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1、拿出听写本,状语从句讲练,状语从句(the adverbial clauses,状语从句(the adverbial clauses概述:一个从句用来作状语,表示时间,地点,条件,方式,原因,结果,让步,比较,目的等.这样的从句叫状语从句.,I.时间状语从句(time clauses)引导时间状语从句的从句属连词有 when,whenever,while,as,before,after,till(until),since,once,as soon as 等.除些外还有可以由 every time,by the time;the first time;the moment(instant,min

2、ute,),no sooner-than-;hardly(scarcely)when;immediately,directly;on+doing;at+名词 等 引导.,Eg:Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially _ Father was away in France.A as B that C during D if,题干中需要引导时间状语从句的从句从属联词,故A 为正确答案,as 在此等于when/while.,as,when,while 当 时的区别.,在引导时间较长的“背景”时,可通用.As(when,wh

3、ile)I was walking down the street,I noticed a police car in front of No.37.,As means at the same time that-尤指两个动作或两个事件同时发生.They talked as they walked.As I worked,someone came near.as 可以说明两 种正在变化或发生的情况.As I get older,I get more optimistic(乐观的).主从句中 都是终止性动词时,as=when,He came just as(when)I reached the

4、door.,“when”means during the time=while at the moment 不可与 while 或as 互换.When he arrived,we were having supper.when 从句当主句的动作先后发生时,不可与as,while 互换。When we had shut the windows,we went home.(4)固定句型:be about to de/be doing when,while 在引导让步状语从句,和表示对比关系或条件关系时While respected,he is not liked.(while=although)H

5、e is a doctor while I am a teacher(while=but)但是,然而,while there is water,and air,there will be life.(while=as long as 只要),Practice A.when B.while C.as Tom hurt his leg _ he got off the bus.Father was cooking _ mother was watching TV._ you are tired,you had better rest.Rich _ he is,he is not happy._ h

6、e had finished his work,Tom was allowed to watch TV._Jane was young,she really knows a lot.John gets more mature _ time goes by._ Li lei had expected,he was admitted into a key university.Please do the experiment _ your teacher tells you to.She was about to answer the door _ it was forced open.Tom w

7、as speaking ill of his teacher _ the door opened and in came his teacher.,1,C;2,B;3,C;4,C;5,A;6,B;7,C;8,C;9,C;10,A;11,A,表示:“一 就”,那个失踪的孩子一见到她的妈妈就大哭起来。(1).hardly(scarcely)when;no sooner than;as soon as(2).the moment(instant,minute,(3).immediately,directly;(4).on+doing;(5)at+名词 等 引导.(6)once,一但;每当The mi

8、ssing child had hardly seen his mother when he burst into tears.No sooner had the missing child seen his mother than he burst The missing child burst into tears as soon as he saw his mother.The moment the missing child saw his mother,he burst into tears.Immediately the missing child saw his mother,h

9、e burst into tears.On seeing his mother the missing child burst into tears.The missing child burst into tears at the sight of his mother.玛丽一躺下就睡着了。,Hardly had Mary lain down when he went to sleep.Mary went to sleep as soon as he lay down.Mary fell asleep the minute she lay down.Mary fell asleep dire

10、ctly she lay down.,由till,until;not until引导的状语从句,他每天都学习到深夜;他每天学习到他父亲下班回家,He studies far into the night every day.He studies till/until his father comes back home after work.,我们每天都等爸爸下班回来再吃晚饭,We dont have supper until father comes back from work.,Not until father comes back from work do we have supper

11、.,昨天我们确实等到爸爸下班回来才吃晚饭。,It was not until father came back from work that we had supper.,我们每天上课到6点20 分。我昨天12点才睡觉。这件事得等老师来了再做决定。你昨天确实完成作业后才睡觉的吗?,We have classes till/until 6:20 every day.,I didnt go to bed until 12 oclock.,We wont make a decision about it until our teacher comes.,Was it not until you ha

12、d finished you homework that you went to bed?,(3)Before 在之前;还没就;才,还没来得及就,1。没等我插上话,裁缝就给我量完了尺寸2。不久我们就会有见面的。3。很长时间我们才又见面。4。大约3年后他才回来。,Before I could get in a word,he had measured me.It wont be long before we meet again.It will be quite long before we meet again.It had been about 3 years before he came

13、back.,(4)since 的用法(1)自从以来;(2)It is/has been since,从我大学毕业以来就在这所学校任教。,I have worked as a teacher in this school since I left college.,我结婚20年了。,It is/has been 20 years since I got married.I have been married for 20 years.,汤姆不在这儿住已有10年了,It is 10 years since Tom lived here.,Every time(多次;总是)Every time he

14、 comes here,he gets moved.By the time 到-时(后接过去完成时或将来完成时)By the time he was fourteen,he had learned to play the piano.Whenever 无论何时 Whenever he has time,he will come to see me.我第一次见到这本书,我就喜欢上了.The first time I saw the book,I liked it very much.注:Its the first/second time 后面的句子用完成时态。Its(high)time 后面句子

15、的谓语用过去时或should+动词原形。,(5)Every time,each time,any time,all the time(每当每次)next time,(下次)the first/second/last time,(第一次)的用法。,到我20岁时,我就已经上大学了。,By the time I am 20 years old,I will have gone to college.,这是我第一次来北京。,Its the first time I have come to Beijing.,你该上学了,Its time you went to school.,每当我按时完成了作业,我

16、都会有很强的成就感。,achievement.Each time I finish my homework in time,Ill have a strong sense of,完成下列句子 1.(他一进屋)_than he found his TV set stolen.2.Not until he had finished his homework,_(他才回家).3.He has worked here _(从他来到这里).4.(一旦你意识到英语的重要性)_you will put your heart into your studies.5.(到他18岁时)_he had learne

17、d enough to read articles in English.6.They talked _(一边走).7.They were fighting_(正在那时老师来了).8._(当他到来站时),the train had left.9.He fell asleep _(他一躺下).10._(每次我见到他),he is always busy.11.Its time _(你该起床了)12.He hit me on the nose _(没等我伸出手),No sooner had he entered the room,did he go home.,Once you realize t

18、he importance of learning English well,since he came here,By the time he was 18years old,as they walked,when the teacher came in.,When he reached the railway station,as soon as/the moment/immediately he lay down.,Every time I meet him,you got(should)get up.,before I held out my hands.,地点状语由where,whe

19、rever 引导.,After the war,a new school building was put up _there had once been a theatre.A that B where C which D when 1.where-的地方Ill go where I am most needed.Im not sure where I am most need.I cant think of where I am most needed.Can you tell me where I will go?I have no idea where I will go?The vi

20、llage is where I will go?2.wherever 一切-的地方,无论-的地方wherever is water and air,there is life.,1.你去哪儿我就去哪儿。,Ill go where/wherever you go.,2.我要去你所去过的任何地方。,Ill go wherever you have been to.,3。有志者,事竟成!,Where there is a will,there is a way.,条件状语从句(the adverbial clause of condition)条件状语从句由连接词 if,unless,as lon

21、g as,so long as,on condition that(条件是;如果=as long as)等.,They have a meeting every Monday,_there is nothing to discuss.A if B since C unless D as,1.只要你努力学习,你就会取得进步。,2.我会支持你,条件是你必须说话算数。,3.我会遵守诺言,除非你先背叛我。(turn traitor to),4.如果全世界人民都团结起来,就一定能铲除(uproot)恐怖分子。,5.如果我们齐心协力,(make a concerted effort)就一定能够建设一个强大

22、的中国。,Youll make progress so long as you work hard,Ill support you on condition that you have to mean what you say.,I will keep my promise unless you turn traitor to me first.,If people all of the world hold together,terrorists will certainly be uprooted,If we make a concerted effort,we can certainly

23、 build a powerful China.,、我正要离开去拜访我的朋友,突然他闯进来了。、即使偷这辆车有可能,但我还是不会做的。、虽然他是个孩子,但知道的却很多。、还没等到我说话他就走了。、直到老师进来学生才停止说话。、他一进来我就把他认出来了。、不管你去哪里我都等着你。、我会借给你钱,条件是你必须及时归还。、除非你释放我的朋友否则我不会告诉你。,1.I was about to visit my friend when he rushed in.2.While it is possible to steal the car,I will not do it.3.Child as he

24、is,he knows a lot.4.He had gone away before I could speak.5.Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking.6.Hardly had he come in when I recognized him.7.Wherever you go,I will wait for you.8.I will lend you the money on condition that you must return it on time.9.Unless you set free m

25、y friend,I will not tell you.,让步状语从句(the adverbial clause of manner),让步状语从句由as,though,although,even if(though),however,Wh-ever;与no matter+wh-_等 词。As 尽管 n.(没有冠词)adj.+as+主,谓,adv.v.Child as he is,he knows a lot.Fast as he can run,I ll catch him.Try as I might,I couldnt fit the stone.注:as 引导状语从句,句子要倒装。a

26、s 引 导状语从句,可与 though 互换。as 引导的定语从句如果以名词开头,但名词前面有形容 词,一般无冠词。Clever child as he is,he cant work out the maths problem.,尽管他学习很努力,也不能成为科学家。,Hard as he studies,he cant be a scientist.,2.though,although 尽管 虽然Although he was worn out,he kept on working.He kept on working though/although he was worn out.Alth

27、ough 和though 语法基本 相同,although 比较正规。常放在句首,,3.even if/though 既 使ven if/though he apologized,she would not forgive him.4.疑问词 ver=no matter+疑问词 无论;尽管No matter how fast he was,he cant catch the horse.=However fast he runs.No matter what she wants,her father will satisfy her.=whatever she wants.注:whoever,

28、whatever 等可引导名词性从句而 no matter+疑问词 结构只能引导让步状语从句。,不管有多么困难,我们必须把它办好,However difficult it is,we must do it well.,原因状语从句(the adverbial clause of cause),原因状语从句由because,as,since,seeing that,considering that-(考虑到);now that 等引导。原因状语从 重难点是弄清楚,because,as,since 及for 之间的区别,because 表示必然的因果关系,语气最重,直接回答 why 引导的问句。在

29、强调句中只能用because 引导。I do it because I want to.It was because he was ill that he didnt come.since 较弱指双方都明确的原因或众所周知的原因,常译时既然as 指客观事实,常 与since 互换。Since/As we are students,we should study hard.Seeing that;considering that;与as 差不多,放在句首。Now(that)既然 用来说明一种新的情况,然后加以推论或陈述Now(that)everybody is here,lets begin o

30、ur class.Now you are a big boy,you must behave better 懂礼貌。for 是并列连词,往往指逻辑推理的理由或为前一句提供解释,不可放在句首。He must be near-sighted,for he wears glasses.The day has broken,for birds are singing.,_the weather was fine,I opened all the windows.A As B For C Because of D Since that,结果状语从句(the adverbial clause of res

31、ult),结果状语从句由such/so-that/so that 引导。,1.她起得很早,赶上了早班车。(她起得很早为了赶上了早班车。)2.屋里有那么多人,我进不去。3.她取得了很大的进步以至于得到了老师的表扬。4.她很聪明,没有事能难住他。5.珍妮很懂礼貌,大家都很喜欢他。6.这道题这么难,我们班除了李垒谁也算不出来。7.约翰态粗鲁以至于大家都讨厌他。,She got up so early tat she caught the early bus.There are so many people in the room that I cant get in.She made such gr

32、eat progress that she was praised by our teacher.She is so clever that nothing can puzzle her.Jenny behaves so well that everyone loves her.The problem is so difficult that no one can work it out except Li lei.John is so rude a boy that we all hate him.,A,方式状语从句(the adverbial clause of manner).,方式状语

33、从句as 按照 像;那样as if/though 好像似乎引导。1 Do(it)as I do.He walked as if/though he were a teacher.,比较状语从句(the adverbial clause of comparison)比较状语从句由as,than 或 the+比较级+主、谓引导。He doesnt run so/as fast as I.She is as clever as his sister.It is colder here in winter than that of Beijing.The more you eat,the fatter

34、 you will become.,目的状语从句(the adverbial clause of purpose)目的状语由so that;in order that for fear that 为避免害怕-in case 为(倘若,以防万一,也许)so that/in order that 引导的目的状语从句中常有情态动词can/ought/,may/might等。We sat nearer so that/in order that we could hear better.,Task:Complete the following sentences,1.I found my book _

35、(在我原来放的地方).2.有志者事竟成._.3.He didnt go to school _(因为她 病了).4.(尽管他很年轻)_,he knows a lot.5.He studies very hard _(为了能跟 上同学们).6.Please draw the horse _(按照我的画法).7.He doesnt work so hard _(和他的同学们一样).8.He studied so hard _(他考试及格了).9.The more we got together,_(我们就越幸福).10._(不论他 住在哪),Ill find him.,where they wer

36、e,where there is a will,there is a way,because she was ill,Young as he is,so that he would catch up with his classmates,as I do,as his classmates,that he passed the exam.,the happier we will be,Wherever he lives,状语从句验收题,1.What was the party like?Wonderful.Its y ears _I enjoyed myself so much.A after

37、 B when C before D since2._the day went on,the weather got worse.A With B Since C While D As 3.The roof fell _he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.A after B as C before D until 4.I was about to leave _he came for a visit.A when B while C as D until 5.Come to see us _you can.A before B

38、after C until D whenever 6.He fell asleep _he was listening to the radio.A as soon as B since C whenever D while 7.We do want to buy something now _prices go up.A ever since B until C before D whenever 8.It wont be long _we meet again.A beforeB when C since D as9.Please write down his telephone numb

39、er _you forget it.A after B when C until D.before,1,C;2.D;3,C;4,A;5,D;6,D;7,C;8,A;9,D,10.How time flies!Three months has passed _we know it.A as B when C before D after11._Id written all my letters,I did some gardening.A After B Before C As D Since 12.Not _quite recently did I know what he meant by

40、doing so.A before B after C once D until 13._printed,this dictionary will be very popular.A Since B Until C While D Once 14._you talked to us,we felt a bit nervous.A At first time B For the first time C By the time D The first time15.Be sure to bring me something to read next time you _to see me.A c

41、ome B will come C have come D are coming 16._had we sat down than we found it was time to go.A Hardly B Scarcely C Not until D No sooner 17.I had no idea where he had been _he told me.A when B except C until D unless18._a boy,he was very interested in little creatures.A For B Ever since C As D Being

42、,10,C;11,A;12,D;13,D14,D;15,A;16,D;17,C;18,C,19.She told the children not to talk _eating.A as B while C since D until 20 I was typing _ Mr.Smith came in for a cup of coffee.A when B while C as D the minute21.If we work with a strong will,we can overcome anydifficulty,_great it is.A what B how C how

43、ever D whatever 22._ breaks the law is punished.No matter who B.Who C.Whoever D.That23.Please give the book to _.whoever B.whomever C.no matter who D.whom24.It was on Oct 1,1949 _ the PRC was founded.when B,that C.where D.which25._ is known to all that the earth goes around the sun.That B.Which C.What D.It26.Who was is _ you met in the street yesterday?It B.which C.that D.when27.Word came _ no one but Tom would be sent to work there.A.What B.that C.which D.when,19,B;20,A;21,C;22,C;23,A;24,B;25,D;26,C;27,B,


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