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1、2020托福写作练习方法技巧 托福考试的写作部分时间是比较紧张的,特别是30分钟的独立写作,很多同学都反映时间不太够用写不完*。下面就和大家分享托福写作练习方法技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作练习方法技巧托福写作为什么要练打字速度?很多人可能觉得打字速度没什么好练的,多用电脑写几篇*自然就能提升上来了。虽然熟能生巧的确是提升托福写作打字速度的一个方法,但这种方法费时费力,而真正想要把打字速度提高到足以应对托福写作的水平,学习一些方法技巧才是更有效率的做法。而且打字速度不足的情况对于考生的写作本身也是有许多影响的。有些同学为了赶上考试时间强行提速,最后结果就是打出来的*出现大量拼


3、字中也是常会出现的问题。因此,比起单纯的提升按键速度,考生更需要重视的是找到按键速度和力度之间的那个平衡点,既要保证足够的打字速度,又不会出现手误打错的情况。每个人的平衡点或者说稳定的打字速度都不一样,但只要找到以后保证相对稳定的速度,你的打字情况自然会有所改善,打字速度也就能在不影响精准度的同时逐步提升上来。托福写作打字提速小技巧分享托福写作打字提速除了方法正确外,一些实用小技巧也需要尽快掌握:1. 大小写快速切换托福作文中大小写切换是肯定要用到的,毕竟*中每个句子开头都必须是大写,还有一些特定情况也需要用到大写,打字时切换大小写的方法其实很简单,那就是掌握shift的正确使用方法,大家可以

4、多练习用小指来按shift键来提升切换速度,注意左右手的小指都要练,保证能够在盲打的情况下准确按到shift键是基本要求。另外,当需要连续输入的大写字母超过3个时,大家也需要用好Caps Lock键,这比起连续按shift键要方便很多。而在句子第一个字母需要大写的时候,在写完前一句打空格的同时考生就需要开始用小指去提前找shift键了。做到这3点,大家打字过程中的大小写切换速度就能得到提升。2. 熟悉标题符号和数字位置虽然托福写作中用到的标点符号一般只有逗号句号和感叹号,但大家也需要提前记熟这些符号在键盘上的位置,保证自己能够在想要用到的时候及时准确地按到而不是低头看键盘确认。另外数字类符号的

5、具体位置也要能做到盲打状态下的准确按键。这些看似不起眼的地方都能帮助大家提升打字速度。而由于这些按键大多数都在无名指和小指的管理范围内,所以大家也需要集中练习左右手这两个手指的打字按键精准度。托福写作因为打字基本功较差而出现时间不足的情况其实是比较可惜的,因为比起写作的构思能力和遣词造句能力,打字速度完全可以在短时间内通过技巧性地训练得到明显提升。上文中这些打字提速技巧方法,希望大家能够掌握,不要让打字速度成为你作文高分路上的一道坎。托福考试作文独立写作范文:学校改善学生住宿环境的措施You school want to improve the quality of students life

6、 in the dormitory. Which one of the following do you think the school should build in dorms?1.Quiet study area2. exercise room for students to keep physical well-being3. room for entertainment托福写作模板及参考答案:写作范文参考:20XX年9月25日托福独立写作范文With the masses increase in affluence and awareness, college students t

7、ends to be spoiled with all kinds of well-equipped dorms. Private Jacuzzi, big screen TV set and even tanning salon are not rare on some college dorms. When it comes to the question of what the school should build in the dorm, I personally would say it is in the students best interest to build an en

8、tertainment room for the following reasons.Admittedly, a quiet study room can provide a place for students to focus on their academic assignments and an exercising room affords them the opportunities to keep fit and stay in good shape, nonetheless, these facilities are redundant since an above-avera

9、ge university has at least one decent library and a recreation center for students and faculty members. Thus, it is not necessary to include such facilities in the campus dorms, and there are obvious benefits to build an entertainment room with home theater sets and video game consoles.First off, an

10、 entertainment room provides students a chance to get away from busy life and study and switch off. As is known to all, college life can be overwhelming, students are constantly under lots of academic pressure, like presentations, group projects, final exams, so on and so forth. Barely do they have

11、chance to release their pressure, fortunately with an entertainment room, they can watch movies or play video games together. As the saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Indeed, recent research on the correlation between leisure time and students academic performance conducted

12、by National Association of Psychiatrists shows that a student with certain amount of time spent in doing entertainment activities are observed to have higher grade than those who dont. Consequently, entertainment room helps to improve students academic performance.Additionally, an entertainment room

13、 provides a chance for students to catch up with their peers and bond more with one another. When playing video games or watching movies together, not only can students escape from their busy schedule, but also they can get a chance to talk to other students who also live in the same dorm building.

14、Students who happen to live in the same dorm might have totally different majors and areas of concentration, so connecting with each other can help students to gain more exposure in other fields. Plus, students can use their moments in the entertainment room to get to know others who are from differ

15、ent regions of the country or even from other part of the globe, by interacting with people who are from distinctive culture backgrounds students can broaden their horizons and have unique perspective on different things. Without an entertainment, students living on the same floor might be strangers

16、 for four years, which can be a nightmare.In conclusion, it is more advisable for the university to build an entertainment room since it provides students a chance to switch off, and also students can catch up with their peers and bond more with one another.托福考试作文独立写作范文:想要高薪但是工作时间长的工作吗Would you pref

17、er a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time.写作参考一:In the current society full of fierce competition, we can readily observe that landing an ideal job has become increasingly difficult, which forces us to a concession in the requirement of the job we want. Wh

18、en it comes to which is more appealing, a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time, people varying in backgrounds and personalities may view the same issue from different angles. From my perspective, towards such a long-running tug-of-war, my choice will depen

19、ds on what age I am.On the one hand, during my twenties and thirties, my preference will be a higher pay job with longer work time. For one thing, as for young adults wrestling with various bills in daily life, the high salary will help them to relieve their financial pressure and thus meet their ba

20、sic need of life. To be specific, the extremely high price of house in China has been beyond the affordable range of most people. In order to pay the rents or afford a house, young people needs desperately a large sum of money which can be earned in a decent job. For another, longer work time is not

21、 a big deal for the young, because they are so energetic and vigorous that a sound sleep can help them to restore their vitality. A good case in point is the experience my friend, Andy. As a broker in an Stock Exchange Company in Beijing, he has to deal with large quantities of data and keep close t

22、rack of any events which may cause the fluctuation of stock price. Although the heavy pressure brought by his job often require him to work overtime and even around the clock, he never makes complaints because the exciting and adventurous experience from selling or buying stocks appeals him a lot.On

23、 the other hand, n the other hand, when I am at the middle age or old age, an average pay job with normal work time will be much better. After accumulating fortunes in the early years of life, old-age people do not suffer from huge financial pressure so that low income will not affect their life gre

24、atly. As we know, the old have owned their own houses and are not interested in pursuing the latest electronic devices or fashionable clothes, thus decresing their living cost to a large extent. As a result, they can lead a relatively high-quality life without high wage. Also, older people are usual

25、ly those who have got married or even have children, so spending more time accompanying their family members is of great significance. Undoubtedly, the job with normal work time can better satisfy the need of staying longer with their kids or spouse. During the stay, the emotional bond between them

26、will become closer and more intimate.写作参考二:Judging from what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that my preference for a job varies according to what age group I am at.20XX年7月9日托福独立写作范文People tend to have to different expectations out of a job, like personal satisfaction, higher pa

27、y, respect, and social recognition. Some people prefer to work long hours to pursue a higher salary while others tend to hold on a average paying job with normal work hours. If I have to face these two choices, I tend to choose to take a job with normal pay but more free time based on the following

28、reasons.Admittedly, monetary reward is indeed one of primary motivation to pursue a career, one needs money to cover daily expenses like room and board, utility bills, buy medical insurance, without money it is impossible for someone to live a decent life. However, it is not monetary benefit that gi

29、ves an individual great personal satisfactions. Research that is done by lots of well-established professor in psychiatry has shown that the freedom to allocate your time and your intimacy with friends and families guarantee great personal happiness and satisfactions.First off, spending too much tim

30、e and working overtime can add more pressure and stress to one personal life and jeopardize their health. Lots of jobs are sedentary, like secretaries, lawyers, clerks, which pose great threat to their physical healthy. They might get dizzy, backache, and lack of energy. Other professions are even m

31、ore competitive and intense, like stock broker, financial analyst who have to stare at a computer screen for more than 10 hours a day. It is not surprising to hear someone who has worked for 14 hours a day and several days in a row and eventually suffer from cardiac sudden death. It is clear that wo

32、rking overtime pose great threat to employees healthy, which leads to sloppy working habits and negative attitude. The most unwanted scenario is the lack of morale in a professional environment. On the other hand, working normal hours makes the individual employee happier in their personal life and

33、more productive in the working place.Additionally, working overtime means that the individual will have to sacrifice much of their spare time devoted to boring and repetitive work. There are more meaningful stuff to do than working day and night, for instance, by choosing working normal hours one ca

34、n develop a new skill or hobby, like learning how to play piano, play golf with a friend. Besides, working normal hours makes it possible for individuals to spend some quality with their families and maintaining a harmonious bond with families can be very important. Not only does good to the individ

35、uals mental health, but also it will make one more productive in a professional setting.In conclusion, it is more advisable to work average hours with normal pay than otherwise since more flexibility in working schedule means more quality time with families and friends, great personal satisfaction and productivity in working place and lower risk of physical and mental problems.2020托福写作练习方法技巧


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