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1、2020雅思阅读如何寻找信号词 雅思阅读考试考查的不仅是对*的理解,还有很多*语段中的细节,通过题干去锁定关键词信息对考生来说尤为重要,要善于寻找*中的信号词。下面就和大家分享雅思阅读如何寻找信号词,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读如何寻找信号词?雅思阅读信号词之特殊信号词特殊的信号词,一般都比较容易识别,如果遇到题目中涉及到,一般大写字母开头的人名,地名,专有名词,以及特殊印刷体和黑体,这些词在英语*中显得尤为突出,往往也是题干中关键词的原词定位。例 如 the US Congress voted NASA $10 million per year for ten years to conduct a

2、 thorough search for the extra-terrestrial life 这句话,出现了US Congress, NASA 专有名词信号词,极有可能成为定位的讯息。的确,判断题型中有一题the NASA project attracted criticism from some members of Congress. 就是根据这两个信号词精确地回到原文定位。雅思阅读信号词之普通信号词雅思阅读作为一项专业的语言水平测试,当然不能只依靠容易识别的特殊信号词,*中的普通信号词对于解题可谓是功不可没。1)信号词之原因例 如reason, cause, since, in tha

3、t, as, because, thanks to, owing to, 解释说明某一事物或事件,往往会蕴含重要信息。如since the lifetime of a planet like ours is several billion years, we can expect that 该句是之后简答题what is the life expectancy of Earth 的答案信息*,如果考生只定位Earth, 那就很有可能失分,因为原句对Earth 做了同义替换的表述,而since这个信号词则提示了答案所在的地方。2)信号词之结论例 如 thus, therefore, so, he

4、nce, consequently, as a result, 这些词往往是对前面所论述的总结归纳,例如 Tortoises therefore represent a remarkable double return, 该句出现在整篇*的末段首句,很明显是对前文的总结概括,高度浓缩了信息。最后的主旨选择题,就是对该句的改写:they have made the transition from sea to land more than once。3)信号词之转折例 如however, but, by comparison, nonetheless, nevertheless,这些词往往表示*

5、观点或方向的重大转变,重点应该关注信号词后面的内容。如this definition implies that iconoclasts are different from other people, but more precisely, it is their brains that are different in three distinct ways, 前半句指出iconoclasts异于常人,用but转折词,强调指出区别的关键地方。这也是选择题iconoclasts are distinctive because 的出题方向。4)信号词之让步例 如although, though,

6、 while, whereas, whilst等连接的句子,后半句才是引出的话题和强调内容。如He accurately predicted that Venus would cross the face of the Sun in both 1761 and 1769-though he didnt survive to see either, 前半句讲述他精确预测金星跨越太阳的两次时间,后半句用though引出让步内容,他没有看到任何一次。判断题中Halley observed one transit of the planet Venus主要就是以原文定位句的后半句为判断依据。5)信号词

7、之举例例 如for example, for instance, that is to say, such as, include, 后面引出具体事物的详细例子,同时原文中破折号和冒号也有异曲同工之妙,对前面的内容补充说明。如in other worlds, the life form we are looking for may well have two green heads and seven fingers, but it will nevertheless resemble us in that it should communicate with its fellows, be

8、interested in the Universe, live on a planet orbiting a star like our Sun, and perhaps most restrictively, have a chemistry, like us, based on carbon and water. 整句话都在解释说明该段的第二个假设we are looking for a life form that is pretty well like us,所举的例子也是判断题SETI scientists are trying to find a life form that r

9、esembles humans in many ways 的判断依据。6)信号词之顺序例 如first, second, finally, eventually, later, then, next等,体现出*内容的逻辑性与发展性。如In discussing whether we are alone, most SETI scientists adopt two ground rules. First,Second, 使用first 和second这两个序数词,清晰逻辑地讲述了两个重要的假设。这两个信号词,也是这篇*heading题型段落大意的重点提示。7)信号词之比较级例 如more, m

10、ost, -est, best, better,exclusively, extremely, superior, preferable,表示事物之间的比较,也是*要强调的地方。如one part is a targeted search using the worlds largest radio telescopes, the American-operated telescope, 该句的the worlds largest radio telescopes 对应了题目中the worlds most powerful radio telescopes,答案信息就在这里。雅思阅读材料:“

11、防出轨戒指”说戒指有很多种,比如说老年间老奶奶们喜欢带的明晃晃金灿灿夺人耳目的金镏子,有钱富二代娶媳妇求婚买的5克拉大钻石,或者代表已婚的pt素圈儿。其实无论是什么戒指都是代表佩戴者已经心有所属,所以很多已婚出轨的男女都会把戒指偷偷装起来充钻石王老五,或者大龄未婚女青年。现在美国就出了这么一款“防出轨戒指”,在戒指的内侧刻上了我“已婚”的字样。就算偷偷摘下来,手指上也会留下抹不掉的印记!Your cheatin heart may not tell on you, but this wedding ring might. Perfect for todays promiscuous lifes

12、tyles, the Anti-Cheating wedding ring makes sure to display your marital status, even when you take it off。“With Arnold, Tiger and two timing IMF guy in mind, we have created this wedding ring for people intent on cheating. The negative engraving on the inside means that when you are in the Club and

13、 an attractive woman or man comes along to chat, slipping your wedding ring off is not an option. The mark left on your skin saysIm Married。”Brought to you by The Cheeky, this titanium wedding ring may help keep your cheatin heart from straying too far. At least, until the impression disappears Now

14、this ring is charged $550.雅思阅读材料:拿奥运奖牌还要缴税?参加伦敦奥运会的美国选手获得奖牌后尽享风光的同时,美国国税局已经盯上他们了。获得奖牌的选手所交税额是综合奖牌本身市值和获得的奖金总数后计算得出的,税率为35%。获得金、银、铜牌的美国选手获得的奖金分别为2.5万、1.5万和1万美元,而金、银、铜牌的市值为675、385和5美元,由此他们要交的税分别为8986、5385和3500美元。佛罗里达州一位参议员听闻这一报道后专门上交提案,建议对这些得奖运动员免于征税。他表示,美国的税法很复杂,而且经常被用来当作惩罚成功人士的工具。When Olympic medali

15、sts return to the United States, theyre in high demand. Everyone, from Michael Phelps to a bronze medalist in judo will be sitting for television interviews, talking to newspapers, going to assemblies at local schools and celebrating with friends, family and young athletes. Theyll also draw some unw

16、anted interest from everyones favorite bureaucrats: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).American medalists face a top income tax rate of 35 percent. Under U.S. tax law, they must add the value of their Olympic medals and prizes to their taxable income. It is therefore easy to calculate the tax bite o

17、n Olympic glory.At todays commodity prices, the value of a gold medal is about $675. A silver medal is worth about $385 while a bronze medal is worth under $5.There are also prizes that accompany each medal: $25,000 for gold, $15,000 for silver, and $10,000 for bronze.The Weekly Standard, a conserva

18、tive news magazine, ran the numbers and tabulated that the tax bill on a gold is $8,986, silver is $5,385 and bronze is $3,500.They note that Missy Franklin, an amateur who has yet to cash in on her fame with endorsements, already owes $14,000 in taxes from her gold and silver medal. By the time the

19、 Games are finished, Franklins tax bill could reach $30,000.Florida senator Marco Rubio reacted to the story on Wednesday, proposing a bill that would leave athletes exempt from the federal tax. Our tax code is a complicated and burdensome mess that too often punishes success, and the tax imposed on Olympic medal winners is a classic example of this madness, he told reporters.


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