牛津英语译林版八年级下册Unit5 Comic课件.ppt

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1、,Comic strips&Welcome to the unit,Unit 5 Good manners,manners,good,Can you talk in class?Can you listen to the teacher carefully?Can you take down notes carefully?Can you make faces in class?,Free talk,Look at the pictures.Are they doing the right or wrong things?,Wrong,Look at the pictures.Are they

2、 doingthe right or wrong things?,Right,Look at the pictures.Is he doing the right or wrong thing?,It is a bad manner to ask about womens age.,Wrong,Do you want to be good students?How can you be good students?,We must obey the rules and have good manners.,/be/遵守,/mnz/(复数),礼貌,礼仪,Good manners at schoo

3、l,We all like the students with good manners.,Manners make the man.观其待人而知其人。,Can you cross the road like this way?,We should obey traffic rules.,What are good manners?,We shouldnt run the red light.,=We shouldnt cross the road when the traffic light is red.,What are good manners?Its bad manners to c

4、ut in on others.,打断(谈话),插嘴,When others are talking,what should we do?,We should be good listeners and listen to them carefully and quietly.,If you want to buy a film ticket,what will you do?I will queue for my turn.,/kju:/排队等候,:wait in line,轮流,(轮流的)顺序,What are good manners?,We shouldnt jump the queu

5、e.(插队),We shouldnt leave the taps running.,/tp/水龙头,流动,What are good manners?,save water,We should not pick flowers in the park.,Dont pick flowers.,pick vt.采,摘,What are good manners?,litter lt n.U垃圾,We should not drop litter everywhere.,What are good manners?,We should always help the old and speakto

6、 them politely.,/platl/礼貌地,We are young now.Will we be old?So can we laugh at the old?Can we look down on them?Can we shout at them?,manners n.politely adv.litter n.(u.)tap n.cut v.pick v.obey v.queue v./n.turn n./v.,New words and phrases:,good mannerspolite-politelydrop litter everywhereleave the t

7、ap runningcut in(on sb./sth.)pick flowersobey traffic rulesqueue for ones turntake turns to do sth.,Do the right things in public places,drop litter everywhere,leave the tap running,keep quiet in the library,obey traffic rules,pick flowers in the park,queue for your turn,Match the pictures with the

8、phrases,Choose the right things to do in public places,e,d,c,a,f,b,What should the boy do when he cross the road?,He should obey the traffic rules.,遵守校规服从命令,obey the school rules,obey the order(s),disobey v.,违反;不服从,What is the girl doing?,Shes picking the flowers in the park.,不要摘公园里的花。我不能决定挑选哪一本书。-请

9、帮我捡一下这本书好吗?-乐意效劳。外面在下大雨。我爸今天会用车来接我。,What should we do in the library?,We should keep quiet in the library.,keep silent,What are the man and the woman doing?,They are dropping litter everywhere.,litter:rubbish 不可数名词e.g.乱扔垃圾是不受欢迎的。,Its unwelcome to drop litter everywhere.,What is the man doing?,He is

10、queuing for his turn.,queue vi.(人,车等)排队等候e.g.排队等公交 排队买电影票queue n.长队;一排排队等候的人e.g.排队/排队等候 jump the queue,queue for a bus,queue to buy a film ticket,stand/wait in a queue=stand/wait in a line,插队,turn n.轮流e.g.等待轮到我去做某事 轮到某人做某事,wait for my turn to do sth,Its ones turn to do sth,queue for his turn,What di

11、d the boy do?,He left the tap running.,Dont leave the tap running.,run.vi.流动e.g.1.Rivers run into the sea.2.His tears ran down his face.3.Who has left the tap running?,leave+O+OC(adj./adv./v-ing/介词短语):让某人/某物处于状态e.g.Dont leave the door _(开着).Dont leave the lights _(开着).The teacher left the boy _(stan

12、d)outside.Dont leave the fruit salad _too long.,open,on,standing,in the air,We should keep quite in the library.obey traffic rules.queue for your turn.,We shouldnt drop litter everywhere.leave the tap running.pick flowers in the park.,Have a discussion,What should we do and what should we not do in

13、the library?,Good manners in the library,Listen:What can we do in the library?What cant we do in the library?,P65 B,Listen and complete,We shouldWe shouldnt,keep quietkeep the library cleanput the books back after reading,drop litter everywhereeat in the librarywrite in the books,can 表示征询许可,回答不可以时,可

14、用:I m afraid not.或 shouldnt/mustnt/cant do sth.,Discussion,What should we do in a public place?We should.What shouldnt we do in a public place?We shouldnt.,on the road/in the park/in the school/in the theatre/on the bus/in the hospital/in the restaurant,at school:,in class:Listen carefully in classT

15、ake notesDont talk in class.Dont eat in class.Dont sleep.Dont cheat in your study.,after class:Dont run after others.Dont make noise.Dont fight with each other.Dont play tricks on others.Dont push others.,Dont talk loudly.Dondrop litter everywhere.Dont order too much food.Take the food left home.,in

16、 the reaturant:,Good manners,Try to be a person with good manners.,Comic strips,What does Eddie want Hobo to do?,He wants Hobo to learn about manners.,He wants Hobo to share his things with others.,He wants Hobo to wait quietly.,He wants Hobo not to cut in on others.,Comic strips,Do you think Eddie

17、really wants to teach Hobo?2.What does Eddie really want from Hobo?,No.,The cake.,Does Eddie have good manners?,Read the dialogue together,1.学习礼仪2.有礼貌 没礼貌句型:做某事是不礼貌的e.g.打断他人谈话是不礼貌的。3.插嘴;打断(谈话)4.你这样说是什么意思?,Language points,learn about manners,(have/with)good manners,bad manners,Its bad manners to do s

18、th.,Its impolite to do sth.,cut in(on sb./sth.),Its bad manners/impolite/not polite to cut in on others.,(be)polite,What do you mean by saying so?,Dont cut in on others.不要打断别人。cut in 插嘴,打断老师上课时她爱插嘴。She likes _ while her teacher is giving a lesson.cut in on sb./sth.打断某人谈话,插嘴老人打断了他们的谈话。The old man _ t

19、heir conversation.别打断她。让她继续发言。_ her.Let her continue speaking.,cutting in,cut in on,Dont cut in on,5.足够大去做某事(1)enough 修饰形容词、副词时,放在被修饰词之后.e.g.他足够高,能够到树上的苹果。(2)enough 修饰名词时,放在被修饰名词之前.e.g.他有足够的钱买辆汽车。,Language points,be old enough to do sth,He is tall enough to reach the apples on the tree.,He has enoug

20、h money to buy a car.,6.礼貌地等待e.g.他是个有礼貌的孩子,见到别人会礼貌地问候.7.活到老,学到老。8.too to do sth.,wait politely,He is a boy with good manners.He will greet others politely when meeting them.,Youre never too old to learn.,太 而不能,e.g.他还太小而不能去上学。她起床太晚,不能准时到校了。,He is too young to go to school.,句型转换:,He is not old enough

21、to go to school.,She got up too late to arrive at school on time.,Phrases:1.你什么意思?What do you mean?2.和别人分享东西 share things with others3.打断别人 cut in on others4.有礼貌地等待 wait politely5.学学礼仪 learn about manners6.活到老,学到老。Youre never too old to learn.,7.做对的事 do the right things8.在公共场合 in public places9.随处扔垃

22、圾 drop litter everywhere10.在图书馆保持安静 keep quiet in the library11.遵守交通规则 obey traffic rules12.不关水龙头 leave the tap running,13.在公园摘花 pick flowers in the park14.排队等候 queue for your turn15.别的东西 something else16.保持图书馆干净 keep the library clean17.在书上写字 write in the books18.读完后把它们放回去 put them back after reading,Homework,Ss make dialogues about good manners in public,at school2.Search more information about good manners in different countries.,


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