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1、特殊疑问句,由开始一人发音“零”,随即第二个人亦发音“零”,第三个人则发音“柒”,并随声用手指作开枪状任指一人,“中枪”者不发音不做任何动作,但“中枪”者旁边左右两人则要发“啊”的声音,并扬手作投降状,出错者接受惩罚。,Game time,特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?,特殊疑问句的构成,Page 1,【注】(1)疑问词分为两种:疑问代词和疑问副词,它们在 特殊疑问句中也充当某一句子成分。(2)特殊疑问句有时可以有两个以上的疑问词。如:When and where shall we meet?,一、疑问代词:who,whom,whose,which,what,特殊疑词的用法,Page 2,(1)wh

2、o 谁(主格),在疑问句中作主语、宾语和表语。如:,The girl is Alice.(表语),Who,the girl?,is,Alice is from Japan.(主语),Who,is,from Japan?,He likes Alice.(宾语),Who,does he like?,(语序不变),(疑问词+一般问句),(疑问词+一般问句),一、疑问代词:who,whom,whose,which,what,特殊疑词的用法,Page 3,(2)whom 谁(宾格),在疑问句中作宾语。如:,He likes Alice.(宾语),Whom,does he like?,They are l

3、ooking for Alice.(宾语),Whom,are,they,looking for?,(疑问词+一般问句),(疑问词+一般问句),一、疑问代词:who,whom,whose,which,what,特殊疑词的用法,Page 4,(3)whose 谁的(指所属关系),在疑问句中主要作宾语,有时也可作表语。如:,This is Alices pen.(定语),Whose,pen,is,this?,This pen is mine.(表语),Whose,is,this pen?,His pen is blue.(定语),Whose,pen,is,blue?,(语序不变),(疑问词+一般问句

4、),(疑问词+一般问句),一、疑问代词:who,whom,whose,which,what,特殊疑词的用法,Page 5,(4)which 哪个、哪些(用来指对人或物在一定范围以内进行 选择),在疑问句中主要作宾语,有时也可作宾语或主语。如:,The girl in red is my sister.(后置定语),Which,girl,is,your sister?,(语序不变),(前置定语),I like the red coat.(前置定语),Which,coat,do you like?,(Which+n.+一般问句),一、疑问代词:who,whom,whose,which,what,特

5、殊疑词的用法,Page 6,(5)what 什么,通常指事物,也可询问人的职业或身份。在 疑问句中主要作主语,宾语,表语或定语。如:,He is a teacher.(表语),What,is,he?,(疑问词+一般问句),A book is on the desk.(主语),What,is,on the desk?,(语序不变),He bought a book yesterday.(宾语),What,did he buy,yesterday?,(疑问词+一般问句),二、疑问副词:when,where,why,how,特殊疑词的用法,Page 7,(1)when 什么时候、何时。在疑问句中主要

6、时间状语,表语。如:,He came back last week.(状语),When,did he,come back?,(疑问词+一般问句),His birthday was October 1,1989.(表语),When,was,his birthday?,(疑问词+一般问句),二、疑问副词:when,where,why,how,特殊疑词的用法,Page 8,(2)where 在哪、何地。在疑问句中主要地点状语,表语。如:,He lives in Shanghai.(状语),Where,does he live?,(疑问词+一般问句),He is in Shanghai now.(表语

7、),Where,is he,(疑问词+一般问句),now?,二、疑问副词:when,where,why,how,特殊疑词的用法,Page 9,(3)why 为什么。在疑问句中主要原因状语。如:,He stayed at home because he was ill.(状语),Why,did he stay,(疑问词+一般问句),at home?,二、疑问副词:when,where,why,how,特殊疑词的用法,Page 10,(4)how 怎么样,如何。在疑问句中主要方式状语、表语或 程度状语(How+adj./adv?)。如:,I learned English by myself.(方

8、式状语),How,did you learn,(疑问词+一般问句),English?,The story is very interesting.(表语),How,is,the story?,Yao Ming is two meters tall.(程度状语),(疑问词+一般问句),How,tall,is,Yao Ming?,(疑问词+一般问句),特殊疑问句的答语,Page 11,特殊疑问句的答语重点是对疑问词的回答,因此,不再需要yes或no。在回答时,可以用一个词或短语,也可以用一个较完整的句子。,1.Who borrowed your book?(Jack),Jack borrowed

9、my book.,Jack.,2.When did he borrow your book?(morning),He has borrowed my book this morning.,This morning/Yesterday morning.,特殊疑问句的答语,Page 12,3.Where is he now?(Shanghai),He is in Shanghai now.,In Shanghai.,4.What is he doing there?(work),He was working there.,Working.,5.Whose bike is this?(Mr.Smit

10、h),Its Mr.Smiths bike.,Mr.Smiths.,特殊疑问句的答语,Page 13,6.Which bike do you like?(black),I like the black one.,The black one.,7.What subject is your favorite?(English),My favorite subject is English.,English.,1.He is my brother.2.She helps me study English.3.My father is a worker.4.The girl is sixteen ye

11、ars old.5.Its twelve.6.It was September 9th yesterday.7.They have supper at six in the evening.8.He works in the library.9.The boy under the tree is his friend.10.There are seven days in a week.11.There is some tea in the cup.12.I paid five yuan for the book.13.Its about 100meters away from here.,特殊

12、疑问句练习题,Page 14,对划线部分进行提问,特殊疑问句练习题,Page 15,14.They have waited for you since two hours ago.15.Our classroom is about eight meters long.16.They will work out the problem in ten minutes.17.You must take this medicine three times a day.18.I cant go with you because I have to look after my brother.19.It

13、will be snowy tomorrow.20.The girls play basketball every day.21.The girls played basketball yesterday.22.The girls are playing basketball now。23.The child will draw a picture tonight.24.The coat is 98 yuan.25.Its Sunday today.,对划线部分进行提问,特殊疑问句练习题,Page 16,26.My father is fine.27.We often get up at si

14、x in the morning.28.I have worked in this school since 1982.29.Peter draws best in his class.30.One of the students went home today.31.She travelled nearly two thousand kilometers.32.The bike behind the tree is mine.33.Our classroom is bright and big.34.Marys sweater is red.35.Tom has finished his work.36.He is playing computer games.37.Jane can solve the problem in five minutes.38.They come from China.,对划线部分进行提问,谢谢!,


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