimpse at sb/sth e.g.He glimpsed at my new dress and said nothing.注意:glance n.“一眼,看一眼”。粗略地匆匆看一眼。强调动作过程,常常用give/take a glance at,8 movement mu:vmnt n 动作,姿势 e.g.the movement of the planet move v(词形变化:moved mov

9、ed moving moves)移动,改变位置 e.g.Dont move,stand there.搬家,迁移 move into vt.搬进,迁入.move from to 从。搬到。move out 搬出 move to 搬到。使某人感动 e.g.The story moved us deeply.,9 continue kntinju:v 继续 continue to do/doing sth e.g.He continued reading when I speak to him.He continued to read when I spoke to him.10 dance d:n

10、s;dns n 跳舞 e.g.May I have the next dance?dance-hallball room V 跳舞 e.g.would you like to dance11 obviously bvisli adv明显地,显而易见地(位置较随意)e.g.Obviously he cant tell the difference between them.He was obviously drunk.,12 difference difrns n 差别,差异 difference between A and Be.g.Can you see any differences be

11、tween these two?different adj 不同的 different from 13 Indian indin adj 印度的,印度人的 The Indian OceanIndia n 印度,Key structure,have a long walk 复习有关have词组through,across notice/see/watch/hear sb.do/doing sth.at the other side of,another,other,the other,others,the others be covered with play jazz,play a tune

12、have/catch/get the first glimpse of rise out of,raise ones hand=hands up continue=go on to do sth.tell the difference between and,Discuss:,1.What kind of music do like?2.When do you want to relax?3.When are you dancing?Give reasons for your choice.,Classical music is the one that happened in Europea

13、n country such as Germany,France,Poland before the world war second.It includes serenade,symphony,piano music,concerto,violin music,quartet etc.After the second world war,most of the music is POP,including Jazz,Hip-hop,Rock and Roll,R&B,Nature music,Rap,light music,etc.Folk music is created by one p

14、eople through many years.Polka,Mazurka are foreign countrys folk music.Chinese zither music,Chinese flute music,erhu fiddle musicare our countrys folk music.古典音乐是发生在二战以前欧洲所流行的音乐,流行于德国,法国,波兰等国家。它包括小夜曲,交响乐,钢琴曲,协奏曲,小提琴曲,四重奏等。二战过后大部分的音乐是流行歌曲,包括爵士乐,嘻哈音乐,摇滚乐,蓝调音乐,自然派音乐,绕舌音乐,轻音乐等。民族音乐是一个民族经过若干年创造的音乐,波尔卡,玛祖卡等是外国的民族音乐,古筝曲,古笛曲,二胡曲等是我国的民族音乐。,Do more exercises on P.193,Do more exercises,


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