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1、2020托福口语高分练习技巧 很多同学练习口语时都有一个认知误区,认为口语的基础提升是要多练习多说,其实口语真正的基础是听力练习,因为只有听懂了,下面就和大家分享托福口语高分练习技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语高分练习技巧一.托福口语基础提升托福口语基础提升一定要多做听力练习。记得有一个老师教学生口语的时候讲过,练习口语的时候,先坚持做一个星期的听力,只听就行,不用跟读,不用复述,每天坚持听三个小时以上,弄懂听力材料中的每一句话,坚持一个星期以后,再用这些材料来做口语练习。完全不跟读的做法有些不合适,但是这种方法强调听力练习在口语练习中的重要性还是非常可取的。为什么听力是练习口

2、语的基础呢?我们在前面已经提到过,听力之所以是基础是因为听清楚以后,我们才能准确把握发音,只有准确把握发音以后才能正确模仿出来。所以说听清听懂是能够练好口语的基础。而且,托福综合口语中还要考察大家的听力能力。由此可见,托福口语想要拿到高分,听力不练好是不行的。二.托福口语练习1. 跟读复述练习听力是口语练习的基础,但是最终还是要回归到口语练习上来。首先大家要做的是跟读和复述练习,听清听力材料后,一定要按照听力材料中的发音和语调来模仿。建议在跟读和复述过程中录音,然后对比原版,反复修正,直到发音表达很自然很地道为止。2. 针对题型练习基础练习过后,我们就要开始针对题型来做口语练习了。托福口语考试

3、分为独立口语和综合口语两部分,独立口语根据问题表达观点,综合口语根据阅读或听力材料总结归纳观点。针对题型练习的时候建议大家练完以后听一听口语的范例,学习一下口语范例的答题思路和逻辑。3. 把握时间最后一点,也是非常重要的一点。注意把握口语考试时间。独立口语准备15秒,答题45秒。综合口语准备30秒,答题60秒。考前练习中建议按照考试时间来做题,看看自己能否在规定的时间内构思出完整答案,能否在限定时间内将想要表达的内容表达的完整清晰。托福口语模板:选择哪种大学托福口语题目:Which of the following universities would you prefer to choose

4、? A university with high academic ability and with high tuition or A university with mediocre academic ability but gives you scholarship. Give specific explanation in your response.你倾向于就读以下哪种大学?学术水平高、学费高的大学,还是学术水平一般但给你奖学金的学校。给出具体的理由。郝新宇老师的Sample response:Personally speaking, I prefer professors make

5、 decisions. The main reason is professors choices tend to be mature and informed. They are clear about what students should learn and master for certain subjects. Taking the economics for example, professors have been investigating in this field for decades, they know students should learn courses l

6、ike mathematics, econometrics, statistics, finance and so on, so as to master the skills needed in economics. However, if choosing by students, they are likely to be in a puzzle or at a loss about which courses to learn, consequently they may not learn necessary knowledge and achieve desired results

7、.托福口语模板:大学教育有什么用托福口语题目:Apart from getting relatively good jobs after graduation, what else benefits do you think can university students gain from university education? Give specific explanation in your response.除了获得相对好的工作,你认为大学教育对学生还有哪些益处。郝新宇老师的Sample response:In my view, one benefit is about affec

8、tion. Studying in universities, youngsters tend to be mature in mind, polite in behaviors, elegant in appearance, thus young boys and girls will be more likely to be attracted by each others magnetism, consequently, they may harvest a beloved one or even a spouse.The other benefit I think is that they can get acquaintance with friends from a variety of industries. They may meet friends who are adept in computer science or skilled at biology research or rich in knowledge on laws and policies and so on. In daily lives, whenever meeting some troubles, asking for help will be easier托福口语技巧


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