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1、2020托福口语资料推荐 托福口语的学习中其实不仅仅只有听力材料才能提升口语水平,多读一些原著,多看一些电影也是有助于口语水平提升的。大家分享托福口语资料推荐,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语资料推荐一.原著资料推荐史蒂夫?乔布斯传是史蒂夫?乔布斯(美国发明家、企业家、美国苹果公司联合创办人,已于20XX年10月5日病逝)唯一授权的官方传记,在20XX年上半年由美国出版商西蒙舒斯特对外发布出版消息以来,备受全球媒体和业界瞩目,大家心目中伟大的乔布斯本人曾经表示史蒂夫?乔布斯传也涉及到他曾经犯过的错误、失败的经历以及私生活,有些事情是他自认为并不得意的,但没有什么是不可以公诸于众的。同样

2、,他的的朋友、敌人,还有同事本书中也为我们提供了一个前所未有的毫无掩饰的视角,所以此书的精彩度可想而知。小王子大家应该都熟悉了,书中以一位飞行员作为故事叙述者,讲述了小王子从自己星球出发前往地球的过程中,所经历的各种历险。本书是法国作者创作、被翻译成250多种文字,全球最畅销图书之一,英译版的词汇句式也比较简单易读,很推荐给同学们作为阅读英语原版书的入门书。二. 电影推荐死亡诗社“老师”这个词,在三观扭曲,五味陈杂的当下有时被逐渐扭曲,或许这篇五星电影重新唤起大家的求知欲,抛出哲学的思考,或许它会成为写作的一个例子,或许它会成为你面试的一个段子,刚好给你的面试官留下深刻的印象。怦然心动隽永的美

3、式青梅竹马爱情故事-了解美国青少年生活-极其适合跟读练习。里面的口音语调都非常好听,男生可以跟着男主角练习语音语调,女生可以跟着女主角练习,美丽的爱情故事,加上唯美的画面,学习英语也可以非常享受。最新托福口语题目:学生应该参加志愿服务吗Task2 Some universities encourage their students to get involved in voluntary jobs in the community like cleaning the public park and tutoring? Do you agree or disagree?Should studen

4、ts be required to do volunteer work?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:SampleI would definitely support the universitys voluntary program as it benefit student so much. For starters, those community services would give students a sense of responsibility and purpose. For example, I spent quite a while with

5、some primary student last year, helping them with their reading. I observed their way of thinking and what they like or dislike. And I realized how to comfort them when they were upset and encourage them when they fell sorrow. Also, this experience shapes my personality. I became more open-minded an

6、d are more willing to communicate with others than before.托福口语范文二:12月5日托福口语真题Task 2I think students should be required to do volunteer for the following reasons. Firstly, its important for students to learn to give back to the community at an early age. I first started volunteering when I was only 8

7、 years old, I remember it was right before Christmas and my parents signed us up for volunteering in the soup kitchen in my neighborhood. I was the youngest volunteer there that day and I used a big ladle to serve hot soup to the homeless. That was kind of a milestone in my life because that was whe

8、n I understood the importance of sharing what we have with the less fortunate and I also realized how good it feels when we know we are capable of helping others. Today volunteer work has become a big part of who I am and I think all students should learn the meaning of volunteering from an early st

9、age of life. Plus, its a good chance for students to sharpen their communication skills. In volunteer work, more often than not, you will have to work with others in a group, thats a good opportunity for students to learn to be great listeners while getting their own voices heard at the same time.托福

10、口语范文:建议设置电子布告栏题目回忆:学生建议设置电子布告栏,因为很多学生经过,而且校园会更整洁。听力女生不同意,因为不是每个人都会经过那里,比如关于一个show如果只有图书馆张贴信息她就会错过。另外电子布告太慢了,大家还是喜欢看张贴的信息。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:12月20日托福口语真题Task 3The student proposes that the university should have an electric bulletin board due to two reasons. The first reason is that students

11、 pass by the bulletin board every day. And the second reason is that the university will look much tidier and much cleaner. In the conversation, the woman disagrees with the proposal. Her first reason is that not everyone passes by the bulletin board every day. She once saw a poster about a show on campus, but if the information was only posted in the library, she wouldnt have been able to know about it. As for the second reason, she mentions that many students will think its too slow to read information posted on the electric bulletin board, posters are much more convenient.2020托福口语资料推荐


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