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1、Vocabulary,adaptation n._;_1)He was in good _ _the life there.他很适应那里的生活。2)This adaptation was of much difference from the original.翻译:_联想 动词词组(适应):adapt to,fit in with,be seasoned withbe adapted for(改编为),适应,改编,adaptation to,改编的作品与原著有很大的区别。,plot cn/vt 情节/阴谋/密谋/计划a plot to overthrow the president 一个推翻

2、政府的阴谋plot against 密谋反对plot to do sth 密谋去干某事,hesitate vi._(1)hesitate about/over sth.(对)某事犹豫不决,迟疑不决hesitate about doing sth.关于做某事犹豫不决hesitate to do 不愿做某事n._ 踌躇 _毫不犹豫地Dont _ that.Do it at once.对于那件事情不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧。He _take such a big risk.他不情愿冒这样大的险。In case you need something,please dont _ ask me.如果你需要什

3、么东西,请不客气地对我说。_,he jumped into the river so save the drowning young woman.,犹豫;踌躇,hesitation,without hesitation,hesitate about/over,hesitated to,hesitate to,Without hesitation,outcome n 结果/效果,指未发生前无人知晓的,常与of 连用 income cn/un 收益/收入翻译:我们急切地等待着这个协商的结果。We are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the negotiati

4、ons.这个事情的结果如何?Whats the outcome of the affair?=How will the affair come out?output/outbreak/outline/outlook产量/爆发/提纲/观点、世界观,disguise 伪装 in disguise 伪装的/假扮的She couldnt disguise the fact that she was uncomfortable.The star traveled in disguise.,mistaken adj,在句中作表语或前置定语。作表语 be mistaken about对某事持错误的见解。你误

5、会他所说的了。You are mistaken about what he said.,人们对这个孩子有不对的看法。People have a mistaken opinion of this child.mistake for把误认为(take for)他把我的礼貌误认为友好。He mistook my politeness for friendliness.,classify 编排;分类;归类classification un/cn 分类/等级classified adj 机密的/保密的classify sth by/according to 根据为某物分类classify sth in/

6、into 把某物分成classify sth as 把归类为翻译:在图书管里书籍通常是按科目分类。In a library,books are usually classified by subjects.这篇文章是归类为小说还是报道?Is this article classified as a novel or a report?为了方便起见,我们可把学生分为四个组。For convenience,we may classify the students into four groups.,betray vt._;_;_用法归纳:betray oneself:暴露出本来面目,原形毕露常用搭

7、配betray ones country/principles/friends/truth(出卖真理)/belief betray ones trust 辜负了某人的信任betray sth to sb.向某人泄露某事 1)The officer_ the secret_ his friends.军官把秘密向朋友泄露了。2)His accent_ the fact_ he was a foreign.他的口音显露出他是外国人。(fact)3)He had a good disguise,but as soon as he spoke,he _.他伪装的很好,可是一说话就原形毕露了。(听他的声音

8、就能认出他来。),泄露;背叛;显露出本来面目,betrayed,to,betrayed,that,betrayed himself,condemn vt._;_(1)condemn sb./sth.for/as sth.因.而谴责某人某事(2)condemn sb.to sth.判处某人某种刑罚condemn sb.to sth./to do sth.迫使.接受困境或不愉快的状况Be condemned as sth 被宣告使用不安全n.谴责;指责(of sb/sth)_(1)The government issued a statement _ the killings.政府发表声明谴责这些

9、凶杀事件。(2)The editor of the newspaper _ _as lacking integrity.这家报纸的编辑被指责为不够正直。(3)He _ for murder and later hanged.他因凶杀罪被判处死刑后被绞死。(4)She_ to hang for killing her husband.她因杀害亲夫被处以绞刑。(5)They _to a life of hardship.他们不得不过着艰难的生活。(6)The meat _ as unfit to eat.这种肉被宣告不宜食用。(7)His bad leg condemned him to a wh

10、eelchair.,谴责;使注定,condemnation,condemning,was condemned,was condemned to death,was condemned,were condemned,was condemned,pass off as 冒充/假称是 She passed herself off as an American.她冒充是美国人。He tried to pass himself off as a qualified doctor.他尽力冒充是一个合格的医生。The storm passed off.停止 The meeting passed off we

11、ll.顺利进行 She passed off the question.避开 pass by 走过;不理会 pass away 去世 pass through 穿过,通过,经历,体验 pass out 昏倒,失去知觉 pass sth on to sb 把传递给某人,acquaintance un 相识/了解 cn 熟人acquaint vt 使熟悉;使了解make ones acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb与某人结识have some acquaintance with sth.对有所了解have a passing/nodding acqua

12、intance with sb.对知之甚稍少/与某人为点头之交 on first acquaintance 初次相见时acquaint sb/oneself with sth使某人了解be acquainted with sth 熟悉1.我懂一点德语I have some acquaintance with German.2.我很久以前就已经认识他了I made his acquaintance long ago3.他在商界有不少熟人。She has many acquaintances in the business community.4.让我把事实告诉你。Let me acquaint

13、you with the facts5.我和她家里的人很熟。I am well acquainted with her family.,handful cn 一把/少量/少数a handful of 一把,少数的她给了我一把糖。She gave me a handful of sweets.我邀请了12人,但是只有几个人来。We invited 12 people,but only a handful of people came.armful(一抱之量)/mouthful(一口之量)/cupful(一杯之量)a basketful of 一篮子 a bagful of一书包a pocketf

14、ul of 一袋,fortuneU运气,好运,幸运 success;good luck,C一笔财富,财产、钱财一天幸运降临到他的头上。One day the good fortune befell him.父亲死时,他继承了一笔财富。He received a large fortune when his father died.make a fortune 发财 try ones fortune 碰运气seek ones fortune外出找出路;寻求财富 tell ones fortune 给人算命have good/bad fortune 运气好/坏have the fortune to

15、 do 有幸而做某事if fortune favors 如果运气好的话,他靠卖房子发了财。He made a fortune by selling houses.I had the good fortune with some brilliant directors.我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。我交了好运。Fortune smiled on me.名和利 fame and fortunefortunate adj.幸运的 fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunate adj.不幸的 be fortunate to do sth./in doing sth.幸运地做某事我觉得

16、很幸运能在恰当的时候遇见你。I am fortunate to have met you at a proper time.他有幸有个医生朋友。He was fortunate in having a doctor as his friend.,superior adj.优秀(等)的,较高的、傲慢的 n.上级、长官This hotel serves a superior grade of coffee.这家旅馆提供优等咖啡Ill speak to your superior about this careless work.be superior to 比高明(强、好),上级的这块地毯在质量上

17、比那块好。This carpet is far superior to that one in quality.be inferior to 比下级(的),较低等的,较差的be senior to 比年长(资深)be junior to 比年幼(资浅)prior to在前的,居先的posterior to晚于,作为含比较级的形容词,意为”较高的”“较好的”.由于superior本身含着比较意义,因此不能在前面再加more.在与别一事物进行比较时,与之搭配的介词要用to,不能用than,compromise v._;_ n._;_ compromise with sb.on sth._ reac

18、hcome to a compromise _ make compromises with_ I hope we shall_.我希望我们能达成和解2)The interior decoration of the house is _ between Chinese and foreign styles.这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折中物。They found it wiser _ her.他们觉得与她妥协更明智。,妥协;放弃,妥协;和解,在方面和某人妥协,达成妥协,与妥协,reach/come to a compromise.,a compromise.,to compromise wit

19、h,In terms of 就而言,从角度翻译:就面积和人口而言,它都是一个小国。It is a small country both in terms of size and population.就钱而论,他们很富有,但是没有幸福.In terms of money theyre rich,but not in terms of e to terms with sb和解;妥协;让步come to terms with sth 甘心忍受;顺从be on good/bad terms with与关系很好(坏)in political/practical terms 从政治/实际角度in the

20、 long(short)term 从长远(眼前)来看,翻译:他仍然和前妻保持着极好的关系。He is still on excellent terms with his ex-wife.他还没有完全从母亲死亡的阴影中走出来.He is still coming to terms with his mothers death.in need of 需要;需求 in memory of 为了纪念in honor of 为了向表示尊敬in case of 以防;万一 in search of 寻找in charge of 负责;管理 in hope of怀着希望in approval of 称赞 i

21、n the face of 面临in favor of 支持;有利于 in place of 代替in the name of 以的名义,overlook 猜猜下面句子中的overlook 分别是什么意思?1)Jack lived in a huge two-storied house overlooking New York.2)You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work.3)She overlooked his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened._,俯视

22、;眺望,忽略;忽视,不予理会,His wish is granted.他的希望得到了准许。grant vt.准许;承认;n.补助金;赠款;津贴Our teacher granted request to every student.对学生是有求必应I grant the genius of your plan,but you still will not find backers.我承认你的计划有创意,但你还是不会找到支持者。The government gave us a grant to build another classroom.政府给了我们一笔补助,用来盖另外一间教室。take i

23、t for granted that认为理所当然We take it for granted that everyone should have the chance of being educated.,be sheltering from 躲避/避难=hide/conceal/keep from We sat in the shade,sheltering from the sun.,I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman.我跟那位先生说话,又没做什么坏事呀。aint 是不规范的语言,相当于am not,is not,

24、has not,have not.We aint coming.我们不来了。They aint got it.他们没有那玩意儿。,Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.亨利希金斯和皮克林上校下坐着专心地谈话。deep in意为“专心于”,“全神贯注于”,“深陷于”等,后接n.,(1)埋头工作 deep in work(2)沉思着 deep in thought(3)债台高筑 deep in debt(4)专心读书 deep in ones book(s),I fancied myself bec

25、ause I can pronounce twenty-four vowel sounds.我本来还很自负,因为我能发出24个不同的元音。fanct oneself as自以为是;自命不凡,take sb/sth for/to be sb/sth 把做/误认为I wont tell her the secret-what do you take me for?Even the expert too the painting for a genuine of Van Gogh.,Here you are(hands over the paper covered with writing).给你(

26、他把写满字的纸递过来)hand over 移交;让与;交给某人照料 The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of his ship.船长不愿移交军舰的指挥权。,The thief was handed over to the policeman.小偷被交给警察处理。hand down 传给 hand on 传递 hands up 举手 hand out 分给,分发,What if I was?如果我是又怎样呢?此句为省略句。原句为:What if I was born in?What if意思为“要是又会怎样?”。,dismissi

27、vely adv(轻蔑地)打发走或表示拒绝He said dismissively that her English was terrible.dismiss vt.解雇,开除;免职;让离开;解散 dismiss sb.for sth.因某事解除某人dismiss sb.from sth.免除某人(职务等)The teacher dismissed his class when the bell rang.,dismissive adj.表示拒绝或放弃,轻蔑的;鄙视的:a dismissive shrug.,If youre late again,youll be dismissed from

28、 your job.,He was dismissed from the hospital a week later.他一周之后出了医院。,单词拼写All of us are waiting to hear the final o_ of the discussion.2.Only a h_ of brave people can take part in the bullfight in Spain.3.The new computer is technically s_ to its competitors.4.She was p_ dead on arrival at the hospi

29、tal.5.English c_ such as Gone with the Wind are deeply loved by Chinese people.,utcome,andful,uperior,ronounced,lassics,6.The _(改编)of the play for radio was easily done.7.Two men formed a _to rob the bank.8.He did not_(犹豫)to ask her to sit beside him.9._(使人心烦)financial problems depressed him.10.The

30、part of the arm between the elbow and shoulder is called the u_ arm.,adaptation,plot,hesitate,Troublesome,pper,随堂小练,11.He was appointed _ to Japan.12.I really like the a _ much better than modern art.13.If you thought he should be impolite,you were _.(错了)14.She was terrified of saying something that

31、 would make her b_ herself.15.The books in the library are _ by subject.16.Sweat p_ from Martins face.,ambassdor,ntique,mistaken,etray,classified,oured,in return in trouble in disguise in amazement in pain in delight in shock1.The wan we regarded as a policeman was actually _.2.The boy who got the f

32、irst prize looked around him _.3.She stared at the priceless antique ring _.4.After the terrible accident,she was _ for a long time.,in disguise,in delight,in amazement,in shock,In return in trouble in disguise in amazement in pain in delight in shock,5.After George slipped and broke his leg,he was

33、_ for many weeks.6.He gave me a musical box at my birthday party,and I gave him a wonderful new coat _.7.When Sam broke his older brothers new cellphone,he knew he was _.,in pain,in return,in trouble,完成句子我前几天在街上偶然碰到玛丽了。I _ _Mary in the street _.2她伪装成记者去参观农场。She _as a journalist to visit the farm.3今年

34、的电影无论从数量上还是从质量上都优于去年。The films of this year are _ those of last year,_ both quantity and quality.4我很高兴认识你这个朋友。I am happy to _.,ran across/met with/ran into,the other day,passed herself off,superior to,in terms of,make your acquaintance,5我们应该把钱捐给那些需要帮助的人。We should donate money to those who are _.6他毫不

35、犹豫地接受了这份工作。He accepted the job _.7.弗雷德被误认为是大使,于是许多人都想办法要与他结识.When Fred _ an ambassador,many people tried to _.,in need of help,without any hesitation,was mistaken for,make his acquaintance,8.会谈结果是双方和解,最后达成了协议.The _ of the conversation is a _ reached by both sides.9.伊莱扎让人烧掉了那些令人作呕的衣服,以便能够开始她作为淑女的新生活.

36、Eliza _ so that she could begin a new life as a lady.10.不要把我的工作说成是你自己的,这不公平.Dont _ your own.It isnt fair.,outcome,compromise,had those disgusting clothes burned,pass my work off as,Company Logo,1.He stared at me _ for my sudden appearance.2.I went to visit a museum in our city _.3.The idea seemed to

37、 _ and the club was never formed.4.Your visit will _ the sting(刺)of her sorrow.5._ money,hes quite rich,but not in terms of happiness.6.He_ glass _a gem stone and sold it to a buyer.7.The friendly host and hostess_ their guests _ the party room.8.They made every effort to save the crops _ water on t

38、his dry land.9._,youths of sixteen are too young for such work.10.Im very pleased to _ your _.11.He sent her a blessing _,in fact,he hated her a lot.12.I failed in the experiment,I decided to do it _ and I believe I will make it.,in amazement,the other day,fade out,take away,In terms of,passed off a

39、s,show in,in need of,Generally speaking,make acquaintance,in disguise,once more,Official brilliant betray condemn raise abroad compromise disgust overlook effective【选词填空】Members of Chinese communities and ambassadors across Canada have 1_ some Taiwan 2_,especially Chen Shuibians“move”to seek“Taiwan

40、independence”.The Taiwan government sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban KiMoon in July,3_ an application to join the United Nations in the name of“Taiwan”.The 4_ act offended people at home and 5_.By doing that,they,condemned,officials,raising,disgusting,abroad,they 6_their former principles.T

41、hey 7_ the fact that“There is only one China in the world and both Taiwan and the Chinese mainland belong to one China”.We shall never 8_ to split China.We are sure that Chinese 9_ leaders will take 10_ measures to handle the attention-getting issue.,Official brilliant betray condemn raiseabroad compromise disgust overlook effective【选词填空】,betrayed,overlooked,compromise,brilliant,effective,


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