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1、Lesson 127,A famous actressOne is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老,单词学习,famous adj.著名的actress n.女演员at least 至少actor n.男演员read(read/read)v.通过阅读得知,famous adj.著名的be famous for 因为而出名be famous as 作为而著名以漂亮公园而出名的城镇The town is famous for its beautiful park作为一个作家,他很著名。He is famous as a writer.北京作为一个古城而闻名。Beiji

2、ng is famous as an old city.,actor n.男演员He is my favourite actor.他是我最喜欢的男演员。男服务员 waiter 男主人 host女服务员 waitress 女主人 hostess actress n.女演员She is a famous actress.她是一个著名的女演员,at least 至少 至少这只古花瓶至少价值两万英镑。This antique vase is worth at least 20,000.至少你应该考虑一下我们的建议。At least,you should consider our suggestions

3、.反正;无论如何;不管怎样他尚未有出国的计划,至少据我所知是这样的。He has no plans to go abroad yet,at least as far as I know.那个聚会一点儿都不令人兴奋,但不管怎样,它使人打发了那段时光。That party wasnt exciting at all,but at least it filled the time.,read 1.通过阅读得知,阅悉,读知2.辩认,读书,阅读我没时间读书。I have no time to read.read sb sth=read sth to sb 给某人朗读他朗读了一首诗给全班学生听。He re

4、ad the class a poem.3.了解,解开。想要了解他很困难。It is hard to read him.,Look at the questions,What does Karen Marsh do?Is the man an actor?Is Karen Marsh look young?How old is Liz?,Answer the questions:,What does Karen Marsh do?She is an actress.Is the man an actor?Yes,he is.Is Karen Marsh look young?No,she is

5、nt.How old is Liz?She is not more than twenty-nine.,课文讲解,Can you recognize that woman,Liz?can 能她会开车,但不会骑自行车。She can drive,but she cant ride a bicycle.Can you.表示请求你能借我10美元吗?Can you lend me 10 dollars?Can I.表示提议要不要我帮你煮点咖啡。Can I make you some coffee?要不要我帮忙?Can I help you?,I think I can,Kate.It must be

6、Karen Marsh,the actress.I think(that)我认为,我想.我认为他很聪明。I think(that)he is very clever.我想明天不会下雨。I dont think it will rain tomorrow.must be 一定是(一种极肯定的推测)己经10点了,我妈妈一定会生气的。Its already ten oclock.My mother must be angry.我们认为老师一定是在开玩笑。We thought the teacher must be joking.,I think I can.我想我可以 I dont think I

7、can.我想我不能 I think I cant.我认为你是对的。I think you are right.我认为你不对。I dont think you are right.,I thought so.Whos that beside her?I thought so.我也这样想,我也这样认为。你认为她会成功吗?Do you think(that)she will succeed?是的,我想会的。Yes,I think so.I think so.否定句I dont think so.你认为明天会下雨吗?Do you think it will rain tomorrow?不,我认为不会。

8、No,I dont think so.,That must be Conrad Reeves.must be 表示极肯定的推测,意思为“一定是”.Conrad Reeves,the actor?It cant be.Let me have another look.cant be 不可能跟must be意义相反这个故事不可能是真的。The story cant be true.have another look 再看一看have a look 看一眼让我看一眼那本书。Let me have a look at that book.,I think youre right!Isnt he her

9、 third husband?Isnt he her third husband?No.He must be her fourth or fifth.must be 表示推测,有较强肯定意味。her fourth or fifth=her fourth husband or fifth husbandDoesnt Karen Marsh look old!她看起来健康。She looks well.她看起来不错。She looks good.,look old 看起来很老 look 是系动词,后加形容词1.You look happy today.今天你看起来很开心。2.Doesnt Mary

10、 look sad!玛丽看起来很难过啊!系动词:sound,smell,taste,feel,get,turn,seem be,become1.The music sounds wonderful.2.The flowers smell good.3.His face turns red.4.The food tastes good.5.He seems quite happy.,She does,doesnt she!I read shes twenty-nine,but she must be at least forty.Im sure she is.be sure of/about 他

11、深信他自己会成功。He is sure of success.对于这件事我确实有把握。I am really sure about it.,She was a famous actress when I was still at school.still 还他 还年轻He is still young.天还在下雨Its still raining.at school 在求学,在校就读,Not that long ago!,没有那么久!that 做副词,表示强调。-The French test was very difficult,wasnt it?法语考试很难,不是吗?-Well,not t

12、hat difficult.没有那么难。,Im not more than twenty-nine myself.not more than=less than 不超过,少于不超过50个学生参加了会议。Not more than 50 students attended the meeting.,Phrases:,must be 肯定是cant be 不可能是I think so 我想是(I dont think so 我不这样想)have another look 再看一眼look old 看起来很老at least 至少(at most 最多)a long time ago 很久以前mor

13、e than 超过,Lesson 127 text,KATE:Can you recognize that woman,Liz?LIZ:I think I can,Kate.It must be Karen Marsh,the actress.KATE:I though so.Whos that beside her?LIZ:That must be Conrad Reeves.KATE:Conrad Reeves,the actor?Its cant be.Let me have another look.I think youre right!Isnt he her third husba

14、nd?,LIZ:No.He must be her fourth or fifth.KATE:Doesnt Karen Marsh look old!LIZ:She does,doesnt she!I read shes twenty-nine,but she must be at least forty.KATE:Im sure she is.LIZ:She was a famous actress when I was still at school.KATE:That was a long time ago,wasnt it?LIZ:Not that long ago!Im not mo

15、re than twenty-nine myself.,recognize,KATE:Can you _that woman,Liz?LIZ:I think_,Kate.It _ Karen Marsh,the actress.KATE:I _so.Whos that _her?LIZ:That _Conrad Reeves.KATE:Conrad Reeves,the actor?Its_.Let me_.I think youre right!Isnt he her_?LIZ:No.He must be her_.KATE:Doesnt Karen Marsh _!LIZ:She does

16、,doesnt she!I read shes twenty-nine,but she must be _forty.KATE:Im sure she is.LIZ:She was _When I was still at school.KATE:That was_,wasnt it?LIZ:_long ago!Im _twenty-nine myself.,I can,must be,though,beside,must be,cant be,have another look,third husband,fourth or fifth,look old,at least,a famous

17、actress,a long time ago,Not that,not more than,Fill in the blanks,二.Grammar focus,情态动词表示推测:情态动词表示推测的有:must一定、could很有可能、may可能、might有一些可能。它们的用法是:1.它们表示推测只能用于肯定句之中,而疑问句用can,否定句用cant不可能。例:Can the he stay at home at the moment?现在他能在家么?He must be staying at home.他一定在家。He cant be staying at home.他不可能在家。,2.

18、情态动词+原形,表示对现在或将来的情况时行推测。,例:He must be a teacher.他可能是一名老师。(系表)We may travel by sea next month.下个月,我们可能乘船旅行。,3.情态动词+be doing,表示对现在的情况进行推测。,例:He must be having a lot of money.他一定有很多钱。Jim may be playing the basketball.吉姆可能正在打篮球。,4.情态动词+have done,表示对过去的情况进行推测。,例:It must have rained yesterday.昨天一定下雨了。I ca

19、nt have been late yesterday.我昨天不可能迟到。She could have phoned you last night.她昨晚应该给你打电话了。,表示猜测和推断的情态动词must和cant,表示对现在和将来的事做推断和猜测,与系动词be连用肯定的推断:must be 肯定是否定的推断:cant be 不可能是(而不是mustnt be)不要把它们和 must,can混淆It must be Karen Marsh,the actress.那一定是女演员凯伦马什。Can you find other sentences on the book?,Translation

20、:,It must be cold outside.外面肯定很冷。They must be thirsty.他们肯定很渴。He cant be Mr.Read.他不可能是里德先生。She cant be late.她不可能迟到。,Translation:,他不可能是老师,他肯定是牙医。He cant be a teacher.He must be a dentist.她不可能是中国人,她肯定是日本人。She cant be Chinese.She must be Japanese.它不可能便宜,肯定很贵。It cant be cheap.It must be expensive.-门铃响了。肯

21、定是Bob。-Theres the doorbell.It must be Bob.-不可能是Bob,他去电影院了。-It cant be Bob.Hes gone to the cinema.,sentences on the book:,That must be Conrad Reeves.It cant be.He must be her fourth or fifth.but she must be at least forty.,练习答案 Key to written exercisesA,1 He has to be here at six oclock.2 I think he

22、is probably busy.3 He has to be at the office early tomorrow.,练习答案 Key to written exercisesA,4 I think he is probably sleeping.5 I think he is probably French.6 He has to be in France next week.7 I think he is probably an engineer.,B,1 I dont think so.She cant be Italian.She must be Greek.2 I dont t

23、hink so.He cant be English.He must be American.3 I dont think so.They cant be Canadian.They must be Australian.4 I dont think so.He cant be a mechanic.He must be an engineer.,5 I dont think so.He cant be a bus conductor.He must be a bus driver.6 I dont think so.He cant be a sales rep.He must be the

24、boss.7 I dont think so.He cant be twenty-four.He must be thirty.8 I dont think so.They cant be five.They must be seven.9 I dont think so.He cant be seventy-six.He must be over eighty.10 I dont think so.She cant be fifty-five.She must be under fifty.,11 I dont think so.It cant be the 21st today.It mu

25、st be the 20th.12 I dont think so.It cant be Tuesday today.It must be Wednesday.13 I dont think so.It cant be the 2nd today.It must be the 3rd.14 I dont think so.It cant be cheap.It must be expensive.15 I dont think so.It cant be easy.It must be difficult.,16 I dont think so.She cant be old.She must

26、 be young.17 I dont think so.They cant be early.They must be late.18 I dont think so.He cant be reading.He must be sleeping.19 I dont think so.They cant be listening to the radio.They must be watching television.20 I dont think so.She cant be retiring.She must be looking for a new job.,Homework,1、听英语每天15-20分钟,背会课文2、127单词写三次,家长听写一次3、128课的句型写一次4、127,128练习册写完,


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