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1、2020托福口语怎么提高 托福口语是很多中国考生觉得最难的一部分,托福口语提高有什么好的办法呢?其实只要掌握一定的口语练习技巧,口语水平一定会有很大的提升。大家分享掌握三个技巧口语迅速提升,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语怎么提高?掌握三个技巧口语迅速提升一.托福口语素材积累首先要积累口语万能素材,按照作文素材的分类积累,比如人物题,你需要积累他们的身份以及经历,一位画家、作家、艺术家、政治家等。不可积累万能的段落,容易让考官认为你在背素材。其次要时常练习造句,必须得用口说,而不是写下来,下写来对提升托福口语水平没有意义。要目标的练习造句,可以从简单定语从句开始,这在口语中是很常用的。

2、还可以经常在口语中加一句by which I mean.意识就是把前面说的话再说一次,尽量说简单句,别把口语的句子造得复杂化。一两句就好,多了容易把自己搞混,还会表达的不自然。最后除了以上两点,还要学会如何把单个句子自然连成段落,也是就常说的逻辑性。你要会运用逻辑连接词,在说句子说段落的时候,就主次分明,段落层次性强。逻辑词越用的好,考官会觉得你词汇丰富,印象分就很好了。二.托福口语发音练习在托福考试中,评分细则说不重视考生口音问题,但是我觉得口音是发音最基础且重要的。在备考前,每个学生都应该严格把关自己的口音,减少“中国式”发音。多开口,多模仿,多锻炼。当锻炼多了,口腔肌肉就会熟悉讲英语的发



5、强你对英语口语的熟悉,发音地道了,口语自然而然的就琉璃了。长期的坚持这样练习口语的技巧,就能更加有效、快速的提升托福口语水平。托福独立口语范文:领导与员工的友谊Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should not form close friendship with their employees.托福口语范文:Sample answer:Well, I agree with the statement. Because managers who try to be frien

6、ds with their staff run into all sorts of problems. A managers job is to evaluate staffs work, give them feedback and make decisions. If the boss makes friends with an employee. Others will think the employee has an unfair advantage at performance review time, thus resentment will start to build up.

7、 Whats more, when it comes time for promotions, the employee may have an expectation that as a friend, the boss will promote him or her. While the boss should choose the best person for the job, not a friend. This could create tension in and out of the workplace.托福口语范文:小孩该不该学习画画Do you agree or disag

8、ree: children should learn to draw or paint?托福口语模板及参考答案:托福口语参考答案一:Task 2参考答案:I agree with the statement, coz first, they offers students a good way to release pressure; nowadays students are under a huge amount of school work pressure, like we have to take classes almost 8 hours, and deal with endle

9、ss exam and class assignments; painting or drawing definitely offers a good way to blow off steam or unwind; also, it helps students to enhance artistic taste and offer the needed inspirations, like sometimes when I am stuck in math, a short period of immersion in painting will refresh my mind and h

10、elp me to crack the problem.托福口语参考答案二:Sample Response:I agree with the statement. First, painting and drawing offers a chance for young children to unwind a little bit. I mean, most students in China study at least for eight hours and they have to deal with tons of academic tasks each single day, li

11、ke papers, group projects and exams. They need some interesting staff like painting to refresh their mind. For the ones who are not good at these classes, they can relax and enjoy the stories about some famous painters, musicians. And for those who have gift in such areas can fully develop their personal talent and learn some basic drawing skills, which can help them to be prepared if they wanna major in art when they go to college.2020托福口语怎么提高


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