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1、,Lesson 5,Nice to meet you.,复习这是我的.Heres my.这个不是我的.This is not my.号码的表达方法 Number.,上一节课的单词,umbrella n.please int.here adv.ticket n.number n.sorry adj sir n.cloakroom n.,伞请这里 票号码对不起的先生衣帽间,练一练,1.Excuse _!Is this your hamdbag?A.you B.me C.it D.I 2.-Is this your umbrella?-No,it _.A.is B.not is C.my D.isn

2、t3.What is your name?Pardon?-_ A.What is your name?B.Is this your hamdbag?C.Thank you very much!D.Nice to meet you.,B,D,A,单词讲解,Mr.mist 先生 Mr用于男士的姓之前,不能单独使用,如课文中的 MrBlake;而sir 一般单独使用,是对长者、上司或男顾客的尊称,如:Sorry,sir.对不起,先生。Miss mis 小姐一般用于指未婚女子,不过有时在不知道对方是否已婚时也可使用,Good morning.早上好 那么下午好和晚上好还记得怎么说吗?Good afte

3、rnoon.Good evening.再见 晚安祝你好运,good bye,good night,good luck,nice nais adj.美好的,adj.美好的,好看的 Its a nice day today,isnt it?Thats a nice shirt.adj.和蔼的,友好的 He is very nice to his neighbours.adj.使人高兴的,令人愉快的 It is so nice to have you here.,Nice to meet you!,在初次见面时可以说这句话,回答是:Nice to meet you,too.在初次见面时还可以说:Ho

4、w do you do.回答也是 How do you do.,new nju:adj.新的,相关词组 New Year 新年 news 新闻(不可数名词)a piece of news 一条新闻,too tu:adv.也,又,还,用法:一般放于肯定句末,表示“也”eg:I have the English book,too.I know the answer,too.放在形容词的前面表示 太;过于:eg:The hat is too big.帽子太大。Summer is too hot.夏天太热了。Thats too bad.那太糟糕了。,Chinese taini:z 中国的;中国人,Fr

5、ench frent 法国的;法国人,German d:mn德国的;德国人,Japanese dpni:z日本的;日本人,Korean krin 韩国的,韩国人,Swedish swi:di瑞典的;瑞典人,单词记忆大比拼,根据英语说汉语,单词记忆大比拼,根据汉语说出英语,New words,Mr.mist 先生 good gud adj.好 morning m:ni n.早晨 Miss mis 小姐 new nju:adj.新的 student stju:dnt n.学生 French frent adj.&n.法国人,German d:mn adj.&n.德国人 nice nais adj.

6、美好的 meet mi:t v.遇见 Japanese dpni:z adj.&n.日本人 Korean krin adj.&n.韩国人 Chinese taini:z adj.&n.中国人 too tu:adv.也,Be动词的缩写形式,I am-ImI am not-Im notHe/She/It is-Hes/Shes/ItsHe/She/It is not-He/She/It isntWe/You/They are-Were/Youre/Theyre We/You/They are not-We/You/They arent,一.Listen to the tape,then answe

7、r this question“Is Chang-woo Chinese?”,不定冠词a,冠词数量上表示“一个”。冠词一共有三个,分为不定冠词(a,an)和定冠词(the)。可数名词单数前面必须要用不定冠词。a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前面 an 用于以元音开头的名词前面 例如:a pen an apple an umbrella an egg an hour a shirt,如何询问国籍呢?,What nationality is she/he?Shes French/Chinese/German/KoreanHes.What is your nationality?I am American

8、/Italian/English.,Good morning,Mr.Blake.,Good morning!,三.Text Appreciation:,This is,Miss Sophie Dupont.,Sophie is a new _.,student,_is French,She,This,is Hans.,Sophie,He,is German.,Nice to meet you.,见到你很高兴!,And _Naoko.She is Japanese.“_.”,this is,Nice to meet you,And this is Chang-woo.Hes _.“_-.”,Ko

9、rean,Nice to meet you,And this is Luming.Hes _.“Nice to meet you.”,Chinese,And this is Xiaohui.Shes Chinese,_.“Nice to meet you.”,too,我是哪国人?,在说自己是哪一个国家的人时,使用句型:Im.例如:Im Chinese.用以下单词来做一个替换练习吧!Franch,German,Japanese,Korean,Italian,American,Swedish,English,练习,翻译下列句子1.-这位是索菲亚小姐吗?-是的,我是一名学生。我是法国人。我很高兴见到

10、你。-Is this Miss Sophie?-Yes,I am a student.I am French.Nice to me you2.-那位是直子小姐。-她是日本人吗?-是的,她也是一名新学生。-That is Miss Naoko.-Is she a Japanese?-Yes,(she is).She is a new student.,Lesson6 What make is it?,Italian意大利的,Fiat菲亚特,German德国的,Mercedes梅赛德斯(奔驰),Japanese日本的,Toyota丰田,French法国的,Peugeot标致,Korean韩国的,Daewoo大宇,Swedish瑞典的,Volvo沃尔沃,American美国的,Ford福特,English英国的,Mini迷你,句型操练:What make is it?它是什么牌子的?Its a Volvo.(Swedish)沃尔沃。(瑞典的),Make 1)n.(产品的)牌号My shirt is a Korean make.What make is your watch?What make is your car?2)v 制作 make a carMake a dish,Peugeot,


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