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1、Lesson 121,The man in hat,俚语(slang),非习惯用语,对旧事物赋以新的说法。,俚语(Slang),是指民间非正式、较口语的语句,是百姓在日常生活中总结出来的通俗易懂顺口的具有地方色彩的词语。地域性强,较生活化。俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合。有时俚语用以表达新鲜事物,或对旧事物赋以新的说法。,Have a beef with sb,如果一天你的外国朋友对你说:Im having a beef with my boss。”。,与某人发生矛盾,关系紧张,Holy Shit!是什么意思?,Holy Shit!意思是要表达一种惊讶,或者是遇到令人不愉快的事情

2、而发出的感叹。,例句:Holy shit!The whole basement is flooded!,Talk through ones hat,Hey,dont listen to that guy.Hes talking through his hat when he tells people that two-headed men from Mars(火星)have landed(使.登陆)a spaceship near Washington and the government is keeping it secret.,关于这一俗语的起源,现已没有切实的证据可考。一种理论认为,在

3、教堂做礼拜时,有些没耐性的人会把帽子盖到脸上,装作祈祷的样子,因此引申出“说谎”的含义。还有一种可能是,因为帽子的内部是空的,因此“通过帽子讲话”就暗示讲话人的头脑空空,没多少思想。,胡说八道,一派胡言,Key wordsexpressions,1.Customer kstm n.顾客 custom 风俗 customs 海关有顾客customer的地方,肯定就有 shop assistant/waiter/waitressguest 旅馆的旅客passenger 乘客a regular customer 老顾客顾客至上,Customer is god.,Key wordsexpression

4、s,2.forget fget v.忘记(forgot/forgotten)forget to do 忘记要做 forget doing sth 忘记已经做过大家感受一下这两个句子:I forget to send an email to him.(忘记要发邮件,邮件还没发)I forget sending an email to him.(忘记已经发过了,邮件已经发出了)反义词 remember,Key wordsexpressions,3.manager mnid n.经理sales manager 销售经理General Manager 总经理He is our manager.mana

5、ge mnid v.管理manage a company 经营公司,阿里巴巴 雅虎中国马云,搜狐张朝阳,微软 盛大唐骏,谷歌李开复,腾讯 QQ之父马化腾,Key wordsexpressions,4serve s:v v.(1)(2)(3)这位老厨师已为这家干了30年了。,个,这个饭店里什么时候供给早餐?,The old cook has served the family for 30 years.,那家餐馆的服务很差,服务;接待;侍候:,Are you being served,sir?先生,有人为您服务吗?,供给;摆出(食物或饮料等):,What time is breakfast se

6、rved in this hotel?,The service in that restaurant is poor.。,service s:vis n.,为服务,Key wordsexpressions,5.counter kaunt n.柜台at the jewelry countercheckout counter,在珠宝部,付帐柜台,Key wordsexpressions,6recognize reknaiz v.(1)认出;熟悉:I recognize him now.我现在认出他来了。(2)承认;确认:他不承认自己犯下了大错。He didnt recognize that he

7、had made a big mistake.,Key wordsexpressions,customer n.顾客forget v.忘记manager n.经理serve v.照应,服务,接待counter n.柜台recognize v.认出,Questions on the text,Why didnt Caroline recognize the customer straight away?,Language points,1.I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago,but I forgot to take

8、them with me.把某物带走 我去那个村庄的时候我随身带了一些药。take sb sth=take sth to sb 把某物拿去给某人 Ill take some presents to my friends in Beijing.=Ill take my friends in Beijing some presents.,dictionary,later,take sth with sb,I took some medicine with me when I went to the village.,Language points,2.Who served you,sir?The

9、lady who is standing behind the counter.served是serve的过去式,“服务”我会全心全意为人民服务的。Ill serve the people with heart and soul.定语从句,Language points,3.Which books did you buy?The books which are on the counter.which 指在一定范围内的哪个(些)which 既可用来指人,又可用来指物定语从句,哦,Language points,4.Did you serve this gentleman half an hou

10、r ago,Caroline?He says hes the man who bought these books.,间接引语,定语从句,Language points,5.I cant remember.The man who I served was wearing a hat.wear 穿(表示状态)put on 穿上(强调动作),定语从句,是吗?,Language points,6.Have you got a hat,sir?Yes,I have.Would you put it on,please?All right.Would you?请你好吗?All right=OK.表示“好

11、吧,行”也可表示(身体)好,无恙 Thats all right.表示“没有关系”,用于回答sorry.Thats all.表示“就这些了”。Thats right.表示“对了,说得对”。,Do you have a hat?,CUSTOMER:I bought two expensive dictionaries here half and hour ago,but I forgot to take them with me.MANAGER:Who served you,sir?CUSTOMER:The lady who is standing behind the counter.MANA

12、GER:Which books did you buy?CUSTOMER:The books which are on the counter.MANAGER:Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago,Caroline?He says hes the man who bought these books.CAROLINE:I cant remember.The man who I served was wearing a hat.MANAGER:Have you got a hat,sir?CUSTOMER:Yes,I have.MANAGER

13、:Would you put it on,please?CUSTOMER:All right.MANAGER:Is this the man that you served,Caroline?CAROLINE:Yes.I recognize him now.,定义:在复合句中修饰名词和代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词是先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。定语从句要由关联词:关系代词who,whom,that,which或关系副词when,where等引导。The student who answered the question was peter.回答问题的那个学生叫Pet

14、er.,Grammars,定语从句,How is it formed?,被修饰的名词、代词叫做先行词,定语从句常跟在先行词之后,由关系代词或关系副词引导。The lady who is standing behind the counter.,Why is it used in the sentence?,The lady served me.She is standing behind the counter.The lady who is standing behind the counter served me.站在柜台后的那位女士接待我的。,antecedent 先行词,被定语从句修饰

15、的名词、代词称为先行词。如“The man”、“The book”。如“那个穿着西装的人是我爸爸”这就是一个定语从句。The man who wears the suit is my dad.,关系代词引导的定语从句,关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在从句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。,who,whom,that用来指人,这些词代替指人,“whom”作宾语指人,who和“that”既可作主语又可作宾语(作宾语可以省略),可以指人也可以指物。在从句中所起作用如下:(1)Is he the man who/that wants to see you?他是那个想见你的男人吗?(who/

16、that在从句中作主语)(2)He is the man whom/that I saw yesterday.他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语)(3)The man whom you spoke to just now is our English teacher.你刚刚说话的那个男人是我们的英语老师。,which、that 用来指物,(用作主语、宾语,作宾语时可以省略),例如:(1)The cups(which/that)are on the shelf are pretty.(which/that在从句中作主语)(2)He has found the key(wh

17、ich/that)he lost yesterday.(which/that在从句中作宾语),Example 1:She is the girl.She met me yesterday.,She is the girl who met me yesterday.,Example 2,This is the book.I bought it yesterday.,This is the book which I bought yesterday.,Practise,She is the girl.I met her yesterday.She is the girl who I met yes

18、terdayI am the person.I wrote to you.I am the person who wrote to you,穿着红色连衣裙的那个女人是我妈妈。,这是我昨天买的那块手表。,1.The boy who is standing under the tree is my brother.2.The woman who wears a red dress is my mother.3.This is the watch which I bought yesterday.,正站在树下的那个男孩儿是我哥哥。,关系代词who,whom的用法 二者都用于指人。who在定语从句中做

19、主语,宾语都可以。whom在定语从句中只能做宾语。Eg.1.他是来自美国的那个男孩。He is the boy,who comes from America,.,2.她是每天读英语的那个女孩She is the girl,who reads English every day.,3.他是住在隔壁的那个男子。He is the man,who lives next door.,看图翻译句子,正在跑步的那个人是刘翔。The man is Liuxiang.The man who is running is Liuxiang.,正在玩儿电脑的那个人是我的老板。The man is my boss.T

20、he man who is playing computer games is my boss.,关系代词which的用法关系代词which一般用来指物,即当先行词是物时,关系词要选则which.which既可以做主语也可以做宾语This is the book which you are looking for.这是你正在找的那本书。The bike which is in the garden is Lilys.在花园里那辆自行车是Lily的。The TV show which I watched yesterday is very interesting.我昨天看的那个电视节目非常有趣。

21、,关系词that的用法:关系词that既可以用来指人,也可以用来指物。即当先行词无论是人或是物的时候都可以用that。1.The man _ came this morning had a funny face.2.I dont like the house_ he lives in.3.This is the bridge _ he built last year.4.I dont know the man_she is talking to.5.Did you buy the car _ he likes very much?,that,that,that,that,that,练习:用适当

22、的关系词填空1.The man _ came this morning had a funny face.2.I dont like the house_ he lives in.3.This is the bridge _ he built last year.4.I dont know the man_she is talking to.5.Did you buy the car _ he likes very much?6.The boy _ she is looking after is her brother.7.Do you know the cinema _ near the b

23、us-stop?8.The nurse _we are talking about speaks English well.9.The book _ you want to buy is not very good.10.The doctor _ she called yesterday is my father.,who,which,which,who/whom,which,who/whom,which,who/whom,which,who/whom,关系词只能用that的情况,当先行词既是人又是物时,关系代词只能选that,He is looking at the children and

24、 the bags that his daughter brought here.,Do you know the things and the persons that you are talking about?The teachers and the schools that you visited last month are very good.,当先行词有序数词来修饰时,关系词必须用that,You are the first person _I want to see.This is the second book _ I bought this week.He is the first person_ arrived at the finishing line.,that,that,that,homework,1.背121课-122课单、短、句。2.L121-122课单、短、句5遍,错词5111,家长签字3.L121-122课练习册。4.预习L123课。,


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