新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第三册ppt课件Unit4 Section A.ppt

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1、Sandy Wong,Section AFive Symbols of American Culture,by Sandy WongOct,2015,Sandy Wong,Structure Analysis,Understanding,Detailed Study of the Text,Contents,Summary,Review,Sandy Wong,Title+Five Headings,Title,Heading 1,Heading 2,Heading 5,Heading 4,Heading 3,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4,Part 5,Structur

2、e Analysis,Sandy Wong,Five Famous Symbols of American Culture,The Statue of Liberty,Barbie,American Gothic,The Buffalo Nickel,Uncle Sam,Sandy Wong,The text is about five famous symbols of American culture,telling readers these information:who,in what time,designed these symbols,what made them come u

3、p with such ideas.,Understanding,Sandy Wong,Sandy Wong,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,1.The Statue of Liberty,More,Find these information:,Time:Mid-1870sDesigner:French artist Frederic Auguste BartholdiModel:His wifes arm and his mothers face History:Celebrating US independence and the France-Amer

4、ica alliance,Sandy Wong,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,2.Barbie,Find these information:,Time:1959Designer:Elliot and Ruth HandlerModel:Daughter Barbara History:After watching her daughter play with paper dolls,Ruth had the idea.,Sandy Wong,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,Find these information:,3

5、.American Gothic,Time:August of 1930Designer:Grant WoodModels:His sister and his dentist,History:Grant Wood was inspired by the farmhouse in the southern part of Iowa.,More,Sandy Wong,4.Buffalo Nickel,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,Find these information:,Time:From 1913 to 1938 Designer:FraserMode

6、l:An aging buffalo from New York Citys Central Park Zoo,History:It honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indians.,More,Sandy Wong,5.Uncle Sam,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,Find these information:,Ti

7、me:During World Wars I&II Model:Sam WilsonDesigner:James Montgomery Flagg,History:Happening to get the name“Uncle Sam”,Uncle Sam soon replaced Brother Jonathan as Americans most popular symbol.,Sandy Wong,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,1.The Statue of Liberty,More,Find these information:,Time:Mid-

8、1870sDesigner:French artist Frederic Auguste BartholdiModel:His wifes arm and his mothers face History:Celebrating US independence and the France-America alliance,Sandy Wong,Watch the video clip and catch more details about the Statue of Liberty.,Sandy Wong,The statue of liberty is located on an _.I

9、t is in _.Every summer about _ people are attracted by the statue.Taking ferry is the least _ way to see one of the most _ symbols of America.This statue represents _.It became the _ of the hope for thousands of European immigrants who arrived in New York Harbor_.,island,New York Bay,2 million,expen

10、sive,enduring,liberty,symbol,at the beginning of the New Century,More about the Statue of Liberty,Sandy Wong,The crown,The crown has seven points.Each of these rays represents the light of freedom.This light shines on seven seas and seven continents.,Her left hand holds a tablet.It shows the date of

11、 the American Declaration of Independence July Fourth,Seventeen-Seventy-Six.,The tablet,Sandy Wong,The Statue of Liberty Para.1a In the mid-1870s,French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was working on an enormous project called Liberty Enlightening the World,a monument celebrating US independence a

12、nd the France-America alliance.,Five Famous Symbols of American Culture,自由照耀世界,Sandy Wong,Para.1b At the same time,he was in love with a woman whom he had met in Canada.His mother could not approve of her sons affection for a woman she had never met,but Bartholdi went ahead and married his love in 1

13、876.,a feeling of liking or love,Sandy Wong,Para.2 That same year Bartholdi had assembled the statues right arm and torch,and displayed them in Philadelphia.It is said that he had used his wifes arm as the model,but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.He needed someone whose face represen

14、ted suffering yet strength,someone more severe than beautiful.He chose his mother.,Sandy Wong,Para.3 The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886.It had his mothers face and his wifes body,but Bartholdi called it“my daughter,Liberty”.,To 2,Sandy Wong,work on,The sci

15、entists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.科学家们仍在努力研发到达外层空间的新办法。Learning a language isnt easy.You have to work at it.(强调把时间和精力放在某一事情上)学语言不容易,你只能努力学习。We need to work out how were going to get there.我们需要制订出如何去那里的方案。,spend time doing sth 从事;致力于,Sandy Wong,enlighten vt.,l

16、ight n.光,光线 lighten(-en:to make or become)使变亮 enlighten(en-:to cause to be)照亮,启发,指导,Sandy Wong,enlighten v.,The teacher enlightened her as to the purpose of the experiment.老师给她讲了这个试验的目的。It will be an enormously enlightening and exciting experience.这将是一次极有启发性、极其令人兴奋的体验。enlightenment n.,give sb.inform

17、ation about sth.so that they understand more about it启发,指导,Sandy Wong,approve of,We are waiting for the government to approve the project.,Do you approve of cosmetic plastic surgery?,approve vt.officially accept 批准;同意,approve of 赞成;赞许,Sandy Wong,In China,a film needs to be _(by the State General Adm

18、inistration of Press,Publication,Radio,Film and Television),before it is released.Some films never get the approval.,I dont _ people smoking in public.,approved,approve of,Fill in the blanks:,approval/disapproval n.,disapprove(of),Sandy Wong,go ahead,In spite of danger they faced,the two firefighter

19、s go ahead bravely into the fire.尽管情况危险,两名消防员还是勇敢地冲进火场。尽管天气不好,运动会将照常进行。Despite the bad weather,the sports meet will go ahead.,start or continue to do sth.开始;继续,Sandy Wong,fits together the parts of sth.,像我这样的女汉子能自己拆电脑,也能自己组装电脑。,A tomboy like me can or assemble a desktop computer.,girly girl 萌妹子,萝莉,d

20、isassemble,assemble v.,Sandy Wong,(cause people or things to)come together,assemble the pieces/people All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall.,We have the freedom of assembly to pursuemutual interests and goals.,assemble v.,assembly line流水线,Sandy Wong,It is said that he had used his

21、 wifes arm as the model,but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.(L9)It is said that the pyramids in Egypt were constructed by ET.据说,埃及的金字塔是外星人建造的。,Practice,It is said/reported 据说/据报道,Sandy Wong,Translation 4,据说,画家是以他母亲为模特的。他母亲的面容沧桑却不失坚定。_ whose _.,It is said that the painter used his moth

22、er,as the model in the painting,face,represented suffering yet strength,Sandy Wong,Difficult sentence 1,He needed someone whose face represented suffering yet strength,someone more severe than beautiful.,他需要这样一个女人:面容沧桑却不失坚定,庄重多于美丽。,but,表转折,与其说倒不如说,Sandy Wong,dedicate v.,Seattles first church buildin

23、g was dedicated on May 12,1855.西雅图的第一座教堂建筑于1855年5月12日落成。He dedicated this PhD thesis to his wife.He dedicated his life to helping the poor.The actress now dedicates herself to childrens charity work.,1.为(建筑物等)举行落成仪式,2.奉献,Sandy Wong,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,2.Barbie,Find these information:,Ti

24、me:1959Designer:Elliot and Ruth HandlerModel:Daughter Barbara History:After watching her daughter play with paper dolls,Ruth had the idea.,Sandy Wong,BarbiePara.4 Before all the different types of Barbie dolls for sale now,there was just a single Barbie.Actually,her name was Barbara.,Para.5a Barbara

25、 Handler was the daughter of Elliot and Ruth Handler,co-founders of the Mattel Toy Company.,Sandy Wong,Para.5b Ruth came up with the idea for Barbie after watching her daughter play with paper dolls.The three-dimensional model for Barbie was a German dolla joke gift for adults described as having th

26、e appearance of“a woman who sold sex”.Mattel refashioned the doll into a decent,all-Americanalthough with an exaggerated breast sizeversion and named it after Barbara,who was then a teenager.,三维的,Sandy Wong,Para.6 Since her introduction in 1959,Barbie has become the universally recognized Queen of t

27、he Dolls.Mattel says the average American girl owns ten Barbie dolls,and two are sold somewhere in the world every second.,Sandy Wong,Para.7 Now more than sixty years old,Barbarawho declines interviews but is said to have loved the dollmay be the most famous unknown figure on the planet.,Oxymoron矛盾修

28、饰法,The real Barbara kept a low profile.,Sandy Wong,Para.8 Barbies boyfriend,Ken,was introduced in 1961 and named after Barbaras brother.The real Ken,who died in 1994,was disgusted by the doll that made his family famous.“I dont want my children to play with it,”he said in 1993.,To 3,Sandy Wong,for s

29、ale,All the pictures in this exhibition are for sale.本次展览中的所有绘画作品都出售。,intended to be sold 出售,待售,Sandy Wong,co-founder n.,co-:together with+n./v.co-author 合著者co-pilot 合作驾驶者co-ordinate 使协调co-exist 共存co-habitation 共同居住co-operate 合作,Practice P99,Sandy Wong,Practice P99 VIII,1.coexists2.con-director3.coo

30、perate 4.co-pilot5.co-author,Sandy Wong,come up with,I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.我希望你能拿出一个比这更好的计划。Scientists have come up with new ways of saving energy.科学家找到了节省能源的 新途径。,想出,Sandy Wong,Mattel refashioned the doll into a decent,all-Americanalthough with an exaggerated breast si

31、zeversion and named it after Barbara,who was then a teenager.(L23),Conj.+prepositional phrase,Practice on Page 101,although the version had an exaggerated breast size,Difficult sentence 2,马特尔公司将这个娃娃做了一番改造,变成了体面而地道的美国版本,尽管胸围有些夸张。它以当时10多岁的少女芭芭拉的名字命名。,Sandy Wong,Practice on P101 X,1.Most snakes,althoug

32、h with a threatening appearance,arent really dangerous,if you leave them alone.2.Women,even though with the same abilities,have failed to approach the income of men.3.Though with a severe lack of coal,the principal was not forced to close the school.4.She is capable of making complete French meals e

33、ven though with no cheese after salad.5.When in doubt about the result of your test,call the test office.,Sandy Wong,Translation 2,尽管没有得到父母的赞同,他还是继续他的计划出国学习。_,he _.,Though with no approval from his parents,went ahead with his plan to study abroad,Sandy Wong,refashion vt.,Shes good at refashioning ol

34、d clothes into new cute dresses.Shes been dreaming of becoming a fashion designer.,S2,Sandy Wong,exaggerate v.,He has exaggerated idea of his own importance.他自视过高。Dont exaggerate.I was only two minutes late,not twenty.别夸大其词,我只迟到了两分钟,不是20分钟。There are a lot of exaggeration and falsehood about the Indi

35、an.(n.),make sth.seem larger,more important,better or worse than it really is 夸张;夸大,S2,Sandy Wong,name after,Our college was named after Tan Kah Kee,a patriotic overseas Chinese.我们学校以爱国华侨陈嘉庚的名字命名。,give sb.or sth.the name of sb.or sth.else以命名,Sandy Wong,Translation 3,这座桥是以一位英雄的名字命名的,这位英雄为人民的事业献出了生命。T

36、he bridge was _ who _.,named after a hero,his life for the cause of people,gave,S2,Sandy Wong,universally adv.,It is universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune,must in want of a wife.(Pride and Prejudice)众所周知,一位家财万贯的单身男人需要一位贤内助。There was universal agreement as to who

37、should become chairman.谁该当主席,大家的意见是一致的。universe n.,Sandy Wong,(CNN)-Dennis Hwang may be the most famous unknown artist in the world-his work doesnt hang in museums,but its been viewed hundreds of millions of times.,Sandy Wong,Ken Handler“grew up embarrassed and humiliated by having an anatomically i

38、ncorrect(比例不当)boy doll named after him with no hint ofa sex organ”.,Sandy Wong,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,Find these information:,3.American Gothic,Time:August of 1930Designer:Grant WoodModels:His sister and his dentist,History:Grant Wood was inspired by the farmhouse in the southern part of I

39、owa.,More,Sandy Wong,Gothic architecture,Gothic architecture is a style of architecture that flourished during the high and late medieval period.Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals,abbeys and churches of Europe.,Sandy Wong,Church of Duomo米兰大教堂,Col

40、ogne Cathedral科隆大教堂,Sandy Wong,Seven key features of Gothic architecture,1.Grand,Tall Designs 2.The Flying Buttress 3.The Pointed Arch 4.The Vaulted Ceiling 5.The Light and Airy Interior 6.The Gargoyles of Gothic Architecture 7.The Decorative Style and the Ornate,http:/www.exploring-,Sandy Wong,(a p

41、itchfork),What did the serious-looking face and a pitchfork imply?,Sandy Wong,Serious-looking face:the solemn pride of American farmers in the Westward Movement(西进运动);hard working,exploring and adventurous.The pitchfork:1.farming in the 19th century;2.to echo the repeated lines of the Gothic Window.

42、,Sandy Wong,American GothicPara.9a Grant Wood instantly rose to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic,an often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers.The painting shows a serious-looking man and a woman standing in front of a farmhouse.,Sandy Wong,Para.9b He was stron

43、gly influenced by medieval artists and inspired by the Gothic window of an old farmhouse,but the faces in his composition were what captured the worlds attention.,中世纪:自476年西罗马灭亡到1640年英国资产阶级革命,Sandy Wong,Para.10 Wood liked to paint faces he knew well.For the grave farmer he used his dentist,a sour-lo

44、oking man.For the woman standing alongside him,the artist chose his sister,Nan.He stretched the models necks a bit,but there was no doubt who posed for the portrait.Para.11 Nan later remarked that the fame she gained from American Gothic saved her from a very boring life.,adj.表情木讷的,To 4,Sandy Wong,r

45、ise to fame,Henry rose to fame on his own.The yellow duck rose to fame over night with its adorable figure.小黄鸭以其憨态可掬的形象一夜成名。Try it(P102 XII.3):After starting out in talk shows,John rose to fame with his wife in radio and television programs that enlightened the general public,not just informed them.

46、做了脱口秀之后,约翰和妻子在广播和电视节目上出了名,这些节目给普通民众以启迪,而不只是向他们提供信息。,become famous 成名,Sandy Wong,Translation 5,这位作家于1950年因出版一本小说而一举成名,小说的灵感来自于他与一位姑娘在农场的经历。The writer instantly _with the publication of _.,rose to fame,a novel inspired by his,experience with a girl on a farm,Sandy Wong,inspire v.,这部书的灵感源于一个真实的人。,The b

47、ook was inspired by a real person.,Sandy Wong,inspire=in(向内)+spire(呼气)perspire=per(每一处)+spire conspire合谋=con(一起)+spire,合谋,呼吸系统,respire=re(再;又)+spire,Genius is 1%inspiration plus 99%perspiration.天才是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水。Elbert Einstein,流汗,激励,赋予灵感,Sandy Wong,capture ones attention,The lakes beautiful scenery

48、captured our attention.湖的美景吸引了我们的注意力。Try it(P102.XII.6):At the party,all of them were richly dressed,but it was their way of talking that captured my attention so much that I felt inclined to talk with them.宴会上,他们的衣着都很华丽,但吸引我注意力的却是他们的交谈方式,使得我很想和他们交谈。,draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意力,Sandy Wong,He stretc

49、hed the models necks a bit,but there was no doubt who posed for the portrait.(L44),there was no/some doubt,毫无疑问/不确定,有疑问,Practice,Sandy Wong,毫无疑问,她是她那个时代最优秀的芭蕾舞演员。,她是否适合该工作有些疑问。,There is no doubt that she is the finest ballerina of her day.,Theres some doubt about her suitability for the job.,Sandy W

50、ong,pose for,Young girls like to pose for their selfies in this way:,Sandy Wong,4.Buffalo Nickel,Time:_Designer:_Model:_History:_,Find these information:,Time:From 1913 to 1938 Designer:FraserModel:An aging buffalo from New York Citys Central Park Zoo,History:It honored a pair of connected tragedies


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