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1、2020托福听力训练方法 托福听力是托福考试中最为重点的内容,因为托福考试几乎整场考试都会涉及听力,听力、口语和写作都会涉及到听力。下面就和大家分享托福听力备考五大要素缺一不可,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力训练方法第一步:要想彻底不卡壳地听懂TOEFL听力的内容,或与老外进行无障碍交流,首先要Maintain your composure and your confidence,就是说要保持冷静和自信,千万不要因为一处没反应过来,就慌了手脚。良好的心理素质对于听力实力的培养和提高相当关键。第二步:TOEFL听力的过程中要学会根据语言传达的信息Make pictures and images, 也就是

2、说:把抽象的文字变成形象的图画反映于脑海之中。有了连续的动态图像的帮助,就有利于我们避开“直接翻译的无序性”,以抓住TOEFL表达的主干而不是旁支末节,从而走出“听了后面,忘了前面”的“怪圈”。也只有这样,才能使我们真正体会到“登泰山而小天下”的神奇感受。第三步:在听懂之后,不要盲目追求“题海战术”,迫不及待地找其他题目来听,而应该把注意力放到听过的题目上。可以说它们才是我们进一步分析、研究从而树立听觉形象的上佳材料。所以要Model everything ( pronunciation, intonation, tone, slang, idioms, patterns, etc.) we

3、heard before。也就是说认真模仿和跟读TOEFL听力题目中的各种语言点(包括语音、语调、语气、俚语、习语、句式等),不能放过任何细节。第四步:在模仿的基础上,Multiply the meaning and usage of the words and patterns。 即大力补充和扩展TOEFL听力题目中常用词汇和句式的其它含义和用法。因为TOEFL听力考查的一大难点就是“一词多义”,或“一义多词”。这也就是很多考生之所以听出来老外用的是哪个词,却仍然搞不懂其在题目中确切含义的重要原因。第五步:在模仿和扩展的基础之上,要学会Mine(挖掘)the cultural backgro

4、und and the way of English thinking behind the language, 即努力挖掘听力题目语言背后的美语思维模式和美国文化背景。毕竟语言是文化和思维的载体,掌握了老外的逻辑思维,就能在TOEFL听力过程中变被动为主动,以不变应万变。第六步:Memorize them。即在“立体”解构了这些TOEFL听力题目之后,将它们加以背诵和记忆,以求达到脱口而出的感觉。因为TOEFL听力的语言重现率很高,背得越多,意味着没听过的就越少。久而久之,听力实力便会大增。不可否认背诵是份“苦差事”,但“欲穷大地三千里,须上高峰八百盘。”可以说,背诵是登上听力境界的重要环节

5、。如果说“M7”的前五步是“消化过程”,那么背诵这第六步就是“吸收过程”。我们始终都要让学生们铭记:吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。第七步:相信如果你走过以上的六步,就会不经意的发现:果然不仅是TOEFL听力技巧、更是TOEFL听力实力能够大幅度的得以提高,Just like a Miracle!像奇迹一般!2020托福听力练习:膝关节响声或为患者康复提供帮助The sound of a cracking knee isnt particularly pleasant.But it gets worse when you listen up close.It does for most people.

6、 But for me, it just makes me excited.Omer Inan, an electrical engineer at Georgia Tech.I actually feel like theres some real information in them that can be exploited for the purposes of helping people with rehab.Inans experience with cracking knees goes back to his days as an undergrad at Stanford

7、, where he threw discus.If I had a really hard workout, then the next day of course Id be sore, but Id also sometimes feel this catching or popping or creaking every now and then in my knee.A few years later, he found himself building tiny microphones at a high-end audio company.So when he got to Ge

8、orgia Tech and heard the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, wanted better tech for knee injuries, he thought:Why not strap tiny microphones to peoples knees, to eavesdrop as their legs bend? What we think it is, is the cartilage and bone rubbing against each other, the surfaces inside

9、 the knee rubbing against each other, during the movements.He and a team of physiologists and engineers built a prototype with stretchy athletic tape and a few tiny Mics and skin sensors.And preliminary tests on athletes suggest the squishy sounds the device picks up are more erratic, and more irreg

10、ular, in an injured knee than in a healthy one.Which Inan says might allow patients and doctors to track healing after surgery.Details appear in the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.The primary application were targeting at first is to give people a decision aid during rehabilitation, fol

11、lowing an acute knee injury, to help them understand when they can perform particular activities, and when they can move to different intensities of particular activities.A useful thing to take a crack at.膝盖裂开的声音肯定不是令人特别愉悦。但是你靠近听时,声音就会更刺耳。“很多人都是这样的感觉,但对我而言,这种声音只会让我更为兴奋。”佐治亚州理工学院的一名电气工程师奥默尔?伊恩楠说道。“实际


13、程师小组用弹性透气胶带、一些微型麦克风及皮肤传感器建立了一个原型。而对运动员的初步测试表明,同健康膝盖相比,受伤膝盖中所侦测到的声音更加不稳定,也更无规律可循。伊恩楠表示这项技术可能会让病人及医生手在术后进行追踪治疗。这项研究已在IEEE生物医学工程杂志上发表。“我们进行这个项目的主要目标人群是患者的膝盖受到严重创伤后,首先要让他们知道,在康复期间何时可以进行特殊活动及何时可以增加强度。这种追踪会非常有用。1.listen up 听好了例句:All right! I need everybody to listen up!好了!大家都听好了!2.each other 互相,彼此例句:They

14、support each other in their work.他们在工作中互相支持。3.move to 移动到例句:It may also be a good move to suggest she talks things over.建议她把事情谈开了也许是不错的做法。4.appear in 出现在例句:New programmes will appear in the fall on television.秋季将有新节目在电视上出现。2020托福听力练习:基因电路辅助细胞计算机Our smartphones, tablets, laptopsthey all compute thing

15、s electronically. But, think outside that silicon box for a second: Theres nothing special about electrons and using silicon as part of computing. Chris Voigt, a bioengineer at M.I.T. You can do computing with any number of things. Including, he says, DNA.Cells do computing all the time. So theyre c

16、onstantly trying to interpret their environment and be able to turn on different genes and respond to it. And those genes in a cellular circuit are like the logic gates, the memory, and other systems found in conventional computers.So Voigt and his colleagues created what he calls the first human-ma

17、de programming language for living cells. Its an open-source design environment called Cello. Just write what you want the cell to do, and Cello spits out the DNA sequenceas if you were compiling code. The researchers used the platform to design 60 genetic circuits, which they then ran inside E. col

18、i bacteria. Many of these DNA-based circuits allow bacteria to sense environmental data - like levels of oxygen or glucose in the gut - and respond in various ways. They detail the findings in the journal Science.Not all the circuits worked as intended. A quarter of them failed, and some were toxic

19、to the cells. But the idea is to make cellular circuit design easierand more approachableto creative people. When I was a graduate student I had a computer file for Microsoft Word that had all my favorite pieces of DNA. And I would have to sit there and stitch it together and try to remember how eac

20、h one worked, and constantly run programs to try to look for mistakes.Cello takes care of all that. And now, Voigt says, biology is right about where electrical engineering was in the early 80s: ready for a computing revolution.Our smartphones, tablets, laptops-they all compute things electronically

21、. 我们的智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本-它们都是以电子方式进行计算。But, think outside that silicon box for a second: Theres nothing special about electrons and using silicon as part of computing. 但是,考虑一下硅制盒子之外的事物:利用电子和硅进行计算并无特殊之处。Chris Voigt, a bioengineer at M.I.T. You can do computing with any number of things. Including, he says,

22、 DNA. 克里斯沃伊特是麻省理工学院的生物工程师。你可以利用计算机计算任何事物的数量。 DNA也包括在内。Cells do computing all the time. 细胞一直都在进行计算。So theyre constantly trying to interpret their environment and be able to turn on different genes and respond to it. 所以,它们一直在试图了解周围的环境,并控制DNA,并对其作出反应。And those genes in a cellular circuit are like the l

23、ogic gates, the memory, and other systems found in conventional computers. 这些在细胞电路中的基因就像传统电脑中的逻辑门、内存和其他的系统。So Voigt and his colleagues created what he calls the first human-made programming language for living cells. 所以,沃伊特和同事们创造了人类首例的活细胞编程语言。Its an open-source design environment called Cello. 这种开放源

24、码的设计环境称为Cello。Just write what you want the cell to do, and Cello spits out the DNA sequence-as if you were compiling code. 你只需写下需要细胞做些什么,这时候 Cello翻译DNA序列-就好像你在进行编码。The researchers used the platform to design 60 genetic circuits, which they then ran inside E. coli bacteria. 研究人员利用这一平台设计了60个遗传电路,他们可以利

25、用这些遗传电路应用于大肠杆菌内部。Many of these DNA-based circuits allow bacteria to sense environmental data - like levels of oxygen or glucose in the gut - and respond in various ways. 许多基于 DNA的电路都允许细菌感觉环境数据-例如大肠中的氧气以及葡萄糖的含量-并通过不同的方式作出反应。They detail the findings in the journal Science. 该研究结果发表在科学杂志上。Not all the ci

26、rcuits worked as intended. 但是并不是所有的电路都会按照预期的方式运行。A quarter of them failed, and some were toxic to the cells. 有1/4的电路失败了,而有的电路则会毒害细胞。But the idea is to make cellular circuit design easier-and more approachable-to creative people. 但是,这种创作想法会使有创新精神的人将细胞电路设 计更加简单-更易成功。When I was a graduate student I had

27、 a computer file for Microsoft Word that had all my favorite pieces of DNA. 当我还在读研究生的时候,我有一个电脑文件里面包含了我最爱的DNA片段。And I would have to sit there and stitch it together and try to remember how each one worked, and constantly run programs to try to look for mistakes. 我会坐在那里,将这些片断拼接到一起,并试图记住这 些片断是如何运作的,我还经常运行程序试图找到其中的错误。Cello takes care of all that. And now, Voigt says, biology is right about where electrical engineering was in the early 80s: ready for a computing revolution. Cello会处理以上所有的问题。现在,沃伊特称生物学就像80年代早期的电器工程:已经为计算机革命做好准备。


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