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1、七年级下册英语作文,2023/1/16,1,Module 1 Lost and Found(失物招领),写作要点:1.说明是什么物品丢失,需要招领。2.描述该物品是特征,如:颜色、外观、特点以及附加物 3.在失物招领处留下自己的信息,以便失主能联系到自己,如:联系方式、班级、姓名等 4.简洁明了,切勿繁杂。,2023/1/16,2,写作例题:假如你是肖海,你捡到一件校服(uniform)。校服是旧的,而且是蓝白相间的。口袋里面有一把钥匙。你想失主一定很着急,你把你的联系方式(XXXXXXX)留在了失物招领处。请为你捡到的东西写一则招领启事。要求用上所有信息,意思连贯,符合逻辑,Lost and

2、 Found The uniform is old.It is blue and white.There is a key in the pocket.Call Xiao Hai at XXXXXXX(电话号码).,2023/1/16,3,Module 2 社团自荐信,写作要点:1.介绍自己的基本情况,如:年龄、班级等。2.介绍自己的爱好、特长,如:听音乐、唱歌、弹吉他、拉小提琴等 3.说明自己想加入的社团。,2023/1/16,4,写作例题:假设你叫Jim,请向学校负责学生社团的王老师写一封自荐信,介绍一下自己的基本情况,爱好、特长,打算参加哪一个社团,并说明原因。50词左右。,Dear M

3、r Wang,I am Jim,Im 12 years old.I am in Class 3,Grade 7.I like music,I can sing.I can play the violin and I can play the guitar very well.I want to join the music club.I can do something for our school Music Festival.I am sure I can do well in the club.Best wishes!Jim,2023/1/16,5,Module 3 描述周末活动,写作要

4、点:1.描述周末活动要注意时态。2.列提纲。周末两天的所有安排,安排不能杂乱,需要按时间顺序进行描述,如:周六早上、周六中午.3.注意用词的搭配。,2023/1/16,6,2023/1/16,7,写作例题:请根据下面表格中的内容描述一下约翰(John)下周末的活动。要求包括一下内容,可适当发挥。,John is going to have a busy weekend.On Saturday morning he is going to do his homework.In the afternoon he is going go clean the room.On Saturday even

5、ing hes going to watch TV.There is going to be a talk show on CCTV-1.Its his favorite.On Sunday morning hes going to play football with his friends.Then in the afternoon he is going to help his mum to do some homework.On Sunday evening hes going to go over his lessons.,2023/1/16,8,Module 4 未来的生活,写作要

6、点:1.运用到题目中给出的已知词组。2.学会阐述自己的观点,发挥想象。3.总结全文,2023/1/16,9,写作例题:未来的生活提示:1.学生在家里学习,使用电脑和网络。2.到处都是机器人(robots)。3.科学家发明(invent)许多新型机器。,Life in the future What will life be like in the future?I think life in the future will be different.Students wont go to school.Theyll study at home.Theyll use computers to t

7、alk to their teachers on the Internet.There will be robots everywhere in the future.Theyll help people work,even play with children.Scientists will invent many new kinds of machines.They will do heavy and difficult jobs in the factory,so people will have a lot of free time to have fun.Life will be very good in the future,I think.,2023/1/16,10,2023/1/16,11,2023/1/16,12,


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