新概念英语第一册3 8课PPT课件.ppt

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1、New Concept English1新概念英语1,Lesson 3 Sorry,Sir.,1.here这里 there那里 home 家 aboard国外 upstairs楼上 downstairs楼下 downtown市中心地点副词前面不能用介词 eg.go home2.My umbrella and my coat,please.省略了动词和间接宾语(give me)的祈使句。由一个动词原形开头的句子就是祈使句。Lets go out and play.,3.Here is 是简单的倒装句Here is my ticket.My ticket is here.4.number=no.5

2、.Mr.先生 Mrs.夫人 Ms.女士 Miss小姐Sir:对男士一种比较有礼貌的称呼或学生对男性老师的一种称呼或下级对上级的一种称呼。,gentleman,对男性比较有礼貌的称呼,在公共场合最得体的称呼。guy在美国英语中对男性一种不正式的称呼,家伙,review,Is this.?,Is that.?,Lesson 5,Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!,Nice to meet you!=Pleased to meet you!=Glad to meet you!,很高兴见到你!,1.Look at the pictures and answer the following

3、 questions.(1)How many students are there?(2)Who is the new student?2.Listen and answer the question”Is Chang-woo Chinese?3.Read the new words,Country 国家/乡村 country music乡村音乐nationality 国籍capital首都homeland/motherland 祖国What nationality are you?你是哪国人?I am Chinese/a Chinese.Where are you from?=Where d

4、o you come from?你来自哪里?I am from China./I come from China.,4.Language points,Korea-Korean-Seoul 韩国,Japan-Japanese-Tokyo,China-Chinese-Beijing,United Kingdom-English-London英国,United States/America-American-Washington D.C 美国,France-French-Paris 法国,Germany-German-Berlin 德国,Sweden-Swedish-Stockholm 瑞典,It

5、aly-Italian-Rome 意大利,1.This is介绍他人时常用2.a,an,the 三个冠词a,an不定冠词(1)可数名词单数前面(2)具有不确定的意义的事物和名词前面This is a watch.a用于以辅音音素开头的名词前面;an用于元音因素(元音发音的单词前面)a pen;a book;an umbrella;a university;an hour48个音标,20个元音音标,28个辅音音标辅音b k s d f g h l m n p r z t v w j tr dr ts dz,the 是定冠词表示特指Look,look,a man is coming into th

6、e classroom.The man is our teacher.3.and“也”用于肯定句中 My father and mother are very kind.also“也”用于肯定句中 She is a teacher.I am also a teacher.too“也”,用于肯定句末 He likes playing computer games too.either“也”,用于否定句末 I dont like eggplant either.but“但是”,表转折 They are rich.But I am poor.4.初次见面还可以说-How do you do?-How

7、 do you do?,5.(1)Is Sophie a new student?Yes,she is.(2)Is she German?No,she isnt.(3)What nationality is Sophie?She is French.(4)Is Hans French?No,he isnt.(5)What nationality is Hans?He is German.(6)What nationality is Naoko?Shes Japanese.(7)Is Chang-woo a Japanese student or a Chinese student?Hes a

8、Korean student.,(8)Is Luming a Korean student or a Chinese student?He is a Chinese student.(9)She is Chinese.What is her name?Her name is Xiaohui.(10)Shes Japanese.What is her name?Her name is Naoko.,Mercedes,Volvo,选择疑问句标志词or提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择的句式。Is she a teacher or a student?语调:前一个供选择的答案用升调后一个用降调.

9、回答:必须用完整的句子来回答。She isnt a teacher.She is a student.,1.It is a Volvo.It isnt a French car.Its a Swedish car.2.Is it a French car or a Swedish car?Its a Swedish car.3.Its a Swedish car.What make is it?Its a Volvo.,A;Hello!Good morning!B:A:Whats your name?B:My name isA:How are you?B:Im fine,thank you.A

10、:How old are you?B:Im years old.A:Are you Chinese?B:A:Nice to meet you.B:,Lesson6 Exercise,Answer:1.She;She2.It3.He;He4.It,Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?,Language points,1.What is your name?你叫什么名字?My name is What is her name?她叫什么名字?Her name is What is his name?他叫什么名字?His name is2.特殊疑问词what什么,when什么时候,w

11、here哪里,which哪一个,who谁,why为什么,What is her/his job?What does she/he do?Is she/he a?Yes,No,1.Your is Mr.Blake teacher.Your teacher is Mr.Blake.2.Job your is what?What is your job?3.Is my here ticket.Here is my ticket.4.Is a Alice student new French is she.Alice is a new student.She is French.5.Coat my p

12、lease umbrella and my My coat and my umbrella please.,Lesson 8Whats your job?,a bad apple 一个坏苹果-坏蛋,惹麻烦,不诚实的人Big Apple 大苹果-纽约的别称fat cat 肥猫-暴发户(贬义)a hot potato棘手的问题God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者,policeman,policewoman,Taxi-driver,Air hostess,postman/mail carrier,nurse,mechanic,hairdresser,mi

13、lkman,housewife,Keyboard operator,engineer,1.What is his job?He is a policeman.2.Is she a policewoman or an air hostess?She isnt an air hostess.She is a policewoman.3.Is he a policeman?Yes,he is.4.Are you a hairdresser or a policeman?I am not a hairdresser.Im a policeman.,按要求完成句子,1.-What is job?(用形容词性物主代词填空)-He is a taxi-driver.2.He is a policeman.(变为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)Yes,3.She is their teacher(改为一般疑问句).,1.Are you in Class Two?(做肯定回答)2.Are you a policeman?Are you a postman?(改为选择疑问句)3.The milkman is in the room.(对划线部分提问),Lesson 9 Exercise,Answer:1.is;am;am2.is;is3.is;is,


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