新目标七年级英语上册第八单元 Section A课件.ppt

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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?,Period I,J,anuary,ebruary,F,M,arch,A,pril,M,ay,J,une,J,uly,A,ugust,O,ctober,S,eptember,D,ecember,N,ovember,months of the year,一月二月三月四月五月六月,JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune,七月八月九月十月十一月十二月,JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember,Listen and repeat.听录音并跟读。,MONTHS,Listen

2、and number the conversation1-3.听录音,为对话编号。,A:When is your birthday,Linda?B:My birthday is on October 2nd.A:When is your birthday,Mary?B:Its on January 5th.A:When is your birthday,Mike?B:My birthday is on June 3rd.,1,2,3,Practice the conversations above with your partner.Then make your own conversatio

3、ns.,A:When is your birthday?B:My birthday is(on),A:When is your mothers birthday?B:Her birthday is.,A:When is your fathers birthday?B:His birthday is.,Listen and repeat.听录音并跟读。,写出下列序数词。1st _ 2nd _3rd _ 4th _5th _ 8th _9th _ 12th _20th _ 37th_,first,second,third,fifth,twentieth,ninth,fourth,eighth,tw

4、elfth,thirty-seventh,基数词 序数词 序数词缩写,twenty-one twenty-first 21st twenty-five twenty-fifth 25th,five fifth 5th twelve twelfth 12th twenty twentieth 20th,eight eighth 8thnine ninth 9th,one first 1st two second 2nd three third 3rd,基数词和序数词对照,你能看出什么规律吗?,一、二、三,特殊记,词尾字t,d,d;th要从四加起,六、七同四守规律;八少t,九去e;f来把ve替,t

5、y变成tie;若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。,four fourth 4thsix sixth 6thseven seventh 7th,November,22,写作:November 22nd/November 22 读作:November the twenty-second,Read the dates:,January the first,March the eighth,August the second,September the tenth,July the third,February the twelfth,October the twentieth,December the

6、 twenty-fifth,Can you say out the dates?,月日月日月日月日月日月日,January fifteenth(15th),Lets challenge,April thirtieth(30th),July eighth(8th),October first(1st),May twenty-ninth(29th),February fourteenth(14th),Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.听录音,在2a中圈出你所听到的数字。,Listen again.Match the names,months

7、and dates.再听一遍录音,将名字、月份、日期配对。,Name Month Date,Alice July 4thFrank August 22nd,Eric January 5thJane September 17th,Take about the childrens birthday in 2c.Then ask your partner about the birthdays in his or her family.与同伴谈谈2c中人物的生日,然后询问彼此家人的生日。,B:His birthday is on_.,Role-play the conversation.分角色表演对

8、话。,Bill:Hi,Alan.Happy birthday!Alan:Thank you,Bill.Bill:So,how old are you,Alan?Alan:Im twelve.How old are you?Bill:Im thirteen.Alan:When is your birthday?Bill:My birthday is in August.Alan:Well,do you want to come to my birthday party?Bill:Oh,yes.When is it?Alan:At three this afternoon.Bill:OK,grea

9、t.See you!,When is New Years Day(元旦)?Its January 1st.When is Womens Day(妇女节)?It is March 8th.When is April Fools Day(愚人节)?Its April 1st.When is Working Peoples Day(劳动节)?Its May 1st.When is National Day(国庆节)?Its October 1st.When is Christmas Day(圣诞节)?Its December 25th.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,基数词

10、是用来表示数目的数词。基本用法如下:一、用于可数名词前作定语,表示人或事物的数目。We have eleven books on the desk.我们有十一本书在桌子上。二、用于句中作表语,表示年龄。She is only twelve.她仅仅才12岁。三、用于时刻表达。I get up at six thirty.我六点三十分起床。,基数词,拓展,序数词的用法很多,主要有以下几种:一、用来表示事物或人物在时空上的顺序。The first book is about English.The second one is about sports.第一本书是关于英语方面的,第二本是关于运动方面的

11、。二、可用于表示日期。January first.一月一日October tenth.十月十日,序数词,三、序数词有时前面可加不定冠词来表示“再一”,“又一”这样的意思。Can I ask him a third time?我能再一次问他吗?四、与基数词一起,构成分数词。如:one fourth 四分之一 two fourths 四分之二注意:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。,拓展,序数词,顺口溜帮助您记忆:,基变序,有规律;1、2、3单独记,末尾有字母t、d、d;8去t,9去e,f来把ve替;整十将y变 ie,后加th要牢记;若是遇到两位数,十为基个为序。,Matc

12、h the questions and answers.将问句与答语配对。,a,b,c,d,e,A:How _ are you,Grace?B:_ twelve.A:And _is your birthday?B:My _ is on March 12th.How about you and Tom?A:Well,my birthday is _ July 5th,and Toms birthday is _December.,Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.补全对话并与同伴练习。,old,Im,when,

13、birthday,on,in,Unit 8 When is your birthday?,Period III,篮球比赛郊游英语讲演比赛生日聚会排球比赛校庆日艺术节音乐节,basketball gameschool tripEnglish speech contest birthday partyvolleyball gameSchool Dayart festivalmusic festival,many actions(活动)in the school,Lucky 52,School Day,basketball game,birthday party,school trip,volley

14、ball game,English speech contest,art festival,_ English test 2._ party3._ school trip 4._ basketball game,d,c,b,a,Match the pictures with the events.将图片与活动配对。,Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a.听录音,在1a中圈出所听到的活动。,Listen again.Fill in Johns calendar.再听一遍录音,完成约翰的日程表。,Sallys birthday party,bask

15、etball game,School trip,English test,Tapescript,Joe:Hey,Sally.Can you help me fill in my calendar?Sally:Sure,Joe.Joe:When is your birthday party?Sally:My birthday party is October 5th.,Jon:OK,and when is the basketball game?Sally:The basketball game?Oh,its October 2nd.Joe:Good.And,um,how about the s

16、chool trip?,Sally:The school trip is September 26th and 27th.Joe:And whens the English test?Sally:Oh,thats Friday,September 29th.Joe:Great.,Check()the activities you have at your school.在你们学校经常组织的活动后打勾。,Read the school notice and list the activities and the date.阅读一则学校通知,列出文中活动和日期。,Dear students,We

17、have some interesting and fun things for you this term.On September 21st,we have a school trip in the afternoon.October is a great month.On the 12th and the 15th,we have two ball games,soccer and volleyball.School Day is on October 22nd.Your parents can come to our school.Next month,we have an art f

18、estival.Its on November 3rd.We have an English party on November30th.And on December 3rd,we have a book sale in the school library.This is a really busy term!Have a good time!,Discuss the questions with your partner.与同伴讨论下面的问题。,1.What activities from 2b do you like?2.What other activities do you lik

19、e?,Unit 8 When is your birthday?,Period,When is New Years Day(元旦)?,When is Womens Day(妇女节)?,When is April Fools Day(愚人节)?,When is Childrens Day(儿童节)?,Complete the note with the words in the box.选词补全便条。,Dear Alan,Do you_ sports?Do you have a _?Please come to _ next week.We have a basketball _.It is o

20、n_2nd.See you there!Guo Peng,Write your own note to a friend.Invite him/her to an activity in your school.Use the questions to help you.给朋友写一个便条,邀请对方参加学校的某项活动。右边的问题对你会有帮助。,Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers.用正确的数次填表。,Write the dates for these holidays in China.写出下列中国节假日的日期。,1.W

21、hen is Childrens Day(儿童节)?Its on_.2.When is National Day(国庆节)?Its on_.3.When is Womens Day(妇女节)?Its on_.4.When is New Years Day(新年)?Its on_.,一、写出下列序数词。1st _ 2nd _3rd _ 4th _5th _ 8th _9th _ 12th _20th _,first,second,third,fifth,twentieth,ninth,fourth,eighth,twelfth,Exercise,二、用月份名词填空:1._ 1st is New

22、years Day.2._ 12th is Planting Day.(植树节)3._ 1st is Fools Day.(愚人节)4._ 1st is Labours Day.(劳动节),January,March,April,May,Exercise,5._ 1st is Childrens Day.6.The last(最后的)three months of a year are _and _.7.New school year begins(新学年开始于)in _.,June,October,November,December,September,Exercise,三、写出每组对话的问

23、题:1.Q:_ A:My birthday is April 22nd.2.Q:_ A:Im sixteen.3.Q:_ A:My brothers birthday is May 16th.,When is your birthday?,How old are you?,When is your brothers birthday?,Exercise,4.Q:_A:The party(音乐会)is May 21st.5.Q:_A:My mother is forty-eight.,When is the party?,How old is your mother?,Exercise,四、将下

24、列词连成一个完整的句子。May,it,is,first2.birthday,my,is,10th October.3.his,is,birthday,September,second?,It is May 1st.,My birthday is October 10th.,Is his birthday September 2nd?,Exercise,4.your,birthday,mothers,when,i s,?5.old,are,how,your,parents.6.The,speech contest,July 3rd,is,When is your mothers birthday

25、?,How old are your parents?,The speech contest is July 3rd.,Exercise,五、用所给词的适当形式填空1.Tom has _(12)color pens.2.Marys birthday is August _(five).3.Is September the _(9)month of a year.4.There are _(40)students in our class.5.The pants are _(38)yuan.,twelve,fifth,ninth,forty,thirty-eight,Exercise,六、根据汉

26、语完成句子1.The _(艺术节)is October 21st.2.My sister likes _(英语晚会).3.The School trip is _(六月十日).4.We have an _(英语演讲比赛).5.When is your _(妈妈的生日).,art festival,English party,June tenth,English Speech Contest,Mothers birthday,Exercise,七、连线 1.How do you spell it?A.Hes in the store.2.Wheres he?B.Thank you.3.How is your grandmother?C.SHOE 4.How much are the shorts?D.Shes fine,thanks.5.Your watch is very nice.E.$60.,Exercise,Homework,Remember the words and expressions in this unit.2.Do Section B 4 and write down these conversations on your exercise books.,


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