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1、Review of Module 34,Zhongniuchang Primary School Teacher:Guan Yuping,义务教育课程标准试验教科书新标准英语六年级上册,A.Christmas B.May Day C.Teachers DayD.Childrens Day E.Halloween F.Mothers Day,have a special meal,watch a big football game on TV,say“thank you”for their food,family and friends,Thanksgiving Day,on,What do t

2、hey do?,eat,sweet dumplings(元宵),zongzi,moon cakes,dumplings,say“Happy Spring Festival”,see dragon dances,see Dragon Boat race,look at the moon,A:What do you do?,Pair work:,in Spring Festival,on Lantern Festival,on Dragon Boat Festival,on Mid-Autumn Festival,第一关100分,B:We,Are your ears the best?,()1.T

3、om A.Spring Festival()2.Daming B.Thanksgiving Day()3.Amy C.Mid-Autumn Festival()4.Sam D.Lantern Festival()5.Lingling E.Dragon Boat Festival()6.Lily F.Christmas,A,D,B,C,F,E,第二关10分,Hobbies,hobbies,whatre your hobbies?Hobbies,hobbies,whatre your hobbies.Singing,singing,I like singing.Dancing,dancing,yo

4、u like dancing.Reading,reading,we like reading.Writing,writing,they like writing.Running,running,he likes running.Swimming,swimming,she likes swimming.HHOBBIES,we all love our hobbies.HOBBIES,we all love our hobbies.,Lets play!,dancing,listening to music,flying kites,collecting dolls,playing compute

5、r games,reading,riding bikes,taking photos,playing football,jumping high,skipping,is my hobby.,My hobby is,I like,Hobby,hobby爱好怪,Like 活动 要漂亮,要想跟她们一起玩,“ing”换衣服才出门。,第三关10分,watch play read send draw fly sing,I can do:,watching,reading,playing,sending,drawing,flying,singing,skipping,running,swimming,dan

6、cing,dancewrite ride come make take,swim run skip sit shop stop,do doing,直接+“ing”,双写词尾+“ing”,coming,writing,riding,making,taking,sitting,shopping,stopping,Some,any 有一些,some爱跟肯定跑,any爱问好否定,看你明白不明白?,()1.I havent got _ brothers or sisters.A.a B.some C.any()2.Have you got _ pen friends from England?A.a B

7、.some C.any()3.There are _ postcards on the desk.A.a B.some C.any()4.There is _ rice in the bag,but there arent _ eggs.A.some,any B.any,some C.any,any,第四关10分,C,C,B,A,1.I _ got a brother,but she _ got a sister.(has/have)2.This stamp _ got a picture of a panda on it.(has/have)3.A cat _ got four legs,H

8、ow many legs _ six cats got?(has/have).4.We _ got a football,_ you?(has/have).5._ they got a new English teacher?(has/have).,have,has,have,has,has,have,have,第五关10分,have,has表示“有”,紧跟人称不迷路;你(们)我(们)他们有,have随叫随来到;他她它的脾气怪,只爱吃蛇“s”不吃鹅“e”;找到人称现原形,看你们眼睛亮不亮!,The story of two brothers(一),Have,()1._ there a lett

9、er for me?Yes,there is.A.Am B.Is C.Are()2._ there two doors in our classroom?A.Am B.Is C.Are()3.There _ some postcards on the desk.A.am B.is C.are()4.There _ not any milk in my bag.A.am B.is C.are,我们兄弟俩也叫“有”,某地有人有物时,找there be句型准没错,多数哥哥there are来接待,个别、数不清的弟弟there is必定管,找错兄弟走错门,立正稍息靠边站。,The story of t

10、wo brothers(二),第六关10分,B,C,C,B,Game:Find the“bad eggs”!,1.callect 2.stamq 3.hoppy 4.wamen 5.enother 6.mon 7.reace 8.lacntern 9.specival 10.stound11.fastival 12.meel,o,p,bb,o,a,e,e,a,()1.What do you do _ Flag Day?A.in B.on C.at()2.Whats _ favourite festival?your B.you C.yours()3.After thanksgiving din

11、ner,we _ a big football game on TV.A.look at B.see C.watch()4.This stamp has got a picture _ the Great Wall on it.A.for B.from C.of()5.Do you _ stamps?A.collecting B.collect C.to collect,B,B,C,C,A,第七关50分,1.Do you collect stamp,Simon?2.These postcards are from Chinese.3.Have you got some American sta

12、mps?4.There is lots of Chinese shops in New York.5.My mother likes read books.6.Lets going to the library.7.Amy like watching TV.,stamps,China,any,are,reading,go,likes,Im a good doctor!,第八关50分,Reading and judging“True”or“False”:Im Helen.Im from Changji,Xinjiang,China.Im an English teacher in a prima

13、ry school.I like pop songs,reading,swimming,playing table tennis Ive got lots of postcards from my pen friends.Im pleased to meet them.Spring Festival is my favourite festival.I want to make more pen friends.Do you want to be my pen friend?Please write to me soon.()1.Im from Xinjiang.()2.My hobbies

14、are swimming and listening to pop music.()3.I like Spring Festival best.()4.Im a teacher from England.()5.Ive got lots of photos from my pen friends.,F,T,F,T,第九关50分,1.,2.,3.,F,4.,5.,Hello,everyone.Im _.Im a _.I have got _.I like _._ is my hobby.Ican _.My favourite _.,I can say:,第十关100分,Homework:1.Recite(背)the words in Module 3-4 for your parents.2.Read the text(课文)again 8 times for your parents.3.Finish the writing in your exercise-books.,Bye-bye!,I wish you a happy new year!,


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