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1、Lesson 137,A pleasant dream,词汇讲解,football n.足球pool n.赌注win(won,won)v.赢world n.世界poor adj.贫穷的depend v.依靠(on),pool 1)n.赌注,总赌款 足球赛的赌注 football pool2)n.共同资金,合伙投资 We bought a computer by the pool.我们合资买一部电脑3)n.游泳池 宾馆有游泳池吗?Does the hotel have a pool?,win1)v.赢,赢得,获得 Which team won?She won the first prize in

2、 the music competition.win over 把人说服 我们试图说服他接受我们的观点 We tried to win him over to our view.,world n.世界他的梦想是环游世界。His dream is to travel around the world.他是世界上最优秀的网球选手。He is the best tennis player in the world.那消息迅速传遍了全世界。The news spread quickly all over the world.worldwide adj.全世界的 This is a worldwide

3、sensational news.,poor1)adj.贫穷的(反义词:rich)a poor man 贫穷的人2)adj.可怜的,不幸的 那个可怜的老人 the poor old man3)adj.不擅长的,差劲的、(辩解等)拙劣 的 be poor at=be bad at 我们的女儿数学不好。Our daughter is poor at math.,depend 1)v.依靠、依赖、指望 depend on sb 你不能永远依赖你的父母 You cannot depend on your parents forever.2)v.视而定,取决于 depend on sth 出发的时间视天

4、气而定。The time of leaving depends on the weather.,1/13/2023,Brian,Julie,z,课文,1/13/2023,Are you doing the football pools,Brain?,Yes,Ive nearly finished,Julie.Im sure well win something this week.,football pools 足球赌注,1/13/2023,If I win a lot of money Ill buy you a mink coat.,You always say that,but we n

5、ever win anything!What will you do if you win a lot of money?,buy you a mink coat=buy a mink coat for youbuy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.,1/13/2023,All right.If we win a lot of money well travel round the worldand well stay at the best hotels.Then well return home and buy a big house in the country.Well

6、have a beautiful garden and,I dont want a mink coat!I want to see the world.,see the world 见世面 travel round the world 周游世界,1/13/2023,depend on.依靠,依赖,If we spend all the money well try and win the football pools again.,But if we spend all that moneywell be poor again.Whatll we do then?,Its a pleasant

7、 dream,but everything depends on if!,课文讲解,Are you doing the football pools,Brian?do the football pools 下足球赛的赌注 pools 赌注总额,合伙赌博的安排 他希望在赌博中赢得财富 He hopes to win a fortune on the pools,Yes,Ive nearly finished,Julie.Im sure well win something this week.nearly adv.将近,几乎 现在将近一点了。Its nearly 1 oclock.be sure

8、 确信,肯定 我想他会同意,但我没有把握 I think he will agree,but I am not sure.他确信自己会成功 He is sure that he will succeed.,You always say that,but we never win anything!always 总是,表示频率 我会永远记住这个人 I will always remember this man.never adv.从来没有,表示频率 I have never seen a panda.我从未见过猫熊同类词汇有 never 从不 hardly 几乎不 rarely 几乎不 some

9、times 有时 often 经常 usually 通常 always 总是,What will you do if you win a lot of money?If 如果/是否如果你没有找到她,也不要紧的。It doesnt matter if you dont find her.如果有必要,你可以给我家打电话。If it is necessary,you can ring me at home.,If I win a lot of money,Ill buy you a mink coat.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 我给她买了一顶新帽子 I bought her

10、 a new hat.=I bought a new hat for her.,I dont want a mink coat!I want to see the world.want+名词想要某物 我很想有个假期 I really want a holiday.want to do sth.想要做某事 她想要和我一起去 She wants to go with me.,All right.If we win a lot of money,well travel round the world and well stay at the best hotels.travel round the

11、world 环球旅行stay at 住,呆在 呆在家里 stay at home 躺在床上 stay in bed,Then well return home and buy a big house in the country.Well have a beautiful garden and in the country 在乡下in the city在城市 in the town在城镇,But if we spend all that money well be poor again.Whatll we do then?spend v.花费,sb.spend money/time,on st

12、h.,(in)doing sth.,She spent 30 minutes on homework.,She spent 30 minutes(in)finishing his homework.,If we spend all the money well try and win the football pools again.try 试图 try to do sth 尽力做某事 我想要去爬那座山,但没能去 I tried to climb the mountain but could not.try doing 试着做 我试爬过那座山,发觉比我预期的更吃力 I tried climbi

13、ng the mountain and found it harder than I had expected.,Its a pleasant dream but everything depends on if!if n.条件,不肯定因素未来充满了不确定因素The future is full of ifs.depend on 得看,由.决定,依赖你不可以总是依赖你的丈夫You cant always depend on your husband.,Lets sing the song in English:,If you are happy,What will you do if your

14、e happy?,If Im happy,I will _.If Im happy,I will _.If Im happy,I will _.If Im happy,I will _.,clap my hands,stamp my feet,blink my eyes,nod my head,意义,If 条件状语从句,1,在某种假设的条件下,可实现的愿望,If I get one hundred scores,my mother will buy a present.,2,在某种假设的条件下,而有的状态或情况。,If it rains tomorrow,I will stay at home

15、 and watch TV.,句型结构:主句+if条件状语从句 if条件状语从句,+主句(从句后加逗号),If you dont get up early,you will be late for school.,You will be late for school if you dont get up early.,时态:if一般现在时,+主句 一般将来时 主句 一般将来时 if 一般现在时 主将从现,If Im hungry,I will_.,If Im tired,I will_.,Look and say,eat some food,have a rest,If Im ill,_.,

16、I will see a doctor,Look and say,If Im late,_.,I will say sorry,If it rains tomorrow,I_.,will watch TV at home,If it _ tomorrow,_.,Ill play basketball,doesnt rain,I wont_.,play basketball,If you are free this weekend,what will you do?,If I am free,sleepwatch TVplay computer games,practice,e.g.1.If y

17、ou dont get up early,you will be late for school.你如果不早点起床,上学就会迟到。2.If I play games on it,it will go wrong.如果我用它玩游戏,它就会坏掉。,3.If you finish the homework,you can go home如果你作业做完了就可以回家了。,4.If you want to lose weight you must/should eat less junk food.如果你想减肥,你必须少吃油炸食品。,5.If you heat ice it turns to water.

18、(也可用will turn)如果把冰加热,它就会化成水。,1.If he_(not,do it),I_(do)it.,2.If you _(be)late for school,my teacher _(be)angry.,are,will be,3 If she_(win)the prize,we _(be)happy.,wins,will be,4.If I _(not,eat)so much,I _(get)thinner.,5.If you _(tell)them,they _(not,believe)you.,dont eat,will get,tell,wont believe,6

19、 I _(stay)at home,If it _(rain).,7.If it _(not,rain),I _(go)out.,8.we _(play)football,If it is _(sun).,9.If she _(become)a star,her parents _(not,send)her away,10.He _(watch)TV,if he _(be)free.,will stay,rains,doesnt rain,will go,will play,sunny,becomes,wont send,will watch,is,doesnt do,will do,Exer

20、cise Time,-Im always tired in the morning.,-If you go to bed early,you wont be tired in the morning.,Giving suggestions:,-I get thirsty when I run.,-If you take some water with you,you wont get thirsty when you run.,I worry so much about my schoolwork.,-If you always work hard,you wont worry about y

21、our schoolwork.,You should work hard!,Activity 1 Rewrite the sentences with if:,Listen in class,or you wont understand what to do.,If you dont listen in class,you wont understand what to do.,1)Eat some breakfast,or youll get hungry at school.2)Hurry up!Well be late!3)Read the instructions carefully.

22、Then youll know what to do.,If you dont eat some breakfast,youll get hungry at school.,If you dont hurry up,well be late.,If you dont read the instructions carefully,you wont know what to do.,Activity2.Complete the sentences,I want to get high scores.If _(work hard/do well),you work hard,you will do

23、 well.,1.-how can I remember my friends birthdays?-If_(keep a note in your diary/not forget).2.-Its late,but I dont want to go to sleep.-If _(not get enough sleep/feel tired at school).,you keep a note in your diary,you wont forget.,you dont get enough sleep,youll feel tired at school.,3.-I dont lik

24、e speaking English outside the classroom.-If_(not practice/not improve).4.-Should I tell my teacher I dont understand the homework?-If_(not tell her/she not able to help you).5.-Is it OK if I watch TV for six hours?-If_(you watch too much/eyes hurt).,you dont practice,you wont improve.,you dont tell

25、 her,she wont be able to help you.,you watch too much TV,your eyes will hurt.,summary,if的用法,2.引导条件状语从句:译为“如果,假如”,1.引导宾语从句:译为“是否”,表示不确定的概念。,I dont know if your father can come together.Can you tell me if miss your parents?,e.g.1.If you dont get up early,you will be late for school.你如果不早点起床,上学就会迟到。2.I

26、f I play games on it,it will go wrong.如果我用它玩游戏,它就会坏掉。,3.If you finish the homework,you can go home如果你作业做完了就可以回家了。,4.If you want to lose weight you must/should eat less junk food.如果你想减肥,你必须少吃油炸食品。,5.If you heat ice it turns to water.(也可用will turn)如果把冰加热,它就会化成水。,()6.Mike wants to know if _ a picnic to

27、morrow.Yes.But if it _,well visit the museum instead.A.you have/will rain B.you will have/will rain C.you will have/rains D.will you have/rains()7.I really dont know if she _ it when she _.A.finds/arrives B.finds/will arrive C.will find/will arrive D.will find/arrives,()4.I dont know if_ tomorrow.A.

28、it doesnt rain B.the rain will stops C.the rains wont stop D.it wont rain()5.The volleyball match will be put off(推迟)if it _.A.will rain B.rains C.rained D.is raining,()1.Be careful,if you_ want to make mistakes.A.wont B.dont C.didnt D.not()2.Work hard if you _ to get a good mark.A.wanted B.wanting

29、C.want D.will want()3.-I want to know if you_ to the party tomorrow.-I will if I_ free.A.will come;am B.come;am C.will come;will be D.come;will be,exercises,B,C,A,D,B,C,D,If you have some problems in your life,what will you do?,Problems,1,课后单词五英一汉2,背诵全文3,完成一课一练,Homework:,Thanks for listening.Goodbye.,


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