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1、1,主语从句,2,1.The villagers didnt realize how serious the pollution was until the fish in the river died.2.They didnt know my address.3.Seeing is believing.4.To do morning exercises this morning is not good for your healthy.5.It is a great honor for us to be invited to the party.6.That he will come her

2、e is of great help.7.Whether he will come to the meeting is unknown yet.8.What we will do next is not decided.,请找出下面句子的主语,3,1.The villagers didnt realize how serious the pollution was until the fish in the river died.2.They didnt know my address.3.Seeing is believing.4.To do morning exercises this m

3、orning is not good for your healthy.5.It is a great honor for us to be invited to the party.6.That he will come here is of great help.7.Whether he will come to the meeting is unknown yet.8.What we will do next is not decided.,4,请观察下列句子,注意主语从句的特点。1.That the earth travels round the sun is a well-known

4、 fact.2.whether the artist can do it or not is uncertain.3.Who will act the lead in the play has not been decided yet.4.Where the young man has gone is not known.5.When and where the test will be given is not yet decided.,5,1.主语从句必须有引导词。2.主语从句用陈述句语气。,【归纳总结】,6,1.引导主语从句的词有连词:that,whether;连接代词:who,whos

5、e,whom,whoever,what,which等;连接副词where,when,whenever,wherever,how,why等。,7,主语从句引导词的选择,1).连接词:that,whether 例:(1)._ he will win is certain.(2).It has been reported _sales of beef in China will increase.(3)._ we shall raise ducks or geese remains to be decided.(4)._ he ll join us in the discussion is of g

6、reat importance.,That,that,Whether,Whether,8,2)连接代词:who,whom,whose,what,which,whoever,whatever,whichever等。,(1).It is clear is afraid of having a change in land ownership.(2)._ bag it is can not be told.(3)._ India needs is a law to make land ownership fairer.,who,Whose,What,9,(4).It is not yet decid

7、ed _cash crop will be produced next year.(5)._ he said was right.(6)._ go there must get ready by 6 oclock.,which,Whatever,Whoever,10,3)连接副词:when,where,why,how,how many,how much,how long,how soon,how often,(1)._well start tomorrow will be told soon.(2)._we can buy oxen is something we need to find o

8、ut.(3)._he came here is not known.,When,Where,How/When,11,(4)._ we can protect the grain needs to be discussed.(5)._people died from starvation that year will never be known.(6)._hell go to see his grandmother depends on the time he can spare.,How,How many,How often,12,归纳总结:,主语从句引导词的选择主要是根据从句的结构和意义来

9、选择:1.如果从句的意义和结构完整,则用that。2.如果从句的意义和结构不完整,则根据从句的意义和结构选择相应的引导词。,13,1._ the meeting will be held on time is not known yet.2._ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light.3._ he has become a rich man is known to all in our town.4._ I need is more time.5._ we will go for an outing tomorrow remains u

10、nknown.,Whether,Whoever,That,What,Whether/Where,完成下面主语从句,14,比较that/what,1._ he wants is a book.2._ he wants to go there is obvious.3._ happened is not clear.4.This is the best TV _ is made in China.5.The first museum _ he visited in China was the History Museum.,What,That,that,What,that,定语从句,定语从句,15

11、,that 和what 的选用,that 和 what 都可引导主语从句。但是,what除起连接作用外,还在主语从句中充当成分,可做从句的主语、宾语、或表语。而that在主语从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用。,16,1.It is well reported that a storm is coming.2.It is true that the earth moves around the sun.3.It is a pity that I missed the train.4.It doesnt matter whether he will come or not.5.It seems

12、that it is going to rain.6.It happened that they didnt know my address.,翻译和分析下列句子,17,为了使句子保持平衡,常用_来代替主语从句,而把主语从句放到_,尤其是连词that引导的主语从句常用于此种句式中。,请你归纳?,it,后面,18,常用句型如下:It+be+名词+that 从句It+be+形容词+that从句It+be+动词的过去分词+that从句It+be+不及物动词+that从句,19,1.Its likely/possible/important/necessary/clear that 很可能/重要的是/

13、必要的是/很清楚2.Its known/reported/thought/said that据说/据报道3.It seems/appears/happens that显然、明显、碰巧.4.Its been announced/declared that已经通知/宣布5.Its no wonder that并不奇怪/无疑6.Its a pity/a fact/a common knowledge(众所周知)/a common saying(俗话说)that,20,下列各句均有一处错误,请改正并分析原因。1.Light travels faster than sound is common kno

14、wledge.2.If shes coming or not doesnt matter much.,That,that虽无词义但引导主语从句位于句首时不能省略。,Whether,if,whether都可表示“是否”,但if不能引导位于主句之前的主语从句,它可以引导位于主句之后带有形式主语it的主语从句。,主语从句常见错误,21,3.That the professor said is of great importance.4.Where will the trees be planted has not been decided.,What,that引导主语从句时无词义。What the

15、professor said表示“教授所说的”。,将will置于trees之后。主语从句要用陈述句语序。,22,5.No matter who breaks the rule will be punished.6.When and where the meeting will be held still remain a question.,引导让步状语从句时二者可互换,但引导名词性从句时只能用whoever。,Whoever,主语从句表示单一概念时,谓语要用单数形式。,remains,23,Exercises,24,一、改错1:That she wants to know is which

16、dress she should buy.2:He will give up his job surprises all of us.3:No matter who breaks the law will be punished.4:If the meeting will be held in our school is not known yet.5:That worried her a bit was that he couldnt get in touch with her friend.6:He is said he has gone to America.,What,That he,

17、Whoever,Whether,It,What,25,二.用适当引导词填空,使下列主语从句意思和结构完整。1._ he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.2._ we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown.3.It is a pity _ we wont be able to go to the south to spend our summer holidays.,That,Whether/Where,that,26,4._ sh

18、e is coming or not doesnt matter too much.5._ he came from still puzzles all of us.6.It happened _ I saw him yesterday.7.It does not make any difference to me _ you do.,Whether,Where,that,what,27,8._ was responsible for the accident is not yet clear.9._ they will have the sports meet is still a ques

19、tion.10.It doesnt matter _ she looks like.,Who,When/Where/Whether,what,28,1.他在找什么与你无关。,三.用主语从句翻译下列句子。,2.他是否能来仍然是个问题。,What he is looking for is none of your business.,It remains a question whether he will be able to come.,29,4.飞机何时起飞还没有宣布。,3.谁告诉他们这个消息的仍然是个谜。,Who told them the news is still a mystery.

20、,When the plane is to take off has not been announced./It has not been announced when the plane is to take off.,30,请根据以下表格内容,以How to learn English well?为题写一篇短文,可以自由发挥,在短文中尽可能运用主语从句。,Homework,31,写在最后,成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits,32,谢谢聆听 学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干,是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折,Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard,Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal,


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