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1、,Lesson 50 Taken for a ride 乘车兜风,New words and expressions 生词和短语 ride n.旅行 excursion n.远足 conductor n.售票员 view n.景色,本课语法:一般现在时 1.一般现在时用于表达“有规律的,或是习惯性的动作”。(often/always)2.第26课,一般现在时的用法:当要表达一个永恒不变的或是有规律的动作时,也就是用于普遍性真理时,我们必须用 一般现在时。比如:The earth goes round the sun.地球围绕太阳转。,静态动词,静态动词表示一种静止状态,包括“存在”和“拥有”的

2、动词,如 be,have,own,contain,belong,exist,hold(容纳)等表示特征或事物关系的词;表示度量的动词,如cost,weigh,measure等;表示五官感觉的动词,如see,hear,taste,smell,feel等;以及 表示心理状态的动词,如 believe,think,know,remember,forget,understand,love,like,hate,detest(讨厌)等。例如:The house belongs to his father.这幢房子属于他的父亲。This typewriter costs 200 dollars.这台打字机值

3、200美元I can see a plane in the sky.我看见天上有架飞机。,静态动词是没有进行式的动词。主要包括状态、拥有、感到(认知、情感)类的动词。拥有是获得的结果,感到是看、听、摸、尝、闻、想的结果,喜欢、厌恶是情感的结果,都是状态,不是动作。所以没有进行式一般来说,静态动词是不能用于现在进行时的,因为他们不是一个持续的动作。Eg.Im moving it。错误Those papers belong to me.这些报纸是我的。,表示五官感觉的动词,如see,hear,taste,smell,feel等用于表示感觉(结果),没有进行时态。如:He felt his hear

4、t beating wildly.但用来表示感官活动的过程或其他动作时,可用进行时态:如I am tasting the soup.表示动作的过程。表示认识,意见,记忆理解等思维结果的动词,如 believe,think,know,remember,forget,understand等不用进行时态。如果表示思维活动的过程,有进行时。如:Im thinking about what to say in my next talk.表示喜好的词love like hate等不用进行时,但是如表示情感发展过程或者带有感情色彩会用进行时:如While he talked I was liking him

5、 more and more.I was hatingyou all the time.(强烈讨厌。),静态动词,但是当现在进行时与频度副词 always,constantly,continually,forever等连用时,此时静态动词也是可以有进行时态的,因为此时表示的是带有一定感情色彩的,如令人不满、厌烦或关心、赞叹的事。e.g.Youre always seeing something strange.Im continually forgetting peoples name.He is being polite today.I think you are cool.state ve

6、rb meaning in my opinion.I am thinking about buying a motorbike.action verb meaning considering,【Special Difficulties】Lose,Loose,Miss.lose vt.失去,丧失,遗失,丢失 Roy has lost his job again.She lost her parents when she was sixteen.If you bet on that horse you will lose your money.(bet on sth 就打赌)loose adj.松

7、动的,松的,松开的 Serveral screws have come loose.(come loose,松了(系动词+adj.)The handle of this suitcase is very/has come loose.miss v.怀念,思念,错过,未能,缺(课等),惦念,想念 Hurry or youll miss the train.I missed my English lesson.missing adj.不见了的sth.is lost=sth.is missingmissing boy 失踪了的孩子(不能用“lost”),Expect,Wait for,expect可

8、以表示“预计可能发生(或来到),等待,期盼”,它表示等待时往往侧重人的心理而不是具体在某个地方等。I expect/Im expecting to hear from you.Im expecting the bus to arrive in the next ten minutes.My trip took me longer than I expected.wait for主要指“等待”这个动作本身。Im waiting for the next bus.,Lesson 50 Taken for a ride 乘车兜风 标题taken 前省略了I was。作为非正式用语take someo

9、ne for a ride意为“欺骗某人(尤指想从某人那儿骗钱)”。所以,这个题目也可译作“上了一当”。,1.I love travelling in the country,but I dont like losing my way.我喜欢在乡间旅行,但却不愿意迷路。(1)love to do sth&love doing sth love 后面用不定式作宾语的话,也就是love to do sth 是指特定或具体某次行为;用动名语作宾语,表示一般倾向或习惯性动作。例:I like swimming of course,but I dont like to swim today becaus

10、e I dont feel well.我当然喜欢游泳,但今天我不想去因为我觉得不舒服。2)lose ones way 迷路,2.I went on an excursion recently,but my trip took me longer than I expected.最近我作了一次短途旅行,但这次旅行所花费的时间比我预计的要长。(1)Go on an excursion 作一次郊游 Excursion 指“短途旅行,远足,集体游览”,着重在短距离而准备迅速返回的游览、娱乐活动。表示“旅行”之意的名词通常与go on连用,它在这里的含义为“为(某一目的)而去”:Ill go on ho

11、liday next month.我下个月去度假。Did you go on a trip last month?你上个月去旅行了吗,3.Im going to Woodford Green,I said to the conductor as I got on the bus,but I dont know where it is.“我要去伍德福德草地,”我一上车就对售票员说,“但我 不知道它在哪儿。”Conductor 是在这里是“售票员”的意思,它也可以用来表示“音乐指挥”。get on与 get off为一对反义词,分别表示“(从汽车等上)下来”和“登上(汽车、火车等)”,on与off

12、既可以作副词又可以作介词:,4.Ill tell you where to get off,Answered the conductor.“我会告诉您在哪儿下车,”售票员回答说。where to get off 作tell的直接宾语。这句话实际上是个双关语,tell sb where to get off 是个习语,非正式地表示“教训某人行为规矩点或识相点”:If she tries to tell me what to do again,Ill tell her where to get off.要是她再想叫我做这做那,我会叫她识相点儿。,5.I sat in the front of th

13、e bus to get a good view of the countryside.我坐在汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。in front of in the front of 指某一物体里面的前部分,有时用at the front of,其反义词是at the back of。比较:The man is sitting in the front of the car.那个男人坐在车的前部。(在驾驶员旁边)The man is sitting in front of the car.那个男人坐在车的前面。(车的外面),6.After some time,the bus stopped.Loo

14、king around,I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus.过了一些时候,车停了。我环视了一下四周,惊奇地发现车里就只剩我一个乘客了。looking around 是现在分词短语,作时间状语。with a shock 是介词短语,作状语,修饰realize。that所引导的从句作realize的宾语。left on the bus是过去分词短语,作后置定语,修饰passenger。,7.Youll have to get off here,the conductor said.This is

15、 as far as we go.“您得在这里下车,”售票员说,“我们的车就到此为止了。”as far as(有时so far as)表示“远到,直到为止”;“(表示范围、程度)就,尽”:The fire spread as far as the park.火势蔓延到公园。Ill help you as/so far as I can.我会尽力帮助你的。,8.Is this Woodford Green?I asked.Oh dear,said the conductor suddenly.I forgot to put you off.“这里是伍德福德草地吗?”我问道。“哎呀,”售票员突然说

16、,“我忘了让您下车了。”oh dear 是一个感叹用语。put off的含义之一是“让下车(或飞机、船等)”:They put me off at a small station.他们让我在一个小站下了车。,9.It doesnt matter.I said.Ill get off here.“没关系,”我说,“我就这儿下吧。”Were going back now,said the conductor.“我们现在要返回去,”售票员说。Well,in that case,I prefer to stay on the bus.I answered.“好吧,既然如此,我还是留在车上吧。”pref

17、er sth to sth 表示“宁要而不要”,to是介词:He prefers cats to dogs.他喜欢猫,而不喜欢狗。prefer to do sth&prefer doing sth 见前(love to do sth&love doing sth),本课必须掌握的词组:lose ones way look around go on an excursion with a shock in the front of as far as get a good view of put sb off after some time in that case,Key to Summary

18、 writingThe writer wanted to go to Woodford Green but as he did not know the way,the conductor promised to tell him where to get off.When they arrived at the bus terminus,the writer asked if they were at Woodford Green.The conductor then realized that he hadforgotten to put him off.The writer stayed

19、 on the bus because it was going back.,Key to Composition1 On going into the kitchen,I turned on the light because it was dark.2 My brother shouted angrily when the lights went on.3 I spoilt a film which he was developing.,Key to KS ExercisesA to buy(1.2);which(1.3);Because(11.3-4);but(1.5);and(1.7)

20、;until(1.8);Although(1.8);When(1.9);that(1.10);and(1.10);After(1.11),1.b 根据课文第4-5行“I am going to the Woodford Greenbut I dont know where it is”可以看出只有b.he didnt know where to get off 是作者请售票员帮忙的原因,所以b.是正确答案,其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符。,2.d 根据课文第12行 Oh dear said the conductor suddenly 与 I forgot to put you off,可以

21、判断只有d.forgetful(健忘的)最能恰当描述售票员。其他3个选择a.helpful(乐于助人的),b.lazy(懒)和c.rude(粗鲁)词意思都不够恰当。,3.a 本句需要选出一个合适的词做主语.b.travel 是动词,不能做主语.c.The travelling 是动名词可以做主语,但前面没有必要加the;D.To travelling 不合乎语法,To 不应该放在动名词前,而应该在动词前,动词不定式可以做主语,只有a.travelling 是动名词可以做主语,因此应该选a.,4.c b.as long,和d.such a long都不合乎语法,因此可以排除;a.longer(较

22、长的)在后一句话中没有对比,因此形容词比较也可以排除;c.so long(如此长)是符合题目意思的,因为前一句中的longer than he expected 等于did not expect it to last so long,所以选c.,5.c 只有选c.shall I 才能使这个问句的意思完整并合乎语法。a.to,b.for 和d.in order to 都不能使其成为完整的句子,所以选c.,6.a 只有a.any 才能同句子中的more连用,表示“任何别的”,同前一句的I was the only passenger的含义相符合。而b.many(许多),c.lots(许多),d.a

23、 few(几个)都不能与any 连用,也不符合题目意思。,7.a b.more far 不合乎语法,因为far 的比较级形式是farther 或further;c.further more 不合乎题目意思,d.so far(如此远)4个选择中只有a 最合乎题目意思,因为any further 同前一句的This is as far as we go(这是我们所能达到的程度)的含义相同,所以a 是正确的.,8.d a.drives a bus(开公共汽车),b.inspects the tickets(查票),c.buys ticket(买票),d.collects fares(收车费)这4个中

24、只有d.符合题目意思,售票员通常是收车费的。,9.b 本句需要选出同前一句中的got on(上车)意义相反的词组。a.get down(下去),b.get off(下车),c.get out of(从出去)和 d.get over(越过去)4个选择中只有b.get off 是get on 的反义词,所以选b.,10.b a.sight(景象,景物)指能够看到的事物和情景;b.view(观察,风景)指从特别的角度看到的,观 察到的景象;c.scene(风景,景色)指某个地方的自然景观;d.scenery(风景,景色),指自然环境,特别是美丽开阔的乡间景色.只有b与其他3个词的含义不同,强调观察到

25、的,最符合题目意思,所以选b.,11.c a.dont remember(不记得),b.dont know(不知道),c.dont mind(不介意),d.dont matter(没关系)4个选择中只有c.最符合题目意思,同前一句 It doesnt matter,I said(我说:“没关系”)的含义相同,所以选c.,12.d 只有选d.best 才能使这个句子同前一句 I prefer to stay on the bus(我比较喜欢呆 在汽车上)的含义比较接近,所以选d.a.my favourite(我最喜爱的东西);b.my best(我最好的),c.beloved(亲爱的)这3个词都与前一句的意义不符。,See you next time!,


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