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1、,Review,Have a try,在书桌上,在盒子里,十一个男人,on the desk,in the box,eleven men,twelve women,a red bicycle/bike,十二个女人,一辆红色自行车,那个穿灰色T恤的男人,The man in the grey shirt,那个穿黄色短裤的男孩,The boy in the yellow shorts,在床上睡觉,sleep on the bed,Who is that girl?,_ girl?,The girl(is)_the red bicycle,Thats Sue Clark.(名+姓),在外国,名在前,

2、姓在后。,Which,on,那个女孩是谁?,哪个女孩?,那个骑红色自行车的女孩。,那是苏克拉克。,Lesson 9,Words time,v.动词n.名词adj.形容词adv.副词pron.代词int.感叹词,hullo=hellomom 小孩的口语mother 正式用语绿茶green tea红茶black tea,ready 准备好的,Ready?Go!,Are you ready?,Yes,I am,No,Im not.,你准备好了吗?,1.be动词+形容词,属系表结构(be,am,is,are)2.副词修饰形容词 very,now(副词),小语法,very 非常,very good,非常

3、好,非常感谢你,Thank you very much,冷,冷,冷,冷,冷,冷,冷,cold 冷的我很冷,Im very cold.,感冒,catch a cold.,他是个冷酷无情的人,He is a cold fish.,hungry 饥饿的 我很饿,Im very hungry!,挨饿,go hungry,full 饱的,hot 热的,Im very hot.,我很热。,他有麻烦了。He is in hot water.,hot water 困境hot dog 热狗 hot potato 烫手山芋,比喻棘手的事,thirsty 渴的我很渴。,Im very thirsty.,三十,thi

4、rty.,tired 累的 我很累。,Im very tired.,我很忙。,Im very busy!,busy 忙,商业 business不管你的事Its none of your business.,hullo mumteareadyhungrywhat,喂;你好妈妈茶,茶叶准备好的饿的什么,now thirstybusytiredhotcold,现在渴的忙的累的热的冷的,母亲节,每年5月第2个星期日,喂;你好妈妈茶,茶叶准备好的饿的什么,现在渴的忙的累的热的冷的,hullo mumteareadyhungrywhat,now thirstybusytiredhotcold,你好,桑迪!

5、你好,苏!Hullo,Sandy!Hullo,Sue.你好,妈妈Hullo,mum!,茶点准备好了Teas ready.,你饿吗,苏?Are you hungry,Sue?是的,我饿了。Yes,I am.,你饿吗,桑迪?Are you hungry,Sandy?不,我不饿。No,Im not.,no 可单独使用,not 不可以,茶点吃什么?Whats for tea?看!Look!,现在你饿不饿,桑迪!Are you hungry now,Sandy?噢,是的。我现在很饿。Oh yes,I am very hungry.,现在,立刻,马上right now,Hullo,Sandy!Hullo,

6、Sue.Hullo,mum!Teas ready.Are you hungry,Sue?Yes,I am.Are you hungry,Sandy?No,Im not.Whats for tea?Look!Are you hungry now,Sandy?Oh yes,I am very hungry.,Practice,Is he hungry now?,是的,他饿了。Yes,he is.不,他不饿。No,he isnt.,他现在饿不饿?,Is she thirsty now?,是的,她渴。Yes,she is.不,她不渴。No,she isnt.,is not=isnt,她现在渴不渴?,A

7、re you busy now?,是的,我忙。Yes,I am.不,我不忙。No,Im not.,你现在忙不忙?,Am I tired now?,是的,我累。Yes,I am.不,我不累。No,Im not.,我现在累不累?,Am I hot now?,是的,我热。Yes,I am.不,我不热。No,Im not.,我现在热不热?,Are you cold now?,是的,我冷。Yes,I am.不,我不冷。No,Im not.,是的,我非常冷。Yes,Im very cold.,你现在冷不冷?,一根据首字母提示补全单词:1.-K_ the ball,Jim!-A_ right!2.-Teas

8、 r_.Are you hungry?-Yes,Im very hungry!3.-W_ is that?-Its a car.4.-W_ is this girl?-Shes Lucy.5.The boy w the football is Sandy Clark.6.The girl o the red bicycle is Sue.7.She is t.Please give the tea to her.8.Who is that w?She is Sues mother.9.Who is that m?He is Toms father.10.The g on the bicycle

9、 is Toms sister.,ick,ll,hat,eady,ho,ith,n,hirsty,oman,an,irl,二、单项选择:1.-_ pen is Sandys?-The black one.A.Which B.What C.Who D.Where2.-Look at that girl!-Which girl?-The girl_ the green umbrella.A.in B.on C.come D.with3.-_ that woman?-Shes my mother.A.Whats B.Whos C.Whatre D.Which is4._ your coat(外套).

10、Its too cold.A.Put off B.Take off C.Put on D.Take on5.Look_ the thing in the sky.A.on B.out C.in D.at三句型转换:1.I am hungry.(变为一般疑问句)2.Are you thirsty?(做肯定回答)3.Are you tired?(做否定回答)4.Mr Crisp is in the black car.(对划线部分提问)is in the black car?,Who,Are you hungry?,Yes,I am.,No,Im not.,A,D,B,C,D,There is a flower.(改为复数句型)There.你现在渴不渴?(汉译英)Are you thirsty now?These are my brothers books.(对划线部分提问)are these?Whose are those umbrellas?my uncles.,Whose,books,are flowers,They are,Homework,单词3+1+1,发微信群课文会背,发微信群完成本课课课练。用第十课句型造三个句子,并作肯否回答。,


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