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1、Text A Journey through the odyssey years,Objectives,Assignment,Contents,Warm-up,Pre-reading,While-reading,After-reading,Assignment,Contents,Warm-up,Pre-reading,While-reading,After-reading,Warm up:What is Odyssey?,Assignment checkRecall your assignment and share your reflections.,Assignment check,Wat

2、ching the movie The Odyssey,Assignment check,Watch the movie The Odyssey and write a reflection.You reflection should includes:a short summary of the movie your feelings and ideas after watching the movie.,Warm up:odyssey years,BrainstormingWhat does the odyssey years may mean?Now the Odyssey has be

3、come a special term for an epic journey or great struggle as Odysseus,the main character in the epic poem,encountered repeated troubles and challenges when he left home and loved ones.,Activity:you&your parents,Questions:What is your understanding of“generation gap”?Do you think there is a generatio

4、n gap between you and your parents?Why do you think so?,Activity:you&your parents,Group work:Think of the differences between you and your parents.Make a summary of your discussion by filling in the following chart.,Tips:pay attention to the comparison structure,You,Activity:you&parents,Activity:you

5、&parents,Activity:report,3.Share your report.,Answers for reference,Answers for reference,Critical thinking,Do you agree with the statement that the odyssey years could lead to self-discovery?Why or why not?What might be the most significant personal effect caused by the delay in transition to adult

6、hood?How might parents look at the new trend and the delayed transition?,Critical thinking,Now lets read the text for the authors ideas and re-discuss these three questions when we have finished our reading.,A.Background Information,Generation gap in the West(1/4),Generation gaps,referring to differ

7、ences between young people and their elders,especially between children and their parents,have often been attributed to rapid cultural change,particularly musical tastes,fashion,culture and politics.Some special terms for different generations have thus been coined in English-speaking countries:Gene

8、ration Jones:A term used to describe the generation born right after World War II in 1945 through 1965.Its,Generation gap in the West(2/4),usually identified with“Baby Boomers”.Key characteristics assigned to these members are less optimism,distrust of government,and general cynicism.Generation X:A

9、term generally used to refer to people born in the 1960s through the early 1980s.This generation marks the period of birth decline after the baby boom.The generation was pushed toward adulthood at an age earlier than any other,A.Background Information,Generation gap in the West(3/4),recent generatio

10、ns.They are more ethnically diverse and better educated than the Baby Boomers.Generation Y:Also known as the Millennial Generation and many of them are children of baby boomers.Their birth years range from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.Its generally marked by an increased use and familiarity wi

11、th communications,media,and digital technologies.,A.Background Information,Generation gap in the West(4/4),Generation Z:Also known as the Net or the Internet Generation.In the US and other Western nations,it is a common name for the mid-1990s or early 2000s through to the present.This generation has

12、 spent their entire life with the World Wide Web(WWW)and high-tech gadgets.,A.Background Information,The odyssey years(1/3),The term odyssey years is originated from The Odyssey,a long poem by the Greek author Homer,which is a sequel(续集)to the story of the Greek hero,Odysseus.It described Odysseus l

13、ong journey trying to return home from adventures and war.For English speakers,as well as for many other cultures,the very name of the poem,The Odyssey,A.Background Information,The odyssey years(2/3),has become a special term for an epic journey or great struggle.The main character in the epic poem(

14、史诗),Odysseus,was wandering away from home and loved ones.During his journey of about 10 years,he encountered repeated troubles and challenges.The key insight in The Odyssey is that the essentials of the journey are not only outward struggles against tremendous difficulties,but,more importantly,A.Bac

15、kground Information,The odyssey years(3/3),inward struggles leading to personal growth.His journey is the one of self-discovery and of combating his own arrogance and pride from his young rebellious heart.Therefore,it makes sense to borrow The Odyssey from Greek mythology to describe the rebellious

16、years young people usually go through.The term odyssey years is a metaphor of this special stage for young people.,A.Background Information,Assignment,Contents,Warm-up,Pre-reading,While-reading,After-reading,Pre-reading,Quiz,Pre-reading:quiz on the odyssey years,Quiz,Take the quiz by checking()wheth

17、er the statements on Page 60 are true to you.And then you can judge which generation you belong to according to the grading criteria.,Pre-reading:quiz on the odyssey years,Quiz,Question:Do you think the quiz kind of define some characteristics of you and your generation?,Pre-reading,Main structure,R

18、ead the whole passage and divide the text into several parts.Fill in the blanks to present the main structure of the text.,Pay attention to how the author makes a comparison between two different generations.,Main structure,Introduction:each unique phase has its own set of _.,Body:Two major themes,A

19、dvice:success only comes to those who have the _ to pass through the odyssey years.,Paras.1-2,Paras._,The odyssey years:a _ phase in life.,_ of the odyssey years.,Paras._,Paras._,Paras._,Paras._,Paras._,Main structure,Introduction:each unique phase has its own set of _,Body:Two major themes,Advice:s

20、uccess only comes to those who have the _ to pass through the odyssey years.,Paras.1-2,Paras._,The odyssey years:a _ phase in life,_ of the odyssey years,Paras._,Paras._,Paras._,challenges,capacity&confidence,newly added,characteristics,3-10,11-12,strength,3-5,6-10,Assignment,Contents,Warm-up,Pre-re

21、ading,While-reading,After-reading,Main structure,Introduction:each unique phase has its own set of _,Two major themes,Advice:success only comes to those who have the _ to pass through the odyssey years.,Paras.1-2,Paras._,Paras._,challenges,strength,capacity&confidence,While-reading:Introduction,Intr

22、oduction,The introduction part is composed of two sections.Paragraph 1 describes that each age phase brings its own peculiar set of challenges.Paragraph 2 functions as a _.,transition,Transition creates a link or connection between the previous paragraph and the following one.In English,transition c

23、an be realized by using transitional words,sentences or paragraphs.,Introduction,Questions for group discussion:How do people divide our life stages(Para.1)?Why does the author say that each unique life phase brings its own peculiar set of challenges(Para.2)?,Language focus:P1,Question:Can you find

24、out a pair of synonyms in this sentence?Phase=stage,Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to parallel different age groups and life stages.,Phase implies a kind of gradual _ of something.,development,Language focus:P1,Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to paral

25、lel different age groups and life stages.,phase n.A phase is a particular stage in a process or in the gradual development of something.e.g.Most kids will go through a phase of being fussy about what they eat.,Language focus:P1,Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to parallel diff

26、erent age groups and life stages.,label vt.sttach a label onto sth.or write information on sth.n.a piece of paper or other material which gives you information about the object it is fixed.Question:Where can we see labels in our life?,Language focus:P1,Most of us know about the phases of life which

27、we label to parallel different age groups and life stages.,parallel vt.be equal or similar to.与相当或相似e.g.his career parallels that of this father.他的事业和他父亲的有相似之处。be the same distance apart at every point along their whole length 与平行,Language focus:P1,We think of infancy before childhood and middle age

28、 before old age,with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges.,peculiar adj.If you describe sb.or sth.as peculiar,you think they are _,sometimes in an _ way.翻译:他有一种很奇怪的幽默感。Mr King has a rather peculiar sense of humor.,strange and unusual,unpleasant,Language focus:P1,These challe

29、nges can be overcome by acquainting ourselves with them such as.,acquaint oneself with sth.=make en effort to learn about sth.使自己了解某事翻译:如果你想要更好地理解文学作品,你最好了解它的作者。If you want to have a better understanding of literary works,you have better acquaint yourself with their authors.,Language focus:P2,Intere

30、stingly,ideas about the stages of life are changing.,Question:Reading this sentence,what do you expect to read in the following text?,Question:Reading this sentence,what do you expect to read in the following text?,Question:Reading this sentence,what do you expect to read in the following text?,Lang

31、uage focus:P2,Interestingly,ideas about the stages of life are changing.,Answer:Since the sentence states that the ideas about life stages are changing,its predictable that the following text will focus on this topic.,Language focus:P2,Interestingly,ideas about the stages of life are changing.,Tips:

32、Prediction is one of the vital reading skills.It can help us to know beforehand what is going to be discussed.,Tips:Prediction is one of the vital reading skills.It can help us to know beforehand what is going to be discussed.,Main structure,Introduction:each unique phase has its own set of _,Body:T

33、wo major themes,Advice:success only comes to those who have the _ to pass through the odyssey years.,Paras.1-2,Paras._,The odyssey years:a _ phase in life,_ of the odyssey years,Paras._,Paras._,Paras._,challenges,capacity&confidence,newly added,characteristics,3-10,11-12,strength,3-5,6-10,Odyssey ye

34、ars:a newly added phase,Previously,young peoples induction to adulthood was completed once they graduated from college.They would then find a job leading to a career and start a family.,Today,young people are following a different agenda.They even shift to a new life phase called odyssey years.,Prev

35、iously,young people moved away from home,became financially independent,find a right spouse.,However,young people today are different;they delay marriage,child bearing,and even employment.,A newly added phase in life,Questions for group discussion:According to the author,what does“a norm”refer to(Pa

36、ra.3)?What are the so-called“odyssey years”(Para.4)?Why does the author think that odyssey years are“an unavoidable stage in reaching adulthood(Para.4)?,Language focus:P3,In previous times,people didnt have a solid idea of childhood as being separate from adulthood.A hundred years,no one thought of

37、adolescence.,Question:What does“solid”mean in this context?Can you figure out its meaning in the following contexts?,solid adj.1)The concrete will stay as solid as a rock.2)You want a husband who is solid and stable,someone who will devote himself to you.3)The police dont have good solid information

38、 on where the people are.,reliable and respectable,very hard,firm,reliable because based on facts,Language focus:P3,Questions:Can you guess the meaning of the word“induction”in its context?,induction n.The introduction of sb.into a new job,company,official position,etc.,or the ceremony at which this

39、 is donee.g.Elvis is responsible for this induction course.,Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was completed as soon as they graduated from college.They would now find a sensible job which would lead to a career.,Language focus:P3,Questions:What does“sensibl

40、e”mean?Whats the difference between“sensible”and“sensitive”?,SensibleA sensible person makes good decisions and judgments based on reason rather than emotion.,Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was completed as soon as they graduated from college.They would

41、now find a sensible job which would lead to a career.,SensitiveA sensitive person is easily upset or offended by other peoples remarks or behavior.,选词填空:Sensible-sensitive1)She considered they were sufficiently _ and trustworthy to go into the village.2)This may make a _ child tense and apprehensive

42、.,sensible,sensitive,Language focus:P3,Question:What does this sentence mean and imply?,Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was completed as soon as they graduated from college.They would now find a sensible job which would lead to a career.,Language focus:P4

43、,Question:Can you suggest other words that have the prefix“equ-”?What does this prefix mean?,Question:Can you suggest other words that have the prefix“equ-”?What does this prefix mean?,Today we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life.the so-called odyssey years.,Language focus:P4,To

44、day we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life.the so-called odyssey years.,equ-=sameEqual adj.平等的Equality n.平等Equivalent adj.等值的 n.等价物;等同物;对应物Equator n.赤道,Language focus:P4,Today we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life.the so-called odyssey years.,equivalent翻译:他

45、的沉默等于同意。His silence is equivalent to an approval.,Language focus:P4,Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different agenda.,radical adj.Radical changes and differences are very important and great in degree.=fundamental e.g.The Football League has announced its proposals

46、 for a radical reform.,agenda n.All the things that need to be done,thought or solved.Can you suggest some synonyms of“agenda”?,list,calendar,plan,program,schedule,timetable,Language focus:P5,People who were born prior to the 60s or 70s in the last century tended to frame their concept of adulthood

47、based on upon achieving certain accomplishments,prior adj.happening,existing,or done before a particular time.=earlier,foregoing,former,preceding,previous,prior to=before,earlier than,preceding,previous to,What is the noun form of“prior”?,priority 优先(权);优先考虑的事,Language focus:P5,People who were born

48、prior to the 60s or 70s in the last century tended to frame their concept of adulthood based on upon achieving certain accomplishments,Question:What is the part of speech of the word“frame”?,frame vt.carefully plan the way youre going to ask a question,make a statement,etc.(小心措辞以)表达,frame n.framewor

49、k,structure 结构,框架,边框,你是否可以看出这两个词性之间是如何转换的?它们的语义有何种连接?,Language focus:P5,People who were born prior to the 60s or 70s in the last century tended to frame their concept of adulthood based on upon achieving certain accomplishments,Question:What items in your life can be named after“frame”?,Photo frame,

50、frame of glasses,frame of window,frame of a bicycle,Language focus:P5,But that emphasis on stability did not remain static.Today,young people are unlikely to do the same.,stability n.稳固,稳定A situation in which things happen as they should and there are no harmful changes.翻译:为了实现繁荣昌盛,一个国家必须在政治、经济和社会上保


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