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1、Lesson 37 The Olympic Games,opening ceremony,What can you think of?,The Olympic Games,2012年伦敦奥运会主题曲Survivalhttp:/,What are the events?,Discus,铁饼,撑杆跳高,Pole jump,Weight lifting,Hurdles,举重,跨栏赛跑,Swimming,Diving,游泳,跳水,场地自行车赛,Track cycling,Skiing(winter),滑雪,Gymnastics,Rings,Horse,Balance Beam,Floor,吊环,平衡木

2、,鞍马,自由体操,Boxing,Fencing,拳击,击剑,Discus 铁饼 Pole jump 撑杆跳高Weight lifting 举重Hurdles 跨栏赛跑Swimming 游泳Diving 跳水Track cycling 场地自行车赛,Skiing 滑雪 Rings 吊环Balance Beam 平衡木Horse 鞍马Floor 自由体操Boxing 拳击Fencing 击剑,Which event do you like most?Why?,athletes from countries took part in it.,280,13,Do you know,Common Kno

3、wledge,776 BC,393 AD,1896,Olympia,Greece,Athens,Greece,Background about the Olympic Games,The ancient Olympic Games took place in Olympia in Greece every four years between 776 BC and 393 AD.Then there was a gap(间断)of more than 2000 years before the Games began again in 1896.,a village called Olympi

4、a,In that year the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens,the capital of Greece.About 280 athletes from 13 countries took part in the Games.,Europe,Asia,Africa,Oceania,America,five Olympic Rings,Whats the symbol of Olympic Games?,stand for five continents,They are joined together as a sign of

5、 friendship.,higher,swifter,stronger,Whats the spirit of the OlympicGames?,Stadium/Venue,Olympic torch,Do you know,When did China first take part in the Olympic Games?,2.Who was Chinas first gold medal winner and for what event?,1932,Xu Haifeng;shooting,About China,3.When and where will the next Oly

6、mpic Games be held?,2008;Beijing,China didnt take part in the Olympic Games until 1932 and they didnt do very well in the games.Only in 1984 did Xu Haifeng get the first gold medal for shooting in China.Beijing will hold the 29th Olympics,Xu Haifeng,the first best athlete for shooting in 1984,Listen

7、ing,Are the people looking forward tothe Olympic Games?Why?,Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions:,1.Where will the next Olympic Games be held?2.How many people will be visiting our country?3.What will the stadium be like?4.What will the government be building for the visitors?

8、,In our country.,A great many people.,Immense.,New hotels,new roads and a special railway line.,【New words and expressions】Olympic adj.奥林匹克的hold v.召开government n.政府immense adj.巨大的stadium n.露天体育场standard n.标准capital n.首都fantastic adj.巨大的design v.设计,Olympic adj.奥林匹克的the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会(简称the Gam

9、es,一般大型运动会用games),hold(held,held)v.召开 vt.拿着,抓住,抱住Why are you holding my bag?容纳,装得下,包含This cup cant hold much water.这杯子装不了多少水。举行,进行(会议、会谈等);庆祝(节日);纪念have a meeting=hold a meeting 召开会议 hold习惯用被动:The Olympic games will be held in China in 2008.(two thousand eight)A festival is held at Edinburgh every y

10、ear.节日庆典每年在爱丁堡举行一次.We are going to hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss the subject.明天我们准备开一次会来讨论这个议题.,immense adj.巨大的fantastic adj.巨大的immense adj.极大的,无边的,一望无际的The universe is immense.immense oceanbig adj.(一般的)大的 big man 大人物large adj.数量的大,尺寸的大 large man 大块头great adj.伟大的,重要的great man 伟人huge adj.(体积的)巨大

11、的,庞大,极大的,无限的fantastic adj.巨大的(建筑等,表惊叹),好极的,宏伟的,stadium n.露天体育场playground n.操场sports field 运动场,体育场(sports 各种各样的运动)gymnasium=gym n.健身房,体育馆;体育 篮球场 gym;足球场 stadium,standard n.标准high standard 高标准Olympic-standard 奥林匹克标准(运动会中的最高标准)(复合形容词:形容词+名词)capital n.首都capital adj.大写的,重要的capital punishment 极刑(punishmen

12、t n.惩罚,处罚,惩处)hot seat 电椅(国外的极刑),design v.设计 vt.&vi.设计图样George has designed a new bridge.vt.&vi.打算(做),计划He designed to enter for the competition.This book is designed for foreign tourist.n.图样,图纸;设计Susan has just drawn a design for a new dress.Here is the design of the new house.designer n.设计师welldesi

13、gned 设计不错的(复合形容词:副词+过去分词),【Text】The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years time.As a great many people will be visiting the country,the government will be building new hotels,an immense stadium,and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool.They will also be building new roads and a speci

14、al railway line.The Games will be held just outside the capital and the whole area will be called Olympic City.Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year.By the end of next year,they will have finished work on the new stadium.The fantastic modern buildings have been designed b

15、y Kurt Gunter.Everybody will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up.We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country.参考译文4年以后,奥林匹克运动会将在我们国家举行.由于将有大批的人到我们国家来,所以政府准备建造一些新的饭店、一个大型体育场和一个新的奥运会标准游泳池.他们还将修筑一些新的道路和一条铁路专线.

16、奥运会就在首都市郊举办,整个地区将被称作“奥林匹克城”.工人们将在今年年底前把新路铺好;到明年年底,他们将把新体育场建成.这些巨大的现代化建筑是由库尔特冈特设计的.大家都将急切地注视着新建筑的建成.我们都非常激动,盼望着奥运会的到来,因为在这个国家里还从未举办过奥运会.,【课文讲解】1、The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years time.in four years time 四年之后in常与将来时连用表示“时间之后”He will be back in ten minutes or half an hour.four

17、 years later 四年后 four years ago 四年前,2、As a great many people will be visiting the country,the government will be building new hotels,an immense stadium,and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool.as/because原因,as是连词,引出原因状语从句,as用于表示原因时通常位于句首,它所表明的原因对于讲话对象可能是已知的,因此没必要再予以强调。because任何时候都可代替as,来说明一种或几种原因,但as

18、则不一定总能代替because。because一般跟在主句后面,强调讲话的对象可能不知道的原因。As you cant type the letter yourself,youll have to ask Susan to do it for you.Jims trying to save more money because he wants to buy a car.a large number of people=a great many people 大批的人an immense stadium 一个大型体育场a new Olympic-standard swimming pool 一

19、个新的奥运会标准的游泳池,3、They will also be building new roads and a special railway line.be building 修建 a special railway-line 专线铁路4、Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year.by the end of this year 到今年年底前by the end of next year 到明年年底前by是完成时的标志,表示“到为止,在之前,并不晚于某时的任何时间”,不能与表示一段时间的名词名词连用,

20、只能与表示时间点的名词或词组连用,用于肯定句与用于否定句有一定区别。Ill have left by Monday.到星期一我将已离开。(星期一之前的任何时间)I wont have left by Monday.我星期一之前不会离开。(星期一还在),5、Everybody will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up.as是连词,相当于while,当“当,正值”讲,引出时间状语从句,它引导的从句虽然表示将来的动作但要用一般现在时,不能用“will go up”be built强调建造;go up(建筑物)被兴建起来,拔地而起 Ma

21、ny new houses are going up in this district.,6、We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country.look forward to+n./pron./doing sth.(很高兴的)盼望,期待look forward to与expect(期待)的区别是expect没有高不高兴的成分Look forward to your letter.,http:/v.pps.tv/play_3C4XHT.html?sort=desc,Thank you!See you next time,


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